251385 • • OIIIOINALTO COUNCII. �O, •_�y�� , ��TY��ux C1TY OF SAINT PAUL FILE APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS-RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE DAT 19 • R E S O L V E D � THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPER[NG THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. Detention and Corrections Auth. Administration 0870-100 Personr�el Services 96,404.00 0870-200 Contractua.l Services 9,500.00 0870-300 Commodities 600.00 0870-800 Capital Outlay 300.Op 870-400 Other Charges 41,817.00 870-9,00 Restricted Use 64,987.00 Woodview Detention Home 0871-100 Personnel Services 152,610.00 0871-200 Contractual Services 13,040.00 0871-300 Commodities 16,310.00 0871-800 Capital Outlay 740.00 871-400 Other Charges 77,543.00 871-900 Restricted Use 105,157.00 Home' School for Boys 872-100 Personnel Services 270,948.00 872-200 Contractual Services 24,276.00 872-300 Commodities 44,000.00 872-500 Capital Outlay - Land 8,450.00 872-800 " " - Equipment 1,325.00 872-400 Other Chaages 131,186,00 YES (�) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS But,ler ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� -19 • Carl son Levine APPROVED i s IN FAVOR Meredith Spra fka e MAYOR GAINST Tedesco COUNTERSIGNED BY �I� CITV COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT , McCart y "� sao QQ .-,�. • • � osiaiN��TO COUNCII. ����� c�Tra��x G1TY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO. � APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS-RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 19 R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROL,LER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABL.E DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. Detention & Corrections Auth. (cont.). Workhouse-Workfarm 0873-100 Personnel Services 439,876.00 0873-200 Contractual Services 35,359.00 0873-300 Commodities 77,305.00 0873-800 Capital Outlay 2,000.00 873-400 Other Charges 255,929.00 873-900 Restricted Use 298,611.00 Under new 1970 Accounting Procedures the expenses of the Detention & Corre tion Authority are paid out of the Special Revenue Funds to which the City and the County each contribute half YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS But],eY' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� DEC � ��� 19 • Carlson �E� � ���� Levine APPROVE �s _�IN FAVOR Meredith Sprafka. � e M� GAINST Tedesco COUNTERSIGNED B 2 �� c�rr eora o��en MR. PRESIDENT� McCarty � � PUBLISHED ��C 51970 . . . � �51��� � No�ice � CI�]' G� ST. PAUL` Council Fil� �'o. to , - liT��:���SGTA . ,., rrinter - � COUI:CIL �,SOLirTIO:� • 19 � R�SQL�'�D, t„at tt.a transfers T�:i�;hin �unds of t1:� various Ci{;y Dep�r�mer.ts ., . . . . ' - � heretofore a��rcJed b;r t;rs �it;; �omptroller, as suc5 transfers of funds as of pEC 2 197� are indica�ed in docur::ents ati�acl�ed hereto and made a part h�raof by referenc��, as ful1�- as if the s�r.e were set foi,th fu11y and ce;�plef.e:ly h�rein, ��. - a�e' hereby ap�roved, conies of the aforer:�ntioned also b�ing on �ile in the of_ fice of tl�° �ity Clark and a.n tha cffice o� the City CcMptrol7.er. . � � � DEC 2 �g��' � � . Adopted Uy tl�e Council ' _. �� 2 ���,� Cit,y Cc;-nptro�l.er Ap;iroved - 19` �Y � PUBLISHED �EC 51970 � �