251767 o�a�cib ctert . ORDINANCE � COUNCIL FILE NO 25��6'7 �// PRESENTED BY C�-��, ORDINANCE NO / An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1g14, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; 5ectibn 1. That Ordi.nance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1g14, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where it appears in Grade 34 under the heading "Professional Group", the title "Project Assistant", and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Project Assistant I". Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6, in Grade 38 under the heading "Professional Group", the title "Project Assistant II". Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period followi.ng thirty days after its passage, approval, and publicati.on. Approved: e � � G% r= � ° ivil erv Commis sioner � v ,� c > n O c��a =� o ,1 n �.. a � U � " N � y � 4 �y Yeas Councilmen . Nays Passed by the Council F E B i � 19 71 Butler ✓ / � Carlson �� Tn Favor % Levine / � Meredith Against Sprafka ./ Tedeaco Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approve . �97� A test• ity Clerk Mayo �� Form a��roved Corpor�t�ion Cour}gg� �y ; PUBLIUI�-iEi9 Fttj . � ��� r . . . � � ORDINANCE 251'��'7 COUNCIt �1LE NO PRESEIV�ED BY ORDINANCC:�t�lO.� l�t ard� aao� Or� l�Io. 32��@, �l+ri: "Aa i�stsati�r�s o�� s�3�tE te fiar Ci�i2 i�e�+rfc� Bas+�aa�the CftT �Ss�! Faa�l, �i � �!'�i za� a�ei r�ala�ioas tLt:�s." s�psevrd Aa�ast 2�. 3914, ss s�. Z'H7C' CG1�tQ7�+ t�' T� CITT C'J�' � PAiJL DQES +t)R�: S�to� i. T'�t 4� lto. �i0, sp�s�r+�i A�ts�+�E 2!, I914, are an�ad�d, ir� a�d�ur same is lr'sriel7�' � ti'7' �i � �t S�reti�oa 6, sA� it app�ars ia Grad� 3�4 �_#�e � "lre�'issia�►l Gs�o�p". t�s tftl� "Pra►j,�t Assia�", a�ir! si�� 3a If�t�es�o# t�ar titi� "i�roj�et Asa�sta�t I". S�tti�i. Tbat ssid o�ias�ee, �s as►rad#, ir� s�i tlr a� is �asir� �iur�e: s�i�d h� iast� i��ieetied 6, ia Gs�a�s 3i sd�s tti� lar+�s� "Ple�ess�ooaa,t Gro�p�:� tL�t�� "Ps�o�t Aaaia�a�t II". S�oa 3. T'Li: os�� r�il t� �i+�t aa`i lrs #s fi►�nc�u�t�s �tt � �d t� Sl�t P�=QI��ts��t f�r� t�#lt�f #�r a�ss' � �asss�►R ap�ro�ral. a�i�l�ea�ices. �+T�' FE8111971 Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the ounci� ,/ Bt�tler '�� ,/L�ev'�ine Tn Favor �Meredith ' A�inet ° �g � �� � � P �t (a��) A �ooea: F E B 1 1 1971 Atteet: �p City Clerk il�a,yor �� ''. �orm a�►roved Corpoxa�ion Counael By . . _� . I st � 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted ! � � Yeas Nays s Nays Butler � u r ,� (� � �-. Carlson ,, �arlson `` °LLE'-. Levine ` �Levine �� Meredith `��-+���� �eredith Sprafka ��prafka Tedesco `T�desco ` Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarly O