251437 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK �V��,�� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�Nca NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC:;:i�SE COI��+IITT'r�: UNCIL RESOLU ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY ,, December 4, 1970 COMMISSIONE ATE �SOI,V"�;D: That Applic<:::tion for the transfer of On SG.].e Liquor and Sunday-0-r�-Sale Liquor Licenses is�ued to Joseph R. Nemo as "Inactive" to 728 Armstron� hvenue �,nd his applic<-tion for r.i.iscelianeous licenses for that address, be and the sa.me a,re here'�:y gr�nted on the condition that ��ithin � days of this date, s aid Joseph R. Nemo sh�.11 comply with all requirements of the Bure�,us of Fire� He�.lth� and Police, �,nd the License Inspector �ursuant to the �'t. Paul Legislative Code and all other ap,�licable ordin=,nces and laws. DEC 4 1�4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��� � lg�� Butler • Caxlson App 19— Levine �In Favor Meredith Sprafka � r A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty _ , • - PUBLISHED • �DEC 121970 = ; �� _ . , ,. • , CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� • Capital of Minnesota ���/�� � aLJe aNt�ner�t o ub�CC'c �a et � � ADMINISTItATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PBOTECTION por.�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALP$G.MEARILL,Depaty Commiasioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inapector December 3, 1970 Honorable T�I��,�or and City Council Sain� Paul, I�1in:,esota. Gentlemen a.nd �:�,dam: Joseph R. Nemo makes applica,tion for the tr�,nsfer of On �ale Lir,uor License No. 7727, .�nd Sunday Cn �ale Liqu� License iv'o. 37�6, �a.nd miscell�,neous ?icenses for 72� �:.rmstron� �"_venue, which is located on the Soutr side of the street bett•aeen Bay Street and Osceoia :'.venue. Currertly T�ir. l�eno holds these t�ro lieenses ati "Inactive" due to the fa.ct that he was displaced from his origin�1 business at 156 t,Jest tieventh Street �,�ere he held such licenses since 1951, because of the Civic Center. 2'he new locaticn (72� �rmstron� ::venue� has been licensed as a. 3.2 establishnent only� since 1932. The present licensee, Oscar �f, Loberg, has so been licensed since April 195s. re also held the licenses from rl�ren 195o to r��a.y 1957. There are two 3.2 establishznents within two blocks. The closest On cale Liquor pl�ce is one bl oc� and the closest Off Sale Liquor place is three blocks. The ne�.r��st chu,�ch as we11 as school axe each about -two �nd a half r1 ocks a,way. ?�s. �:e�o h�s been licensee of a lic�;or establishe�ent for about t wenty year�. Very truyy yours, �� P�� � License Inspector 1 "'��, � � O ' � . . C ITY OF SA.INT PAUL DEPART�TT �' PUBLIC SAFETY LICENSE DNTSTON nato 11-�•7o is ,_.._,._... _�...�,.,, 1. �,ppliaa�ion for Trwfa Liquor Lic�a�s� Licen,ae 2. Name of appliaa�t Jor�ph R. Htmo 3, Business addres� 7Z8 Armsix�on� Atr�. Residence 1281 genne�s�Q 8�. 4. Trade name, if any Joe's Saloon 5. Retail Beer Feden�l Tax Stamp A Retail Liquor Federal Tax Starap_X�xi11 be uaed. 6. (�ii what floor l�eated main Nuuiber of roc¢ns ussd two 7. Bet�rsen what oross atreeta Bay & Osceola }Ilfh,it� side of street south 8. A,re premises now oaaupied Y�� 'Yihat businesa 3.2 Haw long �934 9. Are premis�es no�r unoocupied no Haw long vaeant Previous Uae ' 10. Are ou a new o�rner� y c�5 Have you been in a similar busineas before Y�o �_�_ VYhere 156 W. 7th St. �Yhen 30 yre. 11. Are you going to opex�te thia business personally Yea If not, v�o will operate it 12, Are you in any other busineas a-� the present tiu� No 33. Have thsre bsen any oomplaints against your operation of this �ype p� pY,aco Ao ...,..�,.,...�.,. When lf�here 14. �iave you ever had any lioense rsvoked N,,. �Phat reason and date -�-_ 15. Are you a citizen of the United States � 5 Native � �Naturalized 16. VYhe re we r_e you b orn St,Pattl� Minri. Da te of bi rth 8-14•19�9 17. I, am � m�rried. My (wife's) (husband's) name and address is Ros• d1 N�mo 18. (If msrried female) my msiden. name is 19. �ow long have you lived in S"t. Paul 50 yrs. ,.. r....__....._ 20. Have you ever been arrested �,p Xiolation of what orimi.n�,l la�r or axdinanae -..-,,..... 21. are you a registered voter in the City of St. �'aul s Yea No• (Anaouer ful� and aompletel�. The$e a liaa�ions ar+� �horou h], checked and en falaifioation will be cause �or enia . (�Vx'R) . � 22. Number of 3.2 places within �ro blocks ' ? 23. Closest into�icating liquor p]ace. bn Sale 1 block 4f�' Sa1e 3 blocks 24. Nea re s t Chureh 2� blocks Nea res t Sahool 21� blocks 25. I�Tumber of boaths Tables Chair� Stools 26, What occupation have you f�llovaed for the` past five y�ears. (Give namas o£ empl4yera and date s s o employ�ed.) � 27. Give names and addresses of two peraons, residents of St. P�u�,, �Qi�n., whp can, give informa,tion concearrxi.ng you. I�ame Bob Morehead Address 945 Fleadrau IvTame Joh�a M. R+es7nne111� Address 1272 N• V10to]C18 St• Si. re App iQan S`ta te of MS.r�.e s ota� ss Coun� of Rarnsey ,� �i�.d...E � . ��2��-� bei first dul swoxn, de oses and sa s � Y P Y upon h at he has rea t e foregoa.ng statement beari�.g his signaturs etnd 7�ows the c ntents thereof, and that the same is true of hia ov�m lcnowXedge a�cpp� as ta tho mattera therein stated upon information and belief and as ta those matters he elieves them to be crtze. i� e o Appl3csa�t Subacribed and sworn to before me this ����' da y of ����,�:-.-,�.e.�.� 19%�� � � a-,.-b-�-�,.,,.� � ';.��,�..t����.X 4�� " otary Pub , ; msey County, M° esota �y Conun.issia�Yexpires /�o - �.1- i� 7 � (ATotes The�e statement form� are ia� duplicate. Both copies must be fully fi�.led o�t, notarizec�,,_and returned to the License Division.�r ,_ _ Noi �y � .. _ n1Y.Cornr;�i,sion�Expires`Oct �y ;��n. �19� ' AFFIAA�t�T �Y APPLIC�,RT F�R RETAIL BFER 4R L��IIOR LTCENSL� Re: �rSala � � ��s� License � Name of applicant J�,��A�e Business address ?2A A tron� Ave. „ Are you �he sole c�mer of' this business3 Y�a. If no�t, �.s it a partnership? corporation? , other? (?thers interested i.n business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwi$et Na�e Addre s s Ha�r If a corporation, give its name. 9re you interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business? As sole c�,mer? Partner? Stockholder? OtherArise3 (Through loan of money, etc. Exp],ain� � ; Address of such business and nature of intQres� in same Signat e o app ic n State of Minne s ota) �ss Gounty of Rams ) �� �� ���� � being firs� duly sworn, daposes and �ays upon oath � e as read the foragoin� a fidavit bearing his signature and ]�.ows the contenta 1 reof; that the same is true of his chm lrnrnrrled�e, exoept as to those matters therein ated upon information and belief and as to those matters ha believes them to be trus. / Si�na e of applican Subscribe and sworn to befo e me this ;�� = day of�-��'�- 19�7 ° ���� ������.`�2���, � , �--���--��-3 - Notary ub , ey Coun.ty, a, e o a bLy cammissio expirea /C` ��.4^- �,� i?C7ROT}tY J. NiUNKF!_WITZ fV0`ary pu�i:c, f;.,.,:s�,r Ccu^ry. N1!nri, My Com��,issio:� �.sr�re� Cc!. �5, 197{� . : , � . � STATE f�' M7NNESOT,�1 � � C�t11�TY Q� �SEY. _ Jos�ph H. Nemo being �'irst duly sw�rn, doth dapoae and say tbat he m4kea this affidavi� in aonnsotian �rith applioation for '� 0=t �le". liquor liaense (�le" malt beverage lioense) 3.0 the �itq of �int Paul, liinneaota; that your afFiant is a ra��dent oP the State of Minnesota� �nd bs►a rasided there3a fo� 51 yeara, ma�ths, aad 3e n�r eubd haa been tor the time �bo�re m�ntioaed a bons fide rnaident of said State and that ha now residea at 1281 Kennard St. � Addraea St. Paul , lt3.nnesata, : : . .. _ . : Ci q or To�rn $ubsoribed and s�rorn to bef ure �e thie -��i o� day oP ��.�-,.�.��9 7� ,=-.. - � ��C��`rC��•-�._(_ otary b c, ey Couaty, E�i e ot� l ldy oommi�sion expires /o ��- I y % 7 DOROTHY J. MUNKELWI7Z Neta,y ?uGl�c, F�c;-rs^y County, Minfia My Comirission ExGire� U��. 2��, 197Q � � Dec. 3, 1970 Hon. Dean Meredith Comsr. of Public Safety Public Safety Building Dear Sir: Attention: Mr. Daniel McLaughlin The City Council today inYormally approve].'�tee applicatian o�' Joa�pla R. Fi�c� Por trsnut� of �tt $ale Liquor Lic�tte No. 'T?27 'tud Sundaq t?n F3al.e Liquc�r Liee�s �"fl. 3?86, AFD mia�ellaneous licenaea 1'rc� "Iasative" tc 728 �Aacmataoa� Ave. 11�iii1Z ye�tt pl�e �,�repeur� the c�stver�ty r�t4c�.tt�ic�a �o�erirsg tbis a►r�tt�sY Yeryr tr�t].y Yt�ar�t� City �i.�rrk n6 St. Paul, Minnesot� November 4, 1Q7� To Th� konora�l� ���yor and City Council: I, .Jc�:;v��'�� ;. ^a�..irc�, resPeetful�y a�k Ghar tlie liquor ancl m9_sce..�] ar�;:�c;i {; ,_i.c ��ic+>s ito�: he.ld by m.e on a�a �.�x,�eti��� :,�asi.� be trar.<>fc�x�r��a tc:� 726-728 Armstrong Avenue, currexltly �'r�e 511 :: t?f ..�::1'� .t':"�.E'Il<��.� �'2Y' Cc"t1Yy�.i?�; c1 3.� Z�CE'.L15� 3� t.11-L' presert ��:n_. Ti�is Iocat.ion �:as �een operate� a� a 3.2 e�sGat�l`►_�'.�;te:it si.:cr., lc�?l�., T ilr�vE? 1)ul"CS.�.�+E,C. � i_:= ;,rOi�r�y_�'._�' fYr1712 �'`;C::T '.iC?ii�`.Yi, :1:� ,?� C�ctc�ber 3Gt.�, 1�7�. Tt.�re ar:.: ,�rovisia�>:~. f�r <zff- >�tr.����t. ,. . r�<tr-.��uf�, ���T .'t i��.t�;1: ��Tt vL�:i.:i..._ . T ti"t"�.ii�' vOil t4��_�. '�i]?C� t:�A�it: P ` t:)j)(?lc��"F.i?Ii (?r �:1C i.i.�?1i07' �.11':G:l;;l3 ili:!�.i� �ii ct_� ,'�;1'tl�. �<�7" l:kii? l :il`?w �. l::l'~j' , '.�,v.':; S'i!�_ .`.�.�3ii,�� ) _..: .:.7'�.t.f,. L�iLy S=0 �,.�Ltt:1.11_i,V.`?. �{._+..i.J G�: ;rl`1_'.3�:I jT c3;7�?Y'P.(='_;it:E:(t, *'-�r-� L;"U�: '1'CUT'S . i,;_.. r .TO�F_'�I1 �Z. �:(�.LT1C�