251463 OR161NAL TO CITY CLQRK �� �' � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �`��3 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ti� NO C CI ESOL ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ArE RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul , that beginning January 1, 1971, pursuant to the provisions of Resolution of the Council , Council File No. 231269, adopted December 22, 1g66, the following designated qualifying pay periods and the following designated dates shall be applic- able for payroll deductions for the City ' s Health and Welfare and In.surance Program for the year 1971; , Insurance Deductions to be made on Month Qualifyin� Pav Period . followin� paydavs Covered Dec . 26, 1970 through Jan. 8, 1971. . . . . . . . . . . �an. 22, 19'71 January Jan. 23 through Feb. 5. . . Feb. 19 �ebruary Feb. 20 through Mar. 5. . . Mar. 19 Nlarch Apr. 3 through Apr. 16. . . . Apr. 30 April May 1 through May 14. . . , . May 28 May May 29 through Jun. 11. . . Jun. 25 June Jun. 26 through Jul. 9. . . Jul. 23 July Jul. 24 through Aug. 6. . . Aug. 20 August Sept. 4 through Sept . 17. Oct. 1 Septem ber Oct. 2 through Oct. 15. . . Oct. 29 October Oct. 30 through Nov. 12. . Nov. 26 November Nov. 27 through Dec. 10. . Dec. 24 December be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit to the City' s Health an.d Welfare Insurance carriers copies of this Resolution. FORM APPROVED 1�.�.�. �,� ,��.�. Asst. Corporatian Courl�{_� nCG � 519�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cou�ne,y'i1 19— Yeas Nays Butler ��� 1 5 19�d Carlson � App 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka V ayor A gainst i2�� Mr. President, McCarty �H� pEC 191910 �� a � � y- b� D�c. 31, 1970 Minnesota Indemnity Incorporated 3535 Hlue Cross Road st. Pa�tl, Mir�esota Gentlemens EnclQ��d ia a copy of a re�olutican ot the S�. Paul City Council, Ctntrscil Fi].e No. 251463, adopted December 15, 1970� wit.h reference to d���gtsated Qu�slif`YinB PaY P�riods and dssignated d�tes applic�eble i'ar pe�Y1'oll deductions for the City's Health and Welfare and Inaurance Program for the ye�r 1971. _ 'Very truly youra� G#.tY' Clerk' ng D�a+ 17� 1970 Mtxineeota Ho�pit�1 �xw�.ce Asa+�ie�titm 353� Blue C�aes Raaa. St. Pau].�, Minnesat�► Gentlemen: Enclo�ed is a copy +�f � ra�alutian oF the �St. P� Gity Cotuteil, Cauacil Fi�.e Na. 251�$3, adc�ptad De�ember i�� 19'lp# with rePerance ta de�ignatad qu�7-iPY4.�'�B �►'U'' P�xiod� �nd dcsigizatmd detes applicable Por peyrol�. cleductiona for the Ci�y*s Healt�i and Welfar� arid In�ur�nce Progxam for the yeur 1�71. Yeary tru],y yaurs�, City Clerk ng �.= Decz. 17, 197G1 t3roup He�a2.th Plan� Saa. 2�00 Como Ave. St. Pau3.� Minnesota G�n�lement Enclosed i� � co�ry of a re�olutioa of the S�. Paul City Cauncil� Counei3. File Na. 251�+63� adopted December 15� 1970, with reference to desi.�e,�t�d c�.a7.3fying pay periods and des3gnated dates agplicable for pa�►roll deductions� for the C�ty's Health ead We].f'are aad Inau.ranc� Program. �'or the year 1971. Ver3r truly yc�ure, City Clerk � Dec. 17�, 1974 St. Paoat]. Cc�apani�e 385 Washingtc�a �. St. Paul, Minn�sota Gentlemenr Enclo�ed 3e� a copy of a reso].uticr� o�` the St. Paul City council, Cauucil Fi1.� �o. 251�3, e�dopted D�cember 15a 197Q„ with referenas ta designated qual3f`Y'�8 P�+' Per3ods and de�i�nated datea applicable �or psyroll deduat3ans for the City'a Health and We7.�are t�nd Insurauce F�ograra for tbe year 1971. YcrY t�Y Y�$, City Clerk ng I�e. 17� 197Q Miwnesata M�ttuaa. Lile Inaux'etace Ca. 3�+5 Cedar St. S't• Peail,f NL3.riTl@80r'tA Qentlem�er�s Enclosed �.a a copy dF a resolntio�t o�' th� St, Pa�u]. City Caunait, Co�c31. �'11e 2�0, �5�-�3�f �P'�d Decen�er �.5s �,97�, with reference to desig�ae.t�ci c�uaJ.l.fy'in8 B�S'" Period.a and desi�ated datet� apgl�.cab�.e fbr �ayroll deduct�.on� for the �i�Gy'�a H�a1.th ead We1.�'are and T�urance Prog,ram far the year 1�71. Vez'Y � Y�'�� C�.ty Cler� �