251314 ORIOIIoAL TO CITY CL6RR - �51��L� CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - O I RES UTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESD��D, �ha� St . Catherine�� �ol3ege be and he�eby is grant�d a pe�mit to install a �5�-aar parking lot to be used in Qon�unation �vith caollege I�ine Art� facilitie� on property loested on the we�t �ide of Fairvi�w Avenue b�tr�een Rarido�.ph and Bayard Avenue�s, more parti�ularly deffiaribed a� followss �eglnning at s point 3 ft . Westerly of the N. W. ao�ner lot E, Johri C��.ardens 5th. Add3.tion, thence �outh�rly 1�F5�±, ��ience �Te�t�rly 300�+, �h�nce Alorth�rly 525�+, thene� �a��eply 625s+, thenee Sout�erl� 104�+, thenee Wea�erly 325�+, thenee 3outMerly 280�+, to the p�int of origiM; a11 in s�eordance with revised plans dated Reeesived November 12, 1974; sub�eet to the Qondi�ion �hat aaid appliaarit-permitt��, and its successors and assigna, sha11 mak� du� compliance with . a11 applicable pro9i�ior�s of mu�ieipal ordinanae�, ��tate ��a��.tes °� Q and rule� and regulation� of publia a�thori�ie� l�aving cognizanQe. o `'' � . o > O R � Q � a n. � ' Q U � ' Ll'_ Q a N0V Z 5 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya �pV 2 5 1��0 Butler Carlson Ap � 19— Levine �in Favor Meredith Sprafka v yor Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty '��B��SHED NOV 2� 1g��p �� , � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 . �� D,►2 A � � November 10, 1970 �j���,� Mr. Harry E. Marshall ��� City Clerk Room 386 City Ha11 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of St. Catherine's College for a permit to install a 454-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with college Fine Arts facilities on property located on the west side of Fairview Avenue between Randolph and Bayard Avenues, and noted in detail by the legal description on file. This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning on October 15, 1970. The staff reported that the submitted plan meets the basic design standards but the staff had suggested revisions designed to facilitate internal movement, parking layout, and aesthetic quality. The staff noted that the Traffic Engineer recommends a second access to Fairview Avenue and suggests the Hartford Avenue extension as a location for this. The staff further suggested that the college review their arrangement of campus driver servicing the institution and its new facilities. The staff also presented to the Board two letters from community residents in opposition to the proposed parking lot. Mr. Mason, appearing for the applicant, said that the two residents on either side of the Hartford Avenue extension would oppose the Traffic Engineer's proposal. He also said that the College has no funds available for new campus routes. Mr. William Reagan, 1896 James Avenue, testified that off-street parking is badly needed in the area because College-generated parking has caused congestion and safety problems in his neighborhood. Subsequently, the Board voted 5-0 to recommend approval of this application, subject, however, to revised plans incorporating the staff suggestions on internal layout and landscaping. Such revised plans, however, have not been received. Very truly yours, PETER J. MAIETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf PLR Z. F. ��7062 � ,�;t,� � ,� ,(� o ' . �a,,,� � ��y City of Saint Paul, l�innesota APPLICATION FOR. SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT . (Please print or type) TO THE RONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN�CIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to install and operate a new �cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of isiands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity; ; � PAR,KING LOT for (Private use) �' (indicate type) � Capacity of parking lot �; a� ' To be used in connection with: p� �� �*�u�S� - gti, G��,►f,��� o � � MISCEI�I�ANEOt15.: (indicalar.t� s� �fs ��-� �'t 8t�� UNd Car ' , . : Lot, prJ ''Gl� � �� Y� �te L_ ___ ___ - ', . Capacity of pa Beginning at a oiut 3 ft. Wes�erly of the N. W, corner , = *Location lot 6, John Gar�ens 5tt� Addition, thence Southerly 145'+, ''� thence Westerly 300'+ , thence Northerly 525'+ , thence ''i' Legal Description Easterly 625'+ , thence Southerly 100'+ , thence Westerly ' 325'+ , thence Southerly 280'+ , to the point of origin. APPlicant's Name :---- --- , - �� —----- ` ^.� �i��f� � ; ; :.� Home or Office Address: 2�4 Randolph - St. '!'a�, �.m��aott Phone Number . 69S-S3'�I � Y � ,��.��, �C�IV I IV G ��L E . � . M�� ati.... 9J'�sr�o �� �Si�aE�u � date ' H09�0�� CWi$TB�t"il'Ital1 CQ�F�Y Address . 2A� M�EAL AYffi!U!s - ST. PAtiL, �T11 Phoae No.: 6!p-j,761 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out pians of tbe proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Safnt Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. aad First St. ,�, � ,,,, � � ,u' �C �p� 2. 3outb side of Main St. betweea First and Sec� S�r1 U L IIfJ SEP 211970 CITY PLANNiNG BOARD Saint Pt�ut, Minnesot� S�'s CA�'EiBRII�T$�S CiUI,I,EGE (1U�15�70) (COLitirttEEd): Mr. Ames suggested th�t Mr, Reagar� appear be€ore the City Council and r�qnest that the Traffiz Engiaeer meke a st�dy relatittg ta nc� parking on ltandolph Avenue. Mr. Thamae Mason and Sister Alberta weze. present representing the coll.ege. Mg. Masou noted that parking ia needed by the college, and spoke about the atreets in the vicinity. Ae cocr�ent�d thst the two residences on either side of the Hartford Avenu� extenslan �ould be againat the pro�flsed driveway at that point. 2'he col�ege taAd them they wauld not txy tia get access thraugh tChere. Sister Alber�a suggested that the driveway be exit only, s1.1 day long. Mr, IH�eaci noted that efter a nig�tt perfoz�naaice it wrauld �e used far Cwo-wap oper�tion. Mr. A, 3� Aonhof, also representing the applic�nt, noted that the co11e$e expl�ined to Che neighbors w�iat type af pa��xir�� lot would be installed; 26 homes were Gontacted, and he noted �hat their zeactiQns were '°mfx��l"a Mr. Rosetter stated th�s� revised pZnn� have be�n tec{�iested �that w�ll include aome landscaping. Mr. Vox�hof $aid this is agreesble �o �h�m; �hi�s k�as g�rt of the oxig3.na1 propos$1 given to Che neighbors. Mr. R�setter i�.troduced a proposal wtafch i1e had dis�ussed esrli�� w:Cth Mr. Masoa c�llin� for e new colleg� road comme�xct�.g s�e Cieveland Avenue, s�rvicing �he newer buildiags in the sou�h part o¢ th� �an�p�ss aad f!Lr�al�.y c+�n.necting with the proposed parking ZoC. Mr. Rosett�r stat�d that visitor� usiag �he pazkin� lat are not only �ttending caacerts, but �ct�a�liy vigitin� the caZlege snd �hus could appreciate a drive thro�gh the campu�a In response to �his, Mr. Maaon said �ie �o�aid appreci�te a aew drive but becaase of the college's funding prablem, this is complet�ely out of +the quesfi�ion. Also, Sister Alberta noted that neighbors who ldve on Cleveland Aeenue c�ould �'hen objecto Mr. Dwight Culver, 1837. �ay��cd Aven,ue, explaia�d ;o �he lioard that he livee ix� the second hoease Off F8�.1�►ierr Aveilu�y on the cornes of the college property. He said the raad would need to be locaeted �o much south tha� it xaould have to be at the pZd right-of-�way juat bett�nd Che t�ome� £r�uting on �ayard Avenue. He said this dr�ive�a�y would inconvemicr�ce u�ore pa�agle �hr�n the oae proposed. Mr, Sorea�son stated xn sum�axy that �he canse a� concesn by �he ne:ig4xborhood, Traffic �agineex, �nd staff £s th� amount of ��af#'ic gei�erat�d in a aes�deatial areao �Regarding the Counctl �ub�.ic hearir�g, �ir. Mason aak�d if this could be heard sooner than 4 wesks. �ir. Ames s�aggegted th�t �he coi��ge seel� inf�rmal �pproval, bur w�a7ned that the Councfl cauld x�vers� r.heir c�eci�ioia cahen �� ccxnes np for a public hearing, Mr. Mansur moved fo� 8pprowal a�f the �e�nit, subjeet to r�rrised plsne including the internag ad justments tttat rh� staf£ �3sg�ested in texm� o� l�andgcap3.ng to £acilifiate the park3�g there. He no�ed �hat ChQ �ppllcsnt should w�rls with the staff on this aspect. The mot�ors was �ecciaded by M�'o Mc�artlir�, and carrfed unanimously. Submitiged by: lanl Le Rosetter Rober� �e Ames, Chairnian �-lg_ � S�ARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION October 15, 1970 nlat t�a • . P ---�k17_ Acting under Legisletive Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. 7062 6904 � • ": ':'i ii,,(J'C'; NAMF� , College of St. Catherine 6573 r--1 1—t 2868 � ��T��".SSI�ICATION , t._.1 Amendment � Appeal C� Permit LJ Other X-968 ,j� , ,jF�p��� ; Install a 454-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with college Fine Arts facilities l+ � L')CATi�tJ : West side of Fairview Avenue between Randolph and Bayard Avenues �. I,E�A;� DESCRTPTION ; See file ��� Y::�SL'NT LOIJINGt "A" Residence 7 . °URSUANT 1'� 7onin� Code Chapters 60 Sections .23 F�ara�raph: 4, 2 �{ , STAF'F LNVESTIGATION � REPORT: Date; 10/8/70 IIy; PLR A. HISTORY: Three previous permits have been granted for parking lots elsewhere on the campus grounds. B. AREA ZONING: The south side of Randolph Avenue is zoned Commercial for a depth of 100 feet. The rest of the area is zoned "A" Residence. C. DESIGN STANDAKDS: The submitted plan received 9/21/70 meets the basic design standards. The staff has suggested revisions designed to facilitate internal movement, parking organization, and aesthetic quality. These plans have not been received. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: This parking area, exclusive of access space, is 127,500 square feet. One access to the lot is through the existing service drive which meets Fairview Avenue. This entrance is proposed to be widened from 19 to 26 feet. E. SITE CONDITIONS: The parking lot site is level with no trees. Access to the lot is through a short drive connecting it with the remainder of the campus to the west and by a longer drive connecting with the existing service drive. F. AREA CONDITIONS: Single-family residences exist approximately 200 feet east of the southeasterly corner of the proposed lot and also 400 feet south of this point; the area between is open. Single-family dwellings also exist across Fairview Avenue from the parking lot driveway. G. TRAFFIC CONSIDERATIONS: The Traffic Engineer's office has reviewed the plan and has suggested a second access to Fairview, possibly via the Hartford Avenue extension which abuts the college property. 9e BOARD ACTION: To Reco�nend �X Approval � Denial Council L�etter Dated: Moved by , Mansur Yeas Nays 11/10/70 Gadler Seconded by: McPartlin Gauger Date of Hearing Maietta 11/12/70 Secretary's remarks: x Mansur x Ames - Ch. Council Action X McPartlin (Alt.) Adkins (Alt.) Date X Rutzick (Alt.) ' _ �.� ,__ E� �--.—'� � � I � ; , , __ ,-�-�;r---� ; a v F� � �-- , ��_---� �i _ ; �; ,- , �, �� : ��L' , —; � -. -;� . - �_ , i , , '' :I � J ) C', - . �. V UQ OCl OQ � O�l,, / I f W , ��� l'1-�—, ����----�--'��i___ Z ��t; �� l ��� _ � J �� ����� � ; � . -- �� � �_ , '.,�,' ►— � > t� �- ��� . .�,o � , �� �, � i , , _ ' i-_ �� 1 1 ill � � ;�0 fi r,n�" ll���l � ,) ! (`� � � (1 � _'� ___�_�� 2 , � • c � „ � , � �, ? _�—,_.—�--—_l<<Ji � Z a :, c. _ ; , ., :A � , - Q ,� , � . , {— �, � W I � � : � , �� g . _ x , A ,., �_ A - , —� ' ' � ,r , t � .��r �' � �� '�� � ,^ (n��. � � �. �. � � f�� ;� �ti �/ U L I� ��. � ' ' �� . � � il 2�. ' � — -----t-- •' � A V E. I !�_ �, � - - -- _ _ - � ._ _ _ _ '� _ coivy!✓IdI,C�/HL `. - - ` r ' ., , ! _ �-� - - - -- Rt�ENT � , , `,� U F���_`. � � Ph+ZM�7 p o 0 0�o�oo d � _ ` � 1 � —_;'�� � � T N E � C O L �L E G E �' � � '�, '1 p,�; y��F�S AV:: .'� o-� S. �- � r—� �-_I •�,. � O f. O ' ��� , i �. . � �y i _ _l� � I o � � AcAC wA'r� �:, ,eV'C� S T. C ,c1 7 H L A4 / � ' , , �+ a i � � � .� ,, r� -. �-} - A i o p � ��� � �� � o i Ne.t�T��� . � � � �, � r-----==-; �`--_�- � C. . , o •�c� ,f;1��r=c�R`�� «;i � � � � �� � J l - _ ; _ � '_ � , D _,b , �artirc, r, �� _ —,-------------------------- ' °' c, -, , . .":,,, � � 1 I �.' , �c� n n .� .� c� r, n ,,, � � C, _---.-- ------------J------� � ��i � � _-�_-- 1 �',, � B A R � �� �, �^ ,., " or� >a o op o p o l � i � , r • � E. �-- � l_ _J °� � i }- - � 'cti e � , �J ° � o q A t� � �.�,,; . ,-f ;, , v E: � �o � 'f�� � . � =r J a Z o . �C � � . _Y"__' ' � � � , .� � �J � rI l �'z '� Q u�. FFh 1 -� � �_A_�_� t�, ; Q � � ; ,. .� p � W � �W � W � � W� - � ^� o I � � � � ` 'a ^� p ,� ' .,� .-� '�.1 � . ►. - ° ; � �'a 4� . � a =� =-�--- t_�r�; �n,., J � � � ' = C ;,� ,-� �' � o>o�oo 1 --- - . � - �� 3� I �—� . .; L ��, ' � r � i, r .. � , .. ., ^ � . �� 'i i _, � �. � . . . . ` r-- l _�. '�► , � ' l I �_ � [ A j �� ' _ �� ' � � � � fric,i<<_,►�< <, �"�--� �� �:--- .,, _ , ,,� _ , .5 �_ . � �—'� �i(1i`J Y,� c-----:-----� C I � Ap�L�C�11VT College ,of St. �atherine LE�Ef�D � Pun���� Install a 454-car parking lot to LAf�D USE �� be uaed in con�unction with College Fine Arts facilities O ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING "A" Residence -� TWO-FAh�ILY � THR��- i=AMILY PET{TION SIGNERS - FOUR-FAf�1LY � MULTI- FAIIPILY FILE No. �062 � snC0U1MERCiAL MC�R'�H n � INDUSTRIAL V VACANT St. Paul Planning Board, Date� io/8��0 � Prop�rtv under ennci�lArr�tinn MINII�S OF THE PUBLIC HBAxING B�P'ORE THE BUARD OF 20NI14G on 'Thursday, October 15, I.970, �t 2:00 P.Ma PRESENT: Messrs. Ames, McPartlin, Mgnsur, and Rntzick of the Board, and Messrse Rosetter and Sor�n$vn, and Mrs. Frant�en of the sts£f. Mr. Ken Skrien of Che GorporaCiou Counael's office was present for part of the public heari.t�g. S�q CATHERINE°S COLi.BGS: An application for a perm3.t to insta�l a 454-ear parking lc�t ia conjunction with College Fine Arts faciLitiea en property lacated on the west side of Fairview Aven.ue be��een Randolph and Bsyard Aveaues. Mr. Rosetter summsrized Che ataff report, a p�rt of the file, nating thet the staff received a few lettera from reaidenCs in the area. A port�om af the l.etter_ from Mr. Neil P, Coavery wras r�ad to the Baard, whf.ch no�ed tha� he wauld gaadly give his conaent and support if the Fairview A�vet�ue enCrance is Limited to an tQexit oxely'r during thoae Cimes when the audi�aric�m is in �s�, and .further limit of egr.ee� fio the late even�.ng hours, providing at euch tim� an of£-du�y policeman statianed to regulate the outflow of Craffic €rrnn auditori�n eventa. A portioa of the letter from Mr. and Mre. William Ever�ing wss resd to the Boarc�, which noted thet ti�e�* are gravely cota,cerned gbout th� proposed wid�ning and use of the Fairvfew Avenue drive- way as an access to and from t�e proposed parki�xg �.ot. �.'bey l�seed the following suggestioas: 1) limit use of the parking lot raadway �o �hose nights on whfch events will be held ar the new andi.torium; 2) do �.ot use it as an �ntr�nce so as ta prevent interference with narrmal nortia-south Fair.view Avenue traffie duria� the buaq day and esrly evening hours; 3) use �he ro�dway as an exit only after the evening performances �t the auditorium ea aa to provide egress from the college dur£a� the la�er evening hours when Fairview Avex�ue �raffic �t.s ge�eral.ly at a , I.ower level; 4) provide another ma3or parkiag lot rosdway to a street other thaa Faf�view �ivenue if the two roadwaye le�ding from Randolph and Cleveland and RandoYph locations, respectively, casnot hsndl.� �t�e expected traffic load adequately; and 5) provide for college-supplied garking lot surveillance and related traffic control. Mr. Rose�ter noted that the Trafftc Engineer was notified af this, ead he suggeaCed r.h�t another driveway be at Piartfard Avenue e�xtended. Mr. William Reagan, 1896 James Avenue, aoted �h�t he has been the aeighborhood representative greviously on parkiag g�rmi�� fo� �t, Ca�herine's College. Ae stated he is quite concerned with safety fa�ctors in the area. Se presented photographa of the parking ou-stxeet near the north part of the campus. �ie stated that the college has pra�iae�i t� do everything :t�. its powes to see that students 8nd auditorium petrons nse tihe new lat, thns prov3ding neighborh�od residents with parking in front of their home�. Mr. Reagan uoeed tha� guests �oming to homes in the area rnesst park 3-4 bloclks away becauae of �he cvnge�Ced cnndition. Based on Che assurances of the college, he £eels the lot should he spproved �o get the cara off the atreet. Se coimnented thst the safety of nei�hboxhaod residents and the Cravelling public should be thought �bout. On Raadol�h Avenue txaffic is dumped onto two moving lanes and two parking lanes. People desire parlting €or t1le�mselves. He noted that perhaps the Traffic Engineer should review the are� and make a few changes, such as paiating the curbs yello�, etc. He suggested t�h�t there be som� di�tance ta either aide so tteat the cars can be seen. Residents laope to pre�aent acc�dents in the ares. -17- - r��' � �' ��-. City of Saint Paul, Ninnesota APPLIC�ITION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE I�DNORABLE MAY08 AND CITY COUNCIL � the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to install and operate s new (cross one out) Q FII,LING 5TATION = ' No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: Q PARKING LOT for (private use) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 454 cars To be used in connection with: Fine Arts Facilities - St. Catherine's College � MISCEISANEOUS: (indicste type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Yendor, etc.) Capacity of parking ares: Beginning at a point 3ft. Westerly of the N.W. Corner of *Location lot 6, John Gardens 5th addition, thence Southerly 145'#' thence westerly 300'±� thence northerly 425'�"� thence � Legal Description easterly 300'±� thence southerly 280'±�to the point of origin. Applicant's Name • Colle�e of St. Catherine Home or Office Address: 2004 Randolph - St. Paul, Minnesota Phone Number . 698-5571 FO Y THE PLICANT, Q.4�� 9/18/70 Mr. Thosmia.s url�ason �date) Address . DONOVAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY � 1080 MONTREAL AVENUE - ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Phone No.: 690-1761 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. City Cl�rk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 October 30, 1970 �. � ( File X968, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. paul, Minnesota at 10:00 a.m. on November 12, 1970 on the application of the College of Saint Catherine for a permit to install a 454-car parking lot to be used in conjunc- tion with the Fine Arts Facility on the property described as follows: Beginning at a point 3 feet Westerly of the North- west corner of Lot 6, John Gardens 5th Addition, thence Southerly 145 feet, more or less, thence Westerly 300 £eet, more or less, thence ATortherly 525 feet, more or less; thence Easterly 625 feet, more or lese, thence Southerly 100 feet, more or less, thence Weaterly 325 feet, more or less, thence Southerly 280 feet, more or less, to the point of origin. The property is located West of Fairvfew Avenue and North of Hartford Avenue vacated. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room 1410 C�nerce Building, or telephone 2�3-4151. This aotice of a public hearing has been sent out f�om the �artment of Fiaance in camoliance with the City Charter, R03ALIE L. BUTLER Co�nissioner of Fiaance . O �RIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK � . � hi� 1�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� NO. �� ,. , ,t FLE � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . . C U CIL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATF In the Matter of hazardous bu:ildings being that trr� story frame duptex dweTling and garage k�pwn and described as 222 Clermont � in the C�ty of Saint Pa�ui and satuated upon thos� premises legally describe� as tot 7, Block �6, Suburban Hills, accordir�g to the plat on file and of record in the offfice of � the Register of Deeds in and for the County ' of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. 4!NEitEAS, Fursuant ta resolution, C. F. P�o. �—�� 9;g������, anproved Jul_v 29, 1970 , a r-u�i�c i�eari nq �,t�s du1�i4T o A.y,�ust4__� 14 , , before the Council of the Citv af Sa�nt Pa-u� ; sa� hearing nertain�ng to tne condition af tne structures located at � ���,n± , Saint Paul , s-linnesota; and t�i4ER,�A�, Upon the facts �!reser�ted at the said hearinn consistinc; of photogranhs, insnection rep�frts and the recocrnendations of th� Citv Arc�►i tect, i t i s founc! and �eter;�i ned b�� th� Ci tv Counci 1 that accordi n� to the reco��ds and files in t�e office af the Re�tist�r of D�e;is, tye last record o�:ner/pyar�er� of the above-descr-ibed nroner�y is/�r�e Crystal A. Thrash; and tt�at Minnesota �'ede ,. � Savings and Loan and United States Eidelity and Guarar��y Company are mortgagees and Mrs. Ewgene Litz _ has an unknown interest; and !�E�E��AS, It is further det�rnined that the above-dc�scribed and aaraae constit«tes I�azardous buiidinqs ti��ithin the defi- m tion o ;iinnesota Statutes Section 463.15 for the follo��ring reasons: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst . Tedesco FO M APPROVED Mr. President, McCarty � � Asst. Corporation Counsel yi °�°� I � . . � 251��.5 Page 2. a. The dwelling and garage are standing vacant, abandoned and are subject to being entered by unauthorized persons; b. The exterior condition of the dwelling is as followsr the front porch is separated from the rest of the dwelling; a section of the northwest wall is campletely missing as a result of an expiosian; a section of the northeast wall has been blown out; the sauthwest front wall is bulged about 1 inch; appraximately twenty percent of the roof is loose and sagging; the west chimney abave the roof is sheared off; c. The interior of the dwelling is as follows: four ceiling joists in the basement are split horizontally and must be reinforced; on the second flaor approximately twenty percent of the ceil�ng joists have been damaged and require reinforcement; the floor 3oists where the wail has blown out are hanqing free with no 3oists; three wall partitions on the second floor have been completeiy demolished; d. The dwelling in the above condition is beyond reasonable repair; e. The dwelling is unfit for human habitation in its present condition and the above corrections must be made in compliance with the Building Code and the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to make the same habitable; f. The dwelling constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the publ:ic health, safety and welfare because of its physical damage, dilaQidation and inadequate maintenance; g. There is an 18 x 28 foot garage; the rear wall is sagging; the roof is in poor condition and leaks; the large doors are falling apart; j � � i , � � _ NN a i � � f � �- � � � � ? w t� � �t S4 . ; � i _�r ---_� �j�-�c�c1 _,._. CG��. Crr�:: � . �'o, M,ay7'cM �xi.�,�-f.�.•� � , i '1 � � _ � ` � , � i + � ' ; ; _._�,,.; � >1 � •,�`„ : I '� � 9 � i - � � , �. � , � ; � , �� ► � Q � � � � � � � i . � '� ! i . ; i ; � � � � � � i � �� �� � �� � , � i ' � , � ; � , ; i �, I � ; I � . � ; ; ; � j . ; ; { i _ � _____ ; . ; , , ; { . . 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