251779 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 251��9 � CITY OF ST. PAUL NOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMI�SS�ONE '�illisei E. Carlso ATE Dece�ber 2Q, 1970 WHERSAS� Coe�ptrolldr's Contract L-7265, McDonald � Associates, Inc., Contractor for the �EELSR-FAIRMOUNT RBLIEF SIIWER SYSTEM, City �roject No. 69-5-0475C, has been substantiallq conpleted, and WHSREAS, Said Contractor reque�ts that a portion of the 15X retained under the contract from estiffiates for �rk dor�e, be paid in adva�ce of the final cospletion of the contract, and WH�AS, The Co�issioner and Chief Enginecr of the Department of FRiblic Works approve the payaent at this tin� of $55,000.00 of the $69,611.06 retained; therefor� be it RBSOLVBD, That the proper City Officials be and th�y are hereby authorized to pay an esti�aate in the a�ount of $55,000.00 from the retained percentage of $69,611.06 to said Contractor; ar�d be it � � FURTHER RFSOLVED, That this resolution sh�ll have no force or effect unles� the � sureti�s on the Contractor's bond consent there�o in writing end file such consent with th� City Co�aptroller. • EORM APP OV'� S . C P f :O� U��, r QEC31 1�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler ���' � � l,j� Caxlson Ap � _ 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith � � yor Tedesco A8'Ainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED �AN 9 1971 �� � �1'7'79 ou*ucr�T�ro►stNrsie � CITY OF ST. PAUL F u�� ND OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co�M�t�owHt Villi� _. Carl�Ot� o�r� de��r �1�,,; 19?� � iqlF.R�� Co�ptroil�r's Coetra�t L-7Z6S, M�Y�o�aid i Associat�a. Ina.. {�oatsactor � �os tYs �•�AI�lqtitfr �ELLIE! SfiiiR �Yi'!'=!!� Cityr l�s+�j�ct 1N. i9•�-047SC, 1i+a bNu surstantially e�pl�t�d. aed , M�A�, Ssid CoAtraator r�c�ue�ts tl�at a portiea ot tly 1S1 t�talaN eled�s tlN aoatnct fro� ��ti�at�a for �+ork don�� b� psid in advaac� oi tiM �ieal co�l�tio� o! tM eaoetraat. and �AB, ?h� �isaio�s a�d Gtii�i s�si�ts of tlw D�p�rtNet ot �titia iiesks apos�sv� tir p��et at tYia tis��o! ;SS,000.00 ot� tir �if,611.06 s�taia�d: ��tlNSyter� e. it 1tE'OS.VED. Tl�at tl� prepir Citp 0lficiala b� and tlwy ar� ti�s�by +wtlr�isd to p�y an utirt� in til� aaount ot $SS.000.00 froa tb� r�taiA�d p�esc�uta� �� S6f.611.0� t� asid Cewtsactor; and b� it �ti1tT� �L11�D. Ti�at tbis rasolntioA slsall l�aw no f�rce or �fect �l�a• tiw� sur�ti�s oa t1M Contractor's boad coas�nt th�ratv in �rritiAs aad fil� wc� ��ut vith tb� City Co�ytsrll�r. DEC 31 � COUNCII�N Adopted by the Counc�� 19_ Y�a Nays Butler �C 3 1 �,70 Carlson � APP�°A'� 18— �°�e Tn Favor Meredith -�— � a�`� Tedeaco AS'a3nat Mr. President, McCarty ��