251375 OR�INAL TO CITY CL6RK d� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ' �5� y - �,� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC OLUTI N— ENERAL FORM COMMI85�1 NEQ Robert F. Spsafka C_ ,,Te � RRSOLVED, That the proper officers of the City of Saint Faul ar� hereby authorized to pay to Feter LBmetti Construction Cospany on �ertial Sstimate No. 1, Contract No. L-7286, Citq Project No. 69-S-1238, for the construction of the EAGLE STREET FUI�"ING STATION AND FORCEMAIN, said estiwate being paid for the period of October 5, 1970 to October 31, 1970, and such other partial estisates on said contract tlu t may be present�d subsmquantly by said Contractor and approned by the City Engineer, it being the understanding of this Conncil that such partial pay�ent or pay�ents on partial estisate or estimates on said contract in no waq are to be construed as an act bq the City or any of its agents, servsnt� or employees extending the time specified for the completion or in anq wa� clu►angimg the ter�s of said contrsct, pla�s or specifications thereof, nor in any way Aor by any �eans shall tl�is resolation or payoet�t, or payments made under authority of this resolution be construed as a waiver of any of the right� of said Citq under said contrsct, and prowided that prior to paysent of any of the afor�said pertial estiaate or estimates, said contractor by its duly authorized agents or corporate off icers, shall f ile �ith the City Coaptroller in a fores approved by the Corporstion Counsel an acceptance of the condition� of psyeient as herein- before set forth, and BE IT FETRTHBit RESOLVBD, That in the absenee of said acceptance being filed With the Gity Comptroller, no pay�eent or payments as aforessid sl�all be made. EOR APPR �ED q . Corpor io nsel �j Z�. aEG 1 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�il 19— Yeaa lvays D�C 1197� Butler Carlson v� 19— Levine ?ln Favor Meredith Sprafka U Mayor A gainst Tedesco 5 1970 Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED DEC �� . o��,�„���,� 251�75 • CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTlON—GENERAL FORM C.�OMM��ON�_�n�s't �_ ��l�� nATe � RSSOLVSD, Trat tiy Prop�s oflic�ra oi t1w City oi` lisi�t la�l as� 6�s�by autlaris�d to pa� to ?rt�r Luetti Ceastractl�on Co�Ay ow ?�rtisi Eati�at� 1M. 1, CoAtsact 110. L-72�6, City Pro��ct ilo. 69-�-lZ3s, fer t6� ooaatrttatioA o! tiw i�6LE 8?REST PUl�I11G �?A?LOII AND �ORCI�!lAllt, a�id �ati�at� b�ia� paid tos th� p�sio+ ot Octob�r s• 1970 to Octob�s 31. 197A. snd sucl� otY�r partisl �sti�st�s on s�ia contnct ttiat �sy b� pru+�at�d saba�qu�nely by sai� Cowtssator and apPrm��i 1qr t� City snsinar� it b�iAs tiu u�derstandins ot tbis Coancil tl�at sa� Nstiii ps�at or ps�ats oa partial lsti�ti or ��tisat�a on s�ii ooetsact in ar rrp ar� tm b� aonstru�d as am act by th� CitY or aap o! its apeta, a�rrants or �1�yNa nct�ndiu� tb� tiN ap�cifird !os tiM �mo�pi�tioa os iA an� w� al�a�s ttis t�s� ot s+sia �ontta�t� plaes or spacitications tlMS�o�. eas lu au� w�r u�rr by any wua shall tbia r�solntion er pa�nt. or Pa�ts r� u�r rwtY�rity o� tl�is ruolutioA b� e�onsiru�d aa a wiwr oi aay o� tL� ristits o! asid Cit� nAd�r said oowtrast, asd pro�id�d �t �rios to pa�t of aay ot �lw aloraaa�i partial �sti�at� or �stiw�t�a. said contsaatos by it� duly wtlwsis�d apats �s aerprat� otiic�s�, sLall lil� Mith tlr� City Co�peroii�r ia • to� apps+owd bf tiN C�rporati� Cwns�l an aec�ptaAa� oi tly ao�ditions ot pa�ut as b�r�iu- b��or� a�t forth, aud SE 1T 1R1R�ER RiaOiLViD, T�at in t6� a��Aa� oi said acc�ptapc� b�ius til� +rit6 ela Citr Co�ptroll�r. no parsut os pa�ants as aterraaid aLsll bt �al�. I�E� 1 �70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mril 18— Yeas Nays Butler �EC 11�]� Carlson Approve� 19— �°�e T*+ Favor H2eredith ,� . �� . �rl�� AoOA7TGt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ���