251757 ' 251�5� . ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK , CITY OF ST. PAUL ��NCa NO. L]�EN�uE Ct�ITT,EE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC L R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEPITED BY � ����� C�MMISSI�NE , DATF `RESCLVED= Tha� �ppl3.oation for the tranafer of Off Sale L3.quor Lioease, C].ass D- • Original Canta3.ner, OPf Sale I�1� Bevera�e and Cigarette licenses, issued to Jaromia and Bell, Ina. at 2583 W. Seventh Street, be an�d the same are hereby �ransferred from 2583 W. Seventh Street to 1906 Stillvuater Avenue on the conditian that withia � days of this date, said Jara�ix� and Be11, Ino. ahall csomply �,ri.th a11 requirements of �he Bureaus o� Fire, Hae►lth, and Pol3.oe, and the License Inspe�tor pursuant �o the St. Paul I,egislative Code and a].1 other e►pplicable ord�nanaes and larvs. DEC 3 � �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays B� DEC 3 � 1�J�� �axlson Ap 19— Lev'3�+s� �n Favor 'L �A�Ieredith � � T �prafka or Tedese� ASainst �Vir.��resident, McCarty � ������,�� �N 9197i �� . CITY OF SAII�TT PAUL � � °� -� ,� �,,�� Capital of Minnesota aUe artrnev�t o ub�C'c �a et � � � ADMINISTAATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION � ror.ic$ DEAN MEftEDITH,Commiaeianer HEALTH RALPH G.MERRILL,Depaty Commiasioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lfcenae Inapector December 24, 197� Honorable b�yor and Ci•ty Couneil �aa.nt Faul, Minnesota Gentleman and �dam: Currently Jararnin and Be11, Tnc. is holder o� Off , Sale Liguor License No. 2399 and C1,as� D-(?rigina3. Container, ()f'f Sals I�lt Bev�erage and Cigarette liaense No. 5�56, all expiring January 31, 1971, at 2583 W. Seventh �reet. �.'his aorporation has bsen the lieexisee at this address since January, 1969. Because of financial reasons outlined in their • letter of application for transf'er, they des�rs to transfer these licenses fraQn 2583 W. Seventh �treat to 1906 Stillwe�ter Avenue, v�.ich is ].ocated on the south side of the �treet be- t�rsen Algonquin and N, Haze1 Street. At the present tim�, L1oyd V. F].acksy and Qlarles T. l�organ are holders of a C�neral Repe;ir Garage license at this address. Freviously it v�s licensed as a gasol3.ne f3.11- ing station since. 1931. There are no 3.2 pl.aces within two blocks. The olos�st On Sale Liguor place is next door and the closest (3�'f Sa1e Liquor plaae is ab�ut one mile avaay. Ths n.earest church is about one-half mils away an�l the nearest school is about four blooks away. Mr. Bert J. Fried�nn, the sole stockho].der of Jaromin and Be11, Inc. has been in the Off Sals �iquor business a 3.noe 1939. Very truly yours, �Q�-C�.Qi .�„` . � � License Inspector f�� / ��_ �/� , � � /`" ��t, O , --�-�:�, t;—,.�si�L..� .. � - �_ . . , - . FISHER� JOHNSON, EVANS & BUTI"R(CK ATfORNEYS AT LAW 824 ENDICOTT ON FOURTH � . SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS101 TELEPHONE 222-8841 FREb W. FISHER AREA CODE 812 oP COUNS6L ` ROBERT W.JOHNSON ViRN L H6RRYMAN RONALD C. EVANB ASA E. BUTTRICK WAYN[C.SHRKLAND December 21� 19 70 � � To the Honorable Members of the City Council, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: This letter is written to you to request permission to move the present St. Paul off-sales liquor license issued to Jaromin & Bell, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, from its last location at 2583 West 7th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, to 1906 Stillwater Road, St. Paul, Minnesota. The license is presently being held awaiting the granting by the CQUncil of a new location. Mr. Bert J. Friedmann, who resides at 1210 Watson Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, is the sole stockholder of Jaromin & Bell, Inc. , and has operated the liquor store at the West 7th 5treet address under the name of "Friedmann Liquors" for many years. For the past several years the gross receipts of the business have been falling, and the profits have likewise been going down substantially. At the West 7th Street location, Mr.Friedmann could not make a reasonable rate of return on his investment. The location on West 7th 5treet has become more and more undesir- able because of the freeway built at the location and the increase in the speed at which automobiles pass by the store. Another reason for the reduction in sales appears to be because the City • of Bloomington approximately four to five years ago opened and licensed several off-sale liquor stores. There are also several off-sale liquor stores in the close vicinity of the West 7th Street store, and most of them are more conveniently located to population clusters and in shopping centers. The proposed new location for this license is ideal. At 1906 Stillwater Road there are no off-sales liquor stores located in the approximate neighborhood. The closest off-sales liquor stores are located in the Sun-Ray Shopping Center and on Maryland Ave, both of which locations are more than one mile away from the . ` . . • � Page two • ` December 21, 1970 . • proposed new location. There are no schools or churches � located within approximately a mile of the proposed new location. There is presently operated at 1906 Stillwater Road, an auto repair shop, and the building located on the premises would be completely remodelled and renovated. The property is owned by the Sixteen Corporation ar�d a copy of a proposed lease of the build- ing is attached. The lease reflects a fair rental based upon the proposed changes and alterations to the building. The neighborhood is commercial in nature, and yet has many potential customers for an off-sale liquor store. There has been a very substantial apartment development immediately to the south of the proposed new location. Mr.Friedmann has always believed he should be a good neighbor, and has always provided more than adequate off-street parking. The new location on Stillwater Road would allow more than adequate off-street park- ing facilities. (approximately 10 parking spaces) . Mr. Friedmann is approximately 70 years old, and has been in retail business in St. Paul most of his life. He is of excellent moral and financial character and is well respected in the community. The proposed alterations and renovations of the building at Still- water Road will substantially improve the present structure and will meet complete approval of the adjacent property owners. For the above reasons we feel it would be in the best interests of the present owner of the off-sale liquor license, the City of St. Paul, as well a convenience to the neighbors on Stillwater Road, if the City Council grants a change of location of the liquor license af Jaromin & Bell, Inc. , to 1906 Stillwater Road, St.Paul, Minnesota. Res�ectfully sub itt , ,/� �� .., C :y��X ,�:..r.-.--� -,j�__ 13,6bert W. Jc�f'nson �,ttorney foY` Bert J. Friedmann �/�!�vrvl �r"c-'"I Bert J' riedmann Dec. 2�E, 1;�70 iIon. Dean Meredith Comsr. �� Public Safet;� Publ ic �a,fet,-y Luilciin� De`�' ;�1�= �ttention: P-�r. Da.niel P•4cL.i.:tt;lzlin The Cittl C�uncil t-ri11 hold �, public hearin�; on December �lst in the r�iatter o:f tY�e a�p.lication of Jarorain and Bell, Inc., holders ���' Uf':E° �:,t�,�,e Liquor Lic. No. 23�:� and Class .11-0?°i?;in�l .;.,:::r�,-....___.. Container, <Jfl' ti,�.le ��i�a,Zt B�verage and Ci�;arette Lic. No. �4569 all e:;ririn� Ja,n. 31, 1;�`jl, .for tra,nsfer ol i;hese licensES f'ro.n 2583 �,1. �eve.nth St. to 19C� �tillti�rater Ave o Ver;� trtily yours� Ci�y Clerk ng ,