251367 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK � /�d�j�� / � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E NC�� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �OU IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHER�AS, th� City Co�ancil's Coannittee on L�ada ha� recoa�aended that the City purchase Lo�s fiwe (5) , six (6) , a�d seven (7) i�a Block two (2) in Como Pro�p�ct Addition, for the s� of Twenty Thousand Fiw� Hund�red a�ad ao/100 Dollar� ($20,50�.00) , and the seller wot�ld retaia a right to mavc thc existiag dwelling from th� lots at her own cost and expen�ef ar�d WH�REAS, Purchase Agreement setting forth th� terais and conditions between the City �nd the �eller of the �bov� real estate, Constanc� 6. Logajan, has b�en prepared and recommeAded for approval by the Com�nnittee on Lands= now, therefose be it RESOLVED, That the Couneil of the �ity of 3aint Paul does hereby concwr in the r�commendatio� of the Com�aittee on Lands, and the proper City officers are hereby authosized and directed to execute said Pt�reha�se Agreement on beh�lf of th� City, a copy of which Purchase �►gree�aent is attaehed hereto a�d incorporated herein by reference. �A �P �v �•. ��r ation c n E , � DEC 1 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays ��C 1 ]']Q Butler ' Carlson Ap rove 19— Levine �_In Favor Meredith Sprafka J or A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED DEC 51970 �� J. WJLLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Valuation Engineer � ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L as5�► Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Ci+y Hell ��� ��/��i $eint Paul, Minnssote 55102 `� .� .l. �55 C1.'ty CO'11T1C11 City of Saint Paul Gentlemen and Madaan: The City of Saint Paul, acting through its Valuation Engi.neer, has secured a purchase agreement for the purchase of certain property described as follows: Lots five (5), six (6), and seven (7) in Block two (2) in Como Prospect Addition, acc. The owner of the above described land, Constance G. Loga,jan, has accepted an offer tendered her by the City in the amount of $20,500.00 as compensa- tion for the sale of the land to the City. This property, including land and buildings, is needed by the City of Saint Paul for Loeb La,�e Pa.rk. In view of the reasonable price for which it can be purchased, said price being the appraised fair and reasonable market value. Therefore, we, the Committee on Lands, do recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Pa.ul that it authorize the purchase of said land in lieu cf condemnation proceedings for the price of $20,500.00 as ne�otiated with the owner, and authorize and direct the proper city officers to execute said purchase agreement on behalf of the City. Very ours, May � Purchasing nt Co issioner o r s, Recreation and Public Build' s _ �1/�.��� Commissioner of Finance Parcel No. 3 File No. 17�+20 � ' � ., ' . . ��.'. . ... : ��l/ . � �� �� ! ��O � PURCHASE AGREENiENT THIS AGR.EEr;ENTo Made and entered into this /D � day of -�/�� , 1970, by and between the CITY OF SRIh'`T PF1UL, hereinafter referred to as "City�� and CONSTI�NCE G. LdG�J�N, 1211 Lo�b Stre��, Saint Paul, l�qinnesota, hereinaf_ter rcferred to as "Seller"; WIT�TES SETH, WHEREAS, City is •d�sirous of purchasing Lo�s fiv� (5) , six (G) � and s�ven (7) in Block tti►o (2) in Coma Pro�p�ct Addition. Sain� Paule Ramsey C�uz�ty, Aiinnesota, tor th� �uzn of T�►enty Thousand Fi�re Hun�.red and no/l0Q I?oZlars ��aa,5ao,00) ; and. j�T:3ERE.�S` Sell�r agree� to the «bov� purchase and ��i�h�:s to retair� passession a� the �rop�rty anc� de�ire� �.o move �.he d�P�Zlinc� locat�d or� �he �-�:ba�T� real pxoperty; no�r, th�x��ore, TT IS kG1�E1� by and �et�a�en Ci�.y and 5cller as follows: 1. The CYty agrees to purchase Lot� five (5) f six (6) , an� seven (7} �_n BlocY. two (2) in Como Prospect T��di�ion for �he mut�ally agre�d ugon con5ideration of the sum of Tv.enty Thoc�sand Five Hund�Ed and no/100 Dollars ($20,500.0�) . � 2. The abo�re consideration shall be paid to the Sel�er �y the City upon delivery to th� City of maLketabl� title and warr_an�y d�ed conveyin.g fee sitnple absolute titl� to the abo�re-described real estate free ai�d clear of all enc�mbr�nce�, prova.ded, however, that the City shaJ_t xetain t}ie s�zm of Two Thousand and no/100 Do�.lars ($?.,C00.00) unt�l alZ the remaining te�.�ns and conditions of this agreemcn� hav� been com�leteci and t�i� dEaelling r�moved iram the r�al �s�ate by tl?c� el�.er. ..�...�....... . � , �_y % � . � . � • ��_._,. 3 . Seller shall pay real estate taxes and assessments due and payable in the calendar year 1970. City agre�es to pay aIl real estate taxes and assessments �ahich shall become due and payable in the year 197Z. 4. Seller shall remain in pas�ession of th� la d and building and shall remove the house and garage at h�r own exp�nse. Seller � shall complete the removal of the house and garage and deliver � • possession of the land to the City on or before Julyll, 1971. The Seller agrees to remove the house and garage according to the speci- fications of the City of Saint Paul which are a�tach�d to and mad� a part of this agreement. 5. In the event the Sel].er does no� d�li��er posse�sion of �h� gremises on or before Jul�� 1, 1971, in compliance wi�h Paragraph .� � abave, Seller sh�:�ll pa�� to the Cit�� a month��r r�n�al o� th� svn of Two Hundred and no/100 Dollprs ($20Q.Oa) o 6. It i5 agreed by and between �he par�ties hereto that if the Seller does not com�ly with the condit�:ai�s set out in PaXagx�.ph � pertaining to the wrecking and remov�I. of the dwelling and garage and delivery of possession by Decemyer 31, 1971, the Cit1� shall U� entitled to retain the sum of Two T2zousand and no/100 Dollars ($?., OOO.00 and the C�.ty would be authorized to enter upon th� premises and ��rreck and remove th� d�vel.Zing and garage at the City' s expense. Notice of such action to be taken by the City shall be given i.n �ariting to the Seller at leasi: th�rty (30) days prior to the Ci�y' s entcring upom the land and wrecking the builda.ngs. 7. The SeI.lcr shall, during the term o�E her occ�tpancy of such rea], groperty, maintain insurance protection covcring the premises 2 � . �_ ,.� � � . .�. _ _ .�. _, __ . _ �.... . - . .. �� . � - - - � . � � . . X .9.t _ ' �i and protecting the same against all losses, damages or claims whatsoever and shall provide the City with a certificate af insurance prior to the transfer of title as contemplated in Paragraph 2 hereof. In addition to the abov� insura,lnce coverage and during the term of occupancy by the Sel er contemplated herein, Seller shall maintain, at her own � e�.pense , public liability insurance protecting herse;lf and � the City of Saint Paul as joint insnreds from claims for damages and bodily injury, including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise while the Seller shall remain in possession o� the property in the folla�ing minimur� amounts: - Bodily injury instxrance , including death, in an amount of n.ot less than �50,000.00 for all damages arising aut of bodily injury to or death oY one person and subject to the same limit for each ' person, in a toi;al amount of not less than �i50,000.00 on account of any one acciaent. IN WITRESS W�IER�OF the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the day and year first abov� written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Mayor Form A prove 5pe i A 'st nt rp ration Commissioner of Parks and Counsel Recreation and Public Buildings City Clerk Approved as to form and � execution this day Countersigned: vF , 1970• City Comptroller Special Assistant Corporatiozz Caunse] '; ' ,�, . , 3 .. _ . : ,.�.. , .. � . . A :. .....j • . �. •_.,.�. . _ . ��'.�: �, . • In Presence ot � , ��r�r-� :� ���'�--- �`���-,,.���-��- �% � � -� -I_�--�-� - . � Constance G. Lo�aaan '�� „� � �.-e/ � � , ,��.e°'���7`J �:�� STATE OF MINI�'ESOTA ) �_ ss. COUNTY OF RAt�fSEY ) On this � /d ^� day of �' ' �.r' . 1970, befor� me, a notary public ��ithin and �ar s�id Coun�y, personally appeared COL:STAI`TCE G. LOGAJAN, to r,1e known to be ' the person described in and who exec�zt�ed th� foregoing a.nstrtxment and acknowl�dg�d that sh� executed the same as her free act and deed. � ;%t/,��-c�--�—�.__. � No�ary Public, Ramsey County, b7.ir�n. Nty commis5ion ez�pi.res��c�'/? � . � T-----_� � . _ ��., : , . .. . _ , _..,�_ e � q . I I I 4 , �.,..._ . ; � ; ( ' . � _ y •/ , Y .. � � . . . . _. ... I r:3..". � .a � � , . . . , 4. , � �1 � . . . . . . . ^ ' . . , ,�� � � SP�CZFICATION FOR Djv'ELLIPIG PURCHASE � AND REI�IOVAL, rILLING AND SITEWORK LOCATED AT . 532 WEST MARYLAND AVENUE � , SAINT PAUL� MIL�NESOTA � . I _ . ; . FOR . DEP1aRTI�NT OF PARKS, RECREATTON & PUBLIC BUILDTNGS 4�5' CIT�' HALL SRINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � PREPAI2ED BY • � DEPARTI�7ENT OF PART{S AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS VICTOR J. TED�SCO, COMI�IZSSIONER ROBEP,T L. AMES, CITY ARCHITECT 445 CITy HA.I,L, AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MIl`TNESOTA JOB �#70-70 SEPTEI�iI3�R 1970 � � . , ,� . , , ,. . � . ' . � . ,. _ . .;•.�:�. . .. . , .,. ..., : . . . , . . INSxRUCTIONS TO IIIDD�RS: � A11 bidders are cautioned t.o familiarize themselves with the requirements of these spccifications which shall c}overn the conditions of the purchase and removal of the subject dwelling, . The pro1�osal shall be made on forms pro�ided by the Ci.�.y Purchasi A,�ent and al1 applicable spaces in the fonn shall be filled out, n� Except where the City reserves t.he right provided to reject an or a11 proposals, the sale of �the subjec�. 1_. � made to the highest bidder, ��' st.ory dwel.Iinq shaZj be All bidders are informed t.hat time is of th� essence in the sale an removal of this structure caithin the scheduled time periods. I�tten�t-ion is parti.cularly called to Section l, ; which provides for assessing the cost of boarding-up work should the building remai.n unsecured or un-removed after the due time periods. . , PARC�L TO BE PURCHASED Ai_JD RE,MO�,�EU ------.--_ PARCEL i�TO, ADDRESS I,�GAL DESCRIPTION $LDG. �'6 '�/����-a�d�o Lo t s �-�� ��--� Y_� �. S-�. �lock �, Como � Stor Prospect Addn, frame dwellzng a ' 1` � . . . . . � . . . .. _"_._.....__. . . .... _..... .. ._-.. . . _ . �_. . . � w ' � I � i , . SECTION 1, .SPECIAL CO:�'DITTONS 1.� COIKPLETIOiV T;ze Purchaser sha11 commence the removal work within five (S} . worlcing days a£ter not.ification in writing by t.he City Architect to proceed. After removal the .�Purchaser shall complete the fillin and sitework within thirt.y (30) calendar days ot receipt of such g notice. Y• 2 SALVAG�ABLE ITENS Tne City of St. Paul canno�. guarante� the exist�ence of any salvageable items for the purchas�r. 1.3 PERFORNANCE DEPOSIT In additian to the purchase bid amount, the Purchaser shall be required to simultaneously deposit. with the City of Saint pauz a work performance sum of $1000, 00. Th�s depasz.t shall be re- tained by the City until t�le satis:Eactory comp].etion of the filling and sitec�ark described in Section 3 is accompl �shed, at which time the entire p�rformance su:n shall be refunc3ed to the k'urchase r. The City of Saint paul reserves the righ�. to pe�form tnis filling and si�.eworlc should such wox-k not. be complet.ed within � the t�.me 1a.mit specified in Section 1, 1 , Tn the even�. the Ci�.y does perform this �•rork due to the failure o� completion an the part of t.he Purchaser the sum of $300. 00 shal.I b� forf�a.ted {�o the City of Saint Paul. 1.4 APPROVAL AND I'INAL ACCEPTA�tCE Upon complet.ion of the removal, filling and sitework, the purchaser shall notify the Czt.y Architect in cr�riting that t.he site is ready for final inspection. 1. 5 ASSESSr.'�NT FOR BOARDTiVG-UP WORIC Should the purchaser not commenc� the removal work no� secureZ � board-up t.he vacant. st.ruc�ure within the specified five (5) daY period af�er receiving a written notice to proceed: fi.he City o� Ste Paul may order the vacant structur� t.o be boarded-up. The cost af such worlc if ordered shall be �ssessed against. �.he $I000. 0� performa.nce sum. Job #70-70 �l- . . � ___._ _ _.._ , . . . , � . , � . t: .: : . � . ,r , ` h '' ' „ ,' ,. , „ .< . , • • •s�cTrors 2 D'•'i'�LLING RENOV�L 2.I REMOVAL OF STRUC"'��P,? The Purchaser as soon as he receives the notice to proceed with �e i'�ork. Uh�Il ent�r v.pon the premiser and do any and aI.I, things n�cessary to prct�ct the premises from dama o b who are unauthori��d t.o carry on the removal workL� The s�ruCns ture shall be moved in a prop�r and approved manner. Moving operations shall be carried on by able, skllled �r men, using er�uip:n�nt. o;:�ich provzdes adequa�e safe�.y in �ranss+ porting the structures. Tye Purchaser shall obtain a11 permits required for his opera�ionsaY �11 �€ees �nd The Purchaser shall obtain the a I � Archi-cec� proval �'r.om tlze S�ta F�au�. Ci�v fer �l-�e lc.^at.ion of t1�e n�ca si.t.es tvhere t1z� s�ruc- ture ia to be r_eiocated, if within the St. 1�au1 City lami�.s, betore any moving operations ar� started. T;�e loca�.ion o� the dwelling on the new lot shall camply with �.he St, pauZ City Building Code r�gulations. 2.2 METxo� or cr_P2°�znTc o� T�-� woRx � : � Th� Purchaser shall reracve founclation walls to an e,�evation of not I.e�� than (3) t.hr�e feet below. ground lir_�. The Purchaser shall remove�al.1 bas�nen�.�colum�s, parti�.ions, and partition wazZs to t.he level of th� basemenfi. floor. T?�� Purchaser. sha11 remove a11 pzping, cond�ai�, heat�Yng facilities, ta:=;c:,, furn?ture, rubbish, combustxble r�a�.�ri.als, . etc, trom thn basement e�:cavati�ns. The purchaser sh�ll i�reak up the basement and g�rage floo� slabs int.o �:i_eces n�t over o�e (1) square yard in area and leave �.n placs. . The Purchaser shalZ remove tr.am the premis�s aIl slabs, clothes ' pol�s, steps, �?alks, miscellaneous concr�t.e, t.rash, junk and d�bris. T��e Purchas�r miist not use this area to dispose o� any trash or debris. 2•3 PUBLIC UTILITIES The nurchaser shall take care of a11 public utilities encountered durin� the progress o� th� �rork. He shall sc-,nd praper notices, make �he necessary a�range�rent.s and provide all services re- quired to take care of gas mainso water pipes, se�aer pipes, electrica_l wires, telephone and te]egrapli condui�. and cables, fire pl>>g.,, ?_�_:,;� po��;.U, sicn posts and Uny other i�.em of tllis ch�racter, a��u:ling a11 r��.;ronsiuizity and paying all cos�s tor Job �70-70 �z� . . , ,� . . . , , : � . . �,. � .. � � � . �. � � � � � � � . . _. . .. ... . � . � ' `-f` . ,:.� ... �� . . •!, � � � '� . whic� tho C�tyr of St. �a�� ma�� be Ii��. consuZt �e all . . public and s�ruzce comp��ay r�c��s ���n���u �y�nself of the locations o� aIZ u�iliLies. � other pipes shall be clearl marked Loca��or�a o� ����. gas and at any future time. � "o �1��t ���y 'c�n b� Ioca�ed AlI sew�rs shal.l b? luqqed at the ro er. �v Zine, caulked ;nc3 �ea3.ed ;zth car:c�et� accor..danee wit.h ��e '�L'c' �n o� sec�rcrs � � h t.he re irem�n�s o� -�.h� S�. P�u��'��. ��_ da��� �.n 2•4 PRQ'Z'ECTION �F PUBLZC A�rD PRIV�}�.('E PR �e�c�� n� `�r�men�. •�E R'=^�, In th� work operati.ons invalved in t.h� moving or �.h� bui j the Purchaser shall use evex-y p�ecau�a.an to p�-at�eL- �he �����< from persanal harm and pro�ct a�.1 privat� an� p�?���c �o ���c from damag�. The• Purchaser sh-�� g � �I� preven� peap1e from ge���n ° I er�c�. �ua.�:.a}��� b����e�.� �o them �zOm galling into holcs�or�depr�ss�,ons. z�n� Z•5 ROD�NT AND PEST CO�,TT�?p�, � �� �o ��even�. No work sha11 start and no peztn�,t sha�,l bA , removal of any buildi.n a�staed fcor �e factory evidence is fu� °r structua:e in the Ci�Ir un��� s�f�x�- Of�icer t.hat a lic�nsednish�d by a cer4:i�ic�� f�:Q:n �he T�'e��,th aZl, nuzsance ���� cont�al comr��i��f ��� ��,���g���� pes�.s from th� s�ruci:.ur� and pr�mas�s. #70-70 � -3- � i . . �,,..:.< �. 't'7 �• � . , . sECTroL� 3 FILLING ANll S�:�.��1lO�:It 3. 1 FI___LLING � �! � Tiie Purchaser shall fi11 the basement ����va�.�,on� and depressions to a leve2 6" above t��� �b��.�� � ��d ���- hol�s with clean- dirt. t�?;�ere the ground ,�:�ne sZo �s g 5xound Iitte shal.I match �.he sYoge with the to o�' �' ' �� Pu��h�ger P the �EiZl. i 3.2 SA� FETy The Purchaser shall use e�ery precau�.ion to pro�.e�c� th� pubZac from personal harm, The Purchaser shaZZ erec� , ' to preveng peapl� from gaZZing into hol�s or ���,�����an�barriers 3•a CT�EAN UP � . Upon the com�letion ot the worlc requi��d und�r �.hi '��e Purchaser shall remove aIl �.00ls, equipm�n�., sca£poJ d�,nC�tion debris and o�her materials from the prernis�s, The entire g premises shall be left in a clean condstion �o 'r..he �a���� of �.he City Archztect. ac�ian END OF SP�CZFICATIOiV • Job #�70-70 . . _4- ,... . , ,� . .- , �