251445 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK �j(5�'��`
PR�sr�T�c ar December 15, 1970
RESOLVED: That Applic�.:tion f or the transfer of On Sale Liquor License issued to
E. D. M.� Inc, a,t 499 W�basha Street (old cornoration) to �. D. M.� Inc.
(new corporation� at the same address and their applic�tion for Restaurant,
Off Sale NIalt �everage and Cigarette licenses ior the se.me loc�tion, be
and the sa-ne axe hereby granted on the condition that within�_days
of this date, said E. D. D7., Inc. (new corporation) shall comply with all
requirements of ihe Bureaus of Fire, He�,1th, and Folice, and the License
Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legisl�t�ve Code and all otner applicable
ordinances and laws.
�E� � 5 1970
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
Butler ��!�; 1 � ��3D
Caxlson 19—
Levine �n Favor
Sprafka � �
A gainst
Mr. President, McCaxty � � 1���
Capital of Minnesota ,� "
F �/��
/� � �
e a�trnevtt o �u��CC'c �a et
p �
ro�c� DEAN MEREDITH, Commissioner HEALTH
RALPH G.MERBILL,Deputy Commlaeioner
DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieenae Inepector
D e c e m b e r 1 5 , 1 9 7 0
Honora,ble Mayor and City Council
Saint Pa.ul, I�iinnesota.
Gentlemen �..nd hlad�,m:
E. D. I�i. , Inc., an entire new corporation is joined by
E. D. N:., Inc. (oid corporation� in makin� application for the
trc.n�fer of On Sa.le Liquor License T�o. 7623, ex�iring Januz.ry 31,
1971, from the present licer_see (E. D. A'i., Inc. Old i;orporztion)
at 499 j���abasha �treet to �. D. I�i., Inc. (new corpor=ti��n) at the
sa�e address.
ihe new cor�or�tion also makes applic�.tion for Rest�ur:-�rt,
Off Sale T�lalt Bevera�e and Ci�a�ette Licerses far the sa.me addres�_..
The officers and stockholders of the corporation are
Ger�.�d �. Schoenecker, �'resident and Ror.�.ld Schoenecker, Secretaxy
and Treasurer. The two stocr>holders are Gerald E. �,nd Ronald
This loc:�.tion has been licer.sed for a similar business
since 1934,
Ger�:�d Schoenec�:er worked for the Sc:_�ott Corp., r1-;�.s.
from A'12xch 1966 to March.l968; for Schaffer IvIfg. Co., I�:p1s.
to �u�ust 1968; for Busch, Inc., Nipls. to Februar5r 1970 �nd. since
tha.t time for Fisrer Shell Service, also of P���,ls.
Ronald Schoenecker is em_�loyed by Speed-O-Zaq Chemie�l
Corpor��tior. of St. Paul.
Very truly yours,
�9� ���° .
Licer�;e Inspector.
November 27,1970
hir. Daniel ricL�,u�,tiiin
City I,icense Inspector
51;. P�,t?l, i.'inn.
E.D.i . Inc.
499 ;Vaba�aha St.
St. Paul, 3;;inn. .
Deax Sir;
tle the sole o�eners of E.D.1.t. Inc. D.B.A. Schubert �ar at 499 �labasha
St. do hereUy request that the liquor license at t��:e address be tra.nsferred
to Gerald Schonecker, 1664 Ford Parkway and Ronald Schonecker, 769 Payne
Ave. who wish to continu�this bueinesa at this address. . �
• �
Thank you.
. Yours truly,
� � ,
chtird . chneide , Prea�:: ;: .A4. Ino
Maur.ce'T. . Se Treas. E.D�r,i�
Subscribed and sWOrn to before me
this �ith.day of December,1Q70
_--_ --- >
— - ------._ �
Notary Publie, Ramsey County, Minn.
My Commissfon Expires June 2A. 1977.
� .
Plovemt,er 27, 1970
Atr. Daniel r,icL�.�,u;'nlin
City Li.cense Inspector
' S�',. Pavl� T°LiI'll1.
Dear Sir;
CVe Gerald Schonecker and Ronald Schonecker wa��ld like to p�?rchase
the E.D.M. Inc. D.B.A� Schubert �x at 499 ryabash^ St., St. Pai�l, Minn.
from Rich�rd Schneider and Maurice T. h4cKasy now president and secretary-
treasurer of said corporation.
Youra truly,
. i�,�,,�,,�''`t`P''`�-`"-r-
Gerald Schonecker
GZ��se-�' �-��
' Rdnald Schonecker
� ��
� � �
�� . " `���
._ �,�
Publf , Ra cy County, Minn.
. Notary �ros Oct.25� 197�
My Commis on P
_. Dat. DE�, 2 a.s 70
1. A,ppliaation for �N ,S�ALE ��Q�Q?� OFF SdLE 3.2 BE�t Lia�n�e
2. Name o� applicant GERALD E• SCHOENECKER
�. Business addreas 499 WASASx� ST. Residence 1664 Fo�tv P��tt�w.�Y.
4, Trsde name, i� any SCHUBERT�S B�lR
5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retai�. Liquor Fedaral Ta� Stamp?��11 be u�od,
6. L�i what floor locsated 1ST, Number o#' roo�s used 1
7. Betwean what• axosa etreets EXC�NGE� 1OTHST.y�iich aide �f atrset WEBT
8. Ara premises now ocaupied YES '�hat busineas SCHUBERT�S B.lR A� long 15YRS.
9, Are premises now� un000upied�_Hotiy long vacan� Previ,ous Use
10. Are �;�ou a new o�mmer �'�ve you been in a aim3.lar buainess before Na•
YYhhsre �Ilhen
11. Are you g oing t o opera te this bus ine a s pers on,�i 11y NO
If not, w�io will operate it ARTLlBD sCHOENECKER
12, Are you in any other business at the greaent tiaea NO
13. Have there been any csomplaints againat your operatiox� of this type of place���
When �'Phere
14. }:iave you ever had any lioense xevoked 1�'0 �t resaon and date
15. Are you � citizen of the United States YES Native g Natural�,zed
. , ._........r.. _.,.,......._... -
16. 1Nhere w�are you borx� ST. PAiT�,f �'IINN.. . I�te of bir�h ��i -� ����
17. I am g married, My (vrife 's) �husband's) name and sddress is NOAMIE 1S'CHOENEC�CEFt
166 oxn P.A.Rxw.�r .
18. (If msrried fema�.e� my msiden name is
19. �r long have you lived 3.n St, Paul ��
,... ...,__
20. Have you ever been arreated^��/�Xiolatian of wha� orim.a.na1 7.aw� or ordin�aoe
�r E , !6
21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�. Paul Yes /y D No.
(Ans�ver fully an.d oompletel5r. These a licationa are thorou h]. aheaked and an
falsifioation wi1Z be cauae for denia .
22. Number of 3.2 places within two bloaks 3
23, Closest intoxicating liquor p]acse. An. Sals 1 BLOCIC �f S��e a BLOCK
24, Nearest Church 1 BLOCK Nearest Sahoo�. 2BLOCK tS
25. IuTumber o�' booths 8 Tables 3 Ckyair� 1¢ Stools �8
26. What occup�tion have you follov�ed for the past five years. (Give namea of ernployors
and date s s o employ�sd.)
� n ,`I
B USCH INC .P�.O U �' A K D II1� S JUNF, Z�t)8 TO FFBRU�?.RY 1970
S+CFIAFFI%.',17 �1FG II I` P. �b TO AUGU>T 1 p��
SCH�TT CC�A,PO?'.ATION MPLS. �IA-'�CH 9� � TO A%�CF3 _�,'
27. Give names and addresses of two persons, ,residents of St. Paul, �Qi,nn,, y�a c�an g3.v�s
infor�tion concerning you.
A�ame �R"�r� �,Irp�. rnrr,�R. Addxess 5,3 K,�g�,TCU ST pAU,�,
, � .._....»�-..,..�...
Name ��IQQI)RQW HANNA Address �!�'tj4 VAN BUREN S'�. PAUL
Signa ture o �,pp ican
Sta ts of �I�.ns3.e s ota�
Coun-�y of Ramsey �
��j��}�D .�; .SC'ff o�NEeK�� being first duly sworn, deposea and says
upan oath t�at he has reac�the foregoing statement bearing his s3gna�ure a�nd lsn.ow�s
the contents thereof, and that the sam� is true oP his o�m knowledge e�aep� as �a
those mattera therein s�ated upon infox�ation and belief and as to thoae matters
he bela.eves them to be truo.
� .-+---------�.»
�ignature of AppliQant�
3ubscr3bed and sworn to before me
this � � da� of/�c-�'+119 �U
Notary Public, C+�unty, Minnesota
� Co�r�,i.ssion ex irea • Y g�TTY SCN�RrR
Y P� n.�+a.., o��hr,. �,.,,s;- r,,,,.,+., Minn.
My Comm;ssion �r.p"ras N�•�. '"' "'''
{Notes These statement �orms are in duplicate. Both copies must be f'ully fi�.led ou��
�.otarized, and returned to the License Division.�-
�FF SALE 3:2 eE�
Re: � Sala L,z�rJOR License
Name of a pplicant GERr4LD .�CHOENECKER — f�R�$
Business address g99 W�aASxA ST.
Are you the sole ov+mer of this busineas4�. If not, is it a partnarship?
corporation? .E,D.�, INC. , other?
t�hers interested in bus�.ness, include those by 1�n of money, property or otherwises
Nam� RONALD SCHOENECKER Addreas 769 PdYNE AVE, gow STOCKHOLDER SfiG, 7/'li�.5�
a r (�� cA�•& �-•.. �
__r___' ' �`""
If a corporation, give its name. E.D.]�• �NC• B�.,A• SCHVBERT�S BAR
Are you interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor businesa? fl9'0
As sole o�araer? Paxtne�? Stoakholder? X
Otherwi.se? (Through loan of maney, etc. Explain)
Address of sueh business and nature of interest in same
ao� --�,----�t,�c./
Signature of app�ican$�"
State of Minne s ota�
C ounty of Ramsey �
�E A�D �,,i, ��/o�/�/�C!<��°being first duly sv�rorz�, deposas and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing a fida,vit beaxing his signature and kn.ows the contenta
thereof; that the same is true of his avm l�wrledge, except as to those matters therein
stated upon information and belief and as to thoss m�atters he believes them to be true.
ZS�.gnature pf app�icant�
Subscribed_ �n_d sworn to before me
this � =-""`day of v(��-�,�.��39 �D
Notary ubli , County, innesota
Sc orr-
My corrun.isaion expires �ETTY S�,I�L'R�R
'. cu;t ,L'o"nt�, h�iM.
My C�mmission cxpires fJov. 19, 1971.
S7ATE �' �iN�SOT�
� �
CO�ATY.f� �Y�
G.E'R,�lLD,E. S,C'HOENE�'KER beixtg fir�rt �aly enrorn, doth de��a�
and say t�st h� ��a this affidavit in oonnecti� tirith applicstion for
, _
" ON S�►le" 13qucr licaaae ("�S�le� mal't beverage lioene�) iti the �itq of
8�ia�t �Paal, .ld3naeaota� tha� your afPi�nt is a r,►eiden� oP tha 'St�►te of Yinnesota
and �e►s reeided therein for 3� yeara, 9 maaathe, ead 3a
_ _..� .
noa e�d hae beea Pa� �he tim�e aboyre �ea�ion.ed e► bona fide resident of s�id State
and *hek� hs n�r re�ides at �
ST. P1!UL, , Idi�.e s ata,
Ci �r or ou�i
� ���2�1r�_ _�?i
� -
Subsoribed ax�d �rn to bePoro m�
this o��_ day ofi�-��,�e�19 7v
otary blic, e�r Countp, 3�t.nneaeta
� CC�3,88�.033 Et�p�,2'O8 B�TTY SCHERER
,c, ro cunty, Minn.
My Commissian Expires Nov. 19, 197L
Date DEC� 2 �.s 70 �
. — � �,,.. .�.�..�..
1. $pplication for ON ,S,�LE LI�?UOR �FF S,ALE 3,2 BE� Licease
2. Nams o� appliaaat ON
3, Busine�s addresa 4-99 WABASH.,9. Reaidence 769 P��rE AvE.
4, Trsde �ame, if any SCHUBERT�S BAR
5. Retail Beer Feder�l Tax Stsmp RQtail Liquor Fed�ral Tax Stamp� X�3.I1 be u��d.
6. C�i vv�iat floor loeated 1ST. Number oP roo�na used 1
7. Between what oross strests -�CHANG.E'� 10TH, y�ich aide of s�reet WEST
8. Are premises now occupied YES{I��� business SCHUBERT B1lR gp;� �o�g 15 YRS.
9. Are premiss�a now unocQUpied�Ho�v lon� vacant Previ.oue Uae
10. Are you a new ov�raer yES Have you been in a aim3.lar bueineas before N0.
VVhhe re 9Vhen
11. .�re you going to aparste thia business personally N0
If not, w�o will operate it ARMdND SCHOENECIfER
12, Are you in any other business at the present ti�ros NO
13, Flave there been any complaints �gainst your operation of this typ� of place NO
�Yhen �lhere
I4, liave you ever had any license revoked NO what reason and date
15. Are yoa a citizen of the United Statea YES Native X Naturalszed
. ..,......_� �.....
16. 1Nhere were yAU b�rn ST.P�.UL D�te of birth cTULY .�' 1940
17, I am ,x �rried. My (wife`s� (husband's� name an.d addresa is J�lNET,SCHOENECKER
769 Pd A� ,
18. (I� maxri.qd fe�le� my �iden n,ame is
19. How long have you lived i.n S"t. Paul��_ .��`y���
20. Have you ever been arrested �p Xiolatian of what csrimi.�a1 ].a� or ordin,anae
_______.__ �,_
21. Are you a registered voter i.n the City of St. Paul Yea 1Jo.
(An.swer ful� and oo�pietal�, Theae a lications are �horou hl ohaoked arxd sm
falsification v�ll be causa for denia .
22. Numb�r of 3.2 places within t�ro blocka 3 ' '
23. Closest intoxicating liquor plaQe. �Jti Sale ONE BLOCK OPf Sale ;� BLOQ�L'
24, Neares� Chureh ONE BLOCK Nearest Sohool 2 BLOCK�S
25. IvTumber of booths 8 Tables � � Chaixs 14 Stools 18
26. What occupation have you followed for the p�,st five years. (Give names of employera
and dates so emp�oyed,)
�_ �
27. Give names and addresses of two peraons, residents of St. yaul, �inn., who cas�a giv�a
irLfor�tion concerning you.
P1ame 1ggyMplyp SAtnv�E�s Address_ 899 Bv,�R STn,� , -�—.--,.--�-r---�_......:'�,.
�tame R,��N�a��..�s4�� Aadres s20 85. STt CL�rR
, .
'�nature of �,pp ean
Sta te of Minne s ota�
County of Ramsey �
�%a-w�-o' a� being first duly sworn, deposea and say�
upon oath �ha� he has react �he foregoing sta�emen� bearing his s3.gnatur� and kxiawa
the eontents thereof, and that the sama is true oP his o�ra knowledga sxeep� as to
those matters therein stated upon inf'ormation and bslief and as ta those mattere
he belie�res �hem to be trt�a.
gna�ure of Applioant
Subscribed and swarn. to before me
this day of� 19�d
Notary P blic, Ramsey County, Minnes
,�;`°= ��c;n�'
�Gy Ca�nission expires ��U`'" P' �;;�:'`"' �,�•
. �
rocarv Yu,s�„� �x. tes '
(Note s These statement fp�°�re in duplicate, Both copies mus� be fully fi],led ou�t,
notarized, �and returned to the License Division.��
, Ft�
Re s�F���'�,�le 3.� $EER License
Name of applicant
Business address 499 W,iB1lsxA ST
Are you the sole owner of this business? . If not, is it a partnership?
corporation? E. I�. 1`1. INC, ^ , other?
�th�rs interested in business, include thosa by loan of money, property or otherwiset
N�me GERALD SCHOENECKER Addre s s166��'Q�,�,�g j��;(,� H� �/f.�-Q
A.RMAND SCHOENECKE'R. �� �k...�.,., QC �,,�
If a corporation, gfve its name. E•D. M+ .rNC. �.B•A. SCHUERT�S 1�'AR
Are you interested in any ro+ray in any other retail beer or liquor business?�n_
As sole cnvner? P�,rtner? St�akholder? x
f?thar�ri.se? (Through loan of money, etcs. Explain)
Address of such business and na,ture of interest in sams
Signa�ure of app ican
State of Minne s ota)
C ounty of Ramsey �
p�� being first duZy� sw�rn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read �he foregoin�; a fida,vit bearing his signature and Imows the contenta
thereof; that the same is true of his oran l�.ovrled�e, except as to those matters therein.
stated upon infoz�ation and belief and as to those matters he be7.ieves them to be true.
S gn.ature of applicant
3ubscribed and swo o before me
thie day of� 19��
otar ublic, ey County, inne ota
�q;k_ ' '': _:_93►� �
It4y c oamiis si on expires _ ' �
..-; �. ��, �;,6�
r . .
' t , . �
�� i¢ ffiiL�21�i7Yi�. .
. . .. � � � . � .
RONdLD SCXDENECKER be3xtg fir�t d�,y �p17�� doth de�o8�
and say thst h� makes thia afflidavi.� in oom�nerctie�e �rith npplic�a�ion f ar
" ON g�le". liqucr licenae (n�OF_F.�a1e" mal't beverage lioenee) in the �ity of
Saint �Panl� Yin�eaota= tha� yn�r afPi�nt ia a rseic'leu� oP the Ste►�a c�f �dinaeso�a►
a� haa resided thsrein for 30 y�eara, 5 mcaths, Qad 3s
aow e►�d haa bee� Por the time above �n.ticmed a bona Picle rd�aident of as3.d State
a�sd that he ao�r re�idas at 769 P�lYNE AVE -
S P U i Mi.h�es oi�.
��Ci.� y or 'o� �
Subsuribed and to befors m�e
thi� ct�y of 19 a
cta b1ic, Raim�e ocm,tyi �'3nneso
p�r`9y� Mion ,
My cammi��iox� ��p3,ras�� co�¢`Y� '�_
a "'"„
YUb�jOj $xQ'Tea
r,ocarY- ���ioA
I�19. �