251302 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL HLENCIL NO. �51���2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU�ICIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _�c...�� � / COMMISSIONER \C �'�-� � � �" `����— DATE WHE�AS. �owry FiAance Compa�ay and Charles J. �egqs, tr�stee, ha�re r�q�e�ated that the Saint Paul Bvard of i��ter Cc�issioaera g=�nt ara e�se�nent to them ov�r Wat�r Bo�rd property for roadway pnrpc�aes i� euehaage for the relmms� of their iaterests over a�n easemeat preaestly owned by th� W�ter Bozrdf and ie�1ER�A3, the �o�rd of W�ter �o�isaicner: has �pproved the excharag� of easements, aad it ia �e�essary to obtaia cos- ctirrence of th� �ity Council prior to the esc�+cutioa of the �ecessary aqree�e�tsf now, tl3erefore, be it ��OL�D, T'hmt th� Co�acil of the City o£ Sai�t Pa�l hereby conc�rs in th� re�c�nendation and action taken by the Boar¢1 oF �Tater C��aission�r�, �ad the Mayor, Co�is:ioner of Public Utilitiea, City Clerk, �nd �ity Comptsoller are hereby snthorized to exec�tfie Permit Aqres�nent between the City of �aint Panl and Lowr�► P'inance Ccaapaay aad �ha=les d. Begg�s, tr�stee, grantinaJ pe�i:sioa t� constr�at and mai�ta�ia � roadway vver a p�stion of Lot 8, �. W. �ass� �arden �ots, in the City of Saiat Ps�l, �amsey Co�aty, Minaescta. FORM PROV � s rpora ' n o n . NOV 2 4 1�J7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Naya Npy 2 �+ i'�a Butler Carlson � 19— Levine �In Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty ,PUBLISHED (�QV 2$ ���� ��