251446 , OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK �����V � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC�?SE COMMITT�; COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 2�, � ' Decembe� 15, 1970 COMMISSIONER �ATF Rr�'SOLVED: That applic�tion for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Ci�arette licenses, applied for by Donnie and Glen Hofman at 1105 Selby ��venue, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that r2thin �D da3�s of this date sai.d applicants shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Hea1t?�, and Police, and the Licezse Inspector pursuant to the St. P�.ul Legislative Code and all otrler app�iicable ordinances and laws. ��G �, 5 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couxicil 19— Yeas Nays Butler �;��,� ;� � ��� Carlson ed 19_ Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka , yor � �Against Mr. President, McCarty pU6t�tSSHED DEC 191970 � a � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��`°" ,�� , Capital of Minnesota ��� -� `:t� �e a�t�ne�tt o �b�c'c �a et � � ADMINISTBATION T0riti1 2ri(�M1riri0S0�, StT20tS FIRE PBOTECTION POLICE DEAN MER,EDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH RALPH G.MERRILL,Deputy Commissioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN, License Inapector December 15, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, riinr.esota Ger.tl emen and ��.�dam: Donnie ts. a,nd Glenn Iiofman ma.kes appiic: tion for Restaura.r:t, On and Gff Sale T'�:lt Tever���e and Ci�uret�e licer.ses for 1105 Selby Avenue c�rrich is on the North side of the stre�t between Dunlap r±nd Oxford Streets. This loc:tion has been licensed for a similar business since 1933. The �.resent licensee� Rose Tille��, has held the licenses continuously since 1938• ihere are no other 3.2 places wit�in two blocks. The closest On Sale Li�uor pi.a.ce is four blocks �nd the closest Off �::ale Liquor tilace is six k,locks away. The nearest church iM two and or.e-ha.lf blocks and the rearest school is one ard one-h�lf blocks �.way. Donnie Hofman wa.s a full time student at Concordia Co�ie�e from aeptember 196� to Febru.�-sy 1968, �e was in the service from Na.rch 1968 to Nover�ber 1g69.' Currer_tly he is back at Concordia College. Glenn �:of'aian From 1967 to 1970, was ��._college at N�Cook Col:iege and Kea.rr.ey �tate College both in Nebra.ska. Since Janu�.ry 1�970 he has beEn emplo;�d by H��gard & Sasgent at Imperial, Nebraska. He likewise wa.s in the service from 1964 to 1g67, -.. Very truly yours, ��� P�`� , Licer.se Inspector �O CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEP�ARTB�NT �F' PUBLIC S�FETY LICENSE DNISION Date �FG �� ].9 /� --....�., 1. $pplica�ian for Licanae 2. Name of appliaant Q q 3. Busine�s address J/Q'� SQ� Residence / Q y� or�ry� �� �D� ,��_._,�„(,.�� 4, 2rsde name, if any � �, r a 5. Retai�. Beer Federa2 Tax Stamp �/Retail Liquor �'ederal Tax Stamp+�3,11 be uaed. 6. (�ii v�rha_� floor located_ �y-e.u»d Number, aP roaa�s used Q� ,� . .�..._.___--- 7. Betwean. what• aross atreets�1�o aQX�,-�q�qPhich aide of street /U��r�� _�_� 8. A,re pre�i.aes now oacupied �S '�Iha� businessQ„� ��P �Haw lon��� �!�''"� 9. Are premi�es now unocscupied�I3aw long vacant --- Previous Uee � 10. Are �you a new o�,rner J�5 Have you been in� s3.milar bunefn.eas/ before �/m_ � �yA„e deC�Y1 PWt t'�iL7 f� �YC'Sen Bwn �l� �PY abov P � � a,�, �l„� �' J"r�.s �a.f 1i o,v e Where — 9Vhen— - --„?�er aW.,eef �y ;,,,t �e 1� 11. Are you going to opez�te thia business persona11�1es, �,. �y par fNer /�� ��! ,..�„��,�,�/P,�� ��'�Yvi A K If not, �ao will operate it 12. Are you in any other business at the p�esent tiaros_/f,/o � ., 13. H�ve the:re been any csomplaints against your operation of th3.s type of place �o �Vhen . _�_---� 1�lhere _. 14. Ilave you ever had any license revoked���hat reason and da�te — 15. Are you a citizen of the United Statee g, Native��aturalized 16. 1Nhere �rere .you born �i,7pe r�q������,r Ik�te of birth .Se f 3�^��..,,.. � 17, I am y �, a�rried. My (wife's) (husband's) name and addres� is 18. (If ms rr�.e d fema le) my ms iden name is — - 19. So�r long have you lived in St. 1�" �' f �� �-� „/' C j/ � jy-} .i.Ca�. �r.F2Y ct �o-r-��c-tt-r��g.,e�P � �:s a `)6.�� (� / l,a�e �.�' ►-es," e ca� t•'��o�s/r ,:, st Pa,v/� V 20. Have you ever been arrea�ed�a �iolation rlf' what crun�l la�r or drdix�aaoe �- _.........� 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the City of St. Paul Yea /�j,� Nc. (Ana�rer full and aom letel . These a lications are thorou h1 aheoked and e�n slsification will be cause for eni.a . (O�IF'R) 22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocks �y�{r - -- - , . .. .,.. 23. Closest into�icating �iquor p].aoe. �}n. Sale � b1eck� �ff Sa].e ,� ,�10 G�s 24. Ne�re s t Church p � b 1e c�s Nea res t Saho ol l�. b/,�s 25. Numbsr oP baoths _ g Tables� l C�ire ��Stoa].� �(� 26. What ocaupation have you followed f or the pa,st five years. (Give names of employers and date s s o employ�ed.) �' , s �l ,' �'o St �. .l � 65- �8' 6 g' 6� , � ' - � �p-- ��,� / o a ,� e �o a � ,' � S�- m a 27. Give names and addreases of �wo peraons, residents of St, Paul, IIQ,i.zxn�, vnhq c�a g�v�e inform�tion con.cerning you. Idame �-2on � �,��u 3 Addresa lo xi' ,, '��...� f,. �___•..,,,.,... Name � 1 � l�ehv► �� � �� c���� ,Address�� �'r�v�k�� P i�na ure o App i an Sta te of M9.nza.e s�ta� ss County of Ramsey ) . i� � r� �y,.� being first duly sworn, deppses and saye on oath that he has rea the foregoing statement bearin� h.ia signatux�e a�,d kna�rs the eontents thereof, and that �ho sam� is true of his ov�a. l�owledge exaept as $o those mattsrs therein stated upon inf'ormation and belief ax�d as t� tho�e matters he bel�.e�res them to be �r�aeo i�nature of Appli an�t 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me . this /o �` day oP� 19Zu� r;} �� � � Notary Publi ,;�Ramssy County, M' �a My Co�ni.ssi ' expirss �o {�T.f�� l�� 7 (Nota s These st;atement forms are �in duplicate. Both copies mus� be fu17.y fil].ed out, notarized, and returned to the Licanss Divisio�,.� U�ROTHY J. �r1JNKELWITT h..;*_:r� ;'��:.iic, Ram�c:y County, MintT. P�;y Ccnz�n�ssian Expires Oct.25, 197l� l AFFIDAVIT BY APPL�GIINT FOR R�TAIL BEER �R LT�IIOR LTCENSE Rs: �'/✓ Sale �"/���,�,k,.s,, License . .� , . .._._P_•__ Name of applicant o � � Q � Business address I/l.�� ,se /,6 v � � Are you the sole owner �f' this business?�j�. IP not, is it a partnership? �£'.5 corporatian? /�j� , othex? �/,� ._-^.,..._ .� (?thers interested in buainess, include thosa by loan of money, property or otherwises N��� J�f/ �,;l�e�y� Address �oo/ O:ceo/a �ve H� 5���-a r � �f�s � �,�f'l ,�A�v � � � o a / � m�r .,� �' � ��PH� �d �ti�.� �o a L� ,�, s� a�i �Y�hEY If a corp�ration, give its name. ,,�— Qre y4u interested in any way in any other retaa,l beer ox liquor business?� As aole ovsmer?�_ Partner?�/� StoGkholderZ�� �� (>therwi.se? (Through loan of money, etc. E�plain) //p Address of sueh business and nature of interest in same ---- , Signa ure �f app ican $tate oP MSnne s ota) �ss County of Ramsey � , � � �y.�.�� . ��'''� being first duly� svv�rn, deposes and says upon oath t he has read the regoing a fidavi� bearin� his signature and l�.ows ths contents thereof; that the same is true of his ardn knwrled�e, except as to thpse matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those �tters he believes them to be true. , Signa ure of applicant Subscrib� and swo / o before me this /'c _ day of �-��,v�J 19 � :��� � � � otary u 'c, ey County, nneso a � b2y coirm�issi�bn expires /� -.tS� 19� DOt:OrHY J. MUNK Notary Pub�ic, Rams�y County, Mitlt/a IVIy,Commission Expires OcL 25,1� STATE OF b171V�TESOTA S3 COUNTY OF RAMSEY �Qn v� ►��, � fl)/a�l�vtat v►. being Pirat duly sworn, do�h depose and say that he m�kes this affidavit in oonnection�ith applioation for " Sala" liquor liaense (" dN Sale" mslt beverage license) in the City af Saint Paul, �dinneaota; that your affiant ia a residsnt of �he State of , / / Pxceq�' �' o tc�rs in serv���, Minnesota and has resided thersin Por J (-�i;;�� yeara, � � ��ree on�hs, and is nov� and haa been for the time above inentioned a bona Pide resident of said State and that he naw re side s at � o L � ��,�_��'�� , —�Addrssaf�� d�' '��''�-- , Minne a ota, Cit y or ovm � Subscribed and sworn to befors me thi�, �e �' day of��' 19�7 ° , , � .. _.. -y� i, ' �L...�......-/ � o�ary , Ramsey County, B� neaota (i' / M�r com¢nission expirea ro –��� //�'77 D�^O+HY 9. PJ!'J^�KFL�NITZ N� y � , Rc,�;�y �o�r,iY, Mlnn. f�;y Ccirsiussi�n Expip'�S OCt. L5,I.97l� l C ITY OF SA INT PAUL DEPARTB9ENT �7F PUBLTC SAFETY LICENSE DNISION , De`te_.L.�--.......19?D , 1. t�,pplicatian for � .� Lica�.ee .._..._,._.,. 2. Nams of applivant 3, Busines9 addre�a �1/�� SP��,� Res idenae �j� � ,�,yr �•y � 4, Trade name, if Qny 5. Retai]. Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Retail Liqu�r Federal Ta� Stamp��rill be uaed,. 6. L�i �rhat floor loeated ,� Number of' roo�na used ,,7��✓/.pp. OX �.R o 0 7. Between what aross �treeta Which aide �f +�treet 8. A,re premises now oaoupied\',,s�lhat busineasQ7���� �Ay�o�,r Iong��,���.,,r�� -r�,�-• r� ���� 9. Are premises now unocaupied�Haw long vacant Previ,oua Uae 10. Are you a new o�rner_/�./p Have you been in a similar buainea$ before jJC'� Whe re yVhen 11. Are you going to operate thim buainess persox�all���� �y� �T n��.�nrr ,��,�,i� ..7.,. If not, who will operate it �`�M�� 12, Are you in any other business at the present tiaya yJ p 13. Have th�ere been �any csomplaints against your operation of this type of placp� �lihen �1lhere � � � � � 14. l-iave you ever had any license revoked����hat reasori ax�,d date 15. �,re you s citizen �f the United State���Native t/'y Idaturalized ..._.._..�.. , 16. Nfhere w�ere you born �� Date of birth �-3 f.�� ��/�p ........,..,. 17. I am��,�� v�rried. My (wife 's) (husband's) name and address a,s 18. (If �rried famale� my maiden name is 19. How long have you lived in St. P�u1 ,�J�i u� '� .� 20, Have you ever bee�i-�rres`�'e� g Nio3.ation of what orimix�al la'r or ardinanc� �--- _........� �?'/ �I'l d 1' ' P � a� / 21. Are yoa a regiatered voter in the City of St, Paul Yea �,/ l�o• (An.swer full and oom 1ete1 . Theae a licstions are thorou hl aheaked at��t �n alsification wi11 be cause for deni.a . . (GVFR) 22. Number of 3.2 places withi.n �ro blocka �1� � � • .,, r... 23. Closest �,ntoxicating liquor plaos. On Sale 1� � �n ,�+5 fl�'f S�le� ���:�.�..5 � 24, Nearest Chureh �� �j�c,� S Nearest Sahool _ _ ,1�..��..,la.c�� , , 25. I�Tumber of booths ��Tables� � C�a,ir����Stool;e,^ ^ >Q � : 26. VYhst occupation have vou followed for the pe,st five years. (Give r�mes o�' employers and date s s o employed.) ��� /9�� - Q�tiq?o � � ,� /� ' ` � P P z�- /9l�7'/9 D � r �' p � � �`,l'ol,�e � 27. Give names and addresses of two �raons, residents of St. Pau�., .11�,i.xa�a.,, �o Qa�, giye infor�tion concerning you. Name��,����� ��-1'� P Address Name ��_�, ��C�s �fN�,Addre s s c � _,�Q � � r��-t ,��.,,_ ,�,,,..�._,..r„�.��Y Si ture o pp ca u"ta te of' Minne s ota� ss Co � o� Ramsay � �` � � " � being fa.rst duly s�rorn, depqses ��d say� uptm oath that h ,'has rea the fDregoing statement bearing his sigru��ure and knows the eontents th eof, and t?zat �he s�m� is true of his o�,m l�.awledgq e�oept aa to those ma�ters therein stated upon informstion and belief a�:d �s to those mat�era he believes them to be true. Y i �ture f p oan�t Subscribed and sworn. to befora me this /C� day of��=�-w�' 19 JD i , Notary Pub1 c, , msey County, 1�' csta , My Ccmmi,isaion expires �� r.Z..�— /� �7 (Note s These sta�ement forms are in duplicate. Both copies must be f'u11y ��.1].ed ou�, not�rized, and returned to the Licenss Divisic�n.� !�' ...:!`'i" .J. ",`:1i\'(�!�:N�TL ;�.:,;� � � -._ �/ n�.�. y . ��.. �y, 11it1Ttr 1,;;; �,Gfi:��itSSiGI EXpii2S i)CT. L5, 19�•F � AFFIDAVYT BX APPI,�CAAT FDR R�TAIL BEER �R L2�UflR LfiCENSB Rst di�/4Sala���'�`�dRR6E License Name of apPlicant ��y�� ��O --,�s�l��l Business address 1�d S SP/�,�v �,....�.� � �EN�,��.^��1. ,. Are you the sola owner of this buainesa?��. If no�, is it a partnershipR V�S' ,_7—._ corporation? , other? Others interested in business, include those by loan of mone , roperty or otherwisea �j� ��a� Nama �i9S e Tr���� Address IDD� (�CL:s_2f� �"'$ow �L.�S� �d r���� ,��r's� ����d a��/ ��a�,f� 1 .��!�L��._ ��yr ��D I� c�l9 '-���--�- � 'N�.iG (�o�MAi✓ �P.C'�_1rl,AGu �' R7'.r�reR If a corporation, give it9 name. bre you interest�d in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business? XD As aole o�merZ PArtner? Stoakholder4 (?therwiseY (Through loan of money, etcs. Explain� Address of such business and nature of intarest in same i nature of a ican, State of Minne s ota� , �ss Gount�y of Ramsey �, � � �/��'"�= c ` being first dulyr swQrn, deposes and says upon aath th t he has read th foregoing a fi a,vit bearing his signature and kn.ows the contenta thereof; tha� �the me is true af his arTn �.wrledge, except as to thoae matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to thosg matt�rs ha believes them ta be true. igna ur p �.eant Subscrib�y} and swo o before me tnis �"�� day of ,z,�� �� 9��, i ;� � �r�C Notary u ic�, ey County innesota I�y,. conunis�'s�on expires �� '�-� 1.9� f �Ic_ ` : `''��L4"JSTZ f ��� " "J Ccunty, Minna j MY ��mui�ss;on Expires Oct.25, 197!¢ s�A� � a�qrnlrrESOTA� )ss Ct3UNTY QF RAMSEY � being firat duly sworn, doth depoae and aay that he mskes this affidavit in oonnection w ith app}.ioation For " Sale" liquor license ("-D�/ SQle" malt beverage lioenss) in the City of Saint Paul, �di.nnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the State oP Minnesota and has resided thersin, for � t,w� y�s, months, and ia naw and has besn for the time abave mentioned a bona Pide resident of said State and that he no�r resides at � p (� � ���,,, �C,...�, , ���ddres s � ' ��'`'`� , �inne a ota. Cit�r or ov� Subscribed and aworn to before � � �r this �` � day of'��-�-z-��✓ 19"70 C' ,-� � - __ ��� otary i , Ramgey County, neaota ,�,; :. M� co�nission expirea �� ��S' �y77 DUROTHY J. MUiVKELWITZ Notary Pub!ic, Rams^y County, Minn: R'ry C�;;�mission Expiras Oct. 25, 197�