251317 �• ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK ry � _ CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NCIL N� 1.�� / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE TION EN L FORM PRESENTED BY Victor J. Ted.esco November 24, 1970 �' COMMISSIONE A� RESOLVED, that the plans and. specifications for the Installation of Two New Fiberglass Weather Covers over Existing Light Well Courts at the Public Safety Building, 101 E. Tenth Street, as submitted. herewith pre�pared by the City Architect und.er the d.irection of the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved., the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Safety, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby • authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided. in and. by the Charter. Job #70-92. NOV 2 5 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler �JOV 2 5 1�70 Carlson —19_ Levine ��n Favor Meredith Sprafka � r A►g&lllSt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBls1SHED NOV 2 81970 �� �r �1��� ou��4c�rs ro�R�r� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �,Na� NO OFFICE OF THE CITIf CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�OM�M�I�ONGIt Victor J. Tede�co „�� Nov�mb�r 24� 19T0 � R�SOLV�D. that the plaas aad speciiications lor th� Installation of T�vo New Fib�rglasa Weather Covers over �si�rting LiQht Well Courtr at tl�►►e Public Satety Buildiag. 101 E. Tenth 9tr�et. a� �vbmitted herewit� prepared by the City Archit�ct und�r th� dir�ction ot the Corrimission�r of Pszk�. R�crestioa and Public Buildin��, be snd the saane ara h�reby approved� th� •sme be�a� •atist�ctory to the Conuni�sion�r of Publia Ssf�ty� and the Purchssing Agent i� bes�by authoriaaed to advertiae for bide thereon in th� msnn�r psovidsd ia ud by the Charter. Job �70•92. <-� ,_,�- -_ " NOV 2 5 1J7�. couxc���rY Aaopt�a by tbe co�� is— Yesa .. . .YNays �V 2 5 1970-_ Butler Carlgon Appr°°"''� �9— Levine Favor Meredith � Sprafka , st Tedesco � Mr. President, McCarty ���