251448 .., � . A ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK . . , CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�NC�� 251=��8 � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMI551 NE ATF � n4' ,� - In the �tter of hazardous buildings being that two story frame single famiiy dwelling known and described as 486 IqTehart Avenue in the Ci�y of Saint �.Paal and sttuated upon those premises tegatly described as Except the west six (6) feet, Lot l2, Block 21, Mackubin and Marshall 's addition to Saint Paul, according to the plat on file artd of record in the affice of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Mlnnesota. I�JHEREAS; Pursuant ta resolution, C. F. ��o. ��__2�����'�� , anproved 1un O�Q , a r.ub1 i c heari ncr was dui��T O , � � �n- �gl� , before the Council of the Citv of Saint Pau , sa�� hea"ring �ertainin� to the condition of t'n� structures located at 486 Iglehart Avenue , Saint Paul , ��Sinnesota; and N:NCRC��, Upon the facts nresented at the said hearinn consistinq Of pP10tOr,t•ar,i�s, inspection renorts and the recommendations of ti�� Citv � Architect, it i, found and deterr�ired ��1 tl�e Citv Council that accordinq to the recoi~ds and files in the office of ti�e Rec�ister of Dc�eds, the - last record ��'r�¢y'/o��rners o` the ab�ve-descr°ibed nroperty j/�/are Edward L. Howard, Uernon E. Howard, Mrs. Reuben (Norma) Barkley; and that Old Age Assistance Mas a lien on the property; and !dl sER�'�`�S, Tt i s further detcrmi ned that the abov�-de,cri bed �1ina conszi tutc�s hazardous bui 1 di n�s ti��i thi n the defi- n t�ion�o��linneso�a Statutes Section 463.15 for the follo!ving reasans: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson �.. Approve�l 19— Levine J �n Favor Meredith Sprafka U or A gainst Tedesco F I�M APPROVED Mr. President, McCarty � � � 'Pr1�LISHED � I� 170 Asst. Corporation Coun ��� �",� ;�.�� Page 2. a. The dwelling is standing vacant, abandoned and is subject to being entered by unauthorized persons; b. The exterior of the dwelling is as follows: windaw si11s are rotted; cornice is rotted; the rear addition is pulled about 2 inches away from the wall; roof on rear addi�ion is sagging; rear porch is structurally unsound; structural members of front porch are rotted; the mortar between the chimney bricks is completeTv deteriarated; c. The interior condition of the dwelling is as follows: the floors, walls, and ceiljnqs have been damaged by exposure; the stairs have been partially destroyed by vandals; the eiectricai , plumbing, and radiators have all been destroyed or stolen; d. The dwellinc� in the above condition is beyond reasonable repair; e. The dwelling is unfit for human habitation in its present condjtion and the above correctians must be made in compliance with the Building Code and the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to make the same habitable; f. The dwelling constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of its physica] damage, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; � � �51=��8 � + OR161NAL TO CfTY CL6RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qrF aae nolri, tl�erefore, be i t R�SOLVED, That in accordance t��ith Minnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 throu�h �63.26, and based upon the foregoin7 findin�s of the � City Co«ncil , the Council of the Cit.y of Saint �aul does hereby mal;e t(�e follot��ing Order: OPDER 1 . The �y�J��r/o�rne►^s of the above-descri bed shall make the same safe and rot detrimental t� t,e nu ic � eace, healt't, safetv and ���elfare by havinq the said dweliing razed and thr� material s therefro� renoved fror� t��r`emi ses ��i t i'��i "n"`" thirty (30) days fror� the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comnl.y :��ith this Order or an ans��er served unon th� City of Saint Paul and fi1ed in the Office of the CI erF: of the Di stri ct Court of �tamse`y County, '�"i nnesota, wi thi n ttti�ent�� (?_0) daYs from the date of the service af this Order, a Rlotion for Su,nmary Fnforcemcnt of this Order to raze anci rer�ove the said �wejlin4 y will be made to tlie f;am,ey �ounty District Court; • 3. Tn �;�e event that th� dW ��]j�a is/�/►'� to be razed h,y the Citv of Saii�t �'au�l pursuant to ,�udgment of t�strict C�urt, �,11 nersonal �ronert�,� or fixtures ti•rhici� may unreas�nal�l�� interfPre t�lith th� razing and re^�oval of this dwellin sh�ll b� re,�oved ��rit'�in ten (10) davs from the entry of juci�q�e�nt; an"�`r z��t s� rer�nved, the Citv of Saint !'aul shall re�nv� and d�s�ose of suc:� t�ersonal �ronertv and fixtuNes as nrovided b�� lav�; � 4. If the Ci t�� of Sa i r�t Paul i s cor:rpel l ed to take anv correcti vA action herein, all neces;ary costs ex�ended bv the City ��ill be assessed ac�ainst the aaove-�escrib�d real estate and collected as other taxes; an� be i t FURTHER RESC�LUEJ, That a certified co�y of thi, res�lution and ' incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record p�f,�fy�Fy/o4�rners of � the above-described pronerty in the r�anner nrovided b�y la,��. 1 � 19��9_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council pEC Yeaa Nays Butler DEC 1 5 1'7!�' Caxlson � Approved 19— Levine � Tn Favor �ei,e�r— Sprafka � Mayor �� A gainst ����� Mr. Vice °r�,c�� ,,,t � ,,.. ..�� C�a �6LISHED �EC+ 19 �970 , ` �� � Area Code 612 „�T�. � THOM/15 J.STEARNS 223-5121 ���w °� AR7HUR M. NELSON c Y�E.::,.:r. � ���� �R JEROME J.SE6AL � . ~ y' . M CJ lJ �' < =��y� ,y iHOMAS M.MOONEY s � ^� KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK ' PAUL F. McCLOSKEY,JR. JOSEPH E. CARiWR16HT CITY OF SAINT PAUL R.SCOTT DAVIES PAUL J.KELLY DANIEL L. FI�ER R First Assistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT KENNETH A.SKRIEN 316 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS Corporation Counsel Decenber 3, 1970 , ��lr. Ill bert �. O1 son Council P,ecorder _ City Clerk's Office [3uilding R�: File No. 1994 486 Iglehart Avenue Dear E1r. Oi son: . l'►ttached, hereto, is resolution/order perta�ninc� to the above hazardous building. Upon passage of the same by the City Council , please forti��ard eight (8) certified copies to me. Yours very trul�i, ��.�.2�1 � PIERRE td. REGTITER tlssistant Corporation Counsel� PNR/klm � Enc. 12-17-70 8 Certified Copies to Mr. Regnier NG � �O