251329 o,�.i t�cis�c��t . , ORDINANCE �51�,�9 � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /"� L An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fi.xing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding at the end of the third paragraph of subsection K of Secti.on III the following words: "except those employees holding the titles of Baker I, Cook I, or Food Service Aide in the Board of Education. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. a� � c � O � U � � � O � O L n Z � � � Y • q � 1 DEC 15 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler /� Carlson 'E� Tn Favor Levine Meredith � � Againat Sprafka �e�8e- ��� i � ���� r. President cC ) Appro tes lerk � Mayor �� �'orm a�proved Cox�wr��ion Counsel By PUBLISHED p�C 191970 k Dq�tq te Pshbe . , . � ORI� III�-AN �CE ��.�� . cour�c�� Fl�No�_ ,.� "o /�S PRESENT� BY ORDINAWCE NO�I�,� , /1s os#ia�+� a�s ar� l�'0. i44i. �l3tlwis ".A: a�m�s#als��r or�asc� t� li�� co�• : � � p�►sa�a. �s af csrta#a e� posi�va►s � +I�p3��s," ; appsov�i Jia�wwrY 83, 1925, ss sme�dad. } THE �OIINCIL OF TI�'E �TY AF SAatT l�l�TL DOES O�: ' S�etiar� I. That O:diaas,iea �to. �46, sp�ro�d Ja�ws�ryr i3;''� 19�1' , aa ar�n�a�d, br sid t�e srao�e is hersl� firt�er sm�sdui �r sdiia� a�t tLs �1 af the t1�ri pus�riph o�# s�tbs�3� K of Seeti�a l�.� t'h� t�l�aw�� w�sd�s `- "�ce�t tbase �loy��a �� ti+r#�t�s oE ,Ssk�s �. C�i� I. o= F�od Ss�ries .d�id+� �n�i Boa�sd �t Edaecatlaa." , �: Sscl�a 2. �hts os�wau� sL�ll�ls�� �Efarat a�i b�t �teres $` aa t�t#fss!�� o�the�rst �2i p�sst�follo� t�drt� ds�s altes #� Pairss�+iM sPPro�ral. sai P�;Ealioa. DEC 15;1�70 Yeaa Councilmen Nays Paeeed by Counci� Butler Carleon �y�e T„ Favor ' f:r Meredith �7 e,�inet ' � ��� Mr. Preaident (McCarty) pEC 1 5 19�Q� _ Approved: : Atte�st: City Clerk �ay� �� :, Form s��r°ved eo�po�on �ounael B�+ ;ti � � �7 �$1 ' ' �-�� ~ 2nd �O'� � Laid over to / )-� ��_. 3rd and app r dopted l' Yeas Nays �. Yeas � Nays Butler \Butler Carlson �arlson .. Levine �+�1,v,�� `Eevine Meredith , �eredith Sprafka \,,� ,�Sprefka Tedesco �8de�so., v Mr. President McCarFy Wlr. President McCarty O