251780 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 251�7g0 � CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI SOLUTION—GENERA FORM PRESENTED BY liiilliaa �. Carlso - December 29 197� COMMISSIONE AM � iiHERBAS� In the satt�r of Co'ptroller�s Co�tract L-7265 for construction of the WHE�ELBR-FAIRMOUNr R$LITsF SEWBR SYSTBMi City Froject No. 69-S-0475C, McDonald � Associates, Inc., Contractor, the specified date of completion is Nove�ber 30, 1970, and WfABRgAS, The Contractor did not co�plete the contract bq said date of com- pletion, therefore be it RESOLVBD, That the proper City Officials be and they sre hereby authoriaed C���� and directed to execute an a�end�eent to smid eontr�ct extending the time of com- � pletion to June 1, 1971, provided however, that this resolution shall have no ' ` force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor�s bond consent thereto �nd file such consent in writing with the City Co�ptroller, and be it FURTHBR RBSOLVED, That the City of Saint Faul does not waive anq clai.� for liquidated damages and that engineering and inspection costs on this project m�q be charged to the Contractor for such estended period. - Fp M q pPRo A st. at�o CO ;�� DEC311� COUNCILNiEN " ` - Adopted by the Counc>> 19— Yeas Nays � Butler ��G � ; 197fl Carlson Ap ve 19—r Levine � T� Favor Meredith � � Y Tedeaco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty JAH g 1971 pUBLTSH�D . ��� • 251�780 owucwn ro rn�wTS�e , CITY OF ST. PAUL F�UNGL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-6ENERAL FORM CAMM�ISS ONEQ Villfa� t. CarisoA o�,� D�erb�r Z!. 1l70 , 'W1�ltE�S, Ia tlw �tt�s of Co�ptroil�s�s Cowts�at L-7Z6S �es oaaatsaatioa oi tla fiNE6LER-�AI1t1�ONT RtL�tT fSU�it ST�N, City !so jt�t llo. 69-5•047SC. McDoAal� b �ssociat�a, Ina., Coutsaator. tir� sp�aiii�d dat� �t �pl�tion is No��r �0� 1l70, aad iiAiltEAB, ?1N Gatsaater dii *ot ��l�t� tlw s�tnct by aaid dat� e� �- pl�tioa. th�s�fost w i� 1tE�OLVED. ?Lat t1r prop�r City O�liciala 1N sad t1N� arr L�r�by aatlatris�d and dir�at�d ts w�ata ae a�t to said �aatra�t �ct�tin� eLe tir o! e:a- pl�tioA to Jn� 1. 1l71, ��ridar lis�w�r�t� tLat ttiis s�solutioa si�ail l�aw � forc� •r �ti�ct ual�a• ttlu aur�ti�s oa t1N CaAtnctor'a bs�d �aw�t tlwr�to �nd fil• snc4 eo�sswt in �rsitiM Mith t1N CiC� Co�pt�ll�s, sud b� it �0� �E�OLV�D, T`at t� City •t �int la�l �s rt �iw au�r clat� tos • litpi�tti dasapa aai tLat �iAUrin� aed is�ap�cti4� eo�ts on tbis ps+���ct �a� b� c6�rrd to tia Costractor for sn�L at�ud�d ptrioa. � DEC 3�� � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�anci� 19_,._ Yeas Naya I�EC 3 1 19�A Butler Carlson Approv� 18._ �°�e Tn Favor Meredith —�A�-� �� inst Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �!S