251366 OR161NAL T+C`CITY CL6RK �������
. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �'� �'
RE50LVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves
the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for
the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to
the following listed properties and as shown by the official
minutes of said Board of Appeals dated October 28, 1970 , a
copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made
a part hereof by reference:
Case No. Property Appellant
88-70-H 359-361 Maria David K. Coster
90-70-B 404 North Roy 5t. Central Baptist Church
Pastor John F. Anderson
n 1 ��
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�a�L�C 19—
Yeas Naya ���; 1 1'10
Caxlson Ap e� 19—
Levine ��n Favor
Sprafka �' yor
Tedesco A Bainst
Mr. President, McCarty �
PUBLISHED [�EC 51970 Asst. Corporation Counse
• ' Meeting N�. 41
� ��
Wednesday, October 14 , 1970
Room 210 , Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. - 1:30 p.m.
Members present: Lawrence Cohen, Chairman
Raymond Grove
Estyr Peake
Norma Sommerdorf
Arthur Tieso
James Voigt
Members absent: Gale Rehnberg
Others present: Dr. Paul Cox, Frank Staffenson, Bill McCc�usland,
G1enn Erickson, Thomas Anderson, David K. Coster, Louis Bracke,
Mr. Peterson.
The minutes of the meeting of October 14 , 1970 were approved
as distributed.
87-70-H 388 Grand Ave. David K. Coster
SUBJECT: "Order to Vacate" dated October 13, 1970 and
"Notice of Condemnation" dated October 13, 1970 from the
Bureau of Health to D.C. Development, David Coster, 388 Grand
APPEARANCES : David K. Coster.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cohen read the appeal dated October 8 , 197Q.
Mr. Coster requested that tenants be allowed to use stoves at
388 Grand and that continued occupancy of the third floor be
Presently there are 10 dwelling units in use. There is one
tenant located in the third floor. Mr. Coster said the window
on the third floor which exits to a fire escape could be
converted to a door . . . Presently, the fire escape does not
go to grade. . . . The house was purchased in 1968 .
Dr. Cox explained that the present vacancy rate in St. Paul
is approximately 3. 37 � . There are no statis�ics presently
available concerning the number of third floor occupancies in
St. Paul .
ACTION: Moved by Voigt to waive Section 54 . 15 (3) of the St.
Paul Legislative Code that no wood frame dwelling be occupied
' • Meeting No. 41
above the second floor unless the original construction provided
for such occupancy. Further moved that such waiver be granted
on condition that the window exiting from the third floor to
the fire escape be converted to a door; that the fire escape
be extended to grade level; and that no more than one person
occupy the third floor. Finally moved that all other Housing
Code deficiencies as set forth in the "Tdotice of Condemnation"
be corrected within 18 months .
Seconded by Grove.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Peake, 5ommerdorf, Tieso,
Voigt. Nayes : None. Abstentions : None. Motion earr.ied
six (6) to zero (0) .
ACTION: Moved by Peake to waive Section 54 .15 (3) according to
prior motion only until such time as the ownership be transferred.
Seconded by Tieso.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso,
Voigt. Nayes : None. Abstentions : None. Motion carried
six (6) to zero (0) .
Case No. 88-70-H 359-361 Maria David K. Coster
SUBJECT: Notices dated July 27, 1970 and 5eptember 1, 1970
to David Coster, 1726 East 4th St. and 361 Maria, respectively�
requesting that dwelling units at 359-361 Maria be converted
to rooming units .
APPEARANCES : David K. Coster.
PROCEEDINGS: The appeal dated October 8 , 1970 requested that
cooking facilities be allowed continued use until bathroom
units can be installed in all dwelling units . The building
would be in compliance if all cooking units were removed. . . .
There are 11 units with one person in each unit. There are two
complete bathroom units in the building.
ACTION: Moved by Cohen to continue the matter for a period
of 18 months to allow Mr. Coster to add sufficient bathraom
facilities as so requested.
Seconded by Voigt.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso,
Voigt. Nayes : None . Abstentions : None. Motion carried
six (6) to zero (0) .
� . 10/28/7Q
• Meeting No. 41
93-70-B 1246 Prosperity Louis Bracke
SUBJECT: Letter dated October 21, 1970 from Glenn Erickson,
Assistant City Architect to Mr. Louis Bracke, 1246 Prosperity
Ave. , indicating that a permit could not be issued to con�;truct
the proposed attached garage as it would be in variance with
the required four foot side yard setback.
APPEARANCES : Louis Bracke.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Bracke introduced the proposed construction
plans and a sketch showing the plots of his and adjacent properties .
Mr. Cohen read the appeal dated October 23, 1970 indicating
that a waiver would allow enough room for a two car garage
and furthermore, that the adjoining property was of an
irregular size and not suitable for a house.
ACTION: Moved by Tieso to waived Section 33.04-3b of the
St. Paul Legislative Code to allowed construction of the pro-
posed attached garage within two feet of the side yard, as
indicated by the plans . Such waiver is to be granted on
condition that the board receive a letter from the owner of
the adjoining property, one Mr. Gail Oie, 1242 Scherer's
Lane, indicating no objection to the waiver. If no such
letter is received before the next regular meeting of the
Board, the matter will be reheard at that time to give
Mr. Oie an opportunity to express his views on the proposal .
Seconded by Cohen.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso,
Voigt. Nayes : None. Abstentions : None. Motion carried
six (6) to zero (0) .
90-70-B 404 North Roy St. Central Baptist Church
Pastor John F� Anderson
5UBJECT: Letter dated September 17, 1970 from Robert Ames ,
City Architect, to Central Baptist Church, 420 Nor'th Roy St. ,
indicating the use of the frame dwelling at 404 Nor�h Roy St.
for use as a 5unday School and other church activities must be
discontinued as the building does not comply with this type
of occupancy.
APPEARANCES : Pastor John F. Anderson, Mr. Peterson.
PROCEEDINGS : The appeal, dated October 12, 1970 was read
indicating reasons for appeal as : 1} The house is used c:�.ly
1 hour per week for Sunday School space; 2) it was purchased
' 10/28/70
�� Meeting No. 41
with the intention of providing additional land for further
building space; 3) it is greatly needed for this limited, temp-
orary usage.
Pastor Anderson explained that the basement and second floors
are not used for church activities . The caretaker lives next
door. . . . There is free access to the front and rear exits .
At most there are twenty-five individuals present, normally
from two to fifteen. . . . The building is used from 9 : 30-
11 :00 a.m. on Sundays and from 7-$ :30 p.m. on Wednesdays .
G1enn Erickson said there is an obvious hazard in the boiler
ACTION : Moved by Cohen to grant continued use of the premises
for a period of two years only on condition that the building
be occupied on Sundays and Wednesdays only, and that the
assembled occupancy be limited to the first floor only.
Further moved that a sufficient number of fire extinguishers
be provided in the building and that the furnace be properly
enclosed within sixty days . Finally moved that the filing
fee be waived.
Seconded by Grove.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Peake, Voigt. Nayes : None.
Abstentions : Sommerdorf, Tieso. Motion carried four. (4) to
zero (0) with two (2) abstentions .
89-70-H 1899 Marshall Ave, Mrs . Patricia J. Jordan
Carried over until the next regular meeting of the board as
Mrs . Jordan was out of town.
Frank Staffenson gave a slide presentation showing some of the
poor housing conditions within the City of St. Paul.
Meeting adjourned at 3 :45 p.m.
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Thomas W. Anderson
Recording Secretary
p��r�,T�,��R,�, ��1��6
� �, . CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� ND
R�SOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifiAs and approves '
the action of the Saint Paul Hoard of Appeals and Review for
the Housinq, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to
the following listed p•roperties and as shown by the official .
minutes of said Board of Appeals dated October 28, 1970, a
copy of which, sr�arked EXHIBIT ".A" is attached hereto and made
a part hereof by reference:
Case No. Property A�pellant
88-70-H 359-361 Maria David K. Coster
90-70-B 404 North Roy St. Central Baptist CY-.urch
Pastor John F. Anderso�
� 1. ��0
COUNCII�EN Adopted by the Co�mr,� 19—
Yeas Naya n
Butler �,' I DEC 1 �7�
Carlson Apps'°°"� 19—
�°�e T� Favor
Sprafka ��
Mr. Preaident, McCarty