251374 OR161NA,ro ctrr c�neK ���`���� CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCiI NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR���� Robert F. S raf lca COMMISSIONE ATE � � , o �, _ �� RBSOLVBD, That the pr r officers of the City of Sa3nt Faul ere hereby authc�rized to paq to Arcon Construction Company on Fartial Estimate No. 5, Contract No. L-9007, Citq Froject Nos. 70-G-189� �nd 70-5-1401B, for the co�- stnaction and I�proveeent of Streets, Alleqs and Sidevalks in Cffi�1SUS TRACT 9 and 10, Contract B and WALSH-IVY BXTENSIONS Stors SeWer, said esti�ate bei�g paid for the p�riod of October 10, 1970 to Noveenber 13, 1970, aad such other partial esti,ates on said contract tha►t tiay be presented snbs�quently bq ssid Contraetor and approved by the Citq Engineer, it being the und�rsta�nding of this Conncil that such partial paqs�nt or payaents on partial estimate or estisates on said Contract in no waq are to be construed �s an act by the City or any of its agents, servants or employees eztending the time specified for the co�pletion or in any way changing the teress of seid contract, plat�s or specifi- cations thereof, nor in any way nor bq anq means shall this resolution or pay- sent, or pa}r�eats uade under suthoritq of this rssolution be cor�straed as a waiver of any of the right� of safd Citq under said eontrac't, and ptrovided that priar to payment of any of the aforesaid partial e�ti�ate or estimates, eaid contractor by its dulq anthoriz�d agent� or corporate officers, shall file irith the City Cc�.ptroller in a �ora approved by the Corporatio� Co�nsel sn acceptance of the conditions of payaent as hereinbefore set forth, and BE IT FUxTHBR R$SOLVED, That in the absence mf said �cceptanc� being filed With the City Comptrollar, no paqsent or`paya��ats as aftsresaid-a�ll be �de`. " .FO APPRO t. Corpo i n uns�l �n, � �,EC 1 1974 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc>> 19— Yeas Nays Butler �� � �l� Carlson P� 19— Levine n Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor Tedesco A 8'ainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED DEC 51970 �� �51�'74 ou�ud►r�ro�R�wTS�e CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOWTION-GENERAL FORM C.�OM�MI�ONErt �If�lt t. �OYt�� pArs � RE�OLY=D. Tl�at t1N ps+op�r ottic�ra et tb Cit� o! Saiat lanl ar� tits�Dy �atiissis�d to �s� to Art�on Constrnation Co�psnp on tasti�l �stisst� lls. S, Co�tnct No. L•l007. City tro��ct llo�. 70•�i-lal0 aad 70•�•1i01a. !or tiN aon-� atruati�u au� Lp���t ot Str�eta� Aiina sad sidhralks in CEII=OS TRACT f r�ad 10. Contr�at D �n1 i11LaH-IVY E�CtiNitipN= �tes� Sa�ws, s�id �sti�at.� t+�i� p�i� !os tla p�ried ot OatoD�r 10, 1970 t� Nor�r 13. 1l70, aod saeY otlw�t p�sti�l �sti�atu oa •rid c�sutraat t�at �ty b� ps�a�ut�d a�bspu�atl� bp soi/:. Conts�aator aad appro��d by tw City Sa�it�s, it b�li� tlw n�=standi�a o! tLis Coun�il ti�at aueY pastial pa�t •r ps�ts oA pstrtial �sti�at� or eati�atu o� a�id Cortraat !,A eo wy ar� te bs eaorstru�i u a� �ct by tiw Cit�r os auX oi !t� �ta. a�rnsuts or �loy� �:e.�mdia� t1N ttM ap�sitiN tor RlN �l�tien or ia sa� �y cban�ins tia t�s�s ot �aid rsetraeC, pla�s ot ��asitl.� aatioua tiNr�ol, ear ia sw� wp �r by aay �s sl�all thia s�aoititi�a or fa� Mat� or ra�ta � �s a�tl�ority vt tLia zwoititioA b� anwtsu�i u a wir�s oi aa� e! tla ri�ts ot aaid Cit� w�d�r said eontraat, awd �swid«I tl�t prior te pa�at ot auy ot t1N atar�asid partial ��ti�at� •r ��ti�ttu, said ooatsaat�s tiy ita �ql� aatLoris�d apata �r �erporat� otti�sa, a1�a11 l�ilt �rlt1 tiy City Ca�ptroll�r in s !o� appr�wd by t1a Corporati,a�a Coaas�i aw sac�pta�s ot tY� oonditioaa oi p��t as L�r�lAb�tor� s�t lostti. and � tT �tiR?M� itE#OLV1�D. T�at i� th� atis�a� of said �ca�ptaua b�ia� fi1N vitti tlw City Co�ptroll�r� ao �a�nt er ��nta u atosrsaid a�illl 1� �adi. DE� i ll70 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co»_c� 19—. Yeas Nays �C 1 ��� Butler Carlson Appm�rl 19— �°�e T*+ Favor D�eredith 5prafka MaYor t Tedeeco Mr. President, McCarty ��