251335 ORIGIHA'I.TO CtTY CL[RK '°51 C.k ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL H UNCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY obert F S raf COMMISSIONE ATF NHBREAS, Addition� which sig�t prove to be necessary in the I�prov�ent described as Grading and Faving I�ARION STRSBT from Anrora Avenue to Co�o� Avenue, Codptroller�s Contract L-7288, Citq Froject No. 70-F-035�, Arcor� Construction Cospany, Contractor, have been prcvided for in the Specifications, and W�ERF,AS, It lus been found nQCessary to sake the followiAg Additions in order to constrnct a li�estone .gravitq retaining wall to provide lat�ral suppc�rt of private pmperty or� Lot 11, .S1k. 13, Robertson and VanBtten's Addition ADDITION 229.2 Sq. Ft. @ $4.40 = $1008.48 - Net Total Additimn and - 3�ifiHRBAS, The total addition is $1008.48,, and the Coe�issioner of Fublic � �Iorks has agreed �ith the Coatractor that the a�our�t of $1048.48 is the correct t su� to be added to said cont�act, therefore be it � RfiSOLVBD, That the Citq of St. raul through its City Council mpproves the foregoing addition sade in accordance with tbe &gecific�:tiuns in the sv,� of $1008.48, said aaount to be added to the lump st� consider�tion naa�ed in the . contract, lc�own as Comptroller's Contxact L-7288, and which a�ount is to be financed fros 1970 Mu�icipal State Aid Funds, 64-160-U7. . ��-RM PR VE r - : _ ' sst. rp tion uns 1 , NOV 2 7 1�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Naya (1�oV 2 l Y9�� Butler Caxlson 19— ` Levine Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor Tedesco A8'ainst _ Mr. President, McCarty � '�UBLISHED pEC 51970 ��� � ��«,��.�.R,� , �51u�5 CITY OF ST. PAUL c�uNC�� ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �+� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMI�IONEQ ROb!!! �. SFt�a�lu n�re iip�RL1s. A�ddition� vhich �ia1�t psnw to b� �tceaaas�► in tlk I�rq��tt d�s�ribrd u Gr*diit� aAd P�vioa NA1tIi0N STRaiT ls+o� �srra A�msa to Qe� �i�MNt�, Cv�ptroll��r's Coatsaat L-728i, Citp !s�j�ct Ito. 90-�-0�50. Asaee CMUtruat� Co�oany, Contsa�t.or. baw bNr p�rovid� tor t� tht Sp�cif ieatioail�. u�d �, It l�sa beta to�net u�c�ss�r� to �ak� tiN tolloMiu� A�dittew i� osdss to eoa�truat s liw�ston� sravity retsiains Mall to pro�ii� lat�ral snp�ort of pri�ate prop�rt� on Lot 11. alk. 13. xobertss� a�d Y�ttt�n'a Additien ADt11TI011 239.2 Sq. l�t. ! =�.40 s $1008.�R - N�t Total Adait�on ane! W�R�AS, T� total addition is a100l.48. a�t t� t'•o�i�aioMS at publis Norb iw a�rNd vitb.tla Conlractor ttiat t6� �nt et �1t�0A�4it is tlwt osr�riKt sn� to' b� add�+d' to aaid osntsact, th�r�ot� b� i� 1tE�LVED, Tlut tla Cit�► o� St. �autl tt�roush, iLs Cit�r Co�tneil appro��a ti� tor�soi� additiou �aAs ia ace:osdaba MitL tL� S�iticat�oai� in tlN a� ot =100t.4�, said a�at bo b� �d�d to tiN ln�p au� ooaaid�nti�a �d in tiw caatraet. l�o� ss Co�+trsil�r'a Ceneraat L-7�Si, snd vhial� a�eunt is to � tiAanc� is+e� 1l70 Mmicipal Stat� Aid tnnd�, 64-160-07. I�V Z 7 I��O COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mc;� 19— Y�a NayB NOV 2 7 19�Q Butler F Carlson ` APPi"ov� 19_ Levine �n Favor Meredith , V ��r Sp� A nningt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty ��