251390 w . � OR161NAL.TO CITY CLlRK �j51�}l�o - CITY OF ST. PAUL �0NC1L NO. i' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUT N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY gobert F. 3pr � � COMMISSIONE A WI�RF•AS� By authority of the Laws of �.i.nnesota Por the yeax 1959� Chapter 340, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 1g2216, approved May 2, 1959, the City oP 3aint Paul, may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewa,lk Construction when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner, WI�RFAS, It has been d�termined. that the following described parcels of property be relieved of the following amount: Description Amouat .�— �,ot 5, Auditor's Sub. #l�t $ 2�.17 Lot 6, Awditor's S�tab. �14 $ 20.30 That part of Lot 7, lying RT'ly of a line fra�n a point on the W'ly line of said lot, �+6 ft. from the NW'ly cor. `n thereof, to a poi.nt on the E�I, oF said Lot, 31 ft. fraan -� �, � the NE cor. of said I,ot 7, Aud.itor's Sub. �1�+ $ 27.75 • o That part of Lot 7, lying 30. of a line �om a point on � � the W'ly line oF said lot, �+6 ft. f'rr�m the �1W'ly cor. thereof ° � to a point on the E�L of said Lmt, 31 ft. from the I�TE cor. of �' . o� Lot 7, Auditor's Sub. �1�. $133•9f+ � m o � Lot 1�+, �11k. 83, �tinson's Sub. of Blk. 83, I,yman Dayton � Add.. � $186.18 � I,ot 15, Blk. 83, 5tinson's Sub. of Blk 83, Ly�an Dayton Add. $222.00 • Lot l�F, and the W. 15 ft. of Lot 13, W.J. Godfrey's Sub. of Blk. 72, yyman Dayton`s Add. $208.09 Lot 15, W.J. Godfrey's Sub. of Blk. 72, Lymau Dayton add. $ 94.45 Lot 1, Wakefie].d Place $215•�+5 �n�• Lot 30, Wakef ield Pl 215., COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ounca 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Apprnve� 19— Levine in Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� , . %�51��0 OR161NAL,TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL �°NC1L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER xobert F. Sprafka DATF Description p��t Zot l, W.J. Godfrey's Sub of B].k 72, Lyman Dsyton Add $216.09 - Lot 29, W,J. Godfrey's Sub of Blk 72 yyman ��yton Add $255•53 Lot l, L. Warner's Sub of Blk 78, I,yman Dayton Ad.d. $259•� zot 30, L. Warner's Sub of Blk 78, Lyman Dayton Add $22$.1�6 Lot 16, Blk. 2, H.F. Schwabe`s Add. �228.46 Lot 17, B1k.2, H.F. Schwabets Add. $223.68 Lot 15, Blk• 5, Skidmore's Add. $209.i�2� Lot 16, Blk. 5, Skidmore's Add. �210.26 Lot 16, Blk. 87, Leff�aa,nn's Sub. o�' Blk. 86 & 87, Lyman Dayton's Add. $221.8G Lot 17, Blk 87, LeffYr►ann's Sub of Blks 86 & 87, Lyman Dayton's Add $186.70 E 40 ft of Lot 30, Richard McCarrick's Sub of Blk 88 of Lyman Dayton's Add �22�+,2�+ Lot 1, Joseph Arth's Sub of Blk. 85, Lyman Da,yton Add. �174.l�F I,ot 30, Joseph Ar�th's 3ub of B1k 85 Ly�an Dayton Add $183.11 � I,ot 16, Blk 86, Lefflnann's Sub of Blks 86 & 87, Lyman Dayton's Add $17$,lEl�. Lot 17, Blk 86, Lefflnanu's Sub of Blks 86 & 87, Lymarr� Dayton's Add. $�p8.95 I,ots 14 & 15, Blk 79, wtinson's Sub of Blk ?9, Lyman Dayton Add $220.'j�7 ��� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc� 19_ Yeas Naqa Butler Caxlson Approve� 19- Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty PUBLISHED DEC 51970 �� J • • � OR16tNAL TO CITY CL6RK �5���0 . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ti� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY gober�t F. Sprafka COMMISSIONER �ATF Description Amouat __._ Lot 16, Blk 79, Stinson's Sub. of BIk. 79, Lyman Dayton's Add. $213•� Lot 34, B1k 84, 5tinson's Sub of Blk 80, I,yms,n Dayton's Add. �22p,77 Lot 15, B1k 79, Ada�► C.ot z ian's Sub of Blk 77, Lyman Dayton's Ada. �162.81 Lot 16, Blk. 79, Adam Gotzia.n's sub of Blk. 77, Lyman Dayton's Add. $219•�9 Lot 15, �. Warner's Sub of B1k 78, I,yman 1)syton Add $223.63 Lot 16, L. Warner's Sub of Blk 'j8, I,yman Dayton`s Add $177.00 RFSQL�EU, 3'hat the Ca�omissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay fra�a the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Cod.e 6000 the a�ount of $5,99�+•36, a portion af �he ass�ssable costs of 9ide- walk Construction under the 1969 3idewalk Contract 69-M-�1�81, District No. 3, Levy No. 2, L-7158, in the amount of $5,99�•36, said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be rcimbursed fraan the City'� Share ot Local Improvement Aid Furid, 0920-461 �1970� �n�� DEC 2 �.�,a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays ��� � 1"� Butler Caxlson A 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � ayor Tedesco A8'���t Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED �C 519p0 �� R DYPLICAT6 TD lRIN'I�R - ����� . CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRg�,r�o.,r - CAMMISSIONER !' �AT� .� �# � i�0�'�� O� *r�M � O� �OrM�O�a �0�' tr�1! �T 1�! �' �, g,r. 2��► .nra s�►tsn.a �i► c.�. �ro. iq�asb, .��v+►.d �aur a, 1gs9, t�. Cit� e�! Saint �ao�tl, � P�T • !�'t�t � t� aa�ussl�l� Qo�ta e� ii0+wslt ; �aos�srtti�oa whrt s�el� aists t�aNd �l� �i�i � t�t �a[a�rb,� e�MS, �Rif�i� T� tiw 1� dr�ti�d #�but tlt� foSY+ou3a� �1�'3�1�d �araitls ; o� �aro�► � s+�lis� ot ttL� tatl�ri� a�o�i D��ri�ii � Lo�! 5, A�litor•a S�i►. �3k � Z1►.1� Lo� 6, �vdit�'s 8�►. #lh � �0.30 ibat part o! iro� T, �Ti� l['3�► a�' a lisa l�+o� a loia� ra the w'ly liM o! Nitl let, +b6 !'C. fiot � �i'3,r eoar. t��v!', t�o a �oia�t oa� t.lat �/L ot suid Lo� 3�. !t. lsaa t�t �i moa�'. �[ �Mai+d L�! T, Aaditee'a 8n1. �y1► � 2'�.'� �at �art e�C Lr� 7, �i eo. a! t �i�e lr4t a l03� eo tb� Y'3�► lis�r o[ �ai�d ]�+r�, �6 !'t. !'�a■► � �1•lT �. tl�or�o� tro • �eia� �a �1M ?�tr v� Nt3�d Lert, 31 !'�. t'�'el�t t1N �i �'. o! Lot �, Anrtito�''• Wi�. �1$. �13�.9�1 I� 1k, iilc. 83, sts�uoa's �L. o�" slt. S3, I��ass �qr� � AOd. �lAfi.l� La�t iS, nt• 83, stio�on•s sti1►. ot lil� 83, 1�aa DqRoa A�d. �3.E10 Lo�t 3�/, ud taa M. 1� !'�. O;f La� 73, N•J. �q's �i. u� lslc. ?2, ?,1►a�n ��0►'Fc�n'a /l�dd. �208.+0� Ldt ls, M.J. A�tlsq't �. t�' �llt. 'la► �aaa Dr0►'tiat �• � �►��►s zaa �, x,�t.ts,.a,a n.o. t�.s.�s . covxc��r�' ��`� � Adopted by the o�i c� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approv�l 19— Levine _ln Favor Meredith Sprafka � . roo�A�flAt, . Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �8 - �"_ ��C�it7V DUPLICAT�TO Mi1NT6R .. . CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNp� NO OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-6ENERAL FORM v�sr�n nr �o�r� ?. COMMISSION� � �A� �...�l�@1'��.�.� �t' � 1� K.J. AO�1'��i � OT �� �� � � � t�+�+•� . Lo�E 89, M.d. Dod!'r�p►'� 8v1 0� '1t T2 I�n D�toa 11�d �g•S3 La� l, L. xara�r's ava� or alk �'8, !�n Da�ca /1�d #2S9•12 Lvt 30, I,. Nata�'• 8t� ot Slt T8, L7�a D�on A�dd #2f�.46 Ler� lb, 81t. 2, &t. 8�disbe's /fAd. �88.�6 Lo� 17, �11�.2, $.!. �braL�'• Jl�d. �223.68 Lo� ls, Blt. 'S, �i�'s Adti. �0�.�8 Lv� L6, �1t. S, sltid�oar�'s Add. �P10.26 Lot 3b, 11�. 8'r, L�!'lfrm�'s Snb• o! fllc. $6 i 8'T, l,�ra�a Dytan's A�dd. �221.86 LoC 17, Hi1� d7. L�!'lf�an•a enb ot ylts 86 � 8'l, �n Dy►�an's 1u�t �186.'�3 _ �0 !'� ot LrC 34, l� llaCarrick's Beb ot 11� e8 �! t„��an ]�Tf+vr�'� A�d �.24 Lo� 1, J� Arth's Sm► o�t 111c. 8S, Lrisa Dy�aa� �d.. �1?4.1�4 Lv� 30, ders�h As�t�h'a � ot Blt 8� =�rrn D�Eo� A�dd �1�93•11 I,�II Dyton�6�L�tl1■ann's 9uL ot Dlta 86 � 8T, ��•� Lo� 1T, sit 86, L�lil�aa's svL ot elks 86 b 87, ta►�r►v ZJyr�aoc►'� A�A�d. #208.9g ' �n ��,� 7'9, 8ti�uon•s sub oi Slk T9� � �EC l�� . 2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»nci� 19— Y� xa�„ QEG 21970 But�� f; Caxlaon � Approv� 19— Lev�ne � Tn Favor Meredith , Sprafka � Tedesco ���t Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� + . ;DUl61CAT6 TO lRtNTOt , . . ��i�� . � ` CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r��s�� COMMISSIONER ��� !+ �A7z . DN�'ii�6i0e �tt be! lb, i�lt ?'9, �i�utaa's �d. et �t. T9, 3,�r/�s Dipr�va's ll�. �13.i6 , L�i 3�, Slt �, �RSa�oa's �1 0�' !lt QE�: �s Dqtaa's Ad�d. �H2O.7T tr�ri 1S, � 7'9s �a�t A�sl�a�'s ati id' i�t 'r"l, �r�a► 8�q►toa's IYid. �.81 La� 2i. �• T9, ��Yia Aolesias's �Ol o! �llt. ?7', =�d Dqtea'r �A�d. �9•�'9 Le� 3,�, I.. 1�asr�la�''� �i a� s11t '�, i�� ��a �d �ffi3•63 • � L`, L. 11as�wor's � � l�ilt 9"8, i�s Dqt�aa's �d �1?T.ON ���A, 'l�at t� Go�ai�sioa�r ext l�lltt M�ts l� +vt h� 1� � asilro�ri�d io *q !'�ait t�ll !'�ta� D�rr■MMCC �rolrit� ��L, QoM +6000 1r�. .�.�sa e�tr �5,9�1►•�6, : �o�iias o! m. .s.rsaaMl� eose. acC tiM• valti �oa�ts�etLoa rs0�r''�h�s 19i9 •l�O�t CenR�e! i}li�i�t, Dis�x�ist �• 3, �'�►s �. �, L-�'�, is Wt �rC o�i �5�99�►•36, �tid !�'�r� 114a�ovrw�� l�+reel� !�t to iNr s�ars�d !'raa t1� Qit,T'• t�a►s� aR �eN►l 31yar�o�►�� A!d 1►w�, 49�-�7. (19'?p� DEC � ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mc>> 19_ Yeaa Naya Butler �G 21��� Caxlson Appro� �8— Levine Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka � t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��