251772 ' '' 251'7'72 .� Qi21S�;fNAL V'O CITY CLERK ; ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�NCa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL SO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ,,TE .� W'HEREAS, the Council for the �ity of Saint Paul has provided for a eomprehen�ive Health and Welfare Insurance program for city employees and employe�s of Ind�pendent Sehool Distriat �625, as provid�d for under Couneil File No. 231269, and �THEREAS, on December g, 1970, the City of Saint F�ul did open bids or� the hospital3zat�.on, medical-�urgical, and life insurance coverages for ��id �:mployee�, said op�ning incorporated into P'ormal �id No. �359� a�d ao�pl�t� speQifications wer�� issued on said date for �he program de�ired by the City of S�.int Paul, and 1�HEREAS, all bidding h�s been clos�d ar�d the p�rahasing Qom- mittee has r�ferred all bids reQeiv�d by For�al Bid No. �359 to th� Heal�h and Welfare �ommit��e for th�ir Qomplete �tudy af suah bids, and WHEREAS, the Health ar�d W�lfarc �o�i��e� did make a eomplete study of such bids and made a eompl�te r�por� of such �tudy and ita finding� to the Purahasing Comtnittee, and WHEREAS, the Pureha.sing Committee did ma.ke awards of eontraa�s, with the aid ..of the report of th� �Ie�,lth and Welfare Committee, to the followir�g aompanies, all bidde�s urider said Formal Bid No. 4359, at the following rates of premiumt :! Hospi�alizatior� Insuranee - M�.nne�o�a Hospital Service As�n. Employees �overa�e 10.��+ per mon�h De�e�dents " ,2fi.22 per month Surgiaal-M�dical In�uranae - Minnesota Indemni�y Inc. Emp7oyee �ov�rage 6.55 per month Depe�dents " 13�95 per month COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas - Naya Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine _ln Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst `Rr. President, McCarty ORM APPROV l Asst. Corpor tion nsel �� � �. . �R�et��To c�rr c�eixK �251'7'�2 , • CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE � I�ife Insuranee - Minnesota Mutual Life Insuran�� �o. (1� ��ity pay employe� eov�rage (�5000) - $2.80 per montY� (2) dptional employee pay Qov�rage _(a� �mployee under age 40 - .34 _ , " age �+0 - �+9 - .60 n n 5� - 5l�. - 1.10 " " 55 - 59 - 1.60 '' " 60 - 6�+ - 2.�0 (b� Dependent coverage Ra�e per mo�ath _ $1000 $1.04 �000 2.00 3000 3.00 Disability Inauranee - St. Pau1 Fire and Marine In�urance Co. (1) Short term disability (employee only) _ � Monthly benefits Rate .. $100 �+2.80 �20 3.36 1�+0 3.92 200 5.60 300 8.�0 C 2� �ong ter� di�ability - St. Paul Fir� and Marine inau�anee Co. Monthly benefits Rate Monthly �14a $2.�� l�+0 3.36 200 �+.80 300 7.20 �oo g.6o COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays Butler Caxlson Approved 19` Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� + r �� , 6RIG)II�AAL TO CITY CLERK 251`7'72 , - � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES�NTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 3 3� Aecidental death and disme�nberment ins�rance - St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. (a� Employee bex�efit Rate Mon�hiy _ _ $5000 - $104,000 .�0 per �5004 (b� Sgouse benefi� .32 per $5404 _ - $���4 - $25,4�0 RES�L�'&D, that the Council of tMe �ity of Saint Pa�l h�reby approve� t�e award of the Purchasing Corr�ni�tee �herefo�e, and hereby awards con�racts for furnishing Health aMd Welfare Benefits • for employees of the City of Sa3.nt Pau1 and Independent Sehool District #625 as fal3owa : To: Miru�e�ota Hospital Service Association - the hospitalization insurance caoverage a� above de�cribed . To: Minn�sota Indemnity Ineorporated - the sur�iQal-m�dical insurance coverage as above desaribed . Tos Minne�ota Mutual Life Insuranee Gompany - the life insuranee eoverage as above desaribed . Toi S� . Paul Fire and Marine In�urance Gompany - the dia- ability 3.nsuranee coverage aa above de�cribed. and BE IT FURTHER RES4LVEll, that th� �i�y of Saint P�ul shall pay $18•55 towards the monthly premium cost of the employeeat 'dependents hospital and surgieal-med3cal coverage and �hat the employee shall pay_ the balanee of the dependen�a hospital and sc�r�ieal-medical �overage monthly premium cost, in the amount of $�1.62, and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that �he �ity Clerk shall be instructed to send eopies of this resolu�ion to Minnesota Mutual �,ife In$uranee Company, Minnesota Hosp3.ta1 Service Asso�ia�ion, Minne�ota Indemnity Incorporated, and St. Paul Fire and Marine Insuranee �ornpany. D�C 31 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 9— Yeas Nays ��� � 1 Butler 1'�� Carlson A 19� Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka yor Tedesco V A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty 2 �g 7� JAN piJ�LISHED —._ � D@C. 31� ].qT4 St. PAUl Fire . and Marine Iti�urancs Co.� 385 Wa.�l�ingtan, . _ S�G. P�ul, �iinn. - Gentl�m�u: Er�closed fcar ye�ur inf'orm�►tion i�s a z�esolution o� the St. Paul City Council� C. g. 251'T7�� ��d Dea. 31, �9"70, awarding contract to yau Por �irnishiaa� eertain Health and Wel.fare . benef'its fc�r employes of the City of Saint Pau]. and Independent Sc2ma1 District No. fa25, a,s t�ll,y aet out in th� resoluti,on. Very trtil.y your�, City Clerk AOJng Dec. 31, 3970 Minxxe�ota Mu�ual Lif� Insurance Ca. 3�5 C�dar St. St. Paul, Minnesot�. Gentlemen: �nClpaed fpx youac inPpxmstion is a r�solut3on o�' the St, Paul City Counci�., C. �'. 2517'�� adopted Dee. 31, 1g70� awarding aantract to you for furn;i�hing certa�in Health an@ Welfare benefits for employes of th� C3ty of Sa3nt Pau1 and Independent Schaol Di�strict No. 625� as futlly s�t out in the resolution. Very truly y�our�y �ity C1erk A4�ng Dec. 31, lg�o Mtnzz�sota Ind�mnity Incorporn�ed 3535 Blue Cro�s Road �t. Paul� Mir�n. - Gentlennen s Enclosed �or �c>ur ,infarmatior� i� a resolution o�' the St. Paul City Council� C. Fo 25177�a $dopt�d D�c. 3�-, �97�, awardin� contract ta you for furni�h�.ng certai.n Health e,n,d Welfare benePita t'or employee� af th� City of Saint Paul and 3:ndependent School Di�strict No. 62g� as ftiilly Bet aut in th� reesolu�ian. Very truly yours� City C�erk AQ�n�g Dec. 3�, i97p � Minn�sota Hosp�tal Service Associati�an 3535 �lue Cross Road St. kaul, Minn�sota Gentlemen: Enclosed far youx in#'orma�Cion i� a resolution of the �t. Paul City Cc3uncil� C. F. 2517'j2! acinpt►ed Dec. 31� 1970� awarding contract to you fcar furnishing certain Health and Welfare ben�Pits Por emplAyg�rs crP �he �ity o#' Saint Pau�. ar�d Indeperndent School D�str�.at No. 625� as #�u11y set aut in the ressolution, Very truly youra� City Clerk AO/ng