251431 .. ',�` j�'� �� ""' OR161NA6 TO CITY GL6RK /d5���� • CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �hoae parts oY the Sc�th mne-half 0f the �cc�a�hwest Q�arter (S2 S�T�) of Section thirt�r three (33), TOwnship twer�ty-ni�e (29), Range twenty-two (22), partievlarly described as follaws: Cam�encin� at the Northwe�terly corner af Lot twenty-eight (28),Block thir�� (30) in 3ab�.r�aa� Hills, the�ce Eaaterly alang the For�h line ef Lot tirerity-eight (28), ase hrou�dred ee�enteen and ��100 (117.8tt9) f�et to a point; thence I�orth�resterly �'i.f'`ty (50) feet to a point; themce Tiesterly ar;d parallel with the Amrth line of said I,ot tweatg-eight (28), o�e h�ndred F3.f'ty (150) feet to Tast li�e o�' �Ioaxid Street; thence Se�.theasterly a1.on� the Eastern line of M�n.d Street ta place of beginni�g, being a part of McI,ear�'s Reservation and 1��33.r�.g ait�ated in the Soathwest corn�r thereof, l�eing the property described i�s �ook 24� of Deeds, page 8; and also, ec�mm�encin� at the So�atheast cor�.er of yot fYf'teem (15), �rakes x�arrang�ment of part of Block 11, McLean's 8�servation to St. Paul; thence �or��h fifty (54) feet to l�orth line of A�ditor's S�.bdivision �o. 15, St. Pa�]. P�.; thenee �Test to Northeast corner of F,ot one (1), Auditor's Subd3visi�n �o. 15, �t. Pata1. Minn.; the�ce Aorth Pifty (50) �'eet; thence Past to place of be�i�in�, bei.r�g property described in Book 7�1 of Deeds, page �85. B�SOLVED FfJRTI�R, �'hat the proper ;City 4fficials are hereby authorized ar�d directed to pay to j+Ti].�.iam F. aad a�e L. Peer�on, r�cord fee o�mers, the sm� of $8,5(�.40, said sroim �0 be paid to th�- aforesa3d vendc�rs Prom PI$ Fand Code 6000-502, to be r��ursea t�om Fana 977o-�6aoi9, �pon their �'arnishin� evidence of good narketable title in the aforesaid ver�dors, an.d the total paymen� to be ma.de upon tender by said parties of appropriate de�d.s conveying title �o said proper�y to the City of Saint Pau1. ,; DEC 41�7�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cot�1�i� � �� 19— Y� xa�s p�� 41974 Butler Carlson ved 19— Levine ` Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty PUBLISHED DEC 1� 1970 �o � � 25���1 OR161N/tL TO CITY CL6RK • CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �QUN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � AT� �iE,�AS, �he Co�3.ttee on I,a�ds� cc�mpos�d ef the Mayor, the Purchasing Agen�, the ��i.s:ioner ef Finance, atad the C<�i.��i��er af Parks and Becreaticn and Pnblie Btiildings at' the City of Sa.i�t Panl, has secured a� agreement �or the pnrchase of that eerta3.n p�aperty deseribed. a� follc�ws; Those parts of the S�th one-half af the 3�thwest Q�.arter (�2 3�) of Section thirty-three (33), Te�anship twe�ty nine (29), �ge twentg-two (22), particularly de�cribed as Pollc+ws: Cem�enciag at the Hor�hxesterl� corner of I,ot twenty-eight (28), Block thirty (34) ir� S�.burban Hills, thenee Bassterly a1�ng the Ncrth li�e aF Lot -�xent�r eight (28), one h�.ndred �eventeen aad 80�140 (117.8(�) feet te a point; thence Northwe�terly fifty (50) feet to a point; theuce Westerly aad para11e1 with the �or�h line o� said I,ct twenty-eight (28), one htuadred tifty (15�) feet tc� East line of Mo�d Str�et; thenee Southeasterly along the Easterra li�e of Mo�d Street to place of beginning, being a par� of McLean'� $eserwation at�d being situated in �he San�hxest corner thereof, be3ng the preroperty de�cribed in B�k 204 �f' Deeds, pa.ge 8; ar�d a1so, comaeneing at the Scratheast cmrx��r o�' 7,ot fif'teen (15), Drakes Rearrangeaent of part of' Block 11, �icL�aa's �eservation to wt. Pa�.l; themce Sera�h tI�'ty (50) fee� ta �orth lirie of Anditor's ��bdivision lio. 15, St. Pau]. Minn.; thenee lwTeat to lTortheast corner of �,c+t one (1), Auditmr's ��xl�divisien �o. 15, $�. Paul I�i.an.� thence �'orth 1'ifty (50) feet; thence East to place o� l�egin�is8, �eing prcrp�rty described in &9ok 7U1. ef I�eeds, page �85. ° W�AS, The praperty described therein is neeeasary for the expansi�r� � of the McrancLs Playgrcmad, a�d the price at which the property ffiay be pvrahaaeci � is at the total amc�ant of $8,5mC1.��, a fair aad reasonable price accord3.ng to the appra3sal o'�tained by th� Cc�m�3.�tee on Lands; and . _ p i�kiE�EAS, Said Cr�i.�tee ha�s r�eoaunended the p�rchaae of said. prop�r�y at � � the price atated above, as evidenced by the letter of asid A�a3.t�tee sm'i�itted ¢ U hereWi.th; nc��r, -�hereYore, be it �O�VED, �hat p�rsua�t to Section 3�3 at' the Charter ef the City of p Saint Pa�a1, the Ceruacil �� the City of Saist Pavl does hereby a�thorize the LL- purc;hase of the laad described as: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Butler Carlson Approverl 19— Levine n Favor Meredith ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty O • � J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L �V�.'�, Ass't Valuation Engineer � �� BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 City Hall $eint Paul, Minnesote 55102 �55 City Covncil Cit�y of Saint Paul Gentlemen and Ma.dam: �he City of Sa.3.nt Paul, acting thraugh its Paluation Eagineer, has negotiated to purchase cer�ain property described as follaws: Those p arts of the Sc�uth one-ha1P of the Srna.thwest Quarter (SZ SW�) of Section thirty-three (�3), Township twenty-nine (29), xange twenty-two (22), particulaxly described as follows: Commencing at the 1�orthwesterly corner of Zot twenty-eight (28), Bloek thirty (30) in S�burban Iiills, thence Easterly a1on� the �'orth line of Lot twenty-eight (28),one h�dred seventeen aad 80�100 (117.80) feet to a point, thence �orthwe�terly fYfty (50) feet to a point; thence Westerly and paxallel with the North line of said Lot twenty-eight (28), one hundred fift� (150� feet to East line of Movnd Street; thence Sata�theasterly along the Ea�tern line of Mo�und Street to place of' 'beginning, being a part of MeLean's Reservation and bei.ng situated in the Southwest corner thereof, being the pro•perty described in Book 20� of Deeds, page 8; aiad a1so, co�encing at the Sov.theast corner of Lot fYPteen (15), Drakes xearraugenent of part of Bloek 11, MeLean's xesex�ration to St. Paul; thence Saath fit`ty (50) feet to 8orth line af A�aditor's Subdivision Ao. 15, St. Paul Minn.; thence West to Northeast corner of Lot one (1), Auditor's Subdivision l�o. 15, St. Paul Minn.; thence North fifty (50) feet; thence Ea,st to place of beginning, beiag'° property deseribed in Book 701 of Deeds, page �+85. The owners of the above descr3bed land, �Tilliam F. and Sue L. Peerson, have accepted an offer tendered them by the City ia the amaunt of $8,500.00 as compensation for sale of t�e land to the City. -2- �his property, including land and buildings, is needed by the City of Saint Paul for the expansion of the Nio�rxn.ds Playgraund. In v3ew of the reasonable price for which it can be purchased, said priee being the appraised fair and reasonable market value therefore, we, the Comm3.ttee or� I,and.s, do recozmnend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it authorize the purchase of said land in lieu of condemtiation proceeclings at the price of $8,500.00 . �Tery t o�ars, ayor � Purchasing Ag t � d � 'ss3.one f Paxks, Recreation an Public Buildings ,`�. . -�' �� '�r�� , , �...t,c� ,r Co�oa.:ssioner oP F3.nance