251399 A ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK 251��9 , CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nci� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM COMMIS�S�IONE Robert rafka " �- ATF RESOLVED� That the proper officers of the city of Saint �aul are hereby suthorized to pay to Barton Contracting Cc�mpany on Partial l�stiwate No. 7, Contract No. L-9002, Citq Froject No. 69-G-1889, for the Improvevent of Streets, Alleqs and Sidewalks in C�iSUS TRAG"T 9 a�d 10, Cc�ntract A, said esti�ate being paid for the period of October 16, 197� to November 20, 1970, and such other partial estisates on said contract that ffiay be presented subaeqnently by said Contraetor and approved by the City Bngineer, it being the und�rstanding af this Council t13at such partial paysent mr paysents�on partial estimate or estieates en said Contr�ct in no way are to be construed as an act by the City or any of its egents, servants or eaployees eatending the tiae specified for the caapletioa or in any waq changing the term: of said contract, plans or specifications thereof� nor in a�y way rwr by any �eans shall this r�solution C���or payment, or pay�nts mmde under a�thority of thie resolntion be construed as a waiver of any of the rights of said City under s�id Contract, provided ' � that prior to pay�eent ot anq cf the aforesaid partial estisate or estimates, said Contractor by its duly authorized agents or corporate afficers, shall file with the City Cosptroller in a form approved by the Ccarporation Counsel an acceptance of the condition� of paq�ent as herei�before set forth, �nd � BB IT F[iRTHER RESOLVSD, That in the absenc� cf said aeceptance b�iAg filed with the City Co�ptroller, no paynent or pay�aents as aforeaaid sl�all b� made. �. A �'a , r,. .;' 'tl j�;i'ir:� ,=, � .- L� t •%� , .iii " . ,..J 4�t`.� . i�.0 31970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��C � ���� Butler Caxlson A 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith � or Sprafka Tedesco --�—Against Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED DEC 51970 �� . 251��9 au�ucwn ro�n�NTeie , CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COR M�M�I55 ONER ge�rt F. gpr�f lu n�TC ' 1tL►�OLVED. That th� prop�r oflic�rs oi th� City o! Saint Zwl a;� 1Nr�by autlroripd to pay to Barton Contractina Co�pany or P�rtiai Esti�at� No. 7, Contract !!o. L-9002, City !'ro��ct tlo. 6!•G-lA8l, ior th� Ispro�a�At o! �trNts� A1l�ys aud SiENwlics ia CiN�O� TRACT 9 and 10, CoAtsact A, ssid �ati�at� b�ie� paid !or th� period of October 16, 1970 to Ilor4b�s 20� 1970, a�d �uch othar psrtial •sti�ates ou said ooatract ti�at ssy ba pr�a�ated subs�qa�ntiy by said Contssctas aad approv�d b� tlu City Ensie�s, it b�ins tl� ntAd�rsts�dins of tbia CewACil tl�at sncb partial psyNnt os pa�ntsoA partial �sti�ata os �stiaat�s on said Coetrsct 1A � vay a�n t� b� constru�d as ae� act by the City ' or any of it� a��s. s�rra�ts •r aplo�NS ac�naie� tl� tia� sp�eifisd !os tb� oa�pl�tion or in ary �ay ctiaa�le� tia t�s�s of aaid coAtract. plans or ' sp.cificatioes tlur�of, nor i� +say wy �ur by any rana aball tl�is r�aolutiou or payNat. or payMnts NdM umd�r autiwrity o� tbis r�aolution b� oonst:ued as a wi��r ot aQy of th� risbts oi aaid City und�r said Coatract, pro�id�d that prior to ps�riwnt of aany o! t1a ator�said �artial, �ati�ats or utiM►tu, •�id Contra�tor by its dnl� wtbori�i a�serts or corporat� ol�ic�ra� alsall fil� witb th� City Co�ptzoll�r i� a fora �►pprov�d by ttu Corporation Couus�l as� accsptanc� oi tlu conditioa� o! pa�r�ent as �l!=�ZAbf�Or� •�t fosth, sod EE IT Ft1RTYbR RESOLVED. Tlut in t1� aba��c� of said acc�ptanc� b�ius fil�d Mitti tb� City Co�ptroll�r. �no pa�nt or p�yNnts u sfor�aaid aball b� wade. �C 3 1970 COUNCII�bIEN Adopted by the Coan�;� 19 Yeae Nays Butler �(�r 3 ��� Carlson Approv� 19— ���e Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� � ro0A171At . Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty °��