251415 • 25��, $1t1��',LyTO CITY CL6RK ���� + 1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. � ' . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED� T t pursua.nt to Section 231.02 of the �Saint Paul Legislative Code ertaining to Sewer Service Char es (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1, 1970�� and upon the recommendation of the Department of Public Works, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Sewer Service Charges to be levied and collected during the year 1971, which charges sha.11 be as follows: 1) First 100,000 cu. ft. per month 22� per 100 cu. ft. Next 200,000 cu. ft. per month 20� per 100 cu. ft. Next 200,000 cu. ft. per month 17� per 100 cu. ft. Next 500,000 cu. ft. per month 13� per 100 cu. ft. All over 1,000,000 cu. ft. per month 10� per 100 cu. ft. 2) The minimum charges for properties served by sewers during the year 1971 sha.11 be based upon water meter sizes, and in the amounts as follows: Q Water Meter Size Charge � � � 3/4" Meter and smaller . . . . . . . .$ �.60 per quarter c� 1" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.30 per qua.rter ° � 1 1/4" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.80 per month � � 1 1/2" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.40 per month �: 2" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 per month a <� �7 3" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.00 per month `� 4" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.00 per month � 5" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 per month �' 6" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 per month 8" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172.00 per month 10" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246.00 per month 12" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340.00 per month and, be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approved 19— Levine _ln Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty O • �5���5 � 'ORI`O!-AL TO CITY CLlRK '�. --� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO. . � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED !Y COMMISSIONER DATF 2. FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha.t for those properties served by a water meter of one-inch 6� less, the Sewer Service Ra.te Charge for the first qua.rterly statement rendered by the City for 1971 sha.11 be the rate to be charged the same property for the rema.ining qua.rters of the year 1971; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, Tha.t property located outside the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul and using the City of Saint Paul's sewer system sha.11 be cha.rged an additional amount so as to equate their total Sewer Service Costs with property located within the City of Saint Paul, with additiona.l cost to be based on the water meter size, and in the following amounts: Water Meter Size Cha.rge 3/4" Meter and sma.11er . . . . . . .$ 4.50 per qua.rter 1" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 per qua.rter 1 1/4" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.25 per month 1 1/2" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 per month 2" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.75 per month 3" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 per month 4" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.50 per month 5" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66.75 per month 6" Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96.00 per month COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co��E� 4 19i 0 19— Yeas Nays Butler DEC '� 1'7� Caxlson prov 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka , A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED DEC 1 � 1970 � . z �ly�,� �� . � 1�60 uischland parkway �t . �aul, �.?�inn. 55116 Decq�bar 4, 1970 T hQ '-��rorabl� Charlos P. '��eC�.rty, ?�'�,yor of thQ City C� ty T-?a 11 15 -�• K�llo�� �lvd. ;t. Paul, �Iinn�sota 551�2 D�ar It?ayor ?+�cCarty; Durin� tho last two months, 7 h�,vs followad �ri t?� som3 ir.t9r9st th� discussi�n in the press cor.cernin� the for`mulation of ratss for s9wage based or. a flowa�e flat r�.te, such that ir.dustry would �ay its risrhtful shar•9 of th� costs . T was distr9ssed to rgad that thQ Chamber of Commerce had com� forward w�th �,r_ �.r�axum�nt that it was som�how ur.fair, afte� so ��,ny years of froA r9dir.�, th�,t irdustry sho�ald be ask�d to pay a flat rate, as if ir.dustry had earned some kind. r�f vestAd r��Zhts in a sew�.sxn subsidy, and t!�at th� r•atss w�uld. som�?�ow become "squitabl�"vif a �raduat�d scale wer� used . ThQ attach�d two pasre sssay, " �quity"�" is my �.ttempt to sriv� snme th�u�ht to th� oth�r r�.rtlas t� th�s cons�der�,tior., the ordinary citiz�r.s of this City, th� onss who aren '� r�prAs�r.tPd hoCv today by � C�amb�sr of Commerce. r�?y bQst w�.s?�es ar� for• you , T!I�.yor r�rcCar•ty, ard for th9 pmOpl� �f th� City of �t . �aul. �ir.cQrAly y�urs, � � � c�'��, � . Fr�dsrick A. em��'ng. , . . . u �quity?�� � -, Thqre is much talk of b�in� "Pquitabl�" wjth the ir.dustry, �nd Qasin� thq burden of th�ir sewa�e costs on a floWa�q basis, t�r^uszh thA uso of a �r•�.duat�+d scale of usar• r•atee wh� ch wr�uld ��rmit ths irdustrial usar t� �et chAap s�rvicg comvar�d to the homs owr.Pr. ?'�?�s thsory of equit�� ia one that was drsamed up ir. the officos of tha Chambor of CommAree, wh�r� thA busin�ss intsresta of this City form�alate thqir lobbyin� policy. '?ut "�quity" i� not �r�h�.t on�+ p�rty thinks w�uld b� fair to him, but it i� wh�t a c�ur�t dqcides is fair for the whols of the irt�rqsts in thv dispute. ThA ��9tropol�.tar. �ewQr D�.strict mrs�tment Plant �t Pi� 's �ys h�.� a dia�xram on th� wall of th� lobby in tha administration build�ns� ; ir_dicatinsx th�,t th� plant ( ir. 1967) har.dled thQ sewa,�s f�n 1,300,000 ?��opl� and from irdustry in an amount oquiv�.-lart to 700,000 peopl�. �r•e•�:te� than one third of th� c�,pacity of thg plar.t was devot�d to th� tro�.tmQr.t of industri�l eaw�.�e. Did irdustry �o�,y on� third of the costs? qppar�rt_,ly th�y did not, mh�y wors s�att'!r_� a �r��t baraain. Tf th9re 30���in� to cs a �Z�r.u�r.Q �ffort to bQ equi t�abl�, som� way w�uld b-= found of f�r•cir industry to pav u_� for thQ mary vears wh�n 3t slorp�d in t � pub ic tr•ou�h. ^'obody has ask�d irdustry ;n 3t . Paul to mak� an eguitabl� sattlem�nt with thQ �oopl� of thia co�emunity, by rayin� for ths eorvi c�s w!�ich thoy roc�ivod durir� th� many y�ars wk�on tho sowor char�as woro arbitr�.rily pa��sd to tho diam�t�r of th� p�po �r_t�rin� th� establishm�nt . Fr�om th� st�.r.d- po�nt of thn c� tizen, t!�at w�u1d be "sauity," b�causA it would sav� the ci tiz�r_ snm� :nonQy, ar.d it w�uld roturn to him some of thD subsid ,v that h� ur.kr.owin�xly �,r.d un�.aill�n�ly �aid out to thg 9rdustries �f this ar•Qa, ?'h�r� is no axcuso what�vqr for a �rr�,du�,t�d scale of s�wa�o r�t9s , othor than that ths Ch�.mbQr of Commerce has brou�ht �r�ssur� to be�r• or tho City C�uncil, in behalf of thsir cli�nt, th� local ir_dustry. mha arseum�r.t has b��n 9XT?rqS$�?d that if �t . Paul do�sr. 't give this sxraduat�d rate c�ncsssion, that industry w�ll not be attracted into th� City, ar.d that p4op1� will losa thsir �obs. �t the same time th�►y arguA th�t th� ratn cor.cossion is ,�ust tempor�.r�y, until ir_dustr•y can mak� �.d,�ustmants on thai r w�,tpr usa�e. mh�so ar�u- mants aro cnr.flictin�r and spurious. �irst of all, th� pQox�lA who mi�ht contAmplat� forming nsw buslness in St . paul Would do �o w�th th� und�rst�,rdirQ th�t wa�Ar cor.sorvir_� facjllti�s ar� a must. ��cond , it is unl�.k91y th.�.t �,ny exietirg industry will mov9 out b�causs th�y hav4 to p�.y tho�r f�,ir shar9 of th� sQwa�e bi11. ��V�Art of t'�js co�t :r,�.y mak� tho oper�.tion l�ss profitabZQ, but jt rQ�d not be thu�, b�caus� th�y h�.vs control over thA pricQs th�t th�q char�ra for th�ir products, ard t�oy c�,n nass it alor.�c t� th� consumer . Thgy can char�o off as a lesritimate o�eratir� coet , asza�nst thoi r ir.c�m� ta�c, thA �.dd °_ ti �nal cost . �f CnL�rSg tha net rQsult may b� that they wor. 't bA so profit�bl9 as ff thoy had con- • ' - " �qu�t��� {2� tinusd to r�c�ive a subs�dy from th� p�oplsof thA city. '^'9 h�.v� hs�.rd it s�.id th��t thD C11:t7�t4 would not b4 so favorabl� f�r ir.dustry, if sQwa�e rat�s wore based on a strict flowa�e. vgt wh� has consjdored that th� "climat�" for humar. b��n�s, r�esidents r�f th� C�ty of St. Paul is not so favorabl� wh�r. thQy h�.vs to pay a disprop�rt�nnat9 amount of th9 9a_wa�xs cost, th9rsby subsidizin� �ndustiy. In a city as lar�� as this on�, thQrA is a ma�ginal f�m�ly somQwherQ for which the diff�rerce ir. th� subsidy amount will d�'�.�e them urderwater. *Tow we all knoW th�,t Hoern�r��,�aldorf Compar_y ha�s bsen mention�d p��minsntly 1n th� news as one of tho grqatest bsnefactors from the laraAss of the citiz�ns of this �ity. Th� m�dia of tbis City have variously r�p�rt�d the "�.�ldorf bill with �r��duated fea, at �6��F,000 comp�rAd to �782 ,000 for proportionat� feg (PionAer pr�ss TTov. �) or �72�,000 (Pi�n�er Pr�ss TTov. 10 ) ; and in tho rTov�mber 21 issuA nf th� Pionner Pr�ss, �Rr. Spr•aPka is auoted as say�n�, "The fi�m f�o�rr.er=nlaldor�] ?�as bAAr. payjn� bs�tween �30,000 and �40,000 a y�ar. ?3ut th� bill w�uld bs �1.1 million at flat rate ar.d about `�700,000 �iduated , ��prafka s�,�d] ." r?ow that lat�r fi�ure su��z�ssta that by substitutlon of a �raduat�d �AA for a flat rate, tho �osrrAr=•laldorf Corp w�uld benefit by '�400,000. ?f uoerner=�laldorf d�ear_ 't pay that increm9nt, ths taxpayers �f thA city of St . Paul will havs to do it. Th� 1970 U. S. Consus �howed that thp City of 3t. Paul had a popul�tion of 30£,686 peot��s; " Surv�y of �3uyin�x Pow�r" for 1967 sh�wod 104,000 families. �io�rner-`�taldorf 's ber.afit w�uld havs to bq mad9 up for by an amount equal to about �1 fo�` evQry citizon in tho city, or about ��+ for every f�m9ly unit. �3y wh�t process of devious reasonin� can it be said th�,t th�� is "9quity" in a plan that shifts that cost from pro9per•ous, cost-flsx�iblA industry or�o ths citizens , ;�ar.y of whom ar9 livin� on �ixsd incomss and m�ny of whom are cau�ht up in thA ,�aws of th9 soomin�ly interminabl� inflation? That 's not equity, th�.t 's a form of corporata crime. �3ut thi s probl�m is not p9culiar with tho '�ioarn�r��laldorf Corp�ratj �n but to ir.dustry, Qity wide. If tho f�,mily unit 9ub9idy is �4 for T-�o�rn�r-"�laldorf, what is it fo� City wide ir_dustry? T car 't calculate it b�cause t?�� t'i�ur�s havn 't be�� mado av�.ilabl� by th� pr•Qss, or by tha Chambsr of Commerce. ?f ws �o back and c�.�culat� tho subsidy on th� bas�s of th� r'ovAmber � o� 10 f iauros, abovs, tho ir,jury s6Ams l�ss off�rsive, yst why do it at all? Tndustry has 4arr.ad no "v�sted riszhts" to subsidizqd s�wer s�rv�ce, ar.d th�r� i� r.o lo�ic�.l rqason w�?�► th�y should ba srr•�.nted this favor , sxcept for thsir r.owar ir. th9 Council. City �nvQrnm�r.t nu�ht to serve the psople, �.r.d thQy ou�ht to d9morstrato thAir z�al to do so by sstablishin� th� flat rats for sewasro flowasros. .' •'� ' � -ti Soms Data pertir.�nt to thQ 5ewsr RatQs Problem Populati�n o�' th� Citv of �t. paul is 30�?,6�6 [1970 c�nsus] *Tumber of f�.miliea is 104,300 [1967 , ;3urvQy of '�uying PoW4r] sas m�ters i.n thA City r.umber 90,�0� [Mark4t suid9s] . '��'�.t�r m�t�rs in tho C1 ty: ^'o ava�.lable data. pressnt Cost of Sewers S9rvice is �asgd on th� Size of the �r.put pipe: Pipe Rate App�"ox. Rel. diam. (�n. ) quarter month year Carryins� Capacity 1/2 '�1.�0 �7 .20 0.25 5/�, 3/4 l.�0 7 .20 1 3.30 13.20 1 1-1/4 1. 50 1�.00 1.56 1-1/2 2.10 26.�+0 2.25 2 4.20 50.40 �+.00 3 9.00 1.0�.00 9.00 4 18.00 216.00 16.00 5 36,00 432 .00 36 .o0 � 60.00 720.00 54.00 l0 90.00 lo�o.00 100.00 12 120.00 1440.00 144.00 *Tote th�.t th� r�,tas cor`rdlate n�coly wjth the cross sQcti�nal ar•aa of th� pipe. But r.oto th�.t th� crc�ss sACtional�.area doesn 't tell anyth�n� about thg throucrhnut per day, but or.ly the rQlativs pe�k carr-yin� c�,pacity. ';�T�,t�r Rat A s F1rst 50,000 cubic feQt 25� p�r 100 cubic feet rText 450 ,000 20 �ver 500,000 15 rTot4 th�.t tho larsr� volum9 user r�c�ives a rQducti on on th� cost of his watpr�. Now m�.ny us4rs 1n th� City of 5t. �aul actually usA morg th�,n 500,000 cubic f�et? ;sr. 't that a dir•4ct sub�idy to_�? ,A`m? 'ahy should tho n?orle �;vs �'�hA giant water users a discount or_ th�ir w�,t�r �oin�r into thAir plar.t and th� sgwaga Qoin� out as wAll?