D001206��i�a� • • C1TY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TXE MAYOR i •-. _.a :a�_•.._ - , .. .:.. �--xrr-: .. .•�..r. r� � .� Approved CoPtas to' "CitY � (�9�� ADMINISTRATNE ORDER CotKistmit WMh tlN autlwrMY Grmfed b Ne MayM in SatHon t0A7Ad tlw Gty Cltarhr and WseO on tlr raquest oithe Diractw oltlfe Depvhnant af ExocWvQ MmiMstratbM • LIEP to ameM tlr 7996 &idget d the Ga�al Fwd, tOe Diractor d1Te Depv4nmN otFimnce and Manayement Servicx is aWaf(zed b amentl saW bud9et In tlie follwv(n9 mannar: a� 1111■ � _i � •[' FROM: GL001 00177 c� oo� oom GL001 00177 c� oo� oom GL 001 00777 G� 001 00177 GL001 W177 GL 001 00177 GLODS 00177 GL 001 G� 001 GL 001 GL 001 GL 001 GL 001 GL 001 GL 001 GL 001 GL 001 GL OD5 GL 001 GL 001 G� 00'1 GL 001 GL DOt GL 001 GL UU1 GL 001 GL 001 00�78 00176 00178 00178 00178 OU178 00178 00178 00778 00178 00'178 00178 00178 00178 00178 00178 00778 00178 00178 00178 0111 FWI Time Pertnar�erd 0�2� aart rme c�a 0344 PaRs Fa Vel�ides aas� c�,em�soo�acoy 0386 (�oth'vigllndortne D439 Fringe Benefils 0822 T�ucl� 8 Vans 0846 Other-SpecializedEqmt D857 Data Roces.ting Fiard.ra�e 016'I Salary Neetle 0209 Canmission Mee.Mkg Stipends 0222 Telephone- Mo Charges 0223 Teiepiwne"LwigDis4rwe 0226 Telephone- Mo Eqmt Lease �229 Other-COrtmunicatians 0235 Typell-Reg($4IDa+20) 0245 Pudiqtidis & Ad�tising 0276 OttEqrt&BFumftureRepair 0282 Rental-BItlg80flbeSpace 0359 OMierSpec MaOf 8 SuppGes 0383 PaPer-Fottns-Etc. 0364 LNteA�eads 8 AU Errvelopes 0368 Otfice Supplies�PUrch SNm 0381 Boo4s-PeriodckFidrs�Recs 0387 PMto Supplies 0389 Ofhu- Misc SuppGes 0439 F�nge Ba� 0856 Data P`ocessing Softvsre 0&57 �ta Processing HardMdre TO: G1001 00177 0219 GL00� 00177 0242 GL 001 00'177 0271 GL001 00'178 0279 GL001 00178 0521 Fees-OM�er Profsnl Services DupGcating - AII Processes Building - Repair Service Fees-0ther Pmtsnl Services Refunds ■=:'�•:hJ� 417,7'19 '16,821 4.500 a,sao 4,000 139,008 16,500 4,000 5,138 '15,377 4,200 2,848 300 3,390 1,717 9,375 7,346 1,180 21.882 ti27 135 135 8� 150 455 385 92,038 1,037 6,337 APPROVm Lueur_e¢ C.i4�748) (8�856) �.zas) {z.assl (sao) (1.305) �) I�) (5.�9) (9,W0� (475) Q24) (19� C�� ��.� (1,124) I�,sasJ ��•��) � � I��) (135) ��� (30) l�) �) (2.67U) (1,03� �s•��) 11� o d. a 362.971 9,965 �.zss z.a3s 3.060 137,703 16,798 3,974 3,169 6,307 3,725 2,'124 110 0 418 8,251 0 0 21,613 10 0 0 358 120 255 0 89,368 0 � 4,300 44,675 48,975 2,115 2,460 4,575 500 4,7N 5.2N 0 30�380 30�380 D 180 180 782.350 • � 3�9 Prepar by: Adivity Manager Dah � ' Al 3 �b'%7 Requestedby. DepaNnentDirecWr Dah 782.350 C �-r�, � �-�-� 3-3 j � �- M en br yor o� Sa1M Paul Butlpat Oflice (F:1,1123UCZxxxxl XXXXXX WK4) xx.nt-u �oo�aa6 ����. ���,� ExecutiveAdminishation-LIEP 03/28/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 35565 mNr�crz�erxox� Qi ��n,e�rrnw� Qs arroau�. Janet Odalen 266-9111 „�� o��„� o�� nastssoi+c�wNa.wm�wsrww'� � Q wra�rnmacma Q tataavc�cv�nsc o �,�«�� � �„�� TOTAL # OF SfGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � val of 1996 budget xevisons. xEZrofa�IDe�wts �IP�GUax�s(W PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACl'S MU3f ANSR'FR THE FOLLOWPiG QUESIION& xwtam�oow�um�von ave.�v�ax,e�voN I.Haa9tiapaaodfiimeu¢wvkedmdQac�rtfar9usdepam�enl? c�coae.rtnts YES NO ♦_sn� _ 2Hae9espawdfi�mew6emamYe�bya7 m _ YE4 NO s�saoa�swwcxmuwa.oegcmaT 3. Does 9tin pamu�m pom� a sk�mt nama➢Y P� bY mY c�t �Y �Y�� PES NO (F�Wn a0 yea auswwa on upante shat and athc6 to greeo shed) uan.frn�a moe�mt �x'i oaeoa�vrarc Man � x�w wmt R'Mk There are shortages in seveial line items in the 1996 LiEP Gene�al Fund (001). There are sufficient excess dollar amounts in other line items which will cover the shortages. This Adminishative Order will balance the 1996 LIEP Ge�ieral Fund Budget ADVANiA�SIl+APPROV�: The 1996 LIEP General Fund Budget will be in balance. D6ADVANTA�IFAPPROVFD: None naenvnxr.� oe uor aeertovm The 1996 LIEP General Fund Budget will not be in balance TOTALAMOUNiOPTUlSACLION C089'MHVHiI)SBUDC6��(Cp2CL80N6) O IVO IIV('SOURCE ACI141iYAlIMBII II8'ORNATION: (�5LA1N) � YV 41ntPrlB�tlprtol�c�IFl41]]Y�mRmmmn.WK�) narcan