251404 c OR16tNAL TO CITY CL6RK 251����4 CITY OF ST. PAUL �°NC1L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' I RE TI -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /'�� COMMISSIONE "'`�' ATF EtESOLWED, by e Co�ncil of � City of Saint Pa�al, in the matter of conde�nning and t�kin� tor the pr�posed Fro�t Lake Recreation Area, the following descri.bed landz Lot� se�en (7) , eight (8) , ten (10) , elev�n (11) , twelve (12) and thirtee� (13) in Block thirty- eight (38) in Ma�field's Subdivision of Lots 37 and 38, Pioneer Real Estat� and �t�ilding Soeiety' s Sixbdivision, Saint Paul, a�d the �djoining one- half (1/2) of th� �djoining vacated alle�s, subject to �onditions and reservations coatained in Ordinanc� �To. 3394 as amended, rel�tive to s�.id alley, according to the recorded plat tlz�reof on file and of reeord in the office cf the �tegi�ter of Deeds in and for �2ams�y Co�anty. Lots niae (9) , fonrteeA (14) aad fift�e�a (15) , Block thirty-eight (38) , Mayfield's St�bdivi�ion of Lots 37 and 38, Pioaeer Ae�l Estate and Building �oci�ty's Subdivision, Saint Paul, together with adjoining psrts � of wacated streets and alleys whi�h acerued thereto by � operation of l�w= and all th�t part of un-ntunbered pareel ,� in said Block thirty-eight (38) (about 81 feet i�a length � north and south and eliptical in outline) which liea nortb m of the sonth line of said Lot fifteen (15) , extended west, together with that part of the adjoining streets which � accrued to the property herein deseribed by operation of law upon vacation ther�of, according to the recorded plat � thereof on file and of record in the office of th� Register �- of Deed� in and for Ramsey Cotuityf duly ratified by Resolution of the Council of the City of 3ai�at Pmul, Council File No. 244730, approved �uly 2, 1969, that the award of COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approved 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � .. - ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCIL N0, �51���4 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF 2 damages made to Gladys Made, $5,643.75 of which wa� pre- �iously paid to Anit� Ruth Miller, Gen�ral Guardian of said Gladys Made, Ward,under Resolutior� of th� Co�ncil of the City of Saint Paul, Couricil File No. 245939, approved October 15, 1969, a�nd the court order provided therefor, � a�d the balance retained in the Cit� �reasnry, shall be and hereby is increased to the total sum of $9,500.��= and be it RESOLVl�D FURTHE�, That th� proper �ity officers are authorized and directed ta pay the balanee of the increased amount of $3,$56.25 to Anita Ruth Mill�r as gnardian of c�ladys E. M�de, Ward, and Jamas C. Tarbox, attorney, upon dismi�sal of the app�al from the �ward of damages, such payment to be made from P'�nd �io. 600U-501, L 7145. U�C 3 1�i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Nayg Q�� 3 ���� Butler Carlson ed 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka yor �Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHEO QE�C �J� ��