251352 ������ CounoU PYIe No............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and . . �r , PRELIMINARY ORDER. , , V The�ndereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefolYowingpublioimprovement by the City oi 8sint Psul,ris.: Improve EDGERTOH 3TFtEET fr� Payne Avenue to Case Av�enue (City Pro�ect fto. P-03�4 A) '�' as follort�s: �►iden, grade aad pave; conetruct curb end gutter; construct street, alley and drive- w�y returns; construct stors water drainage facilities; construct sewer, water snd gea service cannections; and �o all o�ther nork �hich ia neceasary and incidental to K caeplete �a1d impro�rement. ; .............���..u.F.y,,..._��_..�.�.� -c,�................._..� uncilmsn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER.EAS� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvemeat, vis.: � _ __ . ._ _ _ �-- - -- -- - --- _ _-•.,- I Improve EDGERTON STREET from Payne Avenue to Case Av�enue (C3ty Pro�ect Ro. P-0344 A) as follor�►s: widen, grade end pave; construct curb aud gutter; construct street, alley and drive- vay returns; construct storm water drainage facilities; construct sewer, Mater ead gas service connections; and �o a11 other rork Nhich is necessary and iucidental to camplete said impro�nement. therefore, oe ,� . / BE80LVED, That the Commiaeioner of Publia Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the neceesity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated aost of eaid improvement� nnd the total eoet thereof. 8. To furnieh s plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. . 4. To ste�te whether or aoB eaid improvement ie aeked for on 4,he petitiom of three ar more,ownars. S. To report upan all of the foregoing mattere to the �Commaeeioner of Finanoe. DEC 1 1970 Adopted by the Council..._.................... . .............................................. Y�e� Councilman Butler DEC 1 1970 Carlson APProved.........._............................................................._ Levine Meredith � • Sprafka Tedes co ••»--.--•-----.•---• ..... Mr. President McCarty �or. �000 �-sa � �. ,� PUBLISHED DEC 519�0