251337 � " 011IGINAL TO CITY CLERK . �1 V.��� CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. ° OFFICE OF THE CiTY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, tha.t out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund weekly compensation of $70.00 be paid Thoma.s E. Corcoran while he is temporarily totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on September 25, 1970, while employed by the Department of Public Works, and that $560.00 in final settlement, to and including November 20, 1970, is now due and payable. }pR AppROVED • � . cotporatia► couc�se� � � . NOV 2 7� 1'7�. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Nays ��� �, l �� Butler Caxlson App 19— Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka /S y our —SLAgainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �BLISHED DEC 519�0 � 251 �,�"`� � M E M 0 R A N D U M FROM: Kenneth A. Skrien RE: Attached Resolution - Workmen's Comp DATE: November 25, 1970 Thoma.s E. Corcoran, an employee of the Public Works Department, went off work on September 28 , 1970, in order to have a cyst on his spine removed. His doctor indicated this condition was aggravated by his occupation of truck driver and the operation was necessary by reason of Mr. Corcoran's employment. This resolution authorizes payment to Mr. Corcoran for his time loss from work. He returned to work on November 23, 1970. DLrLICATt TO rRIN7'tR � ������ . CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO.' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GC-�IERAL fORM neES�rr � COMMISSION� �AiE RS�OLVED, that cyut of tha Worla�en'a Compeaaatl.on Acco�bt ot the Gieneral Fund �reakly aoaapensation oi� $70.00 bt pai.d Ttu�a�s E, Corcoran while he ia ��qwrarilq totallq�disabled bq reaaon a� �njuri�s he received on September 23�,�•���70, t�hile e�nployed by the Depart.ment of Public Works, and that $560.00 in fiaa,l settl�ae�at, to �d includiag November 20, 1970, i� nv�w due a�d papa�b2�, NOV 2 7. 19�Q COTJNCILDREN Adopted by the Counc� 19— Yeae Nays NOV 2 7 j��Q Butler Carlson A��°"'� �9— Levine , Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �� ' st Tedesco Mr. President, MeCarty �� _ �