251391 { ORI6INAL TO CITY CLlRK ������
RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby
authorized and directed to execute Agreement between the City of
Saint Paul and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City
� of Saint Paul, said Agreement pertaining to the City' s Department
of Public Buildings rendering inspection services to the Authority
and the Authority' s consulting firm in the Neighborhood Development
Program areas, a copy of the Agreement being attached hereto.
J ' �e�
PQe' �,�°°
�,0� C�
DEC Z 1970
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
�1kt� Z ���Q
Carlson ro 19—
Levine ��n Favor
Sprafka � ayor
A gainst
Mr. Preaident, McCarty PUBLISHED [�C 5 ��]'(�
. �
. �� �
��� ` C ONTRAC T
NDP, A-1-2, A-1-5, A-1�6
THTS AGREEI�rI'T entered into thfs day of , 1970,
by and bettaeen .the
HdUSI2�G !�'�TD R�DI:VET.OPMEt�T e�iJT�:4P,I7'Y
hereinaf:ter referred to as ttie �
"Authority" and the
CITY QF SAIt�T PAIJL, MI:��ta`�SOTA, acting
. by and thr.aug}i its Dt�partment ot
Publi.c �uildings, hereinafr.er ref�rred
to as tlie "Car.tractor". �
• ��TI�Ef.EAS, Tl�e Authorit}� h�is m�d� �.py�lica.tion for a Loan a�td Ca�ital G�'unt
Gontr,ict- with the IIraited Stat�s of. P.r�erica grovxdin� for. £inancial ��d t� ti�e
Authority u�t�3�.r Tit-le T of: the I�UUSin� Act o£ 194y, as amencle3 by all amendah.ory
Actis including the H9llSI.Y1� ACt of 195�a; aad ,
FrtiEREAS, �he Authority is prbcecc�ing wzt�� certain activzties under the
heighaarhood tkvelop:�ent Program including the ins�ection o€ str.uctiures t� ciocun.4r�;�
physical canditfo�� in accordar�ce with program requirea�ents; and
j�IgiEkEl�S, the Aistt�arity has en���;ed the consultin� fi.rm of Earton E�ychn�ax�
. Associates, Iitc. , to conduct these building ins�ections in certuin of tne
2dei�h�orhoad Develap:�ent Program project areas; and •
WEiEP.EAS, the A;it}iarity de�ires tio engage the contract�r to rettder
ass�stance to Bartr�n �schman Associates surve}• teams in connection with the
undertnkings c',escriSed �.bave. �
' �
� � � - 2 -
NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto do nutually agree a� follows:
1. SCOPE OF SERVICES: The Contractor sha11 perform all necessary services
under this Cotitract with and respecting the following Project Areas: .
p Minn. A-1-2 West Midway .
Minn. A-1-5 Central Core
Minn. A-1-6 Seven Corners
and shall do, perform, and cArry out in a satisfactory and proper manner as deter-
mined by the Authority and Barton Aschman Associates, Inc. in mutual agreernent
with the Contract or the following:
A. Pravide t�ao qualified building inspectors to assist in the conduct
_ of Phase I Interiar Bvilding Condition Surveys as �described in the
` Contrac.t £or Prafessional Services bet�Jeen the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority of Saint Paul and Barton Aschrr.an Associates,
Inc. � __ _
B. Devel.op a basic working kno�aledge of the Barton Aschman Associates
. Interior Building Co�dition Sur�►ey process as outlined and cles-
cribed in the "Urban Renewal �3uilding Survey Manual" dated
Uecember T, 1967.
, �
C. Participate in 'on-the-job trainin� sessions condvcted by Bartoit
Aschman staff;- and � �
D. Ser.ve as members of a field survey team under the directi.on of
Larton Aschman Associates staff for the purpose of clttssi.fyin;;
building condi.tion in accordance with establi.shed urban rene�:��;..
eechniques and practices. -
� .
, ' • �
, � � 3 - �
2. TI.ME 0� I'E^FOR2�`_A;�'C.E: The services af the Contractor are tn comMence
August 25, 1970 and shall be undertaken and completed in such sequ�nce as to assure
the expeditious conple�ion of the Contr�ctor's servi.ces in light of the purposes of
this Agr.eement, hut i.n any ev�nt, all services req�: i_�:ed hereunder shall t�e campleted
� I
gn or before October 30, 1970. Any delay in perfor.�ilance caused by the fai_lure of j
the AuY.horit to act on any rnarters requiring deci.sion hereundez•, shall not be I
y �
charsed against the Contractor, and thQ tima allowed the Contractor for performance
under �his Agreemei�t shall Ue er,tended in acGard�nce wiCh such del�y.
3. CO24P�NSA'�IO:d: The Authority ��:i.Il pay ta the Contractvr an the basis of
� -
an hourly rate sal�ry for a I'ield Inspector, the sum aF' nine dollars and �ifty
cents ($9.50} per hour, Frhich ainounL- iii n� e��ent shall exceed the sum of seven '
thousand Pight� hundred and twenty-�eight dallur.s ($7,�32g.00) , �.��icti sum £hall con-
stitute full and co�plete co�r�sensatian for �.he Co��tractor's ser.vi.ces hareunc�er.
The Contractar shzll be gaid t,y the AuthariCy �.�it-hin fifteen (15} dzy� aftier
receipt o� a requisition speci£ying work gerfor�ed. � -- - -
4. 'TrF..'�S A*�ll CON➢7TIOtiS:� Exce�t as atherk•ise expressly provided in this
Part I - Agree:men�, Lhis A�reemen� -is subject �o and hereby incarporates by
rEference the pruvfsi.ans attached hereto a� Fart II - Terc�s and Conditions
(rorm H�621b). �
. *
' �
• . f
. - .
� � � - 4 -
IIZ WITt".SS Tti�i�EREOF �he Authvrity and tIie Contractor t►ave execut�d thi,
Agreement a�' of Lhe day and year first above caritten.
� �.� C\\� ) ��`` //i//�
� =( �,��(__(''n �:JC1`-.rY�7L.�.o�''�`L..-� By /%: __a._.�. ,� t-�Lf�� ..�'/(.i `
-f,.�-..__r ti
- f� �� � � �� .
�R. . �
�.�—��,��n���:� By �� �i� �.r�� :'�.�.��i�..- ,\.
� I �
- j cz�° ar s�x��x r�vz., Mr.r���T�sar�
cou:,r�:rsrc��v: . �y,
l�fayor .
By .
Can:;�trc�iler Ciey CJ.erk
� _
. �Y - -
. . Cunur�i�si�ner esf P�r'r,s,
� � � Recrc���tian and �czblic �uildin�s
� • �
}' ._ � '
T'���;� �'P[��' , �- �.
.:��.+ . . . . .
�-_. .,._ ..�' ;�.,.`r,7J�. ":i�i t�� .} � .
/-:�'��6e. v�.•f ` . .
, � , �
� „ -
. I
P � ' I
� Part {! — 7erms and Conditions
. �
1. Tex-.�.i.n��ion op Co�tzact for Cauoe. If, throu�h tzny c�.u�e, t;ne Co�tre,c�tor
ahe11 PAil 4�0 °ul�ill .in 1;i�ely �d proper monrier hi� obli,.z,�.tienr� under this
Contract, or if th� Con�r.�.c�or s?3a�.1 viola�e �y og the coven�.nts, a.�eeraenta,
or st�.�ula�iona oP thia Coatrac�, the Local Public �ency sh�11 �the�eupo�a have
the right to terr�i�a�te thia Contr�ct by giviu� �it�en na�ice to tne Ccn�ractor
oP such ter�inaticn �d ����ci�ying �he e�'�ectivc d�te, �tl�e.•eaa', at le�at °ive
dt�ys be�ore �he Ei'�ec�ive c3ate o.° �ucb t�rlaina�ion. Zn such event, al]. Y'i.nlshed
or un�'inished doc�en�ta, d�,ta, atu�iea, tuid repor.�;�t g�reparec� by the Co�,�r.ac�or
und�r thia Co�'cract �n�.;.l, at t�e o;��ion o� th� �,oca1 2'ubl:ic l�ency, b�GO:�e its
proptrty snd the Contr�cto:r shel.l be entitled to x�ecei�e �j�:�t aad equif.able
� caa��nsation �or any e�tis�'actory �ra�k completed ors sucl� docunen�a. .
Not�ithat�ding the a�ave, tbe Con�r�ctor ahe11 not be z°E11�ved a° li�zbility
to t�:e Loc�1. k�iab2lc �;ency .o-r da.*ar�-es �us•tr�ine� by the Loc�1 public �ency by
- . v5�x t;ue e� r�ny �:��ch o� the Co�atrFic c by the Couti�cL-or, ar.d �he Loc�. �ubxi.c
�a�e�cy r.:�y yi�k�.olci r-s�y pr�;,�i�n�s to �he Co�trr,c-�or �or t�e pu_�acae oP s�t,o1'�
, tzn�il auch t�e a� tne ex�sct ��aunt oY' damp.�e� due f.he Locrsl, Public�A�e�cy
�rora the Con�x�ctor ia deL-�rain�d.
2. T�xWli�st�an �'ox Con��enience c�' Locrl Puc]_ic p,.�",ency. �"fle Loc�.x xublic
Arency r� t��;�i:aaL€� tnis Con�r�c;. ��;y �i�e b��a�utiice in �xi�is�g P:o:� the
, I.oc�l. t''�-,blic l��ncy to 4he Con�r�actaa. Ia �he Coavr.�.ct� �s ��x��ia�.�ed by i�e
Local Public Aj4�Y1C�� as prov�ded :7erein, the Con�r:,e'cox �rill be ��Id r�a� �.*�.�o�,uz�.
�2ich be�.ra t:�e sr�:,:� r��:io to the tcf;al cang�ns��ian r�a 'ci�� servicea �c�Lu�.ly
� perPorr�d t?ear �o the �o��l. aervices oP the ConZr�c�;or coveb F�d by this Goatr�ct,
le�a pny�eAts o� ca�aen3a�ion previousl,y m�e: I'ratiid�d, no�ver, t�s.•t iP le3s
t�au ai�.-ty per cent oi the aervicea covereci by 'c'�1s Coni.r�.ct have becn perYorrse3
upo� �he e�Pective date ob such ter*ainetion, the Ca��xactor snall be ��ic�bu�sed
{in e,ddition to ��e �.bove p�v�nt) Por t�rst �ortion o�' ti�e r�ctut�. out-o�-poci;e�
e�naes (not oth�:^ai�e rei�tursed under �hia Co:�tr.�.ct) incurred by ��e
Contra,ctor duratZg �he Contru.ct perio� u�.ich �re diA ectly c�trlbu�t�ble to the
unco�pletrd pos�tion o� the eerv�ces covered by �hi� Contr�.ct. IP thi� Contract
ia �ei°minU�eci du� to �he Y'�ult oP the Coatir�c�or, Section J. hereoP r�lative f:o
terr�ina��iou aha11. apply.
3. Chern�er�. �"he Loc�,7. Pub2ic �tgency �,y, Pra:a �ime to ti��, renueat
cl�.en�yea in 'che acope o2 t�Ze services oP tn.e C.ant.r�c�Cor �o be ��r�'orr�ed �.ereur,der.
5uch ch��,�s, 1.�cludin�; e.r:y i�cr.r�ae or decre�.ae in th� �aoun�t o� t•1:e Cot:.�r�c�or'a
Co��s�eat�oz�, �aicn a:e L zz�uul.ly �.�eed upon t,y r:ad be�;�ee.i the Loc�,l T'i�blic
/�ency aad t�� Contr�ctor, �h�.l.l be �z�corpor�ted in writtcn e�encL-uentc �Lo this
HUD•621 B .
(2-69) � 2 - - . . �
�+. Personnel. a. The Con�ractcr represNnta tbai. 3�e 2:�,a, or uill secure
at his oFra expense� all personn�l required in �7erforr�ir.0 tne se:w�.ces under
this Contrr�ct. Such �ersoanel shall aot be er,�ployeea of or have ar.y contractuc�l.
relationship with the Loc�.l Public /�,s ency.
b. A1a. the services required hereunder vi.11 be perfor:�ed by �the Contrac�,or
or under hia supervieion e,nd �1 personnel en�a;ed in the �rork eha11 be tUlly
queli�ied and ahall be authorized or per7nitt'ed under Stt�te and local law to
perfoz�► such servicea. .
c. No pQrson �rho is serving sentence in a penal or correctiona.l institution ' '
ahs11 be emrployed on uork und�r this Contract.
}. Anti�Kickbr�c� Rules. Salaries oP architects, dr��'�ts;cen, tec;�ict�l
engineera; s�nc� t�chnS.ci�s per�or,�in� �ork undez• th.i5 Contrpct sh�.11 be p�id
u�conditione�,ll,�y �nd no� less of'ten tban once a r�onfi,� uit�out deduction or reb�te
on �ny r�ccoun� excep� only sucti p�yrol3. deductions aa �.re t��d�tory by i�.w or
perfnitted by the �pplict�.ble re�ulation� issued by tbe SecrPte�°y o�° L�,boz� aurau�:n-c
to the "Anti-ICickback Act" oP .7une 13, 1934 (4B Ste,.�. g48; 62 Stat. 740; 63 S�ta�.
. 103; �citle 18 U.S.C., sectio� 874; and tifle 40 U.S.C, , section 276c) . T'ne
Contrector sha11 con;ply �rit3a ra].l �pplic�ble "Ar:�i�Kickp�ck" re�vlrztions �r:d sh�.11
inae�t apprapr;iate provisions in �.1.1 subcon�rac�$ cov�:ino work under �nis Contract
to insvre cor�pli�nce by aubcontrsctors with such re�ulations, a;.d siall be
reaponsible Por the subaission o� a��'idevi�a required oP s�bcontr�etors t:�ere-
under except as �be Secretary of LAbox raay speciYically provide for v�rin�;iana
oP or exemp�fons from the require�entg thereof.
6. 4dithho�.din�_of Scl�.ries. T�, in the per;PoLmance of�his Con�;rac�, there
is �ny underpz,y�ent o� �s.lariea�by th� Contr�.ctor or by ar�y su,:contr�ctar the-re-
unde�, the Loc�l. Pubiic Agency sh�l wltiihold Yrc�, the Contr�ctor out of p�ymea��tg
due to hirn en r�a.ount �uf�icien� to pa;� to emplo�r�er� ur�derp�.id the difference
bet�en the sala„�.�^ie$ required hereby to be paid a�d the sal�ries actv.slly pai3
euch er�ployeer� �or �he f•o��.l.. nu:aber o� haura u�orkea. The o.�►ount3 «itht�ela shta.11
be dinbursed by t�e Local I'ublic ?1���cy i°or �nd on �zccouiit o� the Coni;rAC�or or
aubco�tractor to the respective er�p�.oyeea to who:� th�y a,re due. .
7. ClaiffiB aa�d D1�ni�'ces Pert�ir�i.n;��o Sc�1�zz°,y Rate,�. C'la:�� �nd disNu�es
perf�r�injn� f.o a,�].��^� rf.tes or to cl�asii�ca�iona o� architects, dr�r��sper�,
techu�.cP.l engineers, c�nd technici�aas pe•r�or,�ing uorl: u.�der �h13 Contract sha].1
be gt-o��Lly repor�ed in writin3 by �i�e Contractor to tue 7.,oc�.1 F'ublS.e �ency
rox� the lAtter's decis�on �rhich Bi�a.11 be fin�l. �ai�h reapect there�to. .
8. Eou�l Er��lo�mpn� O�:�ox�„1L��. During �he pergorm�ince of this Cont;.act,
the Contractor �reeg a� Yollo�s:
�. The Contr�,ctor wiL not discri:cinate a{r,ainst ar.y et��t icfee or a_r.�licar.t
for er.;plo3�nent becaase of race, color, reli��on, sex, cr nat�on��,1 origin.
The Contractor will take Affirr::a�ive �,ct�.on to er,sure that ap�licants are
emQloyed, snd th�t ez�loy�ec �re treatec? �urinr enplc�,�nt, uithcut reKar.a
to their race� co?or, reli�ion, ser, or �_;,':.�ont: ori.�in. ;uch ac�ion
shaJ.l include, but �ot �e limited to, t?:� - .''�;;.;;; '-;;:;; e�loy:�-en�,
upgrading, detto�ion, or txen�sfex�; recru';.c,:;.�r�f; c: ecruit�ent �v�rtisia�3;
layoPP or terffiination; rates o�' pay or c�.:;er �"c::-::�, o� co�peus��ion; aud
__ _ __ . _ . ._. . _
' . .
, � - -
� NUU-1:2t D
- j ' � (?•G9i ,
selection for tral.ning, including E�pprer.ti.ceshlp. The Contructor �ree�
. � to por�t �in ccns�icuous place$, r.vailable to en�loyeea r,nd r�p�licants 2'or
employn��nt, notices' tc be provided by �he Loce1 Publ_1c .;n�ncy eetting
� forth the prcviaiona of this nondiscriminstioa clau�e.
b. The Contra:etor rrill, in all solicitgtions or advertiseaen�s �or emplcyeea
plACed by or on hehal�' of thp Contr�ctor, sta�e. that a11 qur,�liffed
epplicants will receive con�ideration �or e�plo��ent xithout re�r�.rd
to race, color, reli�ion, sex, or national ori�in. .
c. The .Contr�.ctor Nill cause the Pore�;oing provisions to be inserted in a3.1
� subcontracts Por any Hork covered by thas CG:1t.Z3C't SO �hat �uch p•rovi�ions
• vill be bindiaf� upon each Rubcontr�c�tor, p:ovided that the �or��oi��
. provisiona ahP11 not �p�ly to Gontxacta or suocontrac�e Por standar3
� ca�ercial suppliea or raw materie.la� �
g. Dincr�c�ination Becsuse o� Certain I,�Uor Mat�era. No person employed o�
the xork cot�er�d by thia Contr�c�t sY,all be disc�ar�ed or i.n any w�y discrimir��ted
�gafnst becauae he has filed an,y cc�plaint or institu�ed or cguaed to be ins�ituted
sny proceedir.� or has �Lesti.Pied_ox is about �o testiPy in r�ny proceediria under ox�
relating to �tae labor etand�zrds applicsble hereunder to his employer. .
10. C��li�nce Wit.s Loca� I.QKB. The Conl;.actar sha11 ec�piy c�i'th �sll
applicable Isus, ordincz�cea, a�d codes af the State end loc�l govesz�ents, �.nd
ah�ll coa�,it no trespriss on any public or p:ivAte pr.cperty in per�c�r�:.ng any o�'
the �rork embraced ry this Contract.
11. Subcontractin�. None o$ the aerrrices covered by this Co�tract s�e,ll
be subccntr�cted xi�hou� the prior written consent o� �h� Lcc�il. �,:blfc r.�ency.
The Contr�ctor Qhall be a.s fully responsible to the :oc�l Public A�ency �'o: tl•�e
' aets and a�issicns oP hia subco:atructors, tu.d o� persons eitner directly or
i.ndirectly e�ployed by �therc, �zs he i.� Yor the ects �nd c�issions o� gersons .
directly e�loyed by nim. Trie Contrr�etor s21��:11 inse:t i�: e�ch 3ubcon�:act
appropriate provi�fons requirin� compliance with t,be lubor st�radard� proti•isiana
` of this Con'cract.
12. Assi�r:abiliL-,y. ihe Contr�c�or sh�7.1 noti asai�p. a�sy interest in thfF .
Co�atraci:, an� �i�ai.l not transPer sny �nterest in the s��e (xhether b�� assignnent
or novacion) r��thout the prior �itten �pprov�l o° the Lcc�. r''�.zblfc Agency:
Provided, hokever, th�� cl�i�s �or raoney d�:e or to become nue the Contrac�or
Prom the LocA.t Public Agency under this Contr�ct may be assiF;med �o a bank,
. trust co�pa..�y, or other Pinanciul institution, or to a i'ru;�tee in B�kn:p�cy, �
ui.�hout such approval. Notice o' r�ny such aBSi�ament or trcinsPer sh�l.l be
Purniahed pror�ptly �co �.he Local YubJ:ic Agency. .
13. Intere�t of Mr_•nbers o° Loc�il Public r..;en�. :�o �:cmber oP the gove:-uin,s
body oY the Loc�31 Public .'�e;�cy, �.nd no oi;�tr oi 5'icer, e�p�oyee, or t�;en't oP t�.�
Loca]. Public Ap,ency u�o exercises an,� Punct;ions or respousibilit�e� in ccn.�ectiiun
with the c�.rrying out o� th� Pro�ec� to khich tbia Contract pertain.a, eca11 have
any peraonal intere�t, direct or indirect, in tnia Coatr3ct.
l�t. In�ere�t of G��Qr Le�ce.l '?;:b1.1c C�'�'ic'__al�. Na �e:n5e-r o� the �;GVexntn�
body oi tY�e locali�y iu ksic:� t:,e Pro�ject �.rec: i� 3itu�teu, �rid no ot�er pubZie
ofPieial o� uuch ioc�.lity, uho er.erciszs c.ny 1'unetion� or rest c:�aibilitiec j.n
tt�e review or c�.p�roval o� tn� c,4ryi:a�� out ofl t��e Pro��ct to Nhich �ii1c Cantr�ct
pertz3.ins, sha11 hmve r�y personal interest, direct or indirecl;, in this Coatrac�.
, I
� � , '
, `.�.
HUD•6218 • � � _ ' '
(2-69} . .
15. Ir,tere:,t o� C�rtFi.n Fec?ert;1 0�'�"�cials. Tti'o ���be,: o� or Deles�t-e to
the Can�z°ess af��e �riit�d SL�.te�,• ��d uo r�esident Ca�niusioner, ahall be
c�dnitted to any ahsxe or p�,r�t; of this Cont:ract or to any bene�it to �:risc hereProm.
16. Intereet oP Centrr..c�or. T}xe Contr�ctor covenants �k,�t he presently
' has no intere�� �d ah:�.:.1 not acquire � inte�est, directi or �ndirect, iu t.he
gbove-d�scriYied Pro,�ect Area or any pc�„rcels therein or �,ny oiher inter��� ra�ich • �
would conf`lic�t in �ny r�a.nuer or dc�ree r�itb the n�r�or�snce oi ois serv�.ces
here�.znder. �e Co�trtYCtor tLu°t�ex ca•:cn�ta thc�v in t'r.e p��;°orr:.ar,ce oP this
Contruct no p�raora hr3.vin� �ny auch �ate,:�at shc�l.l. be e�loyed,
. 17. Fin 1-e�:xs Co�Aide�r�i�2. A2.1 of �he reports, info��4rw�ion, �iKtu, ctco,
pre���ed ar �:'sfs�:��ica by t�e Contrector i:s�ded t�.is Coi��;r~ct a�e coa:�idenLie�1
and the Cont.ractoz° �xee� tb.��; 1:hey s?�a1.1 no� be ��,cie avail�ble to any
individuel or or�ani�s.tion without tbe �rior �rritten s.pp�oval oP the Local
Pub11.c E�ency',.
j , .
! .
I _
221527•P (i:ev. 2•69) HUU-Wosh., D.G