03-795Council File # � � GreenSheet# 3�� 3S� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 2 RESOLVED, that the Tasicab Driver's License Application submitted by Alonzo F. 3 Crenshaw, is hereby denied for his August 20, 2001 felony conviction for Fieeing a Police 4 Officer in a Motor Vehicle, and for failure to submit license application fees along with his June 5 2003 license application as well as his Apri120001icense appiication. 7 This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts 8 contained in Hennepin County Court Records for case number KX01045602 and the June 24, 9 2003 Notice Of Intent To Deny License Application letter to the applicant, as well as the July 23, 10 2003 Notice Of Non-Payxnent Of Application Fee letter to the applicant. The applicant did not 11 respond to the Notice Of Intent To Deny License Application or to the Notice Of Non-Payment 12 Of Application Fee letters. Requested by Department of: By: .A�� � ' "Ol/`� Form Approve by City Atto BY � _ V �_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Adopted by Council: Date 3 o�o(J3 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet G Sh et S � DepartrnentlofficeJwuncil: Date Initiated: L,P — License/tnspecqon/Env9ronProt �8-AUG-03 Green Sheet NO: 3004352 Contact Person 8 Phone- ���eM SeM To Person Inkial/Date VfginiaPalmer � 0 icensellns 'oWEnvironPro 266-87'10 p�i9n 1 icense/Ins ectio nvironPro De artmentDirector Must Be on Council qqenda by (Date): Number Z • Attoroe� 03SEP-03 f�,� For � J Routing 3 avoPS Office Ma or/AssisYant OfAef 4 ouncil _ 5 i Clerk G5 Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Adverse action against the taxicab driver license applicarion submitted by Alonzo F. Crenshaw Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service ConVacts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No � 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Alonzo F. Crenshaw has an August 20, 2001 felony convicrion for Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle, which makes him ineligible for licensure as a taxicab driver parsuant to St. Paul Legislarive Code §376.16(e)(4). Addirionally, Mr. Crenshaw submitted checks along with his current application and with a pievious application that were returned by the bank for insufficient funds. AdvantageslfApproved: City will have enforced its licensing requirements related to licensing ta�cab drivers. DisadvantageslfApproved: None DisadvantageslfNOtApproved: City will have failed to enforce its licensing requirements related to licensing taxicab drivers. Total Amount of Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Trensaction: Punding Source: Activib Number: Financial Infortnation: (Explain) . A3 79S UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Applicant Name: Address: Council Date: Alonzo F. Crenshaw 1360 University Avenue West, #178 Wednesday, September 3, 2003 Violations: August 20, 2001 Felony Conviction for Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle St. Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4) Failure to submit license fees with current application and with previous application Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of Taxicab Driver's License Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Non-Payment Of Application Fee 3. 7/11/03 letter from Reid Soley to Alonzo Crenshaw 4. Notice Of Intent To Deny License Application AA-ADA-EEO Employer o3-�9s 5. Hennepin County Court Records: Complaint, and Plea and Sentence 6. BCA printout 7. License information 8. License Appiication and Receipt AA-ADA-EEO Employer �-�4� .r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor August 18, 2003 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Alonzo F. Crenshaw 1360 University Avenue West, #178 Saint Paul, MN 55104 RE: Application for a Saint Paul Tasicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Crenshaw: pFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MnnuelJ. Cervnntes, CiryAltorney CivilDivision 400 Ciry Ha1Z IS Wut Kel/ogg Blvd. Sain! Pau[, Minnuola 55102 Telephane: 657 266-8�10 Facsimile: 651298-56l9 Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 3, 2003 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing in that the facts concerning your felony conviction for Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle and your failure to pay license application fees have not been disputed. The recommendation of the licensing office is for the denial of your taxicab driver's license application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. V ery txuly yours, �� � �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP Reid Soley, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Empioyer 03 � 4S OFFICE vr THE CITY ATTORNEY MnnuelJ Cervontu, CiryAtlorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL c,�,rDrv;sroR Randy C. Kelly, Mayor 400 City Nall I'elephone: 651266-8710 ISWestKef[oggBlvrL Facsimi1e:651298-56/9 Saint Paul, htinnesotn 55l02 � July 23, 2003 NOTICE OF NON-PAYMENT OF APPLICATION FEE Alonzo F. Crenshaw 1360 University Avenue West, #178 Saint Paul, MN 55104 RE: Application for a Saint Paul Taxicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Crenshaw: The Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection has recommended denial of the taacicab driver's license application you submitted and you were previously informed of that recommendation by letter dated June 24, 2003. The Office of LIEP has added an additional basis for the recommendation, which is as follows: By letter dated July 11, 2003 you were noti£ed that your check in the amount of $95.00 was returned for insufficient funds. Additionally, your earlier check for $66.00, submitted with a previous application, was also returned for non-sufficient funds. Accordingly, the Office of LIEP will recommend denial of your current application until the two checks and resulting fees_have been paid in full. The total amount due is $191.00. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. This matter, along with the earlier identified basis for denial stated in our June 24, 2003 letter, will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. As stated above, the recommendation of the license office is for the denial of your current license application. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, or the facts identified in our earlier leYter, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Jud�e (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing will be. AA-ADA-EEO Employer " 03-? tS Page 2 Alonzo F. Crenshaw July 23, 2003 In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Monday, August 4, 2003, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it piaced on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended denial of your license application will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attomey call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, ������ Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Reid Soley, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer _�: - 03 �7 9s CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy G Kelly, Mayor June 24, 2003 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION Alonzo F. Crenshaw 1360 University Avenue West, #178 Saint Paul, MN 55104 RE: Application for a Saint Paul Taxicab Driver's License Deaz Mr. Crenshaw: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATfORNEY Manuel J. Cervanter, Ciry Attorney Civil Division 400 City Nall IS West Ke!logg B1vd. Saint Paul, Minrtuota 55102 Telephone: 651266-87f 0 Facsimit e: 65I 298-5619 The Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection has recommended denial of the taacicab driver's license application you submitted. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: Your criminal history check shows a conviction for Felony Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle from August 20, 2001. Saint Paul Legislative Code § 376. 16 (e)(4) requires that to be eligible for a license an applicant shall have no felony convictions in the last five (5) years. If you do not dispute the above facts, you may withdraw your application at this time. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a hearing in front of the Saint Paul City Council to dispute the recommended denial of your license application, you will need to send me a letter admitting the violation and requesting a public hearing. The matter will then be scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council to determine the disposition of your license application. You will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing �viil be. AA-ADA-EEO Employer 03-� 45 Page 2 Alonzo F. Crenshaw June 24, 2003 If you have not contacted me by Monday, July 7, 2003, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it piaced on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, �/ � ��� �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Reid Soley, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer a3 -� 9f STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Karen M. Doumany, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 24th day of July, 2003, at the City of Saint Paul, county and state aforemention, she served the attached Notice of Non- Payment of Application Fee by depositing in the United States mail at said City of Saint Paul, a true and correct copy thereof, properly enveloped, with first class postage prepaid, and addressed to the following individual: Alonzo F. Crenshaw 1360 University Avenue West #178 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Kazen M. Doumany � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of July, 2003. l No ary Public - RITA �q. BOSSAftD � S , . NOTARYPUBLIC-MINNESOTA PAY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN.31, 2005 p3-�9� OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECiION Janeen E. Rosas, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C Kelly, Mayar July 11, 2003 Alonzo Crenshaw 1360 University Ave. W #178 St. Paul, MN 55104 Dear Mr. Crenshaw: LOWRYPROFESSIONALBUILDING Telephone:.65l-266-9090 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Facsimi[e: 657-266-9724 Saint Paul, Mirsnesota 55102-I510 Web: xrvnv.ci.sip¢ul.mn.us/liep The check you recently submitted to the City of Saint Paul in the amount of $95.00, which accompanied your latest application for a taxi driver's license, has been returned because of insufficient funds. Additionally, your check in the amount of $66.00, which was included with your previous application for the same license in April 2000, also was returned because of insufficient funds. Our bank charges a fee of $15.00 for each NSF check they process. The amount you must reimburse the city, including bank charges, is $191.00. Your payment must be in the form of cash, a cashier's check, or a money order. We will not accept another personal check. The City Attomey's Office has sent you a Notice of Intent to Deny License Application because of your criminal history. Regazdless of how that matter is resolved, your license cannot be issued, at this time or anytime in the future, until you reimburse the city in full. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may call me at 651-266-9120. Sincerely, Reid Soley LIEP Inspector II ca Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer 03-� 4 � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on June 25, 2003, servedtheattachedNOTICEOFINTENTTODENYLICENSEAPPLICATION placinga trueand correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Alonzo F. Crenshaw 1360 University Avenue W. #178 St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. the same, with postage prepaid, in the Subscribed and swom to before me this 25th day of 7une, 2003. (� !n Notary Public PETEH P.:ANGBORN NqTARY c�UEUC-MINNESOTA M`.' . i' f.��!"Y,ES JAN. 31, 2005 AUG-14-2003 12�11 CCT 1 LtSTCHqRGESTA"IU'fL• pN(,y 609.487 HCDC C-1153 CRIM C7vAT7Y MOC GO¢: ( f � ^ , "F q. E N0. E2703 Ni � f �-41-5068 0 i JU�� - 5 PH ��. CASE NO. 16123486099 P.a2/16 C0�7ROLLINC � AGE:vCY CONTAOLNO. 0271800 01002961 DATE FILED ;�Y [:_I �:• , r f?:.hh �iJ .'i_ . :.i�: t;Gtii` :>.�C'"�' S T[} 44taended [] Tab Charge Prcviously Filed Q��fmaf �hon 6 uwu (��c artacycQ� O r� p�dyc Atewi� y�(nid by MS 518801..�,b:nS State of Minnesota, PLAINTIFF, �S. NAME: first, middle, last ALONZO FORD CRENSHAW 01045602 DEFENbANT. ❑ SERIOUS FELONY � FPLOTSl' ❑ GROSS MISDM DWI ❑ GROSS MISDM Date ofBirth 4/9/62 O] -8295 'his investigation has revealed that on or about June 3, 2001, ALONZO FORD CRENSHAW, Defendant herein, ommitted Fleeing a Peace Officer in a Motor Vehicle. On this date, a RichfieId police offrcer responded to a call at .yndale Gazden Center, 6412 Lyndale Avenue South in Richfield, Hennepin County, Minnesota, removing a U-haul uck, Indiana license plate AA74070, that had been identified by staff as being involved in several forgeries at this usiness within the last 60 days. The truck had been reported stolen on Aprif 5, 2001, in Minneapolis, Hemiepin 'ounty, Mizu�esota, and it was reported that the vehicle was rented with a stolen check from a John Wiegand; Jiegand had reportcd that his checks were stolen on February 13, 2001. �pon arrival, the Richfield police officer observed this truck pazked in the business !ot and approached the driver, ibsequently identi�ed as AI,ONZO FORD CRENSHAW, the Defendant herein. The RichFeld officer approached ie Defendant, who was the driver of the truck, and requested that he step out of the truck. The Defendant stated, 'm not talking to anybody," and then drove the U-haul from the pazking lot of Lyndale Gazdcn Center northbound zto the 6400 block ofLyndalc Avenue at a high rate of speed. Richfield police officers activated the lights and rens on thcir patrol cars and pursued this U-haul. The officers observed the Defendant drive the U-haul ttuough two d lights at the intersection of Highway 62 and Lyndale Avenue. The Defendant continued driving and fled from the -haul on foot at 58` and Lyndale where he abandoned [he vehicie. Defendant was azrested by a Richfield police Fcer at 58` Street and Aldrich Avenue. DeFendant was identified by Richfield Sgt. Merabella as the driver of the •hau) truck. :fendantis presently in custody. �RM-J RE V. 12/95 RUG-14-2603 13�51 16123486099 98i ❑ SUMMONS ❑ wARRAYI' � ORDER OF DET'EN'ITON ❑ EXTRADiTION Olulqc�7 Legal Edge Number P.62 �omplainant, Pat UVhelan, is a Detectivc with the R.ichfieId Police Department. In that capacity, he has reviewed elevant police reports and believcs the following information is true and correct: RUG-14-2003 12�12 HCDC C-1153 CRIM 16123486099 P.03i16 � c �;, o3-7gs OPFENSE FLEEING A PEACE OFFICER 1N A MOTOR VEHICLE (FELONY) MINN. STAT_ 2000, §609.487. SLTBD. 3 PENALTY: 0-3 YEARS AND 1 DAY AND/OR $5,000 That on or about June 3, 2001, in Hennepin County, Minncsota, ALONZO FORD CRENSHAW did by means of a motor vehicle, flee or attempt to flee from a peace officer acting in the lawful discharge of an official duty, who ALONZO FORA CRENSHAW lrnew or reasonably should have known was a peace officer. Detective Pat WLelau �l June 5, 2001 Beverly J. Benson (171669) Assistant Coupty Attorney � ORM T-2 mrl C2100 Government Center, Minneapolis, MN 55487 Telephone: (612) 348 Rev. 3/94 AUG-14-2003 13�51 16123486099 97i P.03 � RUG-14-2003 12�12 HCDC C-1153 CRIM h ����� STATE OF MINNESOTA FES O d ZOOZ COUNTY OF HENNcPIN DisT Co �UMlNISTRAB'6iA 1.� DePUlY - - - - - - - - - - - 1/ - - - State of Minnesota, * * Plaintiff, * * vs. * * Alon2o Ford Crenshaw, * * Defendanc. * 16123486899 P.04i16 � -�/ 03 -19� � DISTRICT COURT JUDSCIAL DISTRICT PLEA AIvTD SENTENCE SIP File No. �1045602 C.A. File No. 01-5068 The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before the Honorable Kevin S_ Burke, Judge of the above Court, at the Hennepin County Government Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, on the 2otri day of August, 2001. �. * * * * * A P P E A R A N C E S: BEV BENSON, Esq., Assiatant Hennepin County Attorney, appeared on behalf of the Plaintiff. ROBERT SORENSON, Esq., Asaistant Hennepin County Public Defender, appeared on behalf of the Defendant_ DEFENDP.NT personally appeared. CHRISTINE L. FRBNZEL. Court Reporter. * ,r * ,r : r AUG 13�52 16123486099 98i P. 04 RUG-14-2003 12�13 �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ,-. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 r�• HCDC C-1153 CRIM 16123486099 P.05i16 d3-?4� MS. B��'b1SON: This is State of Minnesota versus Alonzo Crenshaw, District Court 01045602, County Attorney file number O1-5068. Mr. Crenshaw ie present today with Robert Sorenson. I`m Bev Benson, counsel for the State. Also Nancy ohmann is present from Court Services. She has completed a pre-plea investigation. It appears to be factually correct. we've met in chambers and discusaed her recommendation. My understanding is that the Court will be following her recommendation with a minor charge. That's based on some input from the St. Paul police officer. At thie time, S would defer to Mr. Sorenson to determine whether or not Mr. Crenahaw wants to plead guilty to the charge. MR. SORENSON: Judge, I do have one question for you, which I neglected to ask you in chambers. That is whether you'd be willing to give Mr. Crenshaw a stay of imposition instead of a stay of execution. He apparently had atays of imposition on two check cases from 1990. Those are now both misdemeanors aoparently at leaet in terms of the outside world and my request is that you give him an incentive on this case. THE COURT: I'm willing to do it ir. a different fashion. There is a Minnesota Supreme Court decision that says 2 have the riqht to chance a RUG-14-2003 13�52 16123496099 98i P.05 RUG-14-2603 12�13 � ' � � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ,.-. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 � HCDC C-1153 CRIM -. 16123486099 P.06/16 � ct3-�gS 3 sentence during the period of probation. I'm going to sentence the de�endant to a stay of execution because today that's what he deaerves. If he does reali.y well in Twin Town and a11 that other stuif, sometime within the next year, I`m willing to resentence him to a stay of imposition. But you have to make some significant changes in your life. THE DEFENDANT: Okay. THS COURT: So I'll explain how you go about doing that, but today it would be a stay of execution, but I am willing to commit that if he really made all of the changes that we're expecting, it would be reasonable at the time that he got put on admini5trative probation to re-do it to a stay of imposition. MR. SORENSON: Thank you, Juflge. One other thing has come up which I was dealing with Mr. Crenshaw about when you came in the covrtroom. Which is as we were in here waiting, Ms. Benson asked about the possibilities of Mr. Crenshaw paying restitution on a couple of �hecks which were not charged as part of this alleged scheme of activity. I attempted �o get her to agree to simply not to have those checks charged. There other suspects named in the report_ She's unwilling to do that and hae offered if he wants to pay AUG-14-2003 13�52 16123486a99 97i P.06 RUG-14-2003 12�13 � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 � 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 HCDC C-1153 CRIM 16123466099 P.07i16 tJ7 ��y� 4 restitution, they won't charge, but we can't work out some neaotiation on tnat and the whole matter is up in the air. THE COURT: How much are we Lalking about? MR. SOREI�TSON: $564.00 MS. BENSON: And 14 cents. MR_ SORENSON: You know, I don't thin}: Mr. Crenshaw has much money available. I don't think he's going to have much money available in the near future. On the other hand, he doea not want the uncertainty of facing another charge, whether it's charged by Mise Benson or somebody else in the county attorney's office in the normal course of business. So I'd ask the Court to consider ordering that that not -- that there be no additional charges here based on that check. It wasn't charged initially in the complaint. THE COURT: I can't do that. I can say, okay, if you decide to pay che $514, Z'm willing to contribute the mandatory minimum fine as my contribution to reducing the total liability. MR. SORENSON: I think he will take you up on that offer. 23 THE DEFENDANT: I'll pay it, Your Honor. 2q THE COURT: $514. 25 MS. BENSON: Your Honor, it's $564. f RUG-14-2003 13�52 16123486099 98i P.07 RUG-14-2603 12�13 r-, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 n. 14 15 16 HCDC C-1153 CRIM � MS. OHMANN: MS. BENSON: on those two checks. 161234B6699 P.06i16 03 1QS 5 That would be joint and several? He's agreeing to make restitution THE COURT: Well, if the other people come up with the money, goo3 luck, but the bottom line is you have to come up with the $564.14. THE DEFENDANT: That's fine. THE COURT: Okay. MR. SORENSON: I think we're finally ready. THE COURT: To the charge of fleeing a police ofiicer, how do you plead, guilty or not guilty7 THE DEFENDANT: Guilty. ALONZO FORD CRENSFiAW, the Defendant herein, having been first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION 17 BY MR. SORENSON: 16 Q. Mr. Crenshaw, I'm showing you a document enticled a 19 Petition to Enter a Plea of Guilty. It's a two-page 20 form wiCh printing on both sides of both pages. I 2� filled in the blanks on this document, correct? 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. And I asked you to answer the questions at the top of �4 page two, correct? 25 A. Yes. RUG-14-2063 13�52 16123486699 98i P.08 ...._ � AUG-14-2003 12�13 HCDC C-1153 CRIM � 16123486099 P.09i16 o3-�9S 6 1 Q. And in response to question 11, you want me to put down 2 that you are making a claim that you were acting in 3 self defense or attempting to protect yourself or q others itself at the time of this crime, right3 5 6 7 B 9 A. Yes. Q. I told you 2 would do that, but I told you I would also have to ask you whether you understood by giving up your right to trial, you're also giving up your right to raise any defenses at the trial? 10 A. Yes. li Q. Did we talk about that? 12 A, Yeah. 13 Q. Now, let's go back first. You told the police and I'm 14 not sure if you told the probation officer or not, but 15 you told people that you were afraid of people who were 16 with you out there at the scene, correct? 17 A. Yes. 1g q. But you also understand that you're giving up all of 19 your rights to trial in this case? 20 A. Yes. 21 Q. And thoee rights would be a trial to either a judge or 22 jury of 12 people, and in either case you'd be presumed 23 innocent unlese the State could prove your guilt beyond 24 a reasonable doubt. I could cross exacnine any 25 witnesses the State called, we could ca11 any witneeses � AUG-14-2003 13�52 16123486099 98i P.09 � � � RUG-14-2003 12�13 HCDC C-1153 CRIM . ,--� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZO ai 22 23 24 25 A. Q. A. Q. A. Q• � A. 4- � RUG-14-2063 13�53 16123466099 P.16i16 03-�9�� favorable for you, and you would have the cnoice at the trial of whether or not to testify. If you chose not to testify and remain silent throughout the trial, that could not be used as evidence against you. And during the course of the trial, one of the things that we could do would be to raise a defense of either durese or self defense depending on how that all played out. Do you understand you're giving up the right to do that? Yes, I do. Is that what you want to do? Yes, Do you have any questions about that? No. Do you have any questions about the other trial rights you're giving up? No. Is that your signature at the bottom of each page of ttze Petition? Yes. Does that indicate that you understand the rights you're giving up and what you are doing today? Yes. I put the plea negotiation on paragraph 20-A and we went through that? 16123466099 98i P.10 �-. � i—• RUG-14-2003 12�14 HCDC C-1153 CRIM � � 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A 4 � � � � A. Q• A. AUG-14-20a3 13�53 16123486699 P.11i16 o3-?9s 8 Correct. You understand that the plea negotiation in this case is that there wi11 be a year and a day stayed with the stay of execution for three years? Yes_ The Judge has told you that he my change that into a stay of imposition if you do very we11 on probatio:�? Yes. A condition of your probation and a condition of your sentence is going to be t11at you do 60 days in the Workhouse, okay? Yeah. But you don't have to do any time in the Workhouse if you are in Twin Town treatment program or I suppose some comparable program by the date the Judge gives you, which is going to being sometime in mid-September? Yes. You're also going to have a condition of probation of no use chemicals, random testing by the probation department. Yes. Do you understand that? Yes. MR. SORENSON: I offer the Petition. THE COURT: Petition is received. 16123486099 9gi P. 11 �. r -. � RUG-14-2003 12�14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 HCDC C-1153 CRIM . � 16123486699 P.12i16 p3-19S9 Are you satisfied with the way that your attorney has repr.esented you? THE DEFENDANT: Yes. THE COURT: Can you set a factual basis? By MR. SORENSON: Q, Mr. Crenshaw, is it true that on June 3 of 2001 in the City of Richfield, Hennepin County, Minnesota, you were out at the Lyndale Garden Center? A. Yeah. Q. And is it also true that you left the Lyndale Garden Center and there was a squad car behind you? A. Yes. Q. And you knew they were trying to stop you? A. Correct. Q. And you didn�t stop7 A. No. Q. Right? A. Right. Q. Is Lhat correct? A. No, I didn't stop. Q. Okay. And you knew it was a police officer? A. Yes. Honor. AUG-14-2003 13�53 MR. SORENSON: 2 have no other questione, Your THE COURT: Did you go over the compiaint, 16123486099 98i P.12 RUG-14-2003 12�14 ,-. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 r -. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 � 25 �. RUG-14-2003 13�53 HCDC C-1153 CRIM 16123486099 P.13i16 03��`� lo Ch>t's the document your attosney has in his hand, with him? THE DEFENDANT: Yes. THE COURT: Are the facte in it basically true? THE DEFENDANT: Yeah. THE C�uRT: Okay. Is there anything you'd like to say7 THE DEFENDANT: No. THE COURT: What you did was wrong. since then you've at least done eome things that were righL•. The County Attorney made eome reference to the St. Paul police officera who really came in here to go to bat for you_ THB DEFENDANT: Yeah. THE COURT: One of the things she said is that you need to get into treatment. THE DEFENDANT: okay. THE COURT: I mean you really have a-- you're old enough that you really have stayed out of trouble a lot of your life, but you're going to get yourself in some horrible trouble if you don't end up getting involved in treatment and stop doing crack? THE DEFENDANT: I know that. TxE COURT: So I'm going to tell you what the sentence is. It's going to be in writing. You'll go 16123486099 98i P.13 AUG-14-2003 12�14 HCDC C-1153 CRIM � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 r 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 s"� 16123486699 P.14i16 ��'��ls 11 over it with your attorney. I'll ask you to sign it and I'll give you a copy of it. THE DEFENDANT: Only. THE COURT: If you do excellent on probation, I will resentence you to a stay of imposition so you don't end up with a felony on your record as a result of this. THE DEFENDANT: Okay. THE COURT: I'm going to ask the probation department not to have you go to the Reporting Center, but to give you a traditional probation officer. I'm thinking around six to seven months of active probation, and if you are doing well, you're on your own. THE DEFENDANT: Okay. TFiE COURT: But you have to get going on this_ THE DEFENDANT: Okay. THE COURT: I'll 5entence you to a year and a day in the custody of the Commissioner o� Corrections. Execution of the sentence is stayed for three years. The terms and conditions of probation are, you'll serve 60 days in the Hennepin County Pdult Corrections Facility, with credit for eight days served. You are to commit know felor.ies, groes RUG-14-2963 13�53 161234B6999 98� P.14 i-- �. � AUG-14-2003 12�14 HCDC C-1153 CRIM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 1.'! 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RUG-14-2003 13�53 16123486099 P.15i16 �-75t� 12 misdemeanors or misdemeanors. You are to make restitution in the amount of $564.14. You are not to use alcohol or illegal drugs. This condition will be enforced with random dri=g testing. You have to complete a chemical dependency evaluation and £o11ow all recommendations for education, counseling, treatment, aftercare and support groups. You are to en[er Twin Town treatment center or some equivalent program by September 12, and you will then not to have report to the workhouse. But you'll have to have somebody call my clerk at 348-4389 to confirm that you're actually in there. She'll quash the commitmenL. okay? THE DEFENDANT: Okay. THE COURT: Do you understand what we're going to do? THE DEFENDANT: Yeah. THE CoURT: Here's a copy of the sentence. Sign by the X. MS. BENSON: Thank you. � � � (Matter adjourned.) 16123486099 98i P. 15 a3-7ss AF2REST: 4 ARREST DATE: 2001/06/03 INTERSTATE TRANSFER: 0 CONTROLLING AGENCY: MNO271800 RICHFIELD PD STATE ID NUMBER: MN88008813 FBI NUMBER: 660245JA2 3 LOCAL ID #: 0129611 ARREST COUNT: 1 CASE NUMBER: 01002961 STATUTE: 609.487.3 E2700 ARRESTE� NUMBER: PAGE NOC/UOC: CHARGE: FLEEING A PEACE OFFICER IN A MOTO ICLE DISPOSITI013: HELD OFF DATE: 2001J06J03 SJ NUMBER: COURT DATE: 2001/08/20 MNO27015J HEN IN _ ICT COURT CONFINEMENT AGENCY: MN062015C MN DEPT CORR-ST PAUL PROSATION AGENCY: COURT COUNT: 1 CASE NUMBER: 01002961 SENTENCED: 2001/08/20 STATUTE: 609.487.3 MOC/UOC: E2700 CHARGE: FLEEING A PEACE OFFICER IN A MOTOR VEHICLE DISPOSITION: CONVICTED PLEA: GUILTY SJIS NUM: COURT FILE NUMBER: KX01045602 CONVICTION LEVEL: FELONY SENTENCE PRONOUNCED SENTENCE : lY1D CONDITIONAL CONFINEMENT: 60D RESTITUTION . $564 CRED W/TIME SRV WORKHOUSE NO SAME/SIMILAR OBEY ALL LAWS NO POSS ALC/DRG ABSTAIN DRUG/AL TREATMENT ORDER CHEM DEP EV/TRE NO WEAPON VIOL COURT DATE: 2002/07/30 MNO27015J HENNEPIN CO DISTRICT COURT ��-�;p COPY ; `` ;+:- r.',•svacy Restrictions APP�Y ?U inr.es��ta S�ah�te 13.�32 � CONFINEMENT AGSNCY: MNO27043C HENNEPIN CO WRKHSE-ADULT CORR PROBATION AGENCY: MNO27013G HENNEPIN CO PROBAT'ZON OFF COFiRT COIINT: 1 CASE NUMBER: 01002961 SENTENCED: 2001/OB/20 STATUTE: 609.487.3 � MOC/UOC: E270� CHARGE: FLEEING A PEACE OFFICER IN A MOTOR VEHZCLE DISPOSITION: CONVICTED COURT FILE NUMBER: KX01045602 SENTENCE PRONOUNCED SENTENCE : lY1D PROBATION : 3Y CONDITIONAL CONFINEMENT: 120D RESTITCTI'ION . STATE ID NUMBER: MN88008613 4 PLEA: GUILTY CONVICTION LEVEL: FELONY CRED W/TIME SRV EXEC SENT STYD WORKHOUSE $564 NO SAM2/SIMILAR OBEY ALL LAWS NO POSS ALC/DRG ABSTAZN DRUG/AL TREATMENT ORDER CHEM DEP EVfTRE NO WEAPON VIOL FBI NUMB�R: 660245JA2 COMMENT: ORIGINAL COURT DISPOSITION DATE WAS 8/20/2001 SJ25 NW: PAGE o�-7yS' Lieense Group Comments Text Licensee: pLONZO F CRENSHAW �Ba ALONZO F CRENSHAW V���� 20030002430 O6/19l2003 Ta CAO for review of criminal recad. CAR �- O3 �7g� oenenoos 03-�9 � ����������� ryp� f' Propery l' �xssee r u,orrci� c ao §traeti: � Strcet Nanc �eet Type: .NG � QreNarc � �„tYtf � CdY Wb Fiq NQu - �=J RIC,¢SeaCh � � �5[art Ij .'` � W'�' f j' �$GrauPWae-MaL ��ECL1PSAppiraln.-.� LIECt1PSLicrosn9 I�'iLcemeQurY I �Q���:�N�f�2+ a:�sana �, ���.� _ -� � -y. �._ ___�-�_.r „� � • . _ �._ �. _ ,. � � �, - - Tra �S 1� 1��• ����� OBA QAZO F tli@S11YW � Stre Licrose � lice�see � Lic.TYPes I hsuance r Bmd i RWUremeds! 3r� �!' Pr�perty C' Llretsee C•' Unottltlel �'�9�Fa�rA�r. A'XNCION.COHME � � � �ctR 1r%0 � AtlrerxAC6onCamm�ds �,Yd � StreetNem� I a , Street TYP� AYE _ O�fioR � I � lti[Nd APT Urd#. 78 I QY ST PelJl � I Lic95e GfaP CmReiCS '��� � � ��� 119/A03 To CAO for revew M[rrtiiel recdtl. CAR �� � 6rm+,s: I �\slC�aa i. �� ! L'censee: (4LqJZOPCRENSTt4W Licrosce DBA' qVZO F CF�N9V5W �O SalesTstK J/ BusPlmne 1)360.0513 EL9CLC BBOCC 0 03-7q� �SFert �j �''-.� �''P',,�' j' �I �6�udNrce-Mad..l �EGJPSAppNah.. �'r ECLIPSLicenm9) fTJ' �'�Ui'°3' �1�°�4FwL'e..' �CQ `G�,3.��;,�rJv�Js��.� 4=dOPM � -�y� 4 � � - _ _.,.� .._._ - �� _R.���=:} __ =`-'::: �°<<: : .� . . . ame �. �,_�_ _._._ _ . ..;_ -- _ _�wX� TYP� Pat ,` ���y3m � # Smn:�:•. — Li� LONZO P Q85FiAW [BII F p8�btiLW Y� �� � ��. T� 1�„b,ce I�, i R����s 1 'lra LYauecNarc CNZOfQ'W�l1AW Oro`NS.. pre, �BA ONZOFLf�J91AW �,„ �T�� � �.��r�� �..-I PA Cortracf Rec'd � AA Treirirg ReCd F,.���� � MFeeGdected 0� DisenxtRecYk� 'MB1 LICHISC TO: --� 6 Ma170 CakaG f Licerme Address BxYgauMClcxRW�ietl r' CaffetYP[¢Wes... 9800C � Mal To CortaC � License AddesS Q� �eme iJ'j1 �'a� f() �c�«ow��Ma_� LECUasa��_� L�}enirsL�'t��a� � L�'ta�v�u�.� �CQi��1:E:�N�4�:2� a:w�n+ TAXICAB DRIVER LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE pUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK AppIicant Name and li,.lR1l�, Sheet (#, Name, Type Direction) Mail To Addtess (if different than home address 03 �9� CIT'Y OF SAINT PAl O�ce of License, Inspec[ions and Environmrntal Protcction 350 SC Petc Strcq $ude 300 <,:-� Paul, M'vmaoia 55102 (fi5p 26G9090 Fu (65p 266.9I2d W<6:www.G�9.us � City Shee[ (�, Name, Type Direction) City Zip+4 State Zip+4 Home Phone: , �'���te of Birth: / /� 2 Place of Birth: j Driver's License #��s���� —� 2 ' l� Expiration Date: Are you a citizen of the United States?_� If you are not a US citizen, you must provide proof of work authorization from the US Immigration and Naturalization Service. Name and Address of cab company you will be driving for: �211�a�.�;�) Do you own or lease the cab you drive? hL�.� � What is the lease rate you pay to operate the cab? � O.��� Previous residence (past 5 years) Date Street address City County State Zip Code c� � � 2� � ��'f��� (`���' F�cs[ Middle �(Maidrn) Iast Title � V ! �—. �7 lJ•.✓ �l v � ` `-' 4 �»� ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBNIITTED Q3 _7 �S' WII.L RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. F hereby authorize the Saint Paul Police Department to use the informarion I have provided to check criminal histories, arrest records, and warrant information; and for the Police Department to provide these records to the Office of License, Inspections, and Envuonmental Protection to determine my eligibility for a taxicab driver license. I understand that the information contained in the criminal background invesrigation is confidential, except that it may be conveyed to other law enforcement or licensing agencies. I also hereby state that I have read and understand the rules and regulations set forth in Chapter 376.16 (Taxicab Driver's License of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code) and Chapter 376.17 (Taxicab Driver Training Course of the Saint Paul Legislative Code). All applicants must present the following documents at time of application: -Valid State of Mianesota Driver's License For drivers with an out-of state license; the applicant must provide a copy of their driving record for the last fluee (3) years, from the Department of Transportation in tt�e state in which they aze licensed. Preferred methods of communication from this ofFce (please rank in order of preference -'°1" is most preferred): _ Phone Number with azea code:(�� 1 �� �'� ��� � ,c� Extension (Circle Ihe type of phone number you ha _ Phone Number with area code:� (Circle th type of pAone number you have I Mail: ��� � � � � Y..Ei Street (#, Name, Type, Direction) Internet: E-Mail Address abov�: Business Ilome , `��Pb -oS`65 � �� .�� City '�ell Fax Pager Extension Cell Fax Pager %vlU S.Z_i�i4' State Zip+4 Cost, payable at the time of application: 540.00 for the first year's license fees, plus an additional $55.00 for the required taxicab driver's training course, for a total up front cost of $95.00. We wilt accept payment by cash, check (made payable to City of Saint Paul) or approved credit card. PAYING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IIVFORMATION: Card Type: EXPIItATION DATE: ❑�/�❑ Name of ACCOUNTNUMBER: ■ ■ �1i1i1��1�1 ■■■■ ■■■■ of Card for all Date �� ��� � ��� ���,f% �-�y.� ': ������������������ui � ALONZOFORDCRENSHA i 1360 UNIVERSITY AVE APY 176 ST PAUL, MN 55104 ', �„�tt�s�✓� � � ; � �, � ; � , i RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION Date of Application: Jun 09, 2003 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office o( License, Inspections and Environmental Pmtectian 35� SG Peter Si Suile 300 Sain� Paul, Minnesob 551024510 (651)266-9090 Fax:(E51)266-9t24 www.cistpaatmn.uSAiep Received From: 20a3o002a3o ALONZO F CRENSHAW � ALONZO ECRENSHAW '1360 UNIVERSITY AVE W, APT 178 ST PAUL MN 55104 In appiication for: Taxicab Driver (Provisional) (1 ) ' Eff Date: Jun 09, 2003 - Exp Date: Jun 08, 2004 Lic Fee: 540.00 Amount Paid:540.00 0 Total Due on this application $a0.00 Other Fees Owed 50.00 Account Totaf Amount Due �40.00 Amount Paid $40.00 Date Received Jun 09, 2003 Outstanding Account Ba�ance Due $0.00 Contacts: Project Facilitator: ASUNCION, CORINNE �/���(9 �� Inspector(s): JENTS, RICHARD (RICH) License (651) 2669116 1 J Conditions: � � j � 0 Requirements: Record Check - Criminal History Record Check - Drivi�g � D ! f r / KUr� � " .,J �' , ��� " �� ���63 -� ' �� This is not a License to operate Page 1 of 1