251781 ORIGIt{AL TO CITY CLERK "�v� • V1
C I T Y O F S T. P A U L ��NCa NO.
Lzc��i�s�; cor�ri��T.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK
PRESENTED BY � �. December 31� 1970
R;�SOLViD: Th�,t applicationfor the transfer of On Sale Liquor and Sunday-On-Sale Liquor
Licenses issued to H. L. I+l., Inc. at 2051 Ford Paxkway to 4:Talmont, Incorporated
z,t the same address and their application for Restaurant :>.nd Cigarette licenses
for the s�:zne location, be and the same ase hereby granted on the condition
that kdthin Vd days of this date sG.id 1�•lalmont, Incorporated shall
comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, He�,lth, and Police,
and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Faul Zegislative Code and
a11 other a,pLL�lic�ble ordinances and laws.
DEC 3 � l�J.�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Naya
Butler •E�` 3 1 ����
Caxlson � 19—
Levine Tn Favor
v r
—,��a a�ri� A
� JAN 9 1971
Mr. Vice President Meredith �UBLISHED
Capital of Minnesota ���
aUe aNt�cevtt o ub�C'c �a et
p �
ror.ics DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissioner HEALTH
RALPH G.MERRILL,Depaty Commieeioner
DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inepector
December 31, 1970
Honor��le T�ia�Tor and City Council
Saint Paul, r_inne�ota
Gentlenen �nd r�i�d?m:
?:"al�ont, Incor}�orated is joined by H. L. ?��., Inc.
in rnaking a.pplication ior the trarsfer o� On�ale Ziqvor License
i�o. 7685, a.nd Sund.�y-Gn-S�a.le Liqi:or LicensE: No. 3817, both
expirin� J�.nus.ry 31, 1971, from the present licensees, �i. L. E��. ,
Iric. at 2051 Ford Fa.rkt�-�y to T::'�.lmont, Incorcor�ted. ut the sa�e
':Ta,lmont, Incorporated also m�,ke a� �lic�tion for
Hestaura,nt �nd Cig�rette licer.ses for the same locatio. .
ihis location has been licensed f or a simil�x business
since 1966. Zhe present licensees, H. L. �1., Inc. have held the
lic�nses since Jul;; 196�.
The officers of '1alr..ont, Incorpor�.ted are ':�,?alter �!.
T�iontpetit, President u.nd Treasurer; a,nd Florence �. Nlantpetit,
Vice-president and Secretary; 1•lalter :,. I�lontpetit is the
I4s. TY�ontpetit is self-employed as o��mer of Billy I3oy
Juices, and T�'lrs. N�ontpetit is a house�,ife and has no outside
Ver�T truly yours,
��� ��` ��
License Inspector ��
T1poe�+b�r 28, 19�0
To The �ionnrabl� �t�y�r
CiL� Conncil �t' t:-�� CS.�y o�' �a�.nt F�.,�l
?��r��a�y �"�t�tn�y �;ht��t Het��e
�t.�'�:ul.� P�ir��:e�o���
Fle�s� be �d.vi�er� th�t '�d�.lmant, Inaorpflra�e�d a �2.nrteao�e
c�r�r.,r���Ci4n, i� ?n.��cha.�ln� �Gk�e 4n-��le F���xi� business
and I..� uc�r Lle+�nse nAw in the n�me c�f H.L.M. �na. , e �inne�
�c�t�. Qor�r���tie►r�, laor�te�: a� �C�51. F�rc3 ��rl��y, �t. �-�.u1,
Mir.ne�ot�, �n�. r��peeaGtul3y reoue�t tha� �he Gity Council
of th� Cl.ty of 3�,int �'�u1� Minn�aQt�� tr�.n�Pt�r eA3d Un-
�3:�1E �et�il Lir�u�r. I.a�Gl9f1�RP, Src�m ��.L.M. Z�c. to walmont,
Yat�r� v s�ry tx�ul.y,
1��T�.�°AP��'� I�dC�,t�� , ,
F*��� d�nt
H.�,.�,. Znr�. � a t�inn��c��� cerpor�ti�in, the own�r ot' thA
a�area��id b��inee� �r�d T�.�i�usr t..ic�n�� x�espeotfvtl;t.y ,�oi.n
, in �Ghi� reqt���t th�.t th� Liaenee in th� t�mr. 4f H.L.M. Inv�
�be tr�:nsf�rr��' to =�,�s�1�t�i�T, �A?CA�?P4���?�'13�
Yaur� o6ry t:.^uly,
�1.L,�t. 3nc.
��r� �
r�e ' t
Da te Daew�b�lr 3.lt� �9 TO
1. �,ppl�.aation for U�,.�al� R�tail I� Lice�.am
2. Name of appl�cant Walmb�tt� �oo�at'atrd (Walt� NQ��t� Pr�sid+Ntt and '�t�a�1�r
3, Business address �� Fold P�kMq,v� St. �i��' l� �. Hoy�� St. �a�le �L�IR�r S�iOb
4, Trade name, if any �'�'�►y �� � �
5. Retail Beer Federa� Tax Stainp �tail i,iquor Federal Tax 3tamp �xi,�,1 be ue�!d,
6. (�Ci vvhat Ploor locsated Irii'� �'lao� Number of roams used 2 ROOmA
�I ava �id �Tcrrt�
7. Betwae� what arosa streeta l��ruieCh Which �ide of straet
8. Are premises now oQOUpied 1'��'fyha� business ��' Ho�r long b ��
9. Ar,� prem,ises Ao�r Wa,00cupied l�s I�o;w long vacan� � � Prev:i,ou� Use ""'
10. �,re `you a new oxner .zi�!Havs you been in a aimilar busineas before j��
VYhere 615 !�'lr�reity A�v�na�� ��• yyhen ].460
. ts
11. Are you going to operate this business peraonally �'s1�
If not, v�.o wil�. operate it •-
12. Are yDU in any other buaineas at the present tim� NO "
13. Have tkare baen anyr complaini;s against your operation of th3a type oP plsae ��
When 19� `t��f�l �.QSq Where 6l5 t�niv�r�ity A�eiavu, St�. Praul� I�i�aot�
14. '.•Ia�cre you ever had an�r l�.canse rsvoked 2dffi �Phat reas on and date ��bl�� t,iC$!ltrs 1960
aithr�ut U:3 7_icA���, a�,K - r, �.:��.� oZ li�uox� o�► :tur�
15, Are you a aitizen of the United States Zq Native Yos Naturalized •
_.._.._� _..__.__...�,
16. 11Yhere �rere you born ��s'�1 �is�ati.n I�te af birth +�u�.,y ?l� 1Q24?
. ..�.._._.._.,_ _
17. I am married. �dy (wife's) (k�ie�rx�je►�, name and addresa ia
FZarreoe '�. �Ie�tp.t�L, l�s-�. Ne�r6 Aa�rne�e, s�. Pa��l, �linneaof� 55xo6 , .
18. (If married fema�.e� my m��.den name is r -�►
19. $c>w long have you lived in St. Paul �� Y'��'�
20. Have �ruu e�v�ar been �►rrested'��Violatic�n of what csriminal ].awr or ordi.n,e�ao�
�Ze o2' lir�uor on ��t�d�.y; t�e.mbling t�.ok�t� wiZMout t1.3.License
21. Are you a registered voter i.n the City of S�. Paul 2M Yes No.
(Ana�uer full and aom 1ate1 . These a lications axe tharou hl cheoked and e►a
alaif iaation wt11 tae csaus� for denia .
4 .
22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocska ' N'0A� ,
23. C].osest irxtoxicating liquor p]aae. L?n Salel� � �1� �'t' Sale �� ��
24, Nearest Church �t• �"���'� +� �1t�olC�iTearest School �' ��� � � bloo$M
25. Number of booths � T�bles �0 C�airs �� Stoo�:e �.2 _
26. What occupation have yeu follovaed f or the p�st five y�aare, (Give names o� em,p].oye�s
a�d dates sa`employ�ed.)• . . �
i�r�r3,t�Jniea ba$irier�� Billa►' Boy Jai+��s, S�1! e�pZoyad
27. Gige names and addreases of �wo peraon�, res�.dents of St. Paul, �3.nn., who c�n'g�.v�s
inf o�a�tion concerning you.
��s. r�o�:ai, ��i:t l�at�l Ha�lc A�rr�►rs AYer�� St. F'au1,, I��sro�i ��
Pdame Add re s s
. Name Dz. �� I�iQhola ,�ddress �' S• �r�'laed Av�.f SL. avli .
ig�a ure o� App 3.
S�a te of' MMinr�.e s ota '�a2'�+r A. Mo�t+p
County of RamseY )
Wa?�t,rr A. 1'�,tn�t,psti'� being first duly sr�vorn, deposes and says
upon oath that he has rea the forego5.ng statement i�arin� his signa�ure and knows
the contents .thereof, and tt1at the sa� is true of' Yhis o�ra knowledge exoept aa �o
those mattera therein stated upon information and be�.ief and as tp �hose m�tters
he believes them to bQ �rt�o,
��� o�� t
Subscribed nd sworb. to before me
this day o:P � �.9 �
Nota��l�.,���eY tY, l��.nnea ota . , '
My Conmu.ssion expirss DwM1b�i� 28j 1973.
(Note s These statement foxms are in dupZicate. Both copies mus� be fu7.�.y fi,l�,ed out,
notarized, and returnad to the Licensa Division.�-
h'lARTtN d. tYD�iV
htotary Public, Ramsey Count�B, Mhitli
�y Cammission Expires Dacembor �� ��J�`�
Res �n Sale Retail Liquor Licenae
Name of appiicant ''��almont, Incorporated (�rdalter A. Montpetit, President and Treasurer)
2U51 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, Minnes�ta
Business addz^ess
Are you the sole anmer of this busines s? e If not 9 is it a par�nership?
corporatian? YeS , o:bher4
Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, pro rt or othe ses
. . Gporp�r�'�e ot�oe� anai
Name Flerence �'. Montpetit Addres� 15��► F.�Hoyt, St.Paul g��il�eCtoY'
��r�ti ��r•� e ,e Q oorp�+rr�te atoo]
�t. �'eul, 2yiinneeota� �� �one�s due him on
B o;��.. I w�.w ' Ha�a]
"'etz ana �:��^��.ch ba3.anoe 1i
� YI�O.
If a corporation, give its name Walmont, Incorporated
Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buainesa?
.As sole ow�aer? y partner? Stoekholder?
. , �.
Otherwrise? (Through loan of money, etce Explain� _
Address o£ such buainess and na�ure of intere�t in same
� .
igna re of pp ic t
walter A. r�ontpetit
State of �nne s ota)
C ounty of �msey
�rJalter A. Montpetit bei.ng first duly swrorn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and lmows the contents
there�f; that the same is true of his own lrnawledge, except as t� �hase matters therein
stated upon inform�tion and belief and as to those rr�ttsrs believea them to be true.
Sig ture of applx t
��'alter A. Niontpeti
Subsarib and sworn to before me
this day of �ecemb lg 70
, � �
Notary izblic, P . `,aub,�y, Minnesota
Maxtin �1Dt���fllic, Ramse .' -
My Qoa�.�� .-' .c°���"' ;.:ir�n. 19 73
.. , .
_ W�� A. Montpet�it being firat duly sworn, dnth depose
and say that h.e makes thia affidavit in oonnection with app],iaation Por
"�_ Sale" liquor license ("�� Sale" mslt beverage license� in the City
of Sai�.t Paul, �innesota; that�your affiant is a resident of the State of
Mirulesota and has resided therein for i9 years, months,
and ia naw and has bsen for the time above msntioned a bona Pide reaident of
said State and that he naw residea at 1!� E. H4 Ar�ttue#
� �ZAddress
St. �'aul , Minneaota.
C it y or ov�:
+�ait�r d. �bxt�p� �t
Subsaribed nd sworn to before m�
this � day of �t ber 19 70
otary blic, Ramsey unty, Minneaota ,
Martin J. I,ydesa
My ao�nnission expirea ��be�r 2�,� �.973
� r.,.�:,;�„�
1 j ..
hoPary publ„ `-��-'_ .
� �����piresSe,� Co_ j , 'i; „
, � -
_ i LICENSE DNISIOAT Data D�/ul�' Ll�ia �� TO!
l. Appliaa�ian �'or Ow R� I. Licena�
2. N�ms of appla,cant ��on�� I�atrtp�rsted (F].ore�tc• E. Mo�tp�rtit� V3a� Pt'esid�nt �1d S�l��
3. Busineas addre�s �� �o2�d F�ay� �nsn 15�t �• t'�yt� St. Paulj M�.
���es idenoQ 5�•0�
4. Trsde name, if �ny Tittactj LOnp •
5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp � Retail Ziquor F'ederal Tax S�m�icY�i.11 be ue�1�d•
6. Qn vvhat floor located -�=a'� ��r Nwnber of rooms used '1'wO
• Clev�i.iu,ci au�d
7. Between w�at oroa�F atreets_x�rinet ��� Whieh aide oP street ��r�
8. Are premi.�es mow oaoupied =�s'p�t businesa �Qveu' H� I�g 6 ylrar�
9. Are prexnises now tua.ocscupied • Haw long vacant � Previous Usa •
10. Are �rou a new ov+m.er ?��Have you been in a aim3lar busineas before`yg�������,�
VPhere �layt�+r, ��.t�.b, Ine. , �►hen _��,et 3 Year�
11. Are you goi.ng to opera te thi� bus ine�a s pers on;a lly �
If not, �o wi11 operate it �Teit,er A._A�3�tpet,it
12. Are you in ,any D�her business at the present tima Iy�t '
13. F�a�re there bsen any complaints against your operation of this type of placa NO
fithea � Where •
14. I�'a�ve �rou ever had ar3.y license revoked :`�� �Phat res�on and date ....
15. Are you a citizan of the United St�tea ��` Native �A0 Naturalizsd
..�......... -......._.__.»
16. 1Nhere vsrere you born ��• P��� ��+n+ I�te of birth '��� �x lq�
17. I am m�,rried. �+fy (a�i�•LB.I (husband Ts) name and addresa is
�!►.lter A. Motttprti�! 15�� E. �ioy�t Aver�ue� St. P�►u1� Minn�actr� 552,06
18. (IP m�rried female) my maiden name is Flo]�'enoe E. ���
19. $oav long have you lived in St. Paul 19 y�are
20. Have you ever been arrested �o Xiolation of what criminal law or ordinanoe «
21. Sre yoa a reg�.stered voter i.n the City of S�. Paul ��• Yes 1Jo.
(An.s�rer fu11 and oom letel . Theae a liaations are thorou hl cheoked aad:�n
lsification wi11 be cauae for 'denia .
,. �� � � . j,. ,
22. Number of 3.2 plaaes nvithin two blooks '' • • �O�e ' -
23. Closest a,ntoxicating 15.quor plmae. On Sale,� �� �ff S�le �Y blad[
24. Nea re a t Church gt• �+�Ot s 2 bl Os$� �ea res t Saho ol 9tr. L�o�s ' 2 b10aYa
25. Number of booths � Tables �0 C�air� �� Stools 12
� 26. Wha� occupe�tion have yau follovtied f or the past five y�s�rs, (Give namea o#` employer8
and date s s o e�,ploy�ed.) . .
27. Gi�e names and addresaea of two peraons„ residents of St. Paul, �3.n,n.., who c�aap. giw� :
inf'ox�a,tion coneern,ing you. '
Name �'ba t�a�ner Address �'S�4 HasrlMOOd Av�n�, St. Pi►v1� A�imf.
�Tame Phelen Park Sate Hat�k ,�ddress St. P�vl, �in�eaota
. ���� �
Signa�ure o App ican
State of' Mirin.esota) �.orarice u. ��on���tit
County of Ramsey ) ,
����'e �• xn"��� being first duly s�rorn, deposea and says
upon oath that he has rea t e foregoing statement bearing his signa�ura amd kncrws
the co�.tents thereo�, and that the s�me is true of hia o�ev�t knowledge eaoept as to
those matters therein atated upon inf'ormstion e,nd belief and as to those �tter�
he believes them to be �riie.
� �
Signature of Applioant
Fl.or�cs �. �lanf��i.t
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this!_�1� day of Dec�nber ?0 x .
`_,.- - � C�
��� ,
Notary Pu�lic, Ramsey Coun c�ta
�� c���-.ssap����$ ��.� ��. �.973 '�
(Note s These a�atemen� forms are in duplicate. Both copies must be f1111y fa.l7.ed out'�±
�,otarized, and returnsd to the License Divisiqn.�- '
- I.;,;�;i��i J. _`�_._. , � .
��,. ti'a;i7. �
'-li^ Rarr.saY F.;
C•;�::ry Pu� .., _. , ,
P:� Commission Expires Decern��r 2c3, 1�73 :
� �`�
, �,� ,
Rs: oA Sale �ai� y�c� Liaense
Name of applicant yla�lrnft Ta10 .ra'�! F�.Ore�+�� 8• fk3st t �111ts J�
Buainess address �Sl 4brd �'as�k'�a„y, �t. �'$nl� Mf,nne$o't�►.
Y�'�' �
Are you the aols ov�mer of this buainess? _ . If not, is it a par�tnership? ..
corporation? yeB , other? _
Qthers interested in business, include t�ose by loan of money, propexty or other�rises
Nama Wa�,t,� w. Mott�efi,i� Address��1�E. HMSt�C.��aa �aw COTpOPate e�t►O�� Ottri�r
3t. Pavl, 1'�.aneao#�a �1�d � ot co ore�te
H ar!!1 c�_ �t y ��(� �`r,f�'t�`.'s�c�i,�Lc'� �-�'•�-IAI�N� dttts 0�1
.d�"/»�a.�.�..Y ��-u-.-�*.� �&le
gs33C, L.,,,,�ves ��- G.xSa.�i$, I(inn_ N!on�v� �,u� l��a !�'tt�
Here�ld Mets and wh�oh
b��,a..na� i$ assumed b�
walmo�t, InoorgoraLed
If a corporati�n, give its name. '�s�?.a�tottt� Zneerpor�tt,l�d
Are you interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor busines�? �
As sole av�raer4 Pt�rtner? • Stoakholder? •
Otherwi.se? (Through loan of money, eto. Explain)
Address of such business and nature of interest iz� same -�
��� �
SignaturQ of app iQan
Fl.�srence E. l�pt�stit
Statye of Minne s�ta..�
Gounty of Ramsey �
Fle�ltC:e ��. I'{ot'�tpstit being firs� duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoin� a fidavit bearing his signature and kno�rs the contex�ta
thereof; that the same is true of his avan l�rnrsled�e, except as to those mattera therein
stated upon informat�,on and belief and as to those matters he believes them ta be true.
��� �
Signature of a ppla.can,t
Flaren�e �. I�k�ntp�+tit
3ubscribe and sworn �o before me
this�day of'�T} 19��
` 1
Notary ublic, y Co y, innesota � �
��ati�',,,T�ir:y+�r+�s�-='� '.
��a�$�l+g,s�e�����'73�. 2� 19,,,,,Z� ;
��ty Commission ExPires Decec�::�c 2i3. 3.y'l3 �
�' ._ : . _ , . .
s�� � �n�so�,�)
� �
Flerens� i�. I�ntpetit .
be�.ng firat duly swflrn, do�h depo�e
and say that he makea this affidavit in aonneatioa with applicsation far
" Sale" Iiquor liaense (n Sa1��tll�gerage lioeaes) 3xi the �itq of
� $aint Paul, .Minneeota= that your affiant is a resident of the S'tate of �i.nnesot�
and has resided ther�ia. for ,�;�ar�; ����! mom.ths, arrd ie
nc� and has been for �he tim�a aba�re mentioned a bo� fide rssident of said State
�t• Pa�l�
and that he now resides at
" Aaare�s
, Minnesota.
Ci y or Tovm
.T �-
Irlor�no� E. M�tp�f,t
Subsaribed and s�rorn t��� me 7�
thia�, day of 5�--��-�--�19�
�_ � �
b ' �e� �a�i�`'�;��9�3
My ao�niasion expires
r<,^..,;�-.,�•J �. :.;��:a
I�:otary Public, Ramsey Co::i�tY� �:"+sin.
1� Gvrn�r►rsuon fx�i�es Recem�r zs� ��Z�