251398 ORIGINAL TO�CITY CL6RK �����JI� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �' v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F� NO. COUNCIL R SOLUT ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the Coancit of the City of Saint Paul by Resol;ution, Council File No. 2t1547, apprOWed On MdrCh 8� 1963, recomnended that the Un�ted States Senate Fore�gn Relations Comnittee shouTd act favorabiy on the report of its Speciat Sub-Conmittee recc�nmending ratification of the United Nations Genocide Canvention; and WHEREAS, the Congress of the lJnited States has not ratfified the lJnited Nations �enoc�ide Convention, naw therefore be ft RESOLVED, that the Cour�cit being aware of its re�ponsibility to the citizens of Saint Pa�l feels that the United States is avoiding its responsibility to the citizens of the U�it�d States in having procra.stinated in ratifying the afo�esa�td Convention and that imaediate ratification is in order to show our sincerity in uphoiding and supporting the applicatian of the principles af our Constitution for the benefit of all the peop]es of the v�rld. p,�G 31974 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya iJEC 3 �7� Butler Carlson Ap rove� 19— Levine �in Favor Meredith � Sprafka or A gainat Tedesco �ORM APPROV Mr. President, McCarty Asst. Corporation Co sei PUBLISHED ��C 51970 �� • L..:.�.,._1 , R.�' . G�� � r '1 ��� , �V�'i�vice�ota LABOR COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS 21 I PRODUCE BANK BUILDING • 7th STREET and Ist AVENUE NORTH • MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55403 TELEPHONE: 338-7816 — 338-7817 LOUIS E. LERMAN OCtOU@r 3O� 1970 Executive Director CHAIRMAN OP A.F.L.-C.I.O. HUMAN RiGHTS COMMITTEES FRANK ADAMS Cantral Labor Union MinneapolisA.F.L:C.I.O. �-IOri. William Carlson RAY ALLEN St. Paul City Council A.F.L:C.I.O.Central Body Dul�th Sta.te Office Building 5. LOUIS SHORE St. Paul, Mi.nnesota - Jewish Labor Committee Minneapolis TOBEY LAPAKKO Dear Bill: St.Paul A.F.L,-C.1.0. Trades&Labor Assembly CONSULTANTS FOr 22 years liberals in the United States have been working JOHN CURTIS for the ratification of the Human Rights Convention, notably Director of Organization Hotel&Restaurant Union the Genocide Treaty. The Human Rights Conventions were ANTHONY J. DeZIEL originally drafted by the U. S. delegation at the 1948 meeting Business Representative St. Paul Trades and of the U. N. but due to opposition of 5outhern Senators have Labor Assembiy EDWARD V. DONAHUE nevex been ratified by the Senate. Presidont, Lithogrephers & Photo Egravers, Local 229 PETER D�FAULT Significant progress on this i:.ssue was made in the last yeax. PresidentMinnesote President Nixon sent a message to Congress urgi.ng rati.fication. Chippewa Indian Tribes LLOYD EVANS Senator Fulbxight has indicated that he favors eaxly action by Regional Director the ►�eYla.tO. National Conference ' Christians&Jews . BURTON C. GENIS �rhi].e the St. Paul City Council has acted favoxably on the Assistant Maneger,Minnesota Joint Boerd,Amalqamated Genocide Treaty pxeviously. It would be timely and opportune C�othing Workers ANDREW T. JONES for youx body to again adopt a resolution at this time and forward Ass't. Factory Employment Mgr. the xesolution to Senatox Fulbright and to the Lwo Senators from Honeywe�l, Inc. JACK J. JORGENSEN Minnesota. President Teamsters , Joint Council No.32 ROGER JOURDAIN S7riC0r01�7', Chairman Red Lake Band Chippewa Indians MRS. BEA KERSTEN � � Director A.F.I.-�C.I:O. � Community Services Activities �'���`� MRS. MARY J. KYLE LouiS E. Lexmari Editor and Publisher Twin Cities co���a� Executive Director DR. MERCEDES NELSON , Vice•President Locai 59,A.F.T. , y L-� �J �x;�vt-�-''— DAVID K. ROE lel CC�{C 1 (� e .���,` President Minnesote Federation eriC. � ^ c3 w � � ���^�y�,_,,,����St- �i" �� ` of Labor,A.F.L:C.1.0. .-i.,; , SAMUEL L. SCHEINER .�j �' U-�"L � ����'v� Exeeutive Diroetor ` � ��_ ��e.-�-''t'`� `� � Jewish Communitiy Reletions ;,,.,"?- Council of Minnesota CARL WINN Regional Director A.F.L:C.I.O., Region 13 �'_;:;:,�-•s •�/�er��l J`iere J�� !/�ut �ne Kace—.htumaniEr� �� �eor�e �aorg . }� QUADRUTNCAR TO DQARTMLNT � �`��L,{�8 . - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED tY COMMISSIONER �A*F M�iEit£A�'i, tln� Cmun�ll ot the C4ty af Sa�int P��tt p�y ���rtu�le�, Cew�ctt �'ile 1�0. "11547. appr�vesl ar� �rch #3, 1963, r�e�e�d�d L�at the !#�ited �t.�tea Seaate �arei�n R�lattan� Cc�it�e+� shaerld act tavora�t� +��r the repor� �f 1Ls S�aci�t S�ls..C��it� rec�ttxli� � < < ratlfiution nf � Ua1t�d �1�tlo�s �enmcide Go�w��tf+a�t at� Wi�E�EAS�, thwr Co�gr�tx� c�t t� United Stsl.es lt�s �ot �,�tf1'te� �h+� tri�tifi�M '�atiQas ��oci�e Canv��ttan, n�w th�ret'� be it RE5t3�.Y�iI, tt�t t�e Ga�r�c11 Rt�i�� �►,�tr� of its resc�onsl�ilitv !A tht eittz�� ��` Setir+t paui fects thst the un�t�ci �iaEas i� •yo�ldir� 1ts respanstetalty t� tf�r �t1t'tsen� of t�� tlAitetd �t�et,�s i�t luvir� procra�tinated tr� ratl�,�ing t�e a�for�said C�nventl�t an� t�t l�tadi�tt+r r+�ti�'lcatfoA 1� in order �o �har+ our �i�+r.�tt�► t� g�holdi�� and s�up{�rtlr�q ti� applfe��t�� af` t�+t �rincipie� a�' �wr �a�r�titution !ar th� bene��� �i a1t t�e p�apt�a oi tr�e �orid. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� �EC 3 �,�19— Yeas Naya Butler ,�/� D�C 3 ��� Carlson / ApprnvA� 18_ Levine ` Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � �y°r A gairiSt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� ,� r � � y/� J'�:,. � RUSSELL B.LONG.LA..CHAIRMAN �� � � � J f CLIN'�ON P.ANDERSON�N.MEX. JOHN J.WiLL1AMS.DEL. l � ALBkfiRT OORE,TENN. WALLACE P.BENNETT.UTAH HERMAN E.TALMAD6E.6A. CARL T.CUR71S.NEBR. EU6ENE J.MCCARTHY,MINN. JACK MILLER,IOWA VANCE HARTKE.IND. LEN B.JORDAN.IDAHO I/_�'' J.W.FULBRIGHT,ARK. PAUL J.FANNIN,ARIZ. V 1����¢b .�if af e� ,�ertiaf¢ ABRAIiAM RIBICOFF.CONN. CLIFFORD P.XANSEN.WYO. ��' FRED R.HARRIS,OKLA. HARRY P.BYRD.JR.,vn. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE TOM VAIL,CHIEF COUNSEL WASHINGTON,D.C. 20510 December 10, 1970 Mr. Harris S . Marshall, City Clerk City of St . Paul 386 City Hall St . Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: I have received your letter and the enclosed resolution adopted by the St . Paul City Council regarding the ratification of the Genocide Con- vention, and I appreciate having your views . The �enate Foreign Relations Committee recently reported this measure to the Senate for consideration . I have supported efforts to secure ratification of this Convention in the past and I continue to support it . With best wishes . 'ncerely yours, Eugen J Mc arthy EJM:a � ' ` JOHN SPARKMAN,ALA.,CHAIRMAN WILLIAM PROXMIRE,WI3. WALLACE P.BENNETT.UTAH HAR�I$ON A.WILLIAMS.JR..N.J. JOXN 6.TOWER.TIX. EDMUND S.MUBKIE.MAINE EDWARD W.BROOK6�MASS. TtiOMAS J.MCINTYRE,N.X, CtiARLE3 X.PERCY,ILL. WALTER P.MONDALE,MINN. CFiARLEB E.600DFLL.N.Y. /� ERNEBT F.XOLLINfi3,S.C. ROBERT W.PACKWOOD�OREG. ' �]I�,���¢a ,�if af es ,$¢,r�caf e HAROLD E.HU6NE8,IOWA /T/� ALAN CRANSTON,CALIF. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY DUDL6Y L.O•NPAL,JR. STAFR DIRECTOR AND 6ENERAL CWNSEL WASHINGTON�D.C. ZOS�O December 1�4, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St . Paul, Minnesota 55�02 Dear Mr.Marshall: Thank you very mach for your note and for the enclosed copy of the St . Paul City Council resolution with respect to the Genocide Convention. I have long supported our adoption of this Convention, and I appreciate this information and support from the Council. With warmest regards . S' erely, / . � Wa ter F. Mondale Dec�mber 4 970 ,�°,.�~ .__.. - ����. Hon. ?1�7_ter P✓ondale �/'� �\� � Unitec3 ;�tates Sen�tor "e:n�t� C�f°:��c� }3u�.l.din�; � � i � ?,?astlin�;�t��n, �. C. � � "� �. �� C�c���x• ;,�r�at�r .�4onc3�1_2: � ! ,, / �_, . ynclosed is a capy o '� res�ii��i:pn of��e St. Paul, Minn�s�ta City Councii, Counc �'ile No. �_ .3g8,��et'dopted necember 3, ��37.�, :AGAIlV urgin� ratif'i tion oP the nited Nati�rzs Genoci.de C�nv��n- tion by ttle C�n�;.rps of the Unit rtates . � ���'�—"�� � ��='/ Ver;� trul,y youz•�, � �—._ City C1erk ng \ ;� Dec�mb r �t, 19'IQ P � �.....,....�........•-..-......�,I i -'�-.�-..�......�-...�. �, �„\ �� �, �� Tlon. 4°lill.i�rn _FU.lbri�,ht �-��,� `�.,�� U�ite�3 "tate� ��n�Rtar ��/"�`� , � / 1 �'en�t� �i1'�c�� �uil.c�inr7 � ,;,Ft�;xhin,Ttor�, ;?. C. � / Y4 / � ��caT "Pn�'t�2' r'�B1.�Y'��;ht' `��,,�,��� `J �` ` \ Ilncl�s�d is � c�py of� ��on �f� 'Y�he St. Paul, Mi.nnesota City C��izn�.a.l, Couraril �'�1 ,o. 2 j139�, ���p`'�,,� T��c�mber ?a J_�7d, AGAT�,T ttr�;in�- ratificati�n � tFi�a IJnite . �t?..�ns Cer��ci.de C�nv�nti�;� 3�y ttie �on�ress o� the t? itcr? State . ',Tery tru1V Y a�,�rs, ,-��� ��-_____�- ;' ��--._ ,• � i Ci-tv Cler!� n? �w.._.._ �ec, 4, 1970 �_ _ r�Ir. T��uis E. Lerman, �xecutive Director LL ��i.nn. T,�,bor Committee for Hum�n Rights 2i1 �roduce Banl� B1dg. 'e� v i�a.nneapalis� Minnes�ta �� �� Lear ,"ir: �' � n � . � �'nc7_�sec� are � copies of a St. pa�� Council resolutian, �,�'. ?513'��? ad�pf.ed Dea.�;�9�0� w�t �et'erence t� ratific�:tion of the Unit�d Nati�ns �j�r3cic��'��;��ven�. �� ile r�ave t��1ay sent c ies �f the s�lution t� "enat�r Z�?i11i�m I�ulbri�h�;, anc� Senat s ?rT€�1ter Ago ale an�3 �Lt�ene McCarth.y fr7r�� A�i nr.,es ot�. � �__-,� '� �----~' Very truly ,yaurs, �'1'�'i�' ���Y'�r n� D�cemb � �, 1970 � � � 9 � /"--__"---� E �-_._...w,.....�-M-... 4\\. . \�\ ���� �Iora. Eu�;�r�� �4. r•1c::,"<?rthy � L'n�_te�� "tat�s ;?c�nat�r � / � �'c"Y1�`.t'�t', (�:��1Cc? �iUll!�lI]'?' � / !� (> '� / T.7,9^a�"1].Tl<rT,t'i'aTl� �). G�• ��/�/ r Dear �enato:i• N�cCar�thy: ,�--._�� `�,.A / ���\\\� \�`� En�1_��e<l is �� copy o resoluui af tt3�" St. �F'�ul, �,finnes��;a Ci�t;� C�aunczl., C�unci. �"ile 1`�?. ?r ��, ad�pted ��cem�i�r 3, ?.'�?0, 1�GnTT� ur�rinr ratifi.e ion af the itec� Na�i�ns Gen�cide C7nver_- ti.oz� by the Can�xress � the Unit �tates . - ,---'_-- - , /�-'"� '"� � � V'�ry tr.uly yours, City C?.erk ng