251433 ORiCi1NAL TO CITY CLBRK �51��3 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�NCi� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ,�ESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM , COMMIS910NE d.esco / �TF December 3, 1970 WHEREA5, Vaughn's, Inc. has applied. for permission to install the following overhead street d.ecorations for the 5aint Paul Winter Carnival: 1 - 4' x 5' 5now flake mad.e of inetal rods, covered with metallic festoon. 4 - 4-1/2 x 12' Cotton banners with silk screened emblems and lettering read.ing correct on both sides. Banners made with cloth pockets 3' - O/L with wood.en button snaps attached, to 75' of 1/4" rope to be installed on the intersection cross cables -said. d.ecorations to be installed on January 22, },971 and removed February 9, 1971; said decorations to be located at Wabasha and Fourth Streets , 5t. Peter and Fifth Streets, Ced.ar and Fourth Streets and Cedar and. Seventh Streets; WHEREAS, the City Architect approves said request and so recommends to the City Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council d.oes hereby approve the application of Vaughn's, Inc, and does itereby authorize and. permit Vaughn's, Inc, to ir�e tall overhead. street decorations at four above-.stated. locations from January 22, 1971 t� February 9, 1971, subject to all terms of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod.e. � �� 4, 19 l Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays "s��.� 41970 Butler Caxlson Ap ove 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � � � �� Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED DEC 121��� �� �DU�LICATt TO NtIN'RR ���/�T l'l. - CITY OF ST. PAUL ��uNa� ND �r '�vW OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c�M��cN� yi.c+Ar �,� Teda�co ��� Dec�mber 3. 19?0 WHER�►S. Vau�hn'�, Inc. has applied tor permission to instsll the follo�ving overhead street decoration� tor the Ssint Psul Wint�r Carnival: 1 • 4' z 5' 3now flake msde of inetal rod�. covered witb metallic fe�toon. 4 - 4-1/2 : 12' Cotton bann�rs with silk acr��ned embl�ms and letterin� resdiag correct on both .idee. Bsnners made with cloth pockets 3' • O/L with woodon button snsps attsched to 75i of 1/4" rope to be instslled on the intersection cross esb�is -�sid decorations to be installed on Janusry 22� 1971 snd remov�d Februaxy 9, 19T1; •sid decorations to be locat�d st Wsbasha snd Fcurth Streets� St. Peter and FiEth Str�ets. Cedsr snd Fourth Streets snd Cedar aad Seventh Street�; Vi�H�R�AS, the Citq Archit�ct spprov�� said request and �o recomrn,�ad� to th� City Council; naw. theretore. be it R$80LVED. thst tb.s Council doea hereby approve the application of Ysnghn'a, Inc. and doei i«reby suthorise snd permit Vaughn'�. Inc. to i� ta�overhusd street decorations st four above=ststed loeations trom Jsnuary 2Z, 19T1 F�bruary 9. 1971. •ubject to sll terms of the Saint Psul Legislative Code. _ pE� 4 1970 ' COUNCILMEN �� , Adopted by the ConnC�l 19— Yeae Nays pEC 4 �1970 Butler Carlson � APpmoed 19— �°� �_1n Favor Meredith M�yor Sprafka ;1 .��t Tedeaco �« � Mr. President, MeCarty �e