251319 ORI61NAl.TO CITY CL6RK v������v CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY MEREDIT NOVEMBER 13, 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul is informed by the Corranissioner of Public Safety that a nuisance exists on the property located at 599 Marshall (Lot 20, Block 26, Mackubin & Marshall Add.) in the City of Saint Paul , which nuisance constitutes a hazard to the public health, welfare and safety; and WHEREAS, Such nuisance more particularly consists of rubbish and garbage, which harbors rodents, vermin and other noxious animals and things; and WHEREAS, Persuant to Section 374 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , and Section 265.52 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code (24 hours' notice has been given to the owner, occupant, or agent of such property demanding that such nuisance be removed) ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Safety, the Co�nissioner of Public Works is hereby directed to surr�narily and forthwith remove the said nuisances, the cost of such removal to be charged against Fund No. 0979; and be it FURTHER RESOLUED, That the Comnissioner of Public Safety is directed to ascertain the cost of such removal and to forward the same to the County Auditor on or before Octobe r 1 of the year in which ascertained for collection in the same manner as taxes against said property. NOV 2 5 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya NQV 2 5 1�J7Q Butler Caxlson A 19` Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka J yor Tedesco Against FORM APPRUVLi� Mr. President, McCarty Asst. Corporatior� Coanse! Pt16LISHED HOV 2 81970 �� Nov. 9, 1970 i � � �-� �---_.___....___�-_..� �� � � � luj�. Daniel !1 . Klas � � Corporatiors Counsel � Buildi.ng ,�'� jl �,\ ��;� �ear S ir: �� , ,�;�r The Council requests tyf�(i�-���y°au�3�par����c,,resolution amendin{� the 1970 CIB Budget a�ffe t�I.ng the Pit3��ic ����s T�epartment as set out in the att�ched 1et �'r of the CI ommitt�e. � � � Very truly yours� --�--j \' ,.._ %� -��_/' �'�,/ � � ,II ' i ng � City Clerk � _�