251432� OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL couNC�� N�. 25�.�:�2 � ^ FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CI ESO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT ._ C� COMMISSIONE AT WHffi�AS, �he Co�.i.ttee ca �ds, co�posed af the May�r, �he Purchasing Agent, the �o�3.ssi�er of Finar�ce, aad the Ce�is�ianer ot Parks and Hecreatios arid P�blic Baildi�s �f tl�e Gity e�i Sa3nt Pa�l, has �eecured aa agreemeffit f�r the p�haae o� that certai�. pr�rperty described as follaws: bc>t �enty-tbree (��) in Blo�k t�e�ar (�t) in �omo Prospect Addi.tie�s, acc. �A�S, The property de�cr3bed there3n is necessary for the �eb �alce Pe,rk �ite, a�� tge priee at xh3.ch the praperty may be pnrchasesl ia at the t0ta1 �t o�' �9,14d�.E�1, a �air atid reasonable priee accurdin� to the appraisal obtained l�y �h� Comm�ittee on ba�d�s; s�d 6�F�3, �aid Ce�ittee has ree�ded the pxrchase of-said p�pert� at the price atated al�cave, as e�ridesced by the letter Af said Cea�ittee su'I�itted herc�ith; nc�, thereror�, be it R�p��6, That pnr$narit te Secti�n 3�3 of �ie Charter ot' the Qit�y of 3aiffit Paro�l, the �c�cil of the City of Saint Panl d.oea l�erelry a�fihorize the prarchaae a ef the la�sl descril�ed as: N o � bot tirenty-three (23) i�a Blc�ck �vretr (�) in �� Prospeet � "v gddition, acc. 0 � �' �0I�1� �, That the praper C3.�g OfPiciala� ar� herebT eaithorized � m an8 directed ta pay tA Bd�ard. an8. ��anne Markel, record i'ee oxriere, t�e a� e� �9,10t�.0�, aaid s� to be paid to the aforesaid. vem�dors �"rc�m PIR I�nd Cad.e 6004, � ta Le rei�vrs�d i`r�m Fand 9769-542-('iAl, mpon their fl�trniffihing etridence of �;eod � ffiBTICE'�8�f1E title in the a�or�aaid vendors, aad the tetal pay�ent �o be �iaie upox — ender lrr �s3.d parties af apprcrpriate deeds conreyi� title tm �aid propertT tm the City of 3aint Paul. DEC � �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya �EC 4 1'�� Butler Carlson , Ap ne 19� Levine ��n Favor Meredith /) Sprafka V yor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED p[�.0 �21970 � . .Y. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Voluation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L a55�► Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS �� 5,�:����,� 286 Ci4y Hell $aint Paul, Minnesote 55102 � Oetcber 5, 1970 Ci�y Cv�ncil City of Saiat Paa1. Gentlemen and Mad.am: The City of Saint Patil., acting thrcragh its Baluation ffigineer, has negotiated to purchase certain property described as follcnrs: Lot tveaty-three (23) in. Block fcyar (�) in Ccamo Prospeet Additien, a.cc. The owners of the above deseribed land, Edwaxd an.d doamae Markel, have accepted " an 0ffer tendered the� by the City in the amotu�t of $9,140.00 as ccmtpensaticn t'or the sale o�' the la�d t0 the �itg. �his property, includin� land and buildings, is needed by the �ity of 3ai�t Paa.l for Loeb balce Paxk. In viex af the reesonable priee for xhich i-� caa be p�rcha�ed, said price beia� the apprais�d �'air ancl reasonable market value therefor�, w�, the Com�ittee on Lands, da reco�end to the Council of the City of Sa3nt Pa�a1 that it attthorize the purchase of said lax�d in liea of condemnatimn proeeedings at tlae priee of $9,10�.00, as negotiated with the owner. � oery t s, 1Kay Farc asin A � C ssion f Farks, fiecreation aad J pablie Bai s �� � �Co�.iss�ioner of �'inance Parcel No. 26 F'ile No. 17�20