251768 . o.�.����,�� , 251'768 � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �"`'0��1 �'����`� ORDINANCE NO � An ordi.nance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Clas sified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specifications for Project Assistant, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following title, and speci.fications for Project Assistant I . � w c � 0 U � � > � � � � y O :i Q rt- O �i, tU -0.: _ N _ N � � � � -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Againat Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Forrri a�proved eorpor�tion Counsel By o�a e�cid c�� ORDINANCE �51`768 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / �� Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Project Assistant II -3- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Carlson In Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corpor�i�ion Counael By , � 0rltiaal te Cit7 Clerk � ORDINANCE 25�.`��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / � Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day�of the first payroll period�following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. � _5_ FEB 1 1 197:1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler ✓ � � Carlson ✓ Levine / Tn Favor �-Meredith gainst �Sprafka � T��CO F E B 1 1 1971 ✓ Mr. President (McCarty) Approve At t: - ity Clerk ayor a�� Form approved Corpor$�ion Counael �� � � 197f PUBLISHED ��� r . , D � ! �t1��� • � ORDIN � NCE 251'7�8 COUMCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � �1a eri�cr sa�ei�= �rdi�aae� l�ie. 76t17* +�Mtl�d: "�As s�ce fi�dn� #l�s �iis atd s+esloaasi�� a�d t�r m�im�nm �tai�f3c##�s for ths �ares ciss sa at positi,o�s i� th+s Cl�ssi�ed S�r�+c� e�tla GitT," ap�rso�l F�sr� I3, 1935. ss aa�s�d�ri. zHE Cf��fCIL t)F T�E +CIT7C OF �A�i? F�tiL �E� t?�SA�T: SeeEiwa 1� T]sst �r�fss�e� No. Ti4?', ap�pta�e�t Febsrstt 13, � 1933, as san� lr�t a� t1� ss� is Lss�lrr#�si�ar sm�d�i i� sls3k#s� o�t �titlr as�i sgeefflea�ions ,Eor P�r�+�ct Assi�ts�E, aid 1r�r �rti�st� fa limt ttisr�si t� �ollvwins title. ssi ��#iva� fos l=ojaet 1!►ssis�t I , r�,r Yeas Councilmen Naya Pa�ed by the Coua�;� Butler Carleon Tn Favor Levine Meredith � ��i� . Sprafka , Tedescw Mr. Fresident (McCarty) APPmved; AtFset: City G'lerg yiy� �� , Form-s�+ovad Co�or�ion Couneel By �: , ���1 '�_ . � n.�ue.�.a r,�e.r . . � O .RDINANCE 5�r�� COUNCIL HLE NO � I S PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO S� E. T�r! ssid ord3assc�, ss am�i+�d, �t a�id t�s ssa�t �i� 1tss�b�r �ir � � �se� fa its Prap�s alptisiw#�e.�1 oti�r. #lt� �11MSi� tiW. a�d sp�dfic.+�ia�s ms Pr�rj�tt Asaist�t II ` .3_ Yeas Councilmen Naye Paeeed by the Coun�+� Butler ��0n Tn Favor Levine M�dl�i A pani118t Spra�ka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) APProved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approv�ed Corpor�xion Counsel By � . ,, ' `D�ew h Pr�1�r . ' � � fJRDIN � NCE � 251'768 ���� ti�� -- , PRES� BY ORDlNAJVCE NO / � 8� 3. ?his osd�cs sl�tl taks e�t aaa bs �a fas+� cm th� �-�aT�f 11�e �r� ps�s+s1T period#o�tarwias�frty is�s � its Pa�rp��. sppr�rr��, snd p�ifcat�isa. , !s� FEB 1 1 �971 YeaB Councilmen Nays Paseed by t Counci� ✓ Butler � ,/��OII ' i�Favor �I.e°ine . (/ p� ' � . ro�iJJ�4 I v rs�Da��1tr l�a.vaa vJ� ��+ i i W{� Approved: Attest: City Clerk Msyor �� Form s�oved Corpor�ioa Cowieel By s3 . 251`768 Title of �lass: ' T.'R�?JECT A�SIS`i!^,'�1�P I� D�tiies and re�ponsibilities: lincer s�,apervision, co be re�}�onsibl� fc�r �h� adt7�inisLra�ion �f �:h� i���a�ernity a.nd InfanL Care n����.ct i:-i i:he �suxea�; of. I:iealxh; and tc ��rform rela�ed work as assigne�� Fsc,am�lr-.s �f woi•I�. pr;r;or=_ncc�e `�o adn�inist�9x tihe ��:�y�-�o-�day �peraticns o£ tl�ie i.`:a�erni.�ty �nci �nfana Carc proj�ct in i-��� �ur�a�a c�f }�ealth, To n�rfr;,z•m and �upervise �ht v✓ark in�c>ol��red in pr�;�arin� pro1��CE rr�sorts. To nerform ;z:�3 su;��;r�riye t�ie main�enanc� of propc.r ���,'ci�iical Y'@4°."'�L'CZti, 'I'o d��r�lop �,Ierical and aciminis*raLivi rro�edl<res and f�rms- To e�rnF�.at.e e�.per,citt�s•e� or az��;?�o�z�.a.`-itin fur hospi�aiizaR:iGZi �Znd diZ1Y:c"tl servi.��s for conforman�e t� applicable fed�ralR s�a�c and lo�al rc��:la�a�ns: To �3ev�I:�p proc�c3�;,r�s to e�.�edi�;� patient billin�s and ofilz�r �:harges, To rn3ke arrun�e�cizts inv�ol�rin� of�'r.ce a.nd medical ��pplies, l�u�aain�; sr��ce: pc.rsonnel and ��her. need� zeq�.ir�d for the operafiion of clini��s: To <�s�ist ir� the s�:.ection of pra,3�ct pc�zsonnclo ao assis� in p�-epazin� new pYO,gcci; b��c3�;ets, r4vi5ion� and applieatian�> To ,�uc�;t billin�� and clain�s� To ::-nalce reports and reeomm��r',ati�r3. ��t1Y11I21�1TY1 t'�Lidll'flr'„3`L10I2.."�: Co�'.ege �raduation �nd �:v��o yca�s' exp��ie�zee as a ��ro3ec'r, �;ssistan� ? or �r,�uiv�len�, �.t�o s�bstit��tion for e��.�e�;:ior, ; -4- �51��8 rifl� c� ��a�5� F�;O�T��T :�SSW�'�'.F�NT X I�u*ies and respor.sibili`ie,s o Unc�r S;1j.3et'�P;.�:.Cn� `.�t� �i"�i:!` t;`: i:h� �.�miz�zS�r�uiGn. �S: csi1� Gr x2701�C sge��al p�o�ec:s in t�t�� B�,rV�.� c�� �IL�l�h; and 4�. 7�x•f�xm z-�l�.�d wt�z'lc as assi�n��d: E3c�n��p3es a�' r�voY�k per£�rn��d� 1 o s�r1r� as an acimin�s�ra�i°;�� �ns:�ist�s.ri'; i� tl�e� ot:���u'�i�n oi' c3p��ia1 grc�,��c�s ;�1 4he B�r�<��� af �ie.clth� To assist i�? dev�:;iaping �lez•i�^al �nci adminis•ir�tt:A�r� prrs�:eci��7zes �.nd f�rm�_ 70 `v�,��a.atie �'xi3�ndi.`:krc:s ar. a�Gb.ozi�.n;:�on foa• lic,spiY�.lizu:ion an�T den�a3 �er�ri�^�s foi• cc:�£„rmanWe 4o dp�Ii,W�.bl.c t'�d�:r�.?, s�ai�, �A�d io�ai z��;gula�ius�s, `I�o d���elap nr��:ecliLre� to cxp�dif:e pa�ien; L�iiling� a�ad o;;h�r ehar�;es<. Ta mak0 arra��gernexi�� in�w�!��'in� �ff3�e and medi�ai supp}.i�s� b;�.:t?�'�.g ��ace, pez��onn�,":. �r�:� ��yhi.r. i�eeds a•eyx7.ired for i:he on�ra�:ion o" elinic�. To a�di.� billir_�s and c1�.ims4 To mak� rep�r.ts nnd re�cmm�cid�tions. �'�inim�m ti�ua.2i£i�ationc� Col,cg� gr�c�ua"ion =,z:ith ri ma�;or- ��z <x soc-ial ��ienc�� b�.siziess; or. publi� �cim�ni.�tix'auion, (�`,io s��,bsi:i�;a��ian foz cd��.r�t{:ioz�: � � ^Gm . 251`768 �1�IL O� ��I�155< � i-'�2�,Tx:G� A>Sa5'I'%�N`�' I.� Dllf.].f;$ anc3 re�pansii;iliti�s;: I,;nc`e:r 5i:}�S�.r�r��t;ion, �:o he I'i_:S�QriSl�l� for tl�e adrninisvx�ation o�: t.hc ::,�a��rni�y* and Xn.�'<-tnS` Care. px•w;�e�t in the �ure�a� of I.eal�:h; anc'; S:o pc�r��rm r�l.a';��d wor?z as assi�;n�d� EacamplZ s af w,:;r1: p�:rforxner�: .�o <3+^i-��inis:er th€ Gay-tozday a�era�zcns of r.hc :;�.a%crni.�y �.na .�nf'��i� CarE pro,;ect in thca :�t�r.�a�� of �3ealth. To �cyrfvrm and supe�vise �h� 1n�ark inv-ol�red 'an pr�k,arin` Pz�;,;ect TC�iC�I��:$. To c��rfcrm ar,cl s�a,��r�a�i�� Y.�e ��asn*cnan�e of �roper sxa'-i�<}��,� r����p•ds� 'rc dc�rr;lo� cl�r�c�i and acimini�,��raL-i�r� �rc�ced�z.z•cs �end :orms. To c�r�.��.at� c�:�en�ai2�.�•<.a or a•:.:,4hori�.a:`��n for h�a��l`3�.IT:3'�iGPl ard d�ni,al. servic���� for �onfr;rrria���� tr. �,pplira��le fed�:ral, :�;a�t; an� lo�a1 rcgclations , To ���crcl:�p prc�ce�i;re� to ex�edit,� p��ihnt t�illin�;s and o�Fi�r �h�rg�s, To ma�,� �arran�eYi�ents invol��rin�; ofii�e and rriedi��°a? supplies, b7aild:�rz� spa��, per�onnel and �`�lier ne��s rc.quil.�d for �he op�ra•i-xon of clinitis: To .�ssis4,: :n the �eic.ction of pr.oj�:cL pcn�:�onnel� l:o ,.�sszs� iii prep;3xiri�; ne�v nro�r.c� b�dg�t�, rewisions and G�p1i�it;:on�., To a�,;.dit bi?lir.�*: �.nd ��laim�, To �Y�ake z•eparts a}ac( :ccomm�:���etiar�se ?v`,.inim�Ersz ��i.alifi-°a2i:�tY�:. Col;.��;c gradu�S:i�n an:l t�.ti�o ye�r�� Gx�e;.-ic:nc4 a� �. =�'rc�cc� �assi�'tsnt T or �,ct,i;i��l�n� (i'Ja ;�t�befi;:utio�l fcx• ed�catior< ; _�._ � 2��.�sa Tif;l� ,,.. .;:.�� � . I'P.'��'�.'`:C� :'1�sS�;:`l"f��i�' :�. L7�,zri�:s and r�sp�r.�ibili�i��: �.J*1C�Z' 9:.i�)����'i81t°?l, ;:O <l:53.SS: i.tl '�1.� �cf�ilSi:liS�l'1"u1Gs1 3A pTl�n-, OT ZT]UTN .,j���ia3. �,r.csjec:s in tiz�, �t°,��c�� c£ .=�.:i1v��; and ia ,��z•f,,xar_ zel��:�d �.��r�k a.s ass�gn�d� Exam�:�e�s o�' ��r��:�lc pe�r�orrz;e>c?: i O S(.'2'�Y"L� <`].5 �lTl �1.C�1T,�1A1�'�:T�1i:1",QC :i:i:i}::r;��'.iT; 111 t�'1C Gt�C 3'ci�ivll °v� �p�Wy�.l prc�je�"�� �n :lii; 13��i•��z:� ,�f �?� xif;h. �;O �%SS1S'�. 3i? 4��`d't:i.t��211�TM� �;l��r�ral a�zct �2r?.:?"7;.Il.,Sl���i�,"7."v'i. �:T{i^�l?C�L�7"?S �i;1C� ��YIX18.: To �v�.�s�.a�c ��;:pcncli:�u�,z•z-s �r ��,�t:ho�-�.�:�;;r.r.,n far laaspis:�ili.a,�rion «z�fl cl�n�ai scrvi�es foi� ccz�if�;°�r.�t�ze c� vu a��li.�a.bl� �'�c1�xa1, S�S�GY ci.a..C� =���t1 2���?:�"cl.'i,iU:'.6, � e..; . ro �e�'elap prc:�^c��yri� to ��acpei;ii;e: �n.,..�_:ii' Lilling^ �.:ac� c�;:ht�r charg�s To m�cke a:.�r��i��m�xaws in-�ti'�r�n�; cs:C����, and rn�di��,: stinpl�G�� b�.?Ida.�� spa.^�, personn��° �,.r,.c; c'„t�c�:� nc�e�s r�r����_�,r�;� Eor �:he up�ra�`ian o�' �lini�s., 'To �s�sdic bitlin�s �.nc� cl�ims: 'I o �Za':� repox�� �nd r��ommc�zidwEic�n:�. '��Iini:�z�:m ,�q�.�,al:ifi�a;:ions; C�1�E�� graduu°i,.x� rNi�h << n.e2jOI' ]t: �. B��L:`131 scien�<< b�w�si�i�s3� c�r gi:�.k.11k� c��SY1:Tl25p::C'cl.L1GT2: �.�IO S°.:tM)Sv:��`:i1�;ZG:1 f0£ l;�`.�'1:+.Cd�!O�: i _�m � 1 ✓� Ist � �. � , 2nd ? / Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted '� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Bu - �... ��� Carlson �5���� ~�Carlson Levine �Levine � ,., Meredith �''Meredith r 1 Sprafka ~�Sprafka Tedesco ��'Tedesco ��� Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarly O