251467 ..p:, OR161�I1L TO CITY CL6RK ��1�� / CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ' . " OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO COUNCIL OLUTI ENE L FORM PRESENTED!Y Wm. E. Ca r i son COMMISSIONE qTF WHSREAS, Cc�Aptroller's Contract L-7260, Feter Lawetti Construction Co,pany, Contractor for the GRICGS-STAAIFORD RBLIEF SB�iER SYSTEl�t, Citq Froject No. 70-S-0992, has been substantially co,pleted, and WHEREAS, Said Contractor requests that a portian of the lSZ retained under the contract fro, esti�ate� for w�ork done, be paid in advance of the final cos- pletion of the contract, and WH�AS, The Co�iesioner and Chief &�gineer of the Departaaent of F�blic tiorks apprcve the payaeat at thi� time of $35,831.12 of the $40,138.98 retained; ��herefore be it f RBSOLVBD, That th� proper Citq Officials be and they are hareby authorized to pay an esti�ate in the amc�ur�t of $35,831.12 fron the retained percentage of $40,138.98 to �aid Contractor; and b� it FURTHBR RESOLVBD� That this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent ther�to in writing and file such consent with the City Co�ptroller. ''�RM F,`,. .J , __ ��b- �n e1 � CoC rat�on 0 s DEC 15 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler UEC I � ��� Carlson � A e� 19_ Levine Tn Favor Meredith � ��o Sprafka A ga1118t ��� Mr. President, McCarty PUBI,[SNED DEC 191�70 �� DU�L�I'►Tt TO lRIN7=R �y�1�� CITY OF ST. PAUL ��Np� NO. � � OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM . r�sr�u.r �• E. Gr1� : COMMISSION� ��Y��( �A� WBLREAS, Conptroll�r's Contssct L-7260� ��t�� Ldttti Constrnetion Co�paw�, ContraQtor !o: tb� GAIGGS-STA1�ArORD RBLIEI�' SEfiBA SY�TSM, Cit� !ro j�ct 110. 70•S•0l4Z, haa b��n snbst�ntially ooapl�ted. and wllER�AS, Said Contractor r�quuts that a portion�O� t�N iSTi tlti�A� Y1��1' th� aoAtract fro� •at3rtu for �rork done. bs paid in �d�snc� of tL� lL+al co�- pl�tio� of the contract. aud S�ttAB, The Co�isaion�r and Chi�f Et�inNr oi th� D�partNnt o� public t�iorlca apj►rov� tlu pa�ant at this tiN of $35.831.12 of t1N $40,138.98 r�talAai; th�r��or� b� it RE&OLVSD, Th�t th� prop�r City Otficiols b� sad tbay ar� iareby wtl�oris�d to psy an �sti�at� in the �uwunt of ;35.e31.12 fro� tly rttoi�d p�ra+e�+ta� oi �40,135.98 to aeid Contractor; and b� it FURTI�ER RESOLVED, That thia r�solution sball l�av� no forc� or �ff�ct unlur th� st�reti�s on the Contsactor�s bond aons�nt th��tto ia vritie� and fil� sueh �nstnt �rith th� City Ce�ptroll�r. DEC 15 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounM1 18_. Yeas Nays pE� 1 5 ��� Butler Carlson � Approved 19_ I.evuie Tn Favor Meredith �y�Or Sprafka � ro0A�T1At ��odesr=— Mr. Preaident, McCarty ���