251406 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL[RK � �* CITY OF ST. PAUL o�Nci� ND 5���V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 NCI ESO ION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ` ATE �S��VED, `�hst oppy �Io�ore, Inc. be and herEby is granted a permit to ins�all a r�ew u�ed-Qar 1ot on proper��r iocated on the eas� sid� of Smith Av�nue between Kellogg Bot�lev�rd aad We�t Fifth Street, more parti�ularl� d��arib�d a� followss All of Bloek 5�#, �tiae and Irvirie �s addi�ion to Ssin� Paul; �11 in acaordanc� with final plan� dated Received OEtober 29, 1970; sub�ec� to the condition that aa3d appliean�-permittee, ar�d it� ��ace�sor� and assigns, ahall make du� complianae with a11 appliaable provision� of �at�ieipal ord3.raanae�, �tate ��at�te� and rules and regulation� of publie authorities ha.ving 6ognizanae. � � c � 0 V �, �� c �, o O i � o � a a Q U ' � � C� Q � UrC 3 19�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��� 3 ��,� Butler Carlson A 19— Levine �ln Favor Meredith ` � Sprafka V or Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED p�C 51910 �� � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 November 24, 1970 � �„�:? �. � Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Koppy Motors, Inc. for a permit to install a new used-car lot on property located on the east side of Smith Avenue between Kellogg Boulevard and West Fifth Street. This property is further described as: All of Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition. This matter was first heard on October 15, 1970, when it was laid over because no one was present representing the application. At the November 5, 1970, meeting, the staff reported that the Traffic Engineer had recommended driveways be installed to a width of 26 feet. The final plans show a width of 20 feet for the driveways. The staff reported that final plans also lack curbing or wheelstops, but that the staff has added :these-.a�ong .the property line except at the point where the showroom building is closest to the property line. Right-of-way has been acquired along the western property line for the widening of Kellogg Boulevard. If a sidewalk is built here in the future, it wi11 be within 8 feet of the showroom and customer entrance. The staff .felt that wheelstops here might be a hazard to customers. The staff recommended a barrier be extended from the building to the property line at points some distance either side of the customer-entrance door, using either a raised concrete slab or wheelstops at these points, leaving pedestrian access open. Mr. Koppy, the applicant, said he is interested in keeping this 8-foot wide area between the building and the property line open. He said that since Fifth Street is one-way, a car driven from the southerly portion of the establishment to the used-car lot would have to go completely around the block if this area were closed off. In response to a suggestion from the Board for a bumper-high fence along the property line, Mr. Koppy expressed concern over customer access to the property and their convenience in moving around the display cars. In discussing this problem, some members of the Board felt a potential hazard could exist by the possibility of cars encroaching on the public right-of-way at Kellogg Boulevard. Consequently, the Board heard a motion for approval of the application, subject to the installation of wheelstops to protect the public right-of-way. The _. _ motion was seconded and carried by a 3-1 vote. " Wheelstops have been entered on the plan along the property line in conformance with the Board 's recommendation. Very truly yours, ,- ��;� � , � , - � ,. `� _ ' "� / � __:.� �_��/- � � � E'i'ER J �ifA'IETTA _E . PJM:gaf Secretary, Board of Zoning � v PLR �O Z. F. ��7051 , � City of Saint Paul, �innesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERl1idIT , (Please print or type) TO TFIE FiONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY GOUN+CIL yb the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, I�innesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconatruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION . No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: �Z MISCEI.I�ANEOUS: t18ed Ca3'i (indicate type such as Drive-in Befre�hment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: rj0 *Location : Eaat Situ of 3sith �s��reen i�ellogg and W. 5th 3taaet Legal Description : Lot --�.,�.�--� Block .{y�— Addition A�O� gAd ,f^c� I�T1.� Applicant's Name : �(p� p�}�r�� �� Home or Office Address: �5 l�ia gti�e�, � �� �; �;� ;, Phone Number , �3� �: > ' /: j . _ ,; , FOIt/BY T� APPLI �.,; r f•, . f�' `,� • ��� � ;� � � : . / ' §11������'; J• J�� `� ^ , _ . � �+1�''1�0 t�aUl f�d,�,.�., � � a�ur (date �������f�� , so ��' Address� ; 345 Mai2i 3�t�est St. P+�ut1s Mi,msespt,a t$ Pboae No.: �••�'� When completed: file three copies o� this application form and t� prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, Citq Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of l�afn St. and First St. 2. 3outh side of Main St. between First and Second St. �� ZONI N G FILE '�� � O�tober 15, 1970 '�Kll OF ZONING REPORT A[vD ACTION November 5 19 n � �� , l3t ��:�� ��4 '. Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 �-- passed Aug�ist 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 197�. 7051 � _� - - �. .;d'i� ;; i��,�'1f; . KoPPY Motors, Inc. 10�8 � - �,;,^�.�5 f�'ICA'1'I�)N . � Amendment 0 A �eal X >> X-958 j p, ❑ � �rmit � �)ther I �' • `�"��' � �'- . Install a used-car lot � �, , ;,���c,�;,;��; � East side of Smith Avenue between Kellogg Boulevard and W, Fifth Street .. . _.F�:;A;, ��F�SC�2TPTI0;! : All of Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition �� � . :.::�!:,;�'; I��i1lid�';; Commercial % "'1:<:;.;,;'1``,' 1'� '<'onin� Code Chapter; 60 Section; .05 Paras�raph: f t , �'Ir,t'F T.I�V�;TI�;ATI�N F� R�PORT; Date: 10/8/70 By: ATIi A. HIS'l'ORY: ltecordti indicate that part of this block was used for a fillin�; sl�tion site ancl a used-car lot priur to 1940. 19. AREA 'LON(NG: `The entire area is zoned Commercial. C. DESIGN 5TANDARDS : The final plan dated Received 10/29/70 meets the required standards except for curbing and wheelstops which the staff has added. The City Council granted informal approval of this application on 9/29/70. D. FKONTAGE AND Af�'FA: The location, as described by the applicatic,n, i s tfit� bl,>c•k bounded by Kellogg Boulevard, Smitti Avenue, West 5th Street, and Main Street. The area of this block is approximately 54,000 square feet. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engineer reviewed the plan as it pertains to traffi� and recommended the driveways be installed with a width of 26 feet. F. SITE CONDTTiONS: 'i'he site is occupied by a new car showroom, with a new adclition and a repair gara�;e, Used cars are displayed on the site. The westerly �>art oI the block has heen cleared. G. AREA CONDITIONS: This block is in the Housing and Redevelopment Auttiority 7 Corners Renewal Area. Part of the area tias been cleared for the proposed Civic Center and approaches for Interstate 35E. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Reco�nend �X Approval � Denial �- Counci 1 Cetr.F�r Dat��d � Moved by : McPartlin Yeas Na s y 11/24/70 Gacller ,� --- - -- Seconcied by: Maietta GauKer n�3rc� �I� 1[c�arin�, Secretarv 's remarks : x Maietta L1/25/70 - Mansur — x Ames - Ch. Council Action Subject to installing wheelstops . x McPartlin (Alt .) Adki.ns (Alt.) Date Rutzick (Alt. ) ___. � V � � � F�R� � S� �, �',q. � � . , P P p �6 ' • Q . i i • � � � • q �h � � � � q w � � � : --_-, � f ST. • , ,�% � , w I � A � P. Z , � � Q a � �, � ; 1 / � . � ; � o F�FN P A x �;; T W � ST , � - � q Y � . �' c� � . ; � '�'F 'C • P �� � . ,c� ► � : �c Y P A� , � � ''� FD�R T r ,� . ''� H , ` � � r , c ti ti B�� V ' O ;� FS � . ; , 2Ci '� �_ -------------- • �` � ---- - , �� _ �., . APPLIC�NT Koppy Motors, rn� . LEGEND PU�POSE Install a used-car lot LAND UJE O ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING Commercial ' '{�' TWO-F/aMILY PETITION SIGNERS � THREE-FAMILY FQUR- f=�i�lLY � MULTI-FAI'viILY FILE No. �os� NoR�H n �COiJIf+li��tCIAL INDUST�iAL v VACANT St. Paui Plonning Board, Date: lo/s/�o � Property under considerotion ,� MINUTES OF TgB PUBLIC HEARZNG BEFORE TAE BOARD OP' ZONING on Tharsday, October L5, 1970, at 2:00 P,Me PR„�,�F.SENT: Messra. Ames, McPartlin, Mansur, and Rutsick of the Soard, and Mesaxs. Roaetter and Sorensaa, and Mrs. FxanCzen of the ata�f. Mr. Ken Skrien of the Corporation Counsel's office was present fos gart of Che public hearin�g. ROPPY MOTORS. INC.: An applic�tian for a pez�tt to install. a used-car lot oa ?roperty locaCed on the esst side af Smfth l�venue between Kell.ogg Baulevard and Bast Fifth Street. Since the spplicaat did not have a representative at the public hearing, I�r. MePartlin maved for a iayover of this pennit until the No�recaber S, 1970, meeeing. 2he anotfon was s�conded by Mre Msnsur, a�d carried �nanimausly. Submitted by: Paul Le Rosette� Robert L, Ames, Chairmen � i -19- City Clerk � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court Hoose 55102 November 13, 1970 File X958, Page You are hexeby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. paul at 10:00 a.m. on November 25, 1970 on the application of Roppy Motors, Inc. for a pertait to install and aperate a new used-car lot on the property described ae follows: All of Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition. The property is located on the East aide of Smith Avenue between Rellogg Boulevard and West Sth Street. For further information, contact the P2anning Board, Raoin I010 C�mmerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. This notice of a public hearing has bcen sent out from the Departmeat af Fiaance in cc,�lienc_ e with the Citv Charter. Rt�ALIS L. BUTLER Coa�nissioner of Finance O �� sD �° , R,.` �s� . City ot Saint Paul, Minnesota gyou,qo APPLICATION FOA SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE HIDNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new �cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: �x MISCELI.ANEOUS: Used Cars (indicate type such as Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: 50 *Location : East Side of 5mith Between Kellogg and W. 5th Street Legal Description : Lot 1_2_3 Block 63 Addition j�i,Ce and I2'Vine Applicant's Name : Koppy 1�tors, Ine. Home or Office Address: 345 Ma� Street Phone Number : 222-3(�,,3 FOA/BY TftE APPLICANT, � � � �-19-70 r 8 �natj r�) ' (date) Address , 345 Main Street St. Paul, M3,nnesota Phone No.: 222-36L,,3 four When completed: file three copies of this application foraa and t��ee prints of tbe preliminary Lay-out plans of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Safnt Paul,` Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � MINU'�ES 0� "�'HF PUB.L�ZC ���R�?C B�F�RIE �'4�IE }3�1RD OF ZC�I2NG an Ttaursday, Ivo�reu�be� S, �.970, at 2.:00 PoPie PAESENT: N�essrso Ames, Gadlers McPrartcliti�a, and I�faietea of the Board, and Dx. �F�tden, Messrs� Rosetter, Ry$n, and Sorenson, P1is. Fr�ntzen� �nd Miss Sperr c�� t�e s��s�f. Mx�e McPartlin maved far approval of the minutes from �'he October 15, 1970, Brrard af Zoria.ng mee�ing, The mot3on wgs seconded by Mr, Gadler, and carried un�nimoc�s ly. KOPFY MOTORS. INCo: An spplic���.oaa for � pe�i� to install � nQta used-car lot on property 1oc2ted on the esst side of Smitl�a Avenue betc�een Kellogg Bnulevard anci Wast Fi�th S�reeto Tl7is mattcer �aas laid over fz�rn �tae October 15, I970, Board cs� Zor.ing meeCing aince a repressn��rive kp�� xior p�es��.t �t that ysuhlic hearing for �he appl.icsnt. Mr, I�osetter summarizerl th� stg�f regast, � part of the file„ stating that the enti�e area is zoned �o�nerc��l,e �'he fa�.�l p?an dated Receiveei IO/29/70 meets the required des�$r� ��andarda �:�cc�pt fe�r cuxbir�� and wheelstops �,�hich the staff has added. The City Council rrant�d baiforma� �ppaoval af this �pplication on 9/29/70, The Traffic Eng�.�aeex �ev�.ew�d �he p2an as iC pertai�s to �raffic, and reco�nded that the drivew,�ys '�e inst��.led saieh � wideh of 26 feet. He noted th�t the City k�as acc�ufr�d p�o�e�ty �p t:r� the pav.�� parking lato �ir, Rosetter stat�d that �t�� C�,ty m.ey be afc�rd r�� eaacxo�r.nmen� onto this rigtat-of-wayo He said that wheelstasg� ��e felt tm be� ne�r?ed in ord�r. C� seop th� possible e�ncra�a chraent. Mr, I�o 3o Km�py, repr�seat3ng tiie ap�'�ication, s;�id thaC thege are 8 �eet between ttxe right-of-way and th�ir bu�lciing. t�c� not:pd Iae is interested in kPep�ng this open siuce Fif4h S�reet �.� encR�x��j. A p�rso�t wou�d h�ve �o go completel� around the block if this is cloe�d off� I�� s�i�i h� aees x�a laa�.ard to t�e City by keeping this open, but said theq have no ob�ec�ion �o ir�:sta�l�r_g wheelstops. He ttien pointed ou� tli�t th�s i� priva�e praperty ownecl 6y Koppy Motor�e Mro Ames questione� the g�ss�bilitv of prs�ting up a f�nceo Mro Gadler said that he felt �h�t mi�h� be � hazarcS �.a peop�.� who were w,alking there�, Mra Koppy replied th:t a sidew�lk will ��� go thre�ugh ora �lze east side of Kellogg Boulevarde He pointed out �that E:h�t woca3.d �er�rr� z�e� a�.� eucept la�s place of busines�o M�, Roaetter s�id that the ����i?�►g st��f I�aa r��ked �or plaas of �his are�a �nd ao d�cis�.o� ��s been msde �� ta z�her� �:h.:� sideca�al8� r>�i�.l beo �ix� �Sc1'ar�I�.n, auggested th�t som���ing could a�w��� �S� put �n I�+t�r,, He said tha•L wheelstops should be pu� �n, bu� moth3r��; �?�� a� t���s timea �ira '�af.etta said thexe �s a defi�eitp haza�d present< -1� .�, KOPPY �iOTaRS� ��ICa (lI./5,17�} �Con�in.�e.i�: Mr, �mes asked Mra Koppy if lie is willin� to provide some tyge af a bumpeg so t►�at cars c�on't encrc�ach onta pubZic property. Mra Rosetter said that if the w��lee�st�ps were �ovcd back, th�y wo�2d also se�re that gur�sas�o Mra Gadler questioned :�f tt�ere eaou2d be �;�y trees an this prcoperty< Mro Kapgy said thBt no trees �aauld b� p:anted fiti�re. Mr. Gadler seaggesced that there should be some rype af urdinance covering this for e�ch new building, Mra McPar�2in moved f�i� appraval o� ihe application, subj�ct to installing whe�lstopso The motioax wss �econded by l�ra Mmiet�e, and c�arried wi�� Nir�. �ad].ez� voting in opgositfon bec�use �f the iar_�C of trees. ��ai�a�.r LtPd by: P��L I,� I�osette� Ro��rC .L,o Am�s, �Cha.frmsn �2� - �� ..,;,,,'�°.L",e ..j;• .. �� : STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CONSTRUCTION DISTRICT g tY46 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN. 55104 November 19, 1970 I�s. Rosalie L. Butler Commissioner of Finance City of St. Paul 11.3 Court Hou�e St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 In reply refer to: 319 S.P. 6280, T.H. 35E Layout C-100 East Side of Smith Ave. between Kellogg Blvd. and W. 5th St. Your File X958 Dear Mrs. Butler: In reply to your notice of a public hearing, scheduled for November 25, 1970, regarding an application of Koppy Motors, Inc. for a permit to install and operate a new used-car lot on Blocic 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition. The proposed construction of Interstate 35E dces not affect thzs property. However, the City of St. Paul's plans, to reconstruct Kellogg Blvd. and relocate W. 7th St. , east of the Minnesota Highway Departmentts proposed construction, does affect this property. Szncerely, v:;� ._��,1,.,.,,. (a,���.,.:�— William C. Merritt District Engineer � O , `�•._�:,;;:: .,�,,.�- <,�.��x ` � �.�. ��W;: ��� '�"�=��. � � �,� � .�<.;;:aG. � — ! !i�'�:�f = �f�'.t: ,� F�T . �, x;' ., >, : , ,-, . � � � .... � . , � . . _ ... „e _ .., . . - .,� . .. . -.-.. yy', .,_ \.. . . �� i' .�. � . f � �;�i r.,: �.� .. . �';� i � ' '! ;ta t�:,�y � ' :.\ ' � �1:: --- .., .. . �� ` ' „���, � QC 1 . � l���:� � ��� � , F �, � �,�: i , � � �� ,_�.� . .. �� _,,,s.�"— '.� . :i: §, t , � ,... . . . .�p ,.,z � ....r�` ; ....,..... :�" _ _ .�'" _ _ _ _ _ ������ ���i. ---�-��� , � „ , ��: . � . _�f . . � � � . . .. � , . _<. � ,. _ ':t..a `t^'»3�bli$. , .. r ,.. �?;. . . . .�a.,::;,'i., .... � . � . ., ,+ 'i�: ;..�. . .� i� ,3}.�, .i§�'�... .?� �.°w� `'' ,ztia . . �,5. ���r, 9 � ,1 ... � .,c, " � ti+.b..... ��r � � . 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