251442 , �t0�i��il� i •
f- � � -- � � � ORDINANCE / /r
An o dinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled:
"An admi.nistrative ordinance fixing the compensation
rate s of c ertain city po siti.ons and employmente; "
approved January 23, 1925, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance
rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and
s af ety.
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925,
as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by strikir�.g out
subsection B of 5ection I, a�.d by substituting in lieu thereof the following:
"B STANDARD RANGE-- Except as indicated below, the 5tandard Range
applicable to each of the classes established in Section 6 of the Rules
shall be the Standard Range having the same number as the grade in
which the class appears. The salaries payable shall be the rates set
forth in the Standard Ranges multiplied by the following percentages:
Occupational Group
Clerical 133. 567%0
Attendance and Inspectional 133. 567%
Police and Fire 134. 673°fo
Manual and Maintenance 131. 060%
Professional 130. 910%
Subp rofe s sional 13 0. 910°jo
. ;
� Employees in Grades 1 through 26 except Police and Fire shall
0 � receive ten cents (10�`} per hour in addition to the above rates.
n '` On and after December 26, 1970, in additi.on to the above salaries,
�_ a employees in the Clerical, Attendance and Inspectional, Manual and
f� � Maintenance, Professional, and Subprofessional occupational groups
� �
shall receive $23. 00 bi-weekly.
. ��
o ¢ On and after December 26, 1970, in addition to the above salaries,
`` when an employee in a class in the Police and Fire occupational
groups has appeared on the payroll in such titles for less than five
years, he shall receive an additional $37. 00 bi-weekly; when an
employee has appeared on the payroll in such titles for at least five
years but less than ten years, he shall receive $41. 50 bi-weekly;
when an employee has appeared on the payroll i.n such titles for at
least ten years but less than fifteen years, he shall receive $46. 00
bi-weekly; when an employee has appeared on the payroll in such
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�
Carlson Tn Favor
Levine �
Sprafka Against
r. President (McCarty) App
ttest: - ��
ity Clerk �
Form approved Corpor�tion Counsel By
� Orltinsl to Cit7 Clerk �
titles for at least fifteen years he sha.11 receive $55.00
bi-weekly. After December 26, 1970, the foregoing in-
creases shall be granted on the first day of the first
payroll period following the date the employee becomes
eligible for such increase."
Section 2. Tha.t said ordina.nce, as amended, be and the
same is hereby further amended by adding to subsection K of Section
III the following paragraph:
"To any employee in the Police occupational group who works
on a regularly assigned non-rotating shift beginning earlier
tha.n 6:00 a.m. or ending later than 6:00 p.m. , and provided
tha.t over four hours of the shift are between 6:00 p.m. and
6:00 a.m. , there sha.11 be paid a night differential of $18.40
bi-weekly for those night shifts actua.11y worked."
Section 3. This ordina.nce is hereby declared to be an
emergency ordina.nce rendered necessary for the preservation of the
public peace� health and safety.
Section 4. This ordina.nce sha.11 take effect and be in
force from and after December 26, 1970.
pEC 2 3 1970
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�
Butler �'!
Carlson _� Tn Favor
� Levine .
Meredith G� U Against
� T��a UEC 2 3 1970
r. Presiden (McCarty) Appro .
ttes �
ity Clerk
Form approved Corpor�„�ion Counsel By
Orlqtinal to Cit�Clerk
� � � -: � � O � DI � AI�TCE
,: ���
An o dinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled:
"An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation
rates of certain city positi.ons and employments, "
approved January 23, 1925, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance
. rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and
s af ety.
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925,
as axnended, be and the same is hereby further amended by stri.king out
subsection B of Section I, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: .
"B STANDARD RANGE-- Except as indicated below, the Standard Range
applicable to each of the classes established in Secti�on 6 of the Rules
shall be the Standard Range having the same number as the grade in
, which the class appears. The` salaries payable shall be the rates se�
forth in the Standard Ranges multiplied by the following percentages:
Occupational Group
' Clerical 133. 56?%
Attendance and Inspectional 133. 567°jo
Police and Fire 134. 673%
. Manual axid Maintenance 131. 060%
Prafessional 130. 910%
Subp rof e s s ional 13 0. 910%
. N
� Employees in Grades 1 through 26 except Police and Fire shall
� v receive ten cents (10�) per hour i.n addition to the above rates.
lJ 0
p o On and after December 2b, 1970, in additi.on to the above salaries,
f, a employees in the Clerical, Attendance and Inspectional, Manual and
Q �`o� Ma.intenance, Professional, and Subprofessional occupational groups
� "'
shall receive $23. 00 bi-weekly.
• N
O Q On and after December 26, 1970, in addition to the above salaries, •
when an employee in a class in the Police and Fire occupational
groups has appeared on the payroll in such titles for less than five
years, he shall receive an addition�,l $37. 00 bi-weekly; when an
employee has appeared on the payroll 9.n such titles for at least five
years but less than ten years, he shall receive $41. 50 bi-weekly;
when an employee has appeared on the payroll in such titles for at
least ten years but less than fifteen years, he shall receive $46. 00
bi-weekly; when an employee has appeared on the payroll in such
� � ' «�^ � . � . .
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�
Carlson .
Levine In Favor
Sprafka Against
Mr. President (McCarty) Approved:
City Clerk Mayor .
�� •
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
Oi!r[n�1 to Clty Clerk � ti
� � ., .
��� ;� ORDI1�' A �TCE ;
COUNCIL FILE NO. � h/��'`�
titles for at least fifteen years he shall receive $55.00
bi-weekly. After December 26, 1970, the foregoing in-
creases sha.11 be granted on the first day of the first
� payroll period following the date the employee becomes
eligible for such increase." �
Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the
same is hereby further amended by adding to subsection K of Section
III the following paragraph:
"To any employee in the Police occupationa.l group who works
on a regularly assigned non-rotating shift beginning earlier
than 6:00 a.m. or ending later than 6:00 p.m. , and provided .
tha.t over four hours of the shift are between 6000 p.m. and
6;OQ a.m. , there sha11 be paid a night differential of $18.40
bi-weekly for those night shifts actually worked." �
Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the �
public peace, health and safety.
Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after December 26, 1970.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit �� a 3- /9 � �
1Carlson 7 7n Favor
� �Levine
�Meredith C� � Againat
� Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• �-�- � 3� � g 7 �
Attest: ��`�� � � � (� � � _. `'� �
`.,w .
ty Clerk Mayor
�� .
Form approved Corporation Counsel B
Orlslnsl to Cits Clerk �
- r � ORDINANCE �5���2
An ord'nance amending Ordinanc� No. 6446, entitleda
"An adminis�trative ordinance fixing the com-
pensa ion rat�s of certain city positions and
emplo ents, "
approned anuary 23, 1925, as amended. �his is an
emergency rdinanc� rendered necessary for t1�e pre�er-
vation of e public peace, health and aafety.
Section l. Th prdinance �o. 6446, �pproved Januar�► 23,
1925, �a amended, be nd the same i� hereby further amended b�
striking out aubsecti B of Section I, and by substituting in
1iEU thereof the follo 'ng;
"� STA�IDARD RA�iCE-- xcept a� ind3Qated below, the
Standard Range ap io�ble to ��eh of the clas�ea
establi�hed in Sec 'on 6 of the Rul�� sh�ll be the
Standard Range hani the s�me number as the grade
in which the cla�s a ear�. The salaries payable
shall be the rate� s� forth in the Standard Ranges
multipli�d by the foll wing percentage�:
Dcen ati al Grou
Cl�rical 133.567�
Attendance and Tnapec},tional 133.567�
Police �nd P'ire 134.673�
M�nual arid Maintenance 131.060�;
Professional 13U.91U�
Subprofesaional � 13U.91t�,
Employee� in Grades 1 through 2�'i exc�pt Polic� r�nd Fire
shall receive ten c�nts (10�) p��r hoc�r in addition to
the above rates.
On and after December 26, 1970, in`�-addition to th� above
salaries, �mployees in the Clerical;: Attendanc� and
Inspectional, Manual and M�intenanc�;, Professional �nd
Subprofes�ional occupational groups shall receive $23.00
On and after �e�ember 26, 1970, in addition to th� above
� , salaries, when an employe� in a class i� the Po13ce and
Fire occupational groups haa �ppeared on the p�yroll in
Yeas Councilmen Nays � Passed by the Counci�_,''
Butler ��•,
�*+ FavOr
Meredith A mat
Sprafka � �'�
Tedesco `�.
Mr. President (McCarty) Approved:
City Clerk Mayor
�� •
Form a��roved Corpora�ion Cp�unsel By � � �
� ��,c�
o�s�•i t�cus ca.tt �• • :
. � � O1� DINANCE �����2
in 8�uch titles for leec� than fiv� y�ara, he shall
� receive an additional $37.�0 bi-w�Ekl�j when an
. employee has appeared on the payroll in :uch titles
',for at least five years but less than ten yeara, he
s�all receive $41.50 bi-weekly; when an employee
ha��,,appeared on the payroll ir� such titles for at
leas'k t�:n years but less than fifteen year�, he aha11
reeei�F $46.�0 bi-w�;ekly= when an employee has appa�.red
on the �ayroll in such titles for at l�ast fift�en ye�r�
he shall'��rec�iv� �55.�� bi-weekly. When an cmplo�ee
' becomes el�l.gible for tne above additional amo�nts, he
shall recei�t� the addition�l �mour�ts authorized from
the first da��Of the first pay period follovving :ueh
eligi.bility. " �
Section 2. That pr 'n�nce No. 6446, approved January 23,
1925, as amend�d, be and e same is hereby further amend�d by
adding to subs�:etion K of ction ITZ, Far�gr�ph 3, the followiags
" (except as hereinaft r pronided) ".
The sam� is hereby further ame �d by adding to subsection K of
Section 3, the followings
"To any employee o� the Pol 'ce Group who works on
a regularly assign�d nonrota ing shift, beginning
earlier than 6:�0 A.M. and en ing later than 6s�0
P.M., and provided that more t an 4 hours of the
shift are worked between the ho rs of 6:00 P.M.
and 6:00 A.M. , there shall be pa d a night diffezential
for the hours worked between the ours of 6:�0 P.M. and
6z00 A.M."
3ection 3. This ordinance is hereby de �red to be an emergency
ordinance rendered necessary for the preaerv� 'on of the publi� peace,
health and safety.
Sectior� 4. �hia ordinance �hall take effect and be in foree
�rom and after December 26, 1970.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci
Carlson Tn Favor
Meredith Against
Mr. President (McCarty) Approved:
City Clerk Mayor �
�� /-�
Form approved Corporation Counsel By �� �!
. -� ,. ' . . .
December 23, 1970
The Professional Employees Association respectfully calls to your
attention, on the occasion of your consideration of final adoption of the
cost-of-living salary ordinance, that city employees were assured last
July that a new salary adjustment formula would be adopted.
To date, no such formula has been adopted, and salaries of
professional employees have fallen considerably behind those being paid
to persons of equivalent experience and responsibility by other govern-
mental units . The most deplorable example is in the engineering area.
As of january 1, 1971, a Civil Engineer III with five years experience,
employed by the City of St. Paul, will be earning approximately $3,000
per year less than an engineer employed .in an identical pos.ition by the
City of Minneapolis , and $1 ,000 per year less than .if he were working
across the hall for Ramsey County.
Accepting the Council's position that the increases being voted
upon today are merely for cost-of-living purposes , the Professional Em-
ployees Association urges the Council to begin immediately a c�mprehensive
review of salary comparability with other employing units .
Unless such action is taken, the Council may expect its most
competent and diligent profess ional employees to be increas ingly "raided"
by agencies of inetropolitan government and other local governments whose
salaries (and, I might add, working co�ditions) are more attractive.
r '
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DeC. S �970
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Mz•. John Haide.r
Pirector of Personnel
Civil ^ervice Bureau �
D°ar �ir• �_-.� '
.� `�, \
On December �+th, 19? the City� unc�ave First Reading t�
Gouncil T'ile N�. 25 2, amendin rdinance 1V�. �4t+6, with
reference tn pay ra s s for 19�1. The ardinanae will come up
for Third Reading �n ecember 1f , 1970.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
Dec. 16, 197p
�Ion. Charle� P. McCarty
Chairman, Personnel CouIIn3.ttee
Dear Sir:
The City Council today referred to the Per�onnel. Committee
the attached proposed am�ndment,�, $ubmitted by Commissioner
Csrlson� to Cauncil File Na. 251�+2, being the ordinance
granti.ng salary incree���s to C1ty employes for 1971.
Yery tru3.y yaura,
City Clerk
�, : ��'� �, ��
- , , ���/ b/? �
On and after December 26, 1970, in addition to the above salaries,
employees in the Clerical, Attendance and Inspectional, Manual and
Maintenance, Professional, and Subprofessional occupational groups shall
receive, if at Step C or D, an additional $4. 60 bi-weekly; if at 5tep E or F,
shall receive an additional $9. 20 bi-weekly; and if at the ten or the fifteen
year step, shall receive $13. 80 bi-weekly.
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� �
� � •t �
I st ' ' , , 2ndl�
Laid over to
3rd and app —Adopted �"��2_�
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
Butler �utler
Carlson ����,��' `6arlson
Levine Y,evine
Meredith `Meredi+h
Sprafka �prafka
Tedesco �Tedesco
Mr. President McCa \r. President McCa
�Y �'y