251384 ' ' � ORIOINALTO COUNCIL �O. 251��4 � ' e�rrc�sRK C1TY OF SAINT PAUL FILE APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF 19 • R E 5 O L V E D , THAT HE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY 50 DOING AN UNAVOtDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TA1N ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHlCH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. 0045-100 City Clerk - Registration 250.00 045-200 250.00 Remaining account ba.lances will be adequate for the remainder of the yea YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS DEC � ��/O BUt1.2r ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI�- -19 • Carlson ��� 21'1 Levine APPROVED � ts _�IN FAVOR Meredith i Spra fka � �GAINST " Tedesco COUNTERSIGNED BY �p A I. CITY CO XOLLlR MR. PRESIDENT , McCarty '°"��`"" � �O PUBLISHED ��C J� ���� ": � . � �51��4. Nc�tice � CI'iY C.� S"�'� PAUL` Council Fi.le :'o. to , • 1��T1�;�`�SGTA . r, Prir.ter • COU.�CIL FL,SOLliTIO.�� • a.9 - R�SOL�'�D, t,�at tha transfers T�:ithin funds of tl:a various �ity Dep4r�mer.�s •. ' . . . ,. ' - � heretofore a��i�oved b�� f;re Cit;,- �omptroller, as �uch transfers of fun�s as of DEC � 1��Dare indicated in docur:nnts at-�nched hez�eto and mad'e a part h°reof by �eference, as Su113- as if tLe same were �e�: fa�,th i'ully ar.d ce;:ipletely hereir�, <m..�. - are' hereby ap�roved� copies of the aforemen�ioneci also ��in� on file in the of- f�.ee of th� City clarx and a.n th� cffiee o� the City �cMptrol7_er. . � � � � UEC � 1970 � Adopted Ly tLe Council � ,19_.._ � �. � �E� � 197a �it.y Canptro�le� A�r�rot�ed " 19r,,, By � � PUBLISH�D (�C ' 51970 � �