251447 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK ��1���
PR��T� � � December 15� 1970
R�;SOLVr�D: That application for Restaurant, On Sale Malt Beverage� Tavern,
and Cigarette Lice=�ses, applied for by James D. Ampey a.t 799
University r�venue (Second Floor) be and the same are hereby granted
on the condition that within �days of this d; te, said James
D. Ampey shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire,
Health, a.,nd Police, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St,
Paul Legislwtive Code and all other applica.ble ordinances and laws.
pEC 15 1974
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
But�er DEC 1 � 197D
Carlson r A rov� 19—
Levine '��
Tn FavOr
Sprafka � or
A gainat
Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED ��(',r � � 1970
Capital of Minnesota
��j �, .
/� / Q. � "` �
�e aNt�tev�t o �b�CC �a et
� �
ADMINI3TftATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION
���$ DEAN MEREDITH,Commissianer HEALTH
RALP'H G.MERBILL,Depnty Commisaioner
DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieenae Inapector
December 15, 1970
Honorable Pfayor ar�d City Council
Saint Paul, A�innesota
Gentle�en and P�Tadam:
James D. �ir�pey ��a,kes application for kesta.urant, On Sale
Malt Beverage, 2'a.vern, and Cigarette Lice�ses for 799 University
�venue (�econd Floor� onl�,�.
This builaing had been used as a resta.urant for a number
of years and more recent as an on sale liquor establishment but
had been closed for over a year� when the licuor license was sold
�nd moved to a,nother location.
Th�re axe no 3 .2 �il�ces within two blocks. The closest
On Sale Liq.::.or pla.ce is one bloc'.ti �nd the closest Off `�'ale Licuar�
pl�.ce is tlzree blocks. The neaxESt church is fo�ar b�oc�:s and the
neases� school is three bloeks.
P's. �.mpey at present is workinL for the Zwin City Haxdware
Co. , having worked t's�ere for the past three years. Before this
for two �d a half years, he ;:orked fo_ the fimerican Hoist a,nd
Derrick Co,
Very t ruly you»s,
��,.��,� ��-`�° .
License Inspector
I�te /oZ,��1 S 7 o w
l. �,ppliaation for � 3: Ma]_t v,¢ 6 � I,icenee
2. Nams of applioant <Ta s n Am e
3. Busineas address�rniversit�,T Residenae 81_i,�, I�lehart
4. Trsde name, 3.f any 0� �t� S' �,�'S
5. Retail_ Beer Federal Tax Stamp X Ret�il Liquor Fsderal Tax Stamp��ri11 b� uaed.
6. (�ti vvhat floor located 2 Number of rocans used On.e � �
7. Betwean wha�• oross $treeta Avan ��� yPhich sid� of straet /1�89�r�.
8. A,re premises now occupied 1�VPha� busineaa How long
9. Are premises now un�cscupied�/�Hov�r long vacant One Year Px�evioue Uee �n_ sale .L.iquor
10. Are you a� ne�wr o�rner eg Have you been in a aimilar buaineas before �Tes
VPhere ��� j�'(�'��(�,,tern 9�hen T9b�
11. Are yoa goi,ng to oper�te thi� business personall�Yes
If not, who w;ill ope�te it ,
12. Are yDU in any othe� �usiness at the �esent ta,m� ]�io
13. Have there been any oomplaints against your operation of �hia type oP place No
�fthea �here
14. Itave you ever had any license revoked rdo �PPhat reason and date
15. Are you a ai�izen of the United Statea ,yesNetiveTx . Naturalized
16. 1Nhere w�sre you borri Cedar R�picl� Date of birth I�15 1932
17. L am YP� r�,rried. �y (wife 's) (husband'sj name and address is .�Pt�j F;1 ine
18. (I#' married female) my �iden name is
19. �r long have you lived in St. Paul �� ����-
20. Have you ever been arreated yPS Violation of what orSmiz�al l.aw� or ordina►noe
--- -.....�....,
ssult �rivir� . AftPr Sus ention — yb
21. Are you a regiatered voter in the City �f S�. Pt�ul Yes Yea 19'q,
(A,n.ew�er fully and aompletel,Lr. These a ],�,ca�ions are thorou hl cheoked axid a�
fslaification wi11 be cause for denia .
22, Number of 3.2 plaess within. two blocks 1�(oY+4,,,-�
, , ._,._...�.--,
23. Closest intoxicating liquor p7.ace. �Jn: Sale pn Dff Sale
� hl nnlra
24. Nearest Church �,$���£� � Nearest SchoQl
25. Number of booths 30 �ables 50 C�ira 20'' Staola 15
26. What occupation have you follovued for the p�st five years. (Give names of eaxployers
and date s s o employ�ed.)
3 l- 'r'r)�CsoN'C
Twi_n Cit F�r'vJE �� Ameri.can :�oist Perrick � d a
��,� cFlP.G7d�
27. Give names and addresses of two persons, residenta of St. Pau�., 1�3.nn,, who e�n give
information cancerning you.
rlame �e��r�;.� We ir Add re s s l�O �� �` �i4'/�' ,�� `L„��/-O/p L
� s.� ... .�.+.r.,..
I�Tame C�e.nr{�e Sc�.omP�' Address /D� � /(/� �D.L&' �- �D�l��t�
ure o App �Qan
S�a te of bQinne s ota�
County of Rams y j
being first duly sworn, deposes and says
p oath at he ha re th.s foregoi�.g atatemen� besrin.g his sign�ature and k�acmrs
th conten-�s thereof, an tlzat the same is true o� hia o�rn. knrnxledge except a� to.
ose ma�ters therein stated upon S.nfoxmation and belief as�d a� to those mat�ers
he believes them to be true.
ture of Applioan�b
Subscribed and s�vorn tb before me
this '�� aay of �Q�� 19 7J
� ,���l,u.-x-`
Notary Pub1i msey County, Minn csta �oaoTt-�Y �, r,,°��t:���.;•,�!��
Notary Puol�c, R�_;�:�s , '':,�. , ':;?an.
MS7' COInt1113S10ri 8Xp12�@8 /� '��—I�J7 MY C�mmission Exp�iV�� �c�.�:_ , ._:�
(Note s These statement fvrma are a.n duplicate. Both copies xaust be fully �'i11ed out�,
no�tarized, and returned to the License Division.��
Res �Sals�/���,[�����yl� License
Name of applicant James T Ampe,v
Busineas address 799 ?�niversity
Are you the sole owner of this business?�/�. If not, is it a partnershipR �—
corporation? , other?
Others interested in business, inolude those by loan of money, property ar otherwisea
Name None Addre s a How
_ _ -- ��+!I�. .
� If a carporation, give its nams.
Ars �ou interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business? /vb
As sole owner4 r1a Partner? Stoakholdexl
C�therwiaeY (Through loan of money, eto. Explain)
Address of such businesa and nature of interest ir� same idone
'gnature of app ioa�.
State of Biiinne s ata)
Cou�ty of Ramsey �
�-e - being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon aath
a has read the foreg n� a fidavit bearing his signature and knows the contenta
th reof; that the same is true of his avin ]��.avsledge, except as to those matters therein
ated upon information and bel�ef a�d as to tha�a matters he believ�s them to be true.
gna�ure of a pplicant
Subscrib�d andysworr�o bG�19 7
this ��-�'2 da of pC) �
.r�� +
1Votary ub c, ey County, esota
My co�rnnissi expires ��=a,f 19�
@��OTHY :1. MUh�K�:L.4VlY2
NotaFy Pubiic, f2ams:�,); C�;:: ;,;-; ; .
My Commission Expires Oct, ��. i�rn
. � , �
bt� �
C(�'TY � RAI[S�Y
��t �� beiu�g firat dtzly e9rorn, doth depose
aad say thst h� ma]�s this affidavit in car�naction �ritli applic�s��.on Por
"�le" ].iqucr liaenae ("��le" mal't be�rerage license) in the �itq of
Sa int �1'aul i��in�e�ute►j that yuur a PPiant f e e� r�e idant cf the Staa te oP �inne s ata�
arld haa resfded therain fnr � ` y�ra, mamths, aad i.a
ue�r �;acl haa bsea gor the �tim� ab�e mentioned a bor� fide r�'eident of seid State
aad thekt `he no�r rsaides at � �
A dresa
� T u��— y �di�meso�a.
Ci y or a�
Subsoribed and �+rrorn to bePors me
thie �'1` cl�y of��� 19 7'�
— � ��. '
otary b e Ram$syr County nneeota
�y oc�mmiasion e�epires��o �,�,5��1��7
���_ . .. ..,.._ .���Y�
Notary P;;;:,ii;., i;ar;s��, �:c.inty, Nliiin.
My.Commission Expires Oct.25,1�7Q