251469 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLBRK n CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� '������7 . �,� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESO ION—GENERAL FORM Wm. E. Carlson PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE T� WHEREAS, Additions which might prove to be necessa�ry in the I�provewent described as Construction of the BROAI�AY CLSARWATSR SENER, Cosptroller's Contract L-7256, Citq Fmject No. 69-S-1357, Acton Constrtiction Company, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WHSREAS� It has been found necessary to ,ake the following Addition�: ADDITIONS As per attmched Contract Change Agreeaent No. 1 $620.70 and WHEREAS� The total addition is $620.70, and the Co�eissioner of Fnblic Siorks has agreed with the Contractor thet the aaount of $62U.70 is the correct sum to be added to said contract, therefore be it RSSOLVBD� That the City of St. paul through its City Council appraves the foregoing addition� made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $620.70, said aoount to be added to the lump sum consideration nau�d in the contract, known as Co�ptroller's Contrsct L-7256, and which amount is to be financed fro� itq'� Share of Local Leprovement Fund �920-y61. i ., � "� ,,� �` � . ^G �� , � � ,1� �__ ��.ti r _ r� i < '' j t _ ��3 � : r:, a� � � ``,' e_ �—� -- �_; �,; � '� � ,j DE� 15 1�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Butier ��� 1 5 19�� Carlson � 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka V �� A gainat ��eses.�_ Mr. President, McCarty Pu�stt� DEC 191970 �� _ ` _ , T . � �t 1 CITY OF S�ItdT PAt;L - DEPARTN•ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ���A9 CONTRACT CHt1NGE AGREII✓�ENT N0. 1 PROJECT N0, by- - 13 57 � CONTRACT N0, i.-725t: CONTRACTOR! �t�n '-:on�.t r�.�ct i.�n Co. PROJECT DESCRIPTION . ;� � '. �. t:; ::. .. �..T�;� .,, ,. . _ In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner . of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not othe�wise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to,or deductions from,the contract. .'+r:uiTi��t;a� I��urni�ch s�nd-Kravel backfill �satertal ta r�place unnuit�ble material , tincl�Cab dlsposal af un�uitable a�atorial). ioa3.i c�a. yd. .:� �3.8t i a38�8.01 :ddltional C1. IV mAterial r�c;uirad for �i�� berddin� (�'om 5yecial t'rovisions, i arsgraph 2S). 12b.�9 tons ;� �3.Oit � 380.67 Furnieh ;� Inst�ll 22" KCF catch be�in leod x"ram exi�tin$ catch hmrin et the �aouthwest corner af 4tb fit. ta �lae wanhole i� 21ro$dvay. ' f xcavation 28.5 cu. yd. � �3.50 � $ '��1.75 F. :� I. 12" RCP 32 ` lin. ft. �� 3.91 � • 135.12 Concrete haae 14.Z aq. yd. � 4.25 � 86.?5 Eituminour Sarfecing 14.2 wq. yd. t� 3.i�0 � 2fi.4A - 342.02 :c�t�l .►ddiCion$ _ �4�2C.70 D�:LGCTIUt�� ::liain�tiore ot tS.ght ts�nch �heeting for storat sewir lus�p �ea� T'otal Uoductian • �40t30.Q0 • I�i�.7 rt���I. d���rITIC�i� � � 620.70 �:his additional �unt is ta b� financed tYOm City•� ;�hara af L*.�cs�l I�►provement rund 0970•4b1. ° • /1-� � ; ; �:�!- � � ri� d ,y ,�Z � J` ! r ��-�`� �_-- 1g� ' ti 19 -"' . • '�ngineer Contracto ��/ ��� � ,y B :�cton Canz�trucCian (:o., Inc. 1 Ch`�ief En ine`e — 19`�' � G:cn.�e-�atr�= 9----� �. ��' �`i' � �,:' I " ' � � f=' t..c ..._.., 19 � 19 Co�rmissioner ��' �.�Com�trol er Ori 3nal (White) Duplicate (Canary) Tri licate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) �, ��������� '� ������z��� ��:�: � �r��������� '�s a�����������►r+ #����� . DU�LICAT6 TO rRINTLR ��� K�.,�V , CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ��� Wm. E. Carlson COIAMISSION�It �t��c�t nA�s WBERSA�. ddditions M6iah �isht Drow to ba �aa��s�r in tb+� I�sewrnt d�scrib�d u Construction o� th� DROAt�1�1AY CIiARY�TBR SEi1Q. Co�ptsoll�r's Contract L-74S6. City lros�et Ro. 69-S-13S7. Acton Co�astrvction Cop�aoy. Iae.;� Contractor. ltaw b� pro�id�d tor ie tb� itp�aiticatioeia. �nd t�EitEAS, it i�as b��n found ��c�aaary to rsic� tl�e lollarin� �dditions: �DDMIOli8 na par attscL�d Contri�t Chamr A�s�r�at 110. 1 a6Z0.70 aAd 1i6iR�A8. Ttw total additios is =626.70, aad tlr �iasiou�s oi lrblia M1�cks 6as a�s�d �ritL t1N Centnctor tlrt th� �uAt ot ;630.70 ia tb� cornat av� to b� addid to said aontract� th��nfos� be it RESOLVED, TIMt th� City o� St. �sal tLrou� ita Cil� Ceanail a�prews � losv�soiAs additi�s sada i� a��or�c� aitL tlw =psaitieatioas in tir sn� ot =6Z0.70, said a�oa�t to b� add�d to tla luy srn� �onsidar�tien naMd ia tlN oontsaet. kAOVn as Corptroll�r'a CoAtr�ct L•7RS6� and rhich a�wunt is to b� �inanc�d fro� Citp's 8har� oi Local L�prowNnt t+aad 0lZO-461. DEC 15 1li0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cotmci� 19— Y� xa� DEG 15 1�70 Butler Carlson Appmved 19— �°� Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka � Ag��.�t : � Mr. President, McCarty �� � � � • CTTY OF SaINT PAL'L - DEPaRT:',ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . • CONTRACT CHEINGE AGREII✓�ENT N0. 1 PROJECT N0. �9-::-1357 CONTRACT N0. �--715i� CONTR�CTOR r.ctan t:onstruc[i:zn Co. , PROJECT DESCRIPTION :�:.,; �.'.�: c:;.° ._,-��.T`; . , ,,, , In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the Ci�y of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not othe�wise included in the contract, are the reasonable costa of those items for additions to,or deductiona from,the contract. ��.L:►iIT I��2;� iurnish s�n�-�rsvel backfill �seterial to rmplace ursuitesbla materi�l , tincl�8es dibposal of unsuiteble crat�rrfatl). 1023.1 cu. yd,. �:+ �a3.81 $ ;i36�8.01 :dditional �1. 1': �+�terial requfraci fdr ��i�e beddin� (�'ce �pecial �roviaioaa, i`ar��rt�gh ;�5). , ixb.ag tnn� _ �3.ai� a 3bo.67 furnish .�. Instsll 12" RCF catch ba�in Iead ix,am exi�tin� catch hr�min et the �couthwezt carrsor a� 4th �C. to Lho aanhole in }:ru�.dvtey. � "r:xc�vatian 2�.5 cu. yd. ,. :+�.aU � S �9.75 F. :. I. 12 ' nC�� 32 lin. ft. � 3.9}, �+ 125.12 Concrere L•a$Q I4.2 �c�. yci. :� �.25 ; $�.75 Lit�roirtous �urfncing 14.2 �q. qd. t;,; 2.00 �+ Z�i.4� �'��' 3wa.o2 :uta2 ,►dclirions� = a�•620.7� �i�:�:t'•CTlcii�:; + :.limi»ation �t tfght tr�anck �heetlr►� fc�r staray stw�r lu�p svar :'otal DoducCian • ��000.00 ?:3�.�' :G;tt�1. �t�T�Ii IUK � ;j 620.70 .his edditional u�unc is to be financed lroa� City'� :hr,r� af Loca2 Irn�rov�,t�nt rUnd b9T0•4b1. /��f� /,'/��'> / �� � ��' �,�, r,}� - .w- � '-'< � 19,L .� - ,� 19 i � ' �\ �,`Fngineer Contracto� -� ` ��� : �?5��f � � ,�ctan CunFctrucCiun t:o., lne. / r�' f -.� _ � 1�� BY ':�n:�'�i�"ri.�� 19 `Ch'1ef,En inee � � / , ` �`��!I ' �'� _,�_�.�_--- 19 � 19 Con.rr:issioner � ��`���Co�ptrol er Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) �e� f���#����+�r�' '�'i� A@����3�i� ��iF� `� �€�n�+��`6��p�' �'�+ C��+���`t��is�.��t �'�n��neer