251435 ' ORIOINALTO COUNCR No, 251���35 , ��Tr���x C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Fi�e APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS-RESOLUTION FORM ��� PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE 19 • R E S O L V E D , THAT T FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN 1TEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. 0650-100 Purchasing Agent-Personal Services 4,200.00 650-200 " " -Contractual Services 1,000.00 650-300 " " -Commodities 700.00 650-800 " " -Capital Outlay - Mach. & Equip. 2,500.00 The rema.ining account balance will be adequate for the rest of the year YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS �^ l. 1U�O V 't j.7 Bllt1flY ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� _19 • Carlson C 4 �� Levine APPROVED �s IN FAVOR Meredith / Sprafka v OGAINST ww Tedesco � COUNTERSIGNED /�J CITY COM ROLL6R MR. PRESIDENT � McCarty (n��� � �� ����ish�� D�� 1� 1970 . _ . f ! . � . � � � � . . . . -_ . . .. . --- .�-- .-- -- � . . . � �5�=�35 Na�ice � CITY C.i ST. FAiJ�, Council File ?'o. t0 ' li�l\i�:i.5���? , r, . Prirter " ' COUI�CIL �,�oLliTlo.v • 1_9 - , R�SUL`':�D, t.�at tr.a transfers !:�i�;hin r�:n�s of tl:� vai,ious �ity Det�Gr�r�erts . . . �• � . . . . .. � ' heretofore a��rcJed b;,� tl:� Cit;.- �om�troller, as such �;ransfers of fut;�s as of pEC 4 19�o az•e indic�ted in docw-:�nts attnched hereto and made a part ll^reof by �eference, as fu11�- as if the s�vne were �a{; foi•th fully ar.d ce;:�ple�cly h�reir�, .�«_. - are 1�e1�eUy approved, co�ies of the ai'oremei����_oned also ba�n� on file in the of- fiee of the City Clark and in tt:� c•f1'ice oi the City �cr�pt;roller. � � � DEG � 1�7 U Adopted Uy tLe Coutzcil � 19� ' �_. �}�,f� � �'l� Ci1�.y Cc;nntrol;ler A�r�roved ' 19�„ L�y ' . PUBUSHED ��C 12197�