251397 � s y�R�61NAL��G CITY L ' � ���,g� ' � 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL HOENCIL NO. •"� R����� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU CIL R�SOLUTION-GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY h� � ' COMMISSIONE � . , �� , WHEREAS, th in �sota State Highway �epart�ent has prese�ted to the �oun il a progress report pursuant tc s stndy of the narious aspects of proposed Trunk Highway 212 between Interstat� 35E a�d Trtank Highway 120; and WHEREAS, said progress report indicates that �ach of the sever�l alternatives reported to th� Council will require tlie taking of a large number of dwelli�g tznits, the maxim� fig�re beir�g 56� and the minimum figure being 239, and that the cost of such construction is estimated between $22,�40,���.04 and $51,500,�OU.DU; and WHEREAS, it �ppears that many of these dwelling uaits are sound structure� in good repair and �re and have been for ma�� ye�rs, the homesteads of � coasiderable nw�aber of persons in � stable community, attd that tYae takiag of these dw�lli�gs wonld cause grea�t hardahip to the o�cu�pm�nts, relocation being especially difficult at this time when severe ha�asimg �hortage exists in this commtsnity; 'and ` W�R�AS, i�t also appears to this Council th�t there �,�a not - been a thorougM �aMd �d�qnate study made as to the po�sibility �nd feasibility of m,aking nse of high �peed rail ar�d other ma:s transit as an alternative to freeway traffi�, wl�i�h is �ener�l� lim.i.ted to private passenger �ator vehicle�s naw� tl�erefore, be it I�SOL�ED, That� tlnis Comncil is �a�lterablp opposed to the con�truction of any' highway which �ro�ld req8i�e the taking of an� sutbstantial number of dwelling t�nits; a�d be it � - __�__ � _,,,:i rtii�f'R"V�= , CC�Ks��R�TiON COUIVSEII � � COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approvp� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty . � . 4 pR161NAL TO.,CITY CL6RK , . � CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO���� ! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEQ pqTF 2 FIIR�iER RES�LVF�D, That this Couacil strongly urges the State Highway Department together with the Metropolitan Transit Commission and the Metropolitan Conncil to initiate iauaaediately an in-depth study of the feasibility of rail a�nd other mass transit as an alternative to further freeway coxistr�etion in this area. ��r� � ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler ��� � ��7� Carlson e 19_ Levine ��n Favor Meredith Sprafka � � Tedesco A 8'ainst Mr. President, McCarty � PUBUSHED �.0 5 ���� �� �J ,/,�y/� ���� � • ��.�.� : r �0[� ������ aG°��Q �i]L�`�G°�OG°�O�D�aG� ���(�n���j �0������O�n 904Capitol Square Building,Saint Paul, UV U UV Minnesota 55101 Phone 612/227-7343 December 9, 1970 Mr Harry E Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall St Paul� MN 55102 Dear Mr Marshall We acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 4, 1970, transmitting a copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council expressing opposition to the construction of highways requiring the taking of a substantial number of dwelling units and urging the Commission along with the Highway Department and the Metropolitan Council to initiate an indepth study of the feasibility of a mass transit system as an alternative to further freeway construction. Your letter and resolution will be referred to the Commission at its meeting tonight. Sincerely C/< .v� R L Federman Operations Administrator kw Dec. � 1g7G � � w ,r----��_.i`�`�, `,,.\�� i J�_� `ti�' i�Ietropolitmn Co�zncil � \ �a0 Cec?ar "t. / � "t. I'ai.11., "�in�les�ta �/f Gentl.ernen� � �. \ E'nclosed is a c�py of a fi� ~ z of`�\P4e St. t'au� City Cauncil, Council rile nto. ?51_3 ,� ad�pted cern�'�.'�,'3, 1-970, statin� that they are unalterabl_y posed to t constructi�n af any highway which w�u1d require t takin� of ,y substantia]_ numbar �f d*,ae 11�_n�; un�.ts; A.RTD u :ing your C cil, the State Highw�y l7ept. and the Metropalitars �asit Co sion to immediately initirate an in-depth'R��f th �,j� ity of rail and othe.r mass transit a alternative to further freeway c�nstruction in this are . Very truly yours, City Clerk n� ��c. �a �L�7o 4 ��� �, �� �t�at� Hi�hw�y I)��r�.rtm�nt ,�..`�_� `�,` Iii��aw�y Der>t. �uizdin� ;�,:''" '��, \ ,`_?�. '�3U1� �,��Y7YlP.SOi:? � i �� Gent]_eme�� �� r:�nclosed is � con,y �f � ,,r��utior�, o�th� St. �'�Ll�. Cl'��! C;JUT)C11� ad�pted T?ecember 3, ; � ;s�'�in� t�hey r�re unalter�lal.y opp�s�d to thP c�nstri.lction � � any hi�r� y wh w�uld require the taking �f any substantial nu r of dwellin , units; I�TA? ur.ging your Department , th� Metropolitan T a sit Comm:issi n end the Metropo]_itan Council to immedi�tel_y initi�t an in-d�nt study of the feasibility �t rail and ather m� trans. .as an ernative to further freeway c�nstruc- tion in z�e� . \� Very truly yours, City C�erlc �j7 � I Dec. 1�, ?� 7� �----� I `_-�----_--�—�.-�\ ��`� �`�;, � ,.�..__.,\`,1 NTetron�7 itax� Tr=zz�sit C,ommissi:��/� , `�50 Cp�:i;�r ;'�t. � � ;'�;. Pa,.�1_, ;�Jsg.nr_es�ata \� / \ , � .�� % ; Gen�l.emen- _ ',t/ -- --.. , — . , , . , � �-------_ , •. Enclosec� is a cop�• 0,1` resolu�,'i�n �f`��e St. �'au1 City Counci3., C�ur�cil Fi1..� No. ?5 ._ �)7, ad�pte ecember 3, 1�?70, st;E�,tine that they are un�lterz�bl �pposed to e constru.ction �:�f ar..s� hi�:hway *��hich �aou1<� require he talcin� �ny subst�nti�.l number of :3wellin�; units; 111VD in�; you �rrunissian, tt�e �tate ilighway �ept. and ti r _opo �iI to immec�i��:�ly initiate an in-dept udy of the feasi ilit,y of rail and �ther mass transi* �s an a er.nativ� �, fi�rther freew,=�y c�nstruction in tizis area. �I@?'y �2'U.�.y VoUY'C� �l'f.y G'�eI''rC Cl�;