251777 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLLRK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL Na. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF questions of whether or not (1) the financial aid to be provided in the Federal funding agreement is_ necessary to enable the project to be undertaken in aceordance with the hereinbefore described modified Redevelopment Plans; (2) the modified Redevelopment Plans will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Neighbor- hood Development urban renewal areas by private enterprise; (3) that the aforesaid modified Redevelopment Plans conform to the general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; (4) the land in the aforesaid NDP project areas would not be made available without the financial assistance and governmental undertakings to be provided; and (5) the aforesatd modified Redevelopment Plans give due consideration to the provision of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement and community development, with special con- sideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children and the public as a whole, residing in the general vicinity of the sites of the project areas and the community as a whole covered by the aforesaid Plans, and be it FURTHER RESOLV�D That not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of said public hearing, the City Clerk shall cause published notice of the same to be given in a newspaper of general circulation in said City of Saint Paul at least once and not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of said hearing. Ado te DEC 3 � � COUNCILMEN p d by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler ���� � „'� Carlson App 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � r A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISI-i��.D �A N � 19�'( O �, .�•. ourl�cer�ro naNrnt � � : �+�.� � �� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNqL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO . I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n���.r COM#i115S10NER DA� � � 1�j � Q+wsil e! tla Ql� �! Mfrt lanl,� 1�� Nr� �y . l� �i �M�w���t i�stty �t d� Cit� �� Ml�1qt �, 1fi�a• Viri�i �I��la�i�i�M dMat it i� s�ws� a� �i:�l� � t�ss�r � s�s�ai� la�sa� sM�l�t a+ttivltl�wp. l�slrti� qM i�pititl�s et t�sta� �ral pp�se,1 f�t tM N�ss lftirqr-Mrt1t �R. �Yrq latk As�a N�. �-l�t. tlr ll�s�r�rl� it�s Mta�. �•1•�. tM Q�sal Q��nr �s�n NUr. ��l•,�. t1r /�a Q�s� �na 1�. �l�f. . at �M MMt f�► it�t �na Mir, �i*i•�, at l�wi� �er�wtad a tM �il a �.s�rar.�..� a...i.�.� �.. ���.. � ar. �..� il��-i�n. �a�.a►.�r �er • r.i...tis. ►la�arr . :s....Lai � . ut �i � l�ar Q�ss ....f�s.• tLN �fi�i�t ti�r ll�r �rel �! �M a�b�air le+���se �s. ai�'K .ri�M +Ma.r�e. .r. «. :f�l. L� w�. .ZtLs. .! sf. a��q► ei�ek .M tY. .tfis�. .l�; er. ��� � �MNLM�wt �t�siqr �! �M fiit� �! Ml�t l�R�tt. �, �i � a w i.�rsetw, : � M�r►�.MS �n, b q► �airt�.r�►qt �«r..+r� �� �re��t a l�lt4rs�w�l�i �! tt��w�w �t�a� M� �ti Ire�j le�q�t� rt �riMr R�at itc M�11 Nli a �wflis Mast� a tai�t �N!!LN �N�w1�!■�r� !la�r ��rt tl� sri�l�t t �slf�irltl�r t�r�l� �N i�s qM 11�� 1tL4rj � it• �eY�r. 'l�w��-i���itssl O�+t, f�il� C�t� �ed Ihs! � �tsMt���St �, dt 1�a 1�! �l,�lti� a�t �d�t �stiviti�t 1�M�► �eNMMi �Lr1► �ssi� Nali M Nli � �e �rsil. i� tM f3�si1 �irs� e! t1N Owet �,� eM atq �! �sL�t !wl„ Mt��ea. � w lst1� �ajr �! �wp�, 1l�1 s eiMC q.� �►i�a iMMSl,a�, tltl�a or�sll Mall �IrML�s � MLt �til3�i ��l,�t! Mr1 � ��/N��t ��MI� Ml��li�M t�l� �S�My ��l w �!'M�� �/ �!w! �i�1♦ af�M �M's �s MR 111i� QNNtI�• l�Nlrtt� at N!� ' a N �rfMs�t Nril M M�N�t a�rNl,�t �aLi rtltiN Mi�r+w�i�a�t tLr � l�,�+�st aeti�ritt�s� rs�ittL� t� Mwt� +�,t MM�1�at �rlMsit� �i 1� �j � �a4rt Taol. 1[i�►, a �t+� M�i� �,�ost wtt�►itLM t�t �s ' it� �! l�N� �i 1rN1 lr �ri� TM�sal tiwelal �►i�taw� �r�t �i+K lie3� �!' 'N i�i� � �! !!t!R a �rIN. �t � 1LL�a ll���al 1�r�rit� �t �t Mt• �s 4�7. �w il4T a� �I�ii t� ap�isr� �d i� wi� f�� i a M�riiM �r ��w 1rriUi�p ari L��rw�f�f q irtra�i, a�ts�et e: t .e:..es, rtilies+�., t�as�ics. rlarin�i. ..i .t1�.�r �n►=.st l�s..r.w.a. a � la.t �sila`l� !�t s�Mn�l� ►! pa'�ir�t� al�q�ptlN � ri1Ls �r ��tlt a� a�pris�! ►P l�r. a�i �r� �Irr tYi�s. i� sa�qttlN �r!!!t tM �f •al+� �Nlrti�, dr OwMeil rrill i�s�la� ait rla� tl�ii�a �a�Nir�3� �i I�r COUNCiI.MEN ' Adopted by the Coun� , 19— Yeas Naya Butler Carlson Approv� � 19_ �� T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka �� AeRA3T1A�, Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� d A DUF�ICAT[TO MINTOt ���� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL �Na� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSIONER DAiE �tl�rM !t �r �! rt (lj eM !l�rei�l tLt a+0 w �1'wi�IM i� tti! tMa�t tr/i� ,�:��wr.e s�► a�ua� a «wil� eM t�ej«tt r. w �rrtalo�. �s a�c+i�ra �N.I�t llw� Mnf�M!'ie� M�sri1�! �it�M �is�st�t lxans i �_� tN rii!!�N t�i�wl�wt lla� �l,il �l�irt rsL� p�iR►. a�r►1aeMS dd� tl� �rrri MMa �t !fy l�salil� M � uMl�, �ee tM *a�Wi�itat�ers �i t�M��rrrl�/�wrt r! tlr Mt�s• M�t O�w�t � t�wl anu 1r� �riwM �reie�sia i ()� tMt � �tLt riiMN ��Nl�1t tl+rs �as� f� MM1 �re�l �1+� bs tM ��t !! I�lr Ls�liq w a sMl�i �+1� t� L�i is eM �ra�i�t 1R� �,frst se�r wi+i wolt N . rM a�alla�l� dtdMr� tIN lir�tial aNi�e+n�� aat �rwrt�nt�l �Mt �� t+r 1� �'M►i�Mti �M �f) dN ��d wriitiM Miw�l��t ?l�r �iN �w s��r�eaELtrt a ai. �e..i�rl.s wt a�sa l�e1c a�Mt sass�ttw.l arw ar =.sstuL�. +�t .ipr t� iirisa►1� be rl�I�elr�t L�/�t��r�rt a�i artt� MNi���, �rit� �tial a�• �!r/at�tt�w b�t t� iMl�lt. n�tla ri Nil�n �! tl�il�rau a�►t elwt }rYlis a� a �i�� �+NLtfa� is !M �e�l �Lsi�t�► �! dM �tidM �! eM pt���st arNr �t qr� �te,� a� a rMl� �t 1r� �lwt �l�i llar. +�M M it f� � 'prlt tNlc l�ss d�r � Cl� M/r �ri+a lo� qr Mq �t aLi �ilis lraef.a�, eM e�t� Ol�sl� Ma11 sw� Ni►liMM �rR�a �t t1M � t� Iw �!� i� a �w�s �! at si�+alatL� i� aal,i Ol1�r +�r# Ni�t �1 � l�t �a ar rrlt la� I�w tr� ih ra�ra �eiae It� �M � +r! �+t M�rsl�. � DEC 3 � �► COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mci� 19._ Yeas NayB pEC 31 1�70 Buta� Carlson Approv� 19— �°�e ?n Favor Meredit.h Sprafka � �r A nainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� 55 East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 O1. Edward N.Helfeld,executive director.phane 223 5218 ��j��� HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY �F TH� CITY QF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA The Honorable Mayor and City Council December 31, 1970 c/o City Clerk City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Members of Council: The Housing and Redevelopment Authority, with the cooperation of the Project Area Com- mittees, has prepared redevelopment project activity proposals for Neighborhood Deve1- opment Program Year III, commencing May l, 1971 and ending April 31, 1972, together with modified Redevelopment Plans for the West Midway-South St. Anthony Park Area, the Thomas-Dale Area, the Central Core Area, the Seven Corners Area, and the West Seventh Street Area. No additional project activities are now proposed for the Sununit-University Area, pend- ing the completion of the Land Use Plan by the Model Neighborhood Planning Council and its approval by the City Council. The Authority requests that the Council set a date for public hearing on the Neighbor- hood Development Program project activities proposed in the modified Redevelopment Plans therein incorporated for Friday, January 15, 1971, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., in the Council Chambers, and that the City Clerk be directed to publish a tegal notice of said hearing in the St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press at least once not less than ten days prior to the hearing date. Yours very truly, � Edward N. Helfe d Executive Director Anthony A. Danna, Henry 1�'. Zhomas, Rosalie L. Butler, Orville E. Anderson, Donald P. Del Fiacco, Victor J. Tedesco, Kenneth J. Lynch