251364 Orldnal to Ctty Clsrk � O �RDINANCE �5���4 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY . ����- ORDINANCE NO � � _� AN ORDINAN�E ��ETT�T.�TQ� THE QLAIN� OF ROBERT B. t�RBANSKI A4AINST TI� CI�Y OF �AI1� PATJL THE C4tJNCI�, OF THE CITl' OF SAIN'� PATJL DO�� ORDAIN a Seation 1. 'That the proper �ity offieers ar� her�bg a�tho- rized to pay out of �he Tort Liability Fund o035-�#21, �o Rober� B. Urban�ki, the �um o� $326.�7, in full aettlement of' Ziis claim for damages sustain�d on 4atober 30, 1974, as a r�su1� of an aQ�ident involvitig a City vehiale driven by Howard W. Nelsor�, a� or near the interaee�ion of Bay and arace Streets, �aint Pau1, M3.nne s ota. Sea�ion �. That gaid s�m shall be paid to th� said claimant upon hi� exeQU�ion and d�livery of a relea�e in full to the flity, in s form to be approved by tl�e Eo�pora�ion Counsel, for� all damages and in�uries �ustained in the manner a£oresaid . Section 3. Th�.t th�.s ordinanae ahall take �ffe�� and be in force thirty days af��r i�� pa��age, approval and publlcation. p�� 2 3 19�b Yea.s Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler � Carlson Tn Favor Levine ' , Meredith � .G�„� Againat r. e��Sprafka O�C 2 3 1''O sident (McCarty) Approv • At � Ci ler Ma �� Form approved Corporatibn Coun el By ���� J�N 2 �9T� PUBLISH�ED �� �S9Tt s.�e.a a ra.a� � ORDINANCE 25���4 COU�L HLE NO PRESENTED BY `� �RDINANCE N� il� t�1I�S �'l1T�i� '� �t Q� RO�' s. � ���t '!SB �'I'tZ 0!' SAI1r1' lA�. '1'iB �. OF '!'� Ct4'Y 0�' 3�T 1'Jt1t� �Q�S �s �e�tios 1. �at t� pro�sr City �►!'4'1oEr+s sre b�ri�j a�tbo�► rized ta pa6t out of tho Tor�t Liabili�y l�uad 44�-1#21, to �obert` H. IIrDsnski, �l�t auat of $326.47, in t�].1 setti+�n� a! �s aflet3�t !or da�ages awttai�ud cn oatoD�er 30, 19�0, ae a reault ot an a�raidant imroiv3�ag a Cit� vet�icle driT�n b�► Ho�erd it. �lsoa, a� or tt�ear the i�t.�raeotlt�n of �ny and Qra� 8t�t*aet�; Sai�tt tani, ' ltiru►esota, �3e�ioa 2. i'lutt �id am� nha�:l be paid tc► �t�t �rs�d s1�i�a�At �tpoII h'ii es�io�a► a�l de111t+t3'1 0�' a ]�tlesa� 3.a l�tl]` t� th11 �lt,�►`s in a lv�t t� � sppr�QVSd by t� �orpora►tion �oum�ei, tc�r all , das�es aa�d i�r#:ea �wta�i�ed in ths n�an�r atbresaid. 3�etioa 3, �� tbis ordieanee ihall taka ett� snd tit t� lorse t�ir�,�r da�s �atter it� Paes�s aPPrc�val add p�'b11A�etioa. � � D�C � 3 197� Yeas Councilmen Nays Paeeed by the C' �n�;l Butler Carlaon Favor Levine Meredith � p��i� Sprafka ' �. r�a t c��) DEC 2 3 1970 Attest: Approved: City Clerk Mayor �►� �,, �orm a�Proved Co�pax�ition Couneel By . t ' -�' � � ? /��/ Ist . ' 2nd r Laid over to 3rd and app dopted I-��6� � Yeas �� �� Nays as Neys Butler �utler Carlson � �. , ��arlson Levine ������ �evine Meredith �eredifh � Sprafka �`'Sprafka Tedesco �-. u Mr. President McCarty Mr. Presiden+ McCarty O