251391 { ORI6INAL TO CITY CLlRK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �' . • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. C UNCIL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City � of Saint Paul, said Agreement pertaining to the City' s Department of Public Buildings rendering inspection services to the Authority and the Authority' s consulting firm in the Neighborhood Development Program areas, a copy of the Agreement being attached hereto. J ' �e� PQe' �,�°° ca �,0� C� �: DEC Z 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler �1kt� Z ���Q Carlson ro 19— Levine ��n Favor Meredith Sprafka � ayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty PUBLISHED [�C 5 ��]'(� : O . � . �� � ��� � ��� ` C ONTRAC T BUILDItdG CUt�DITIO:d� I21SP:CTIO*1S • � NDP, A-1-2, A-1-5, A-1�6 THTS AGREEI�rI'T entered into thfs day of , 1970, by and bettaeen .the r. HdUSI2�G !�'�TD R�DI:VET.OPMEt�T e�iJT�:4P,I7'Y OF TfiE CIiX OF' SAZPiT �'AUL; tiIP;I�GSOTA hereinaf:ter referred to as ttie � "Authority" and the CITY QF SAIt�T PAIJL, MI:��ta`�SOTA, acting . by and thr.aug}i its Dt�partment ot Publi.c �uildings, hereinafr.er ref�rred to as tlie "Car.tractor". � tdIT2i,:SSETiT: • ��TI�Ef.EAS, Tl�e Authorit}� h�is m�d� �.py�lica.tion for a Loan a�td Ca�ital G�'unt Gontr,ict- with the IIraited Stat�s of. P.r�erica grovxdin� for. £inancial ��d t� ti�e Authority u�t�3�.r Tit-le T of: the I�UUSin� Act o£ 194y, as amencle3 by all amendah.ory Actis including the H9llSI.Y1� ACt of 195�a; aad , FrtiEREAS, �he Authority is prbcecc�ing wzt�� certain activzties under the heighaarhood tkvelop:�ent Program including the ins�ection o€ str.uctiures t� ciocun.4r�;� physical canditfo�� in accordar�ce with program requirea�ents; and j�IgiEkEl�S, the Aistt�arity has en���;ed the consultin� fi.rm of Earton E�ychn�ax� . Associates, Iitc. , to conduct these building ins�ections in certuin of tne 2dei�h�orhoad Develap:�ent Program project areas; and • WEiEP.EAS, the A;it}iarity de�ires tio engage the contract�r to rettder ass�stance to Bartr�n �schman Associates surve}• teams in connection with the undertnkings c',escriSed �.bave. � ' � � � � - 2 - NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto do nutually agree a� follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES: The Contractor sha11 perform all necessary services under this Cotitract with and respecting the following Project Areas: . p Minn. A-1-2 West Midway . Minn. A-1-5 Central Core Minn. A-1-6 Seven Corners and shall do, perform, and cArry out in a satisfactory and proper manner as deter- mined by the Authority and Barton Aschman Associates, Inc. in mutual agreernent -. with the Contract or the following: A. Pravide t�ao qualified building inspectors to assist in the conduct _ of Phase I Interiar Bvilding Condition Surveys as �described in the ` Contrac.t £or Prafessional Services bet�Jeen the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Saint Paul and Barton Aschrr.an Associates, h Inc. � __ _ B. Devel.op a basic working kno�aledge of the Barton Aschman Associates . Interior Building Co�dition Sur�►ey process as outlined and cles- cribed in the "Urban Renewal �3uilding Survey Manual" dated Uecember T, 1967. , � C. Participate in 'on-the-job trainin� sessions condvcted by Bartoit Aschman staff;- and � � D. Ser.ve as members of a field survey team under the directi.on of Larton Aschman Associates staff for the purpose of clttssi.fyin;; building condi.tion in accordance with establi.shed urban rene�:��;.. eechniques and practices. - � . , ' • � , � � 3 - � 2. TI.ME 0� I'E^FOR2�`_A;�'C.E: The services af the Contractor are tn comMence August 25, 1970 and shall be undertaken and completed in such sequ�nce as to assure the expeditious conple�ion of the Contr�ctor's servi.ces in light of the purposes of this Agr.eement, hut i.n any ev�nt, all services req�: i_�:ed hereunder shall t�e campleted � I gn or before October 30, 1970. Any delay in perfor.�ilance caused by the fai_lure of j the AuY.horit to act on any rnarters requiring deci.sion hereundez•, shall not be I y � charsed against the Contractor, and thQ tima allowed the Contractor for performance under �his Agreemei�t shall Ue er,tended in acGard�nce wiCh such del�y. 3. CO24P�NSA'�IO:d: The Authority ��:i.Il pay ta the Contractvr an the basis of � - an hourly rate sal�ry for a I'ield Inspector, the sum aF' nine dollars and �ifty cents ($9.50} per hour, Frhich ainounL- iii n� e��ent shall exceed the sum of seven ' thousand Pight� hundred and twenty-�eight dallur.s ($7,�32g.00) , �.��icti sum £hall con- stitute full and co�plete co�r�sensatian for �.he Co��tractor's ser.vi.ces hareunc�er. The Contractar shzll be gaid t,y the AuthariCy �.�it-hin fifteen (15} dzy� aftier h receipt o� a requisition speci£ying work gerfor�ed. � -- - - 4. 'TrF..'�S A*�ll CON➢7TIOtiS:� Exce�t as atherk•ise expressly provided in this Part I - Agree:men�, Lhis A�reemen� -is subject �o and hereby incarporates by rEference the pruvfsi.ans attached hereto a� Fart II - Terc�s and Conditions (rorm H�621b). � . * ' � • . f . - . � � � - 4 - IIZ WITt".SS Tti�i�EREOF �he Authvrity and tIie Contractor t►ave execut�d thi, Agreement a�' of Lhe day and year first above caritten. I IHOUSIII� AIv`U REL�EV.'�.'LOP:���T AUTHOP.ITY I PRESERC� OF: . ' � UH THE CITI OF SAI2IT PAL'L, 2•SIhn�SOTA � �.� C\\� ) ��`` //i//� � =( �,��(__(''n �:JC1`-.rY�7L.�.o�''�`L..-� By /%: __a._.�. ,� t-�Lf�� ..�'/(.i ` -f,.�-..__r ti j - f� �� � � �� . �R. . � �.�—��,��n���:� By �� �i� �.r�� :'�.�.��i�..- ,\. �.���...�-..�°m k � I � � - j cz�° ar s�x��x r�vz., Mr.r���T�sar� cou:,r�:rsrc��v: . �y, l�fayor . By . Can:;�trc�iler Ciey CJ.erk � _ . �Y - - . . Cunur�i�si�ner esf P�r'r,s, � � � Recrc���tian and �czblic �uildin�s � • � }' ._ � ' T'���;� �'P[��' , �- �. 4' .:��.+ . . . . . �-_. .,._ ..�' ;�.,.`r,7J�. ":i�i t�� .} � . /-:�'��6e. v�.•f ` . . ' ' , � , � � � � „ - . I U. S. DEPAc�TMENT OF IiOUSING AiQll ITc�IihN Di.VrLOPMENT Hua-�2te RENELdAL ASSISTANCE AD;�fINIS'iRATION . �2-69) CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL OR 7ECHNiCAL SEf�VICES P � ' I � Part {! — 7erms and Conditions . � 1. Tex-.�.i.n��ion op Co�tzact for Cauoe. If, throu�h tzny c�.u�e, t;ne Co�tre,c�tor ahe11 PAil 4�0 °ul�ill .in 1;i�ely �d proper monrier hi� obli,.z,�.tienr� under this Contract, or if th� Con�r.�.c�or s?3a�.1 viola�e �y og the coven�.nts, a.�eeraenta, or st�.�ula�iona oP thia Coatrac�, the Local Public �ency sh�11 �the�eupo�a have the right to terr�i�a�te thia Contr�ct by giviu� �it�en na�ice to tne Ccn�ractor oP such ter�inaticn �d ����ci�ying �he e�'�ectivc d�te, �tl�e.•eaa', at le�at °ive dt�ys be�ore �he Ei'�ec�ive c3ate o.° �ucb t�rlaina�ion. Zn such event, al]. Y'i.nlshed or un�'inished doc�en�ta, d�,ta, atu�iea, tuid repor.�;�t g�reparec� by the Co�,�r.ac�or und�r thia Co�'cract �n�.;.l, at t�e o;��ion o� th� �,oca1 2'ubl:ic l�ency, b�GO:�e its proptrty snd the Contr�cto:r shel.l be entitled to x�ecei�e �j�:�t aad equif.able � caa��nsation �or any e�tis�'actory �ra�k completed ors sucl� docunen�a. . Not�ithat�ding the a�ave, tbe Con�r�ctor ahe11 not be z°E11�ved a° li�zbility to t�:e Loc�1. k�iab2lc �;ency .o-r da.*ar�-es �us•tr�ine� by the Loc�1 public �ency by - . v5�x t;ue e� r�ny �:��ch o� the Co�atrFic c by the Couti�cL-or, ar.d �he Loc�. �ubxi.c �a�e�cy r.:�y yi�k�.olci r-s�y pr�;,�i�n�s to �he Co�trr,c-�or �or t�e pu_�acae oP s�t,o1'� , tzn�il auch t�e a� tne ex�sct ��aunt oY' damp.�e� due f.he Locrsl, Public�A�e�cy �rora the Con�x�ctor ia deL-�rain�d. 2. T�xWli�st�an �'ox Con��enience c�' Locrl Puc]_ic p,.�",ency. �"fle Loc�.x xublic Arency r� t��;�i:aaL€� tnis Con�r�c;. ��;y �i�e b��a�utiice in �xi�is�g P:o:� the , I.oc�l. t''�-,blic l��ncy to 4he Con�r�actaa. Ia �he Coavr.�.ct� �s ��x��ia�.�ed by i�e Local Public Aj4�Y1C�� as prov�ded :7erein, the Con�r:,e'cox �rill be ��Id r�a� �.*�.�o�,uz�. �2ich be�.ra t:�e sr�:,:� r��:io to the tcf;al cang�ns��ian r�a 'ci�� servicea �c�Lu�.ly � perPorr�d t?ear �o the �o��l. aervices oP the ConZr�c�;or coveb F�d by this Goatr�ct, le�a pny�eAts o� ca�aen3a�ion previousl,y m�e: I'ratiid�d, no�ver, t�s.•t iP le3s t�au ai�.-ty per cent oi the aervicea covereci by 'c'�1s Coni.r�.ct have becn perYorrse3 upo� �he e�Pective date ob such ter*ainetion, the Ca��xactor snall be ��ic�bu�sed {in e,ddition to ��e �.bove p�v�nt) Por t�rst �ortion o�' ti�e r�ctut�. out-o�-poci;e� e�naes (not oth�:^ai�e rei�tursed under �hia Co:�tr.�.ct) incurred by ��e Contra,ctor duratZg �he Contru.ct perio� u�.ich �re diA ectly c�trlbu�t�ble to the unco�pletrd pos�tion o� the eerv�ces covered by �hi� Contr�.ct. IP thi� Contract ia �ei°minU�eci du� to �he Y'�ult oP the Coatir�c�or, Section J. hereoP r�lative f:o terr�ina��iou aha11. apply. 3. Chern�er�. �"he Loc�,7. Pub2ic �tgency �,y, Pra:a �ime to ti��, renueat cl�.en�yea in 'che acope o2 t�Ze services oP tn.e C.ant.r�c�Cor �o be ��r�'orr�ed �.ereur,der. 5uch ch��,�s, 1.�cludin�; e.r:y i�cr.r�ae or decre�.ae in th� �aoun�t o� t•1:e Cot:.�r�c�or'a Co��s�eat�oz�, �aicn a:e L zz�uul.ly �.�eed upon t,y r:ad be�;�ee.i the Loc�,l T'i�blic /�ency aad t�� Contr�ctor, �h�.l.l be �z�corpor�ted in writtcn e�encL-uentc �Lo this Contrr�ct. � , ; HUD•621 B . (2-69) � 2 - - . . � �+. Personnel. a. The Con�ractcr represNnta tbai. 3�e 2:�,a, or uill secure at his oFra expense� all personn�l required in �7erforr�ir.0 tne se:w�.ces under this Contrr�ct. Such �ersoanel shall aot be er,�ployeea of or have ar.y contractuc�l. relationship with the Loc�.l Public /�,s ency. b. A1a. the services required hereunder vi.11 be perfor:�ed by �the Contrac�,or or under hia supervieion e,nd �1 personnel en�a;ed in the �rork eha11 be tUlly queli�ied and ahall be authorized or per7nitt'ed under Stt�te and local law to perfoz�► such servicea. . c. No pQrson �rho is serving sentence in a penal or correctiona.l institution ' ' ahs11 be emrployed on uork und�r this Contract. }. Anti�Kickbr�c� Rules. Salaries oP architects, dr��'�ts;cen, tec;�ict�l engineera; s�nc� t�chnS.ci�s per�or,�in� �ork undez• th.i5 Contrpct sh�.11 be p�id u�conditione�,ll,�y �nd no� less of'ten tban once a r�onfi,� uit�out deduction or reb�te on �ny r�ccoun� excep� only sucti p�yrol3. deductions aa �.re t��d�tory by i�.w or perfnitted by the �pplict�.ble re�ulation� issued by tbe SecrPte�°y o�° L�,boz� aurau�:n-c to the "Anti-ICickback Act" oP .7une 13, 1934 (4B Ste,.�. g48; 62 Stat. 740; 63 S�ta�. . 103; �citle 18 U.S.C., sectio� 874; and tifle 40 U.S.C, , section 276c) . T'ne Contrector sha11 con;ply �rit3a ra].l �pplic�ble "Ar:�i�Kickp�ck" re�vlrztions �r:d sh�.11 inae�t apprapr;iate provisions in �.1.1 subcon�rac�$ cov�:ino work under �nis Contract to insvre cor�pli�nce by aubcontrsctors with such re�ulations, a;.d siall be reaponsible Por the subaission o� a��'idevi�a required oP s�bcontr�etors t:�ere- under except as �be Secretary of LAbox raay speciYically provide for v�rin�;iana oP or exemp�fons from the require�entg thereof. 6. 4dithho�.din�_of Scl�.ries. T�, in the per;PoLmance of�his Con�;rac�, there is �ny underpz,y�ent o� �s.lariea�by th� Contr�.ctor or by ar�y su,:contr�ctar the-re- unde�, the Loc�l. Pubiic Agency sh�l wltiihold Yrc�, the Contr�ctor out of p�ymea��tg due to hirn en r�a.ount �uf�icien� to pa;� to emplo�r�er� ur�derp�.id the difference bet�en the sala„�.�^ie$ required hereby to be paid a�d the sal�ries actv.slly pai3 euch er�ployeer� �or �he f•o��.l.. nu:aber o� haura u�orkea. The o.�►ount3 «itht�ela shta.11 be dinbursed by t�e Local I'ublic ?1���cy i°or �nd on �zccouiit o� the Coni;rAC�or or aubco�tractor to the respective er�p�.oyeea to who:� th�y a,re due. . 7. ClaiffiB aa�d D1�ni�'ces Pert�ir�i.n;��o Sc�1�zz°,y Rate,�. C'la:�� �nd disNu�es perf�r�injn� f.o a,�].��^� rf.tes or to cl�asii�ca�iona o� architects, dr�r��sper�, techu�.cP.l engineers, c�nd technici�aas pe•r�or,�ing uorl: u.�der �h13 Contract sha].1 be gt-o��Lly repor�ed in writin3 by �i�e Contractor to tue 7.,oc�.1 F'ublS.e �ency rox� the lAtter's decis�on �rhich Bi�a.11 be fin�l. �ai�h reapect there�to. . 8. Eou�l Er��lo�mpn� O�:�ox�„1L��. During �he pergorm�ince of this Cont;.act, the Contractor �reeg a� Yollo�s: �. The Contr�,ctor wiL not discri:cinate a{r,ainst ar.y et��t icfee or a_r.�licar.t for er.;plo3�nent becaase of race, color, reli��on, sex, cr nat�on��,1 origin. The Contractor will take Affirr::a�ive �,ct�.on to er,sure that ap�licants are emQloyed, snd th�t ez�loy�ec �re treatec? �urinr enplc�,�nt, uithcut reKar.a to their race� co?or, reli�ion, ser, or �_;,':.�ont: ori.�in. ;uch ac�ion shaJ.l include, but �ot �e limited to, t?:� - .''�;;.;;; '-;;:;; e�loy:�-en�, upgrading, detto�ion, or txen�sfex�; recru';.c,:;.�r�f; c: ecruit�ent �v�rtisia�3; layoPP or terffiination; rates o�' pay or c�.:;er �"c::-::�, o� co�peus��ion; aud , __ _ __ . _ . ._. . _ r ' . . , � - - � NUU-1:2t D - j ' � (?•G9i , selection for tral.ning, including E�pprer.ti.ceshlp. The Contructor �ree� . � to por�t �in ccns�icuous place$, r.vailable to en�loyeea r,nd r�p�licants 2'or employn��nt, notices' tc be provided by �he Loce1 Publ_1c .;n�ncy eetting � forth the prcviaiona of this nondiscriminstioa clau�e. b. The Contra:etor rrill, in all solicitgtions or advertiseaen�s �or emplcyeea plACed by or on hehal�' of thp Contr�ctor, sta�e. that a11 qur,�liffed epplicants will receive con�ideration �or e�plo��ent xithout re�r�.rd to race, color, reli�ion, sex, or national ori�in. . c. The .Contr�.ctor Nill cause the Pore�;oing provisions to be inserted in a3.1 � subcontracts Por any Hork covered by thas CG:1t.Z3C't SO �hat �uch p•rovi�ions • vill be bindiaf� upon each Rubcontr�c�tor, p:ovided that the �or��oi�� . provisiona ahP11 not �p�ly to Gontxacta or suocontrac�e Por standar3 � ca�ercial suppliea or raw materie.la� � g. Dincr�c�ination Becsuse o� Certain I,�Uor Mat�era. No person employed o� the xork cot�er�d by thia Contr�c�t sY,all be disc�ar�ed or i.n any w�y discrimir��ted �gafnst becauae he has filed an,y cc�plaint or institu�ed or cguaed to be ins�ituted sny proceedir.� or has �Lesti.Pied_ox is about �o testiPy in r�ny proceediria under ox� relating to �tae labor etand�zrds applicsble hereunder to his employer. . 10. C��li�nce Wit.s Loca� I.QKB. The Conl;.actar sha11 ec�piy c�i'th �sll applicable Isus, ordincz�cea, a�d codes af the State end loc�l govesz�ents, �.nd ah�ll coa�,it no trespriss on any public or p:ivAte pr.cperty in per�c�r�:.ng any o�' the �rork embraced ry this Contract. 11. Subcontractin�. None o$ the aerrrices covered by this Co�tract s�e,ll be subccntr�cted xi�hou� the prior written consent o� �h� Lcc�il. �,:blfc r.�ency. The Contr�ctor Qhall be a.s fully responsible to the :oc�l Public A�ency �'o: tl•�e ' aets and a�issicns oP hia subco:atructors, tu.d o� persons eitner directly or i.ndirectly e�ployed by �therc, �zs he i.� Yor the ects �nd c�issions o� gersons . directly e�loyed by nim. Trie Contrr�etor s21��:11 inse:t i�: e�ch 3ubcon�:act appropriate provi�fons requirin� compliance with t,be lubor st�radard� proti•isiana ` of this Con'cract. 12. Assi�r:abiliL-,y. ihe Contr�c�or sh�7.1 noti asai�p. a�sy interest in thfF . Co�atraci:, an� �i�ai.l not transPer sny �nterest in the s��e (xhether b�� assignnent or novacion) r��thout the prior �itten �pprov�l o° the Lcc�. r''�.zblfc Agency: Provided, hokever, th�� cl�i�s �or raoney d�:e or to become nue the Contrac�or Prom the LocA.t Public Agency under this Contr�ct may be assiF;med �o a bank, . trust co�pa..�y, or other Pinanciul institution, or to a i'ru;�tee in B�kn:p�cy, � ui.�hout such approval. Notice o' r�ny such aBSi�ament or trcinsPer sh�l.l be Purniahed pror�ptly �co �.he Local YubJ:ic Agency. . 13. Intere�t of Mr_•nbers o° Loc�il Public r..;en�. :�o �:cmber oP the gove:-uin,s body oY the Loc�31 Public .'�e;�cy, �.nd no oi;�tr oi 5'icer, e�p�oyee, or t�;en't oP t�.� Loca]. Public Ap,ency u�o exercises an,� Punct;ions or respousibilit�e� in ccn.�ectiiun with the c�.rrying out o� th� Pro�ec� to khich tbia Contract pertain.a, eca11 have any peraonal intere�t, direct or indirect, in tnia Coatr3ct. l�t. In�ere�t of G��Qr Le�ce.l '?;:b1.1c C�'�'ic'__al�. Na �e:n5e-r o� the �;GVexntn� body oi tY�e locali�y iu ksic:� t:,e Pro�ject �.rec: i� 3itu�teu, �rid no ot�er pubZie ofPieial o� uuch ioc�.lity, uho er.erciszs c.ny 1'unetion� or rest c:�aibilitiec j.n tt�e review or c�.p�roval o� tn� c,4ryi:a�� out ofl t��e Pro��ct to Nhich �ii1c Cantr�ct pertz3.ins, sha11 hmve r�y personal interest, direct or indirecl;, in this Coatrac�. , I � � , ' , `.�. HUD•6218 • � � _ ' ' (2-69} . . 15. Ir,tere:,t o� C�rtFi.n Fec?ert;1 0�'�"�cials. Tti'o ���be,: o� or Deles�t-e to the Can�z°ess af��e �riit�d SL�.te�,• ��d uo r�esident Ca�niusioner, ahall be c�dnitted to any ahsxe or p�,r�t; of this Cont:ract or to any bene�it to �:risc hereProm. 16. Intereet oP Centrr..c�or. T}xe Contr�ctor covenants �k,�t he presently ' has no intere�� �d ah:�.:.1 not acquire � inte�est, directi or �ndirect, iu t.he gbove-d�scriYied Pro,�ect Area or any pc�„rcels therein or �,ny oiher inter��� ra�ich • � would conf`lic�t in �ny r�a.nuer or dc�ree r�itb the n�r�or�snce oi ois serv�.ces here�.znder. �e Co�trtYCtor tLu°t�ex ca•:cn�ta thc�v in t'r.e p��;°orr:.ar,ce oP this Contruct no p�raora hr3.vin� �ny auch �ate,:�at shc�l.l. be e�loyed, . 17. Fin 1-e�:xs Co�Aide�r�i�2. A2.1 of �he reports, info��4rw�ion, �iKtu, ctco, pre���ed ar �:'sfs�:��ica by t�e Contrector i:s�ded t�.is Coi��;r~ct a�e coa:�idenLie�1 and the Cont.ractoz° �xee� tb.��; 1:hey s?�a1.1 no� be ��,cie avail�ble to any individuel or or�ani�s.tion without tbe �rior �rritten s.pp�oval oP the Local Pub11.c E�ency',. j , . ! . � I _ 221527•P (i:ev. 2•69) HUU-Wosh., D.G