251727 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK . �51 • 2 • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOLE NCIL NO. LICBISE CONIl�aTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Dece�ber 29� 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLV�:D: �,'hat applic�tion L-6457 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7642, expiring January 31� 1971� issued to the H. N. Ivey, Inc. at 351-3 University _��venue, be and the same is hereby transferred to the Gopher Lounge, Inc. at the same address. On Sale Liouor Establish.ment TRANSFr�R (Zicensees� Informall�� a�proved by Council October 8, 1970 DEC29l'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas lva3►e p�� 2 ' 1!la'� Butler Carlson Ap ve� 19— Levine ��n Favor Meredith r Sprafka � A gainst Tedexco Mr. President, McCarty JAN 2197t PUBLISHED ^_..._� �� 1• � �,,,M,1� e� a?< 'r,,,.,�.a�,,,�i �o-2 s- �o ,�� �/¢.'-,�,�' c.°�`% �.�,11 J C-r �5 I 7.� � CITY OF ST. PAUL � APPLICATIVN FC�R "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE �o�h� r o w��c, /,� � Application No. .. ...., Name of Applican�....__._��.�S.chc�tz _... ..........................._..... ...�.....w.___...._... Age... 38 ._._...___..._.._.�... ....._ Residence Address....___..��...�._...�..........._.....__._..._._.........................----_..........._.... Telephone No..----735-5635_.__�_....w Are you a citizen of the United States?_..._...�_......._......_. Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon� cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? rco Whenand where�......................._._......._......_..__._..._...._..........._._._..:_...._...............-----._................._._._._..._...._...__._._._...._..�..._Y__._. Lf co oration, 've name and general purpose of co oration..............G� LO' .7i?� ._.._... _ g� rp __._..._..._.u!� . n �scr,�e X�c�u.a.c ._..........__.___._...._..__......._.__...__._.__.....___.__._......._...----._........................................._.___..__._._._. _._....._.._.__.___.._.__.._..._.___._.._._._..__.__.._.._..._____. When incorporated� 9-16-70 If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?....._.._..._._......._._._._.... __. Howmany membera?............................._...__......_..._..._...__�........._..._ Names and addresses of all officera of corporation, and name and address of general manag�er. . . .. . . . . .. . .. EcuJ.e�e..�z._.S�chu.?tz....._....�...._._.._....1958 /rlcvu�a�,,t_------.._.._.._...._._�•r.eei.de2t 8 T�eaacvice�c .......... . _.._................_ _.._....._..---...._...._.........._......_................------.._...._...._ G.Zonc.a �. S.rlu�tz T958 !'1cr� V.i_ce ��ceal.derLt 8 S.ec�te.�°.iu�.._...___....._...._.._ ....................................................................._...._..._._._..._...-•----------•=�t--• .............._...._.....__.�....._.........._............ ..._..._...._._.....__ . .............................................................._...------._.........._..---.......................__.._...__.................._---._...._............---.._ ......._....----...._...._........._......__..._....._................................_ _ F.,cu,�erLe..�Z... S.cfu�Etz.. �958.l7cvu�Let G.err,�.f��...._...._._.__.._.__.....................................- Na�nea and addresses of StockUolders: (Sa�n.e cia cr,�.ov.e) ..-•-----._......................................._---......._....__..__ ...............................--------....._..._--�--....._.........._----...._..__.�._.........._. ....... _.___.... - . . .. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known.._............ . ... ... .. ...._..._......�.�..._�...��...._._._?�....._..._..._ �o Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streets Ward 353 : U.ruue�a.i..t� : N.atith : V.i�cgiru a : Gl.e.a.te�n 8.th How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?....._.._5�0 ........_.._......._..___---_..__..._.___ How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?.................3000...-•---.._..._------...__...._....___.__...._.._.___..___....._..__._.._ How many feet from closeat public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)?....1500 -----...-�--------- Nameof closest school--�-----_...._..._.�za°n._._.__._....................................................._................._.--------•�----_..._...._._._.._._...._..__...._..._......_.,........._...� How axe premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?........Camine�u.i.o.�..._----_............................_...._...._........_....._......___....._.__..__._._ On w hat Hoor located?......��...�°�°!L.._...._. _.__ _. _-.___ ... . .. ........._...__._............---................---........._....._----_............_..._........._-�--•�--=...._...._...-�---......--�----.............. Are premises owned by you or leased?.---•:��:�......_..._If leased give name of owner................................................................._..._.... Ifa restaurant give aeating capacity?.---�.............�---....--••----......................_...........----........................_......................_...._...._..-------_................................._....__... Ifhotel, seating capacity of main dining room?....._...._......._..............._---��--..._..._.------•-�--...._...._..._....._..._.----........-----��--:....:..........----...._..-----�---•--••-•- Give trade name....._..�f.?f?R!L.�!�!?�.�'._�!?�______ �-----------•------------------••----------------�-------•--------.....--•---._....--------•------•------ �----�----------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: l�ain 13a� aaom. (The�ntormatioa sbo�e mnat bs Qiven for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?....._..__.___.............._..._................_........... ........._.____.....__...._........_..._................_...._...._..._.._.......�....._. T___...._._._...._. Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)....._._..._.._...._........._..............._......_.._.___ _........_.._ .�., Give names and addresses of three businesa references:_..__.._...._..__._.._...... _....___��_...._..._..__...._.__................_.._......_._..._..� i.._.__Dau�d �r�za.tlr.orra ..,...1502�SrJ:.e�.�eit.....__.._...._....__._.....S.� /�au2, l"l.i„rua. 55116 . _..._..__..._...._....._. .._...._.__��.............._...._._........_...._..._...._.._._.__................._ 2......_..f��.r?� 488 R�.ce S.t�e.�t 55?13 ....._....._.__.._._.._.._.._.._........._._._..._...:_._....................�_........__...__.._._.._._.._.__.._.........._...__..___..._._..........--�--.._._..-•-�--��-�-�----... 3._...__.�°�?'t..S.cfu'�!L._. . .._.__ 1733 llnc.v.�i.t��f�u�__._....�.._.___.►, 55?0� ��.. ......_.__._. ........._..._...._........_._._..........-•----._._._....._......_..._ THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORiZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE b STATE OF 14ZIIVNESOT�I, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, �• .........._._......_...___... - b�in8 srst dn1Y eworn, deposes and says that he has read the foregoin� application and knows the contents thereof,and that the same ia true to the beat of hia knowledge, information and belief. � Subscribed and swom to before me thia.._.._...._. day of_,_._._.._..._..._.___..�_...19 ._..........__....._..._..._.._...._...._..._...._........_...._..._..._ �—..._ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires....._....--•--.__._._...._._....._...____..._ { STATE OF MINNESOTA, Ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY, EU�ENE �T._SCHL�Ei.T��.�. �being firet.duly�ewort►� _..._.......----... r. __._.._._.._...._._._ ..... _ ...,...._....�. _. deposes and says that...........he_..,,.._„_,,,�,�e„ P r e s id en..�__.... .. of....._...._..._...__...._.�oP�?�.�..Lol�n.g.�......�n�.....�.:._.........._ ......._......:..._.._.__..._._ ....____ , a�A='I�o�sti0n� that.....................he.............................._.........._.....has read the foregoing aPplication and knowa the contenta thereof�and that the sarne is true to the best of................._...._.his _ _ _ ,�owledge, information and belief; that the aeal afSxed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application was aigned, sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of D' and said applicatio and the execution Lkereaf is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. ..........�.. _. .--- _._... S cribed and sworn to before ate Z h Septem�er. 70 . . this.......... ....... ._...._.... y of.-- •--------.__....._...----.._.._..:..19 �. .�— ....._.. �_ . . _ ..... .. ..__.._..._. .. ... . ...:.._. _........ . .. .. _.__-- otary ublic, Ramaey Count�-, Minn. 11�y commission expires.....__.._...._._..___..___....� . FAYE A. MATTI�dN Netary Public, Ramsey County, Mirtn. MY�mission�xp�0��.1976, ; . _ , .