251724 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ����l.L.i. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa w ''" '' I,ICL�;SE COr'�'iITT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ti� NO. COUNCIL RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY December 29� 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF R�SOLVED: That .��plic�:tion L-7090 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7727, expiring January 31� 1971� issued to Joseph R, Neno as "Inactive", be and the sa.me is hereby transferred to Joseph R. Nemo at 728 1?.rmstron� hvenue. On SG,le Liquor Establish�ent TRANSF'� (Inactive to Active� Informally �;�:.proved b; Cou�:cil �ecembee 4, 1970 New Location �E� 2 � 1'�i� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays U�� � � ��,� Butler Carlson A e� 19— Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � �r Tedesco A8'��t Mr. President, McCarty JAN 2 1971 PUBLISHED______— �� '� , ��� �'� �6o i�- ��--70 ' .��� �� � � S17z � ��� ��� ��;E C�ITY OF ST. PAUL � �� ����' `� APPLICATIVN� FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR � LICENSE � � � Application Na � Name of Applicant._.__Jos�e h�R� Nemo . ..._................_...._... . .�....._..__..___ A�^e..... 51 f�esidence Ad 1281 Kennard ..,,,..._._.__.�..._........................_...._..._....__.._.... Teiephone No..�.�L-..�27_8__._ .� Are you a citizen of Lhe United States2_____YeS ........_..._.. ..............__ ._._._._.._..._.. _._...... Have you ever been enga�ed in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of eimilar naturei _._........._.._...�'eS.........._...._................_..__..._.._. _ ........:.....__....._.._.... _ When and where�.........156.W. 7th - past 3�rs. �� �_ If corporation� give name and general purpose of corporation....._....____ __._.r..._......._............___..._..____.._.__.....__...._._ --......._................._.........._.... i When incorporated?. . ........._...._.. .........__ If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club membera?.....�....__._.. How many membera?....._.._._ ._... ._... � Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and addreas of general manag�er. .. .... . ... ... ..__.._..._.__.,T..Q.�.��kL..Rs...I�ema...._.__.__.__.._..._...._....__..._....__..._ ...... ..._..r..._........_... Names and addresses of Stockholders: Give name of aurety company which will write bond, if knowtt_..._......_._.__._.._._.__................ ........_. .�........... Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streeta Ward 728 : Armstrong . south . W. 7th . Watson How many feet from an academy, college or univeraity (measured along streets)?..._....._._.._......_..._.. ..._..._.._._._. How many feet from a church (measured along streets)?-.........._.:....3_hlks..._..._..__._...._..__ ....._. How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)?_::_�...�.�k�.._...._._. Name of closeat school..__.:Stw...James ._.........._...._...__........................_.........._..._.._..._. . � How are premiaea claesi8ed under Zoning OrdinanceY.............��az�.r..�ial_.._....__._._._.... �.. .._ Onwhat ftoor located?...._......lst__.�....__.._�... ___......._._....._.........._.._...._....._........._..._.__...._......._._.___._... __..._M_.__.... Are premises owned by you or leased?.......Q.i�ed._._.....If leased give name of owner_......_......_......._.._......_...._.._..._.._.....�._ If a restaurant give eeating capacity Y....._...._..._...__..._...._..._.._.............__........._..._............_...._.........._......�........_._. ._...___..._..... ..._.. IFhotel. seating capacity of main dining room Y.....__..._._.............._.........�.._..._........_...._..r...__.._..._....................._......._.._..._.._._.........._.� Givetrade nau�e....JQ�.:�..S,alr�an.-•-•--•---...•---••-••. ..........................................�......--••--------•-•--••-----•••----...__..._.......--•--•-•.................. Give below the name, or number� or oth�deecription of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ............. ......��...�L���4RIIl......c'Ll�l�..�,d jnini ng r�nm _....... ...... ._..____ . ..._.._. (T6s iafosa�tion abo�mast b��ivea fos hotels and restanrants which use more than one room tor liquor i�ales). How many Queat rooms in hotel Y...._.........__._....___...__._..__................._.__.. ._ _.:__........_...._..._....._..._....._. Name of resident proprietor or raanager (reataurant or hatel)...._._...._...._._..._.:__...�..w Give names and addresaea of three business references: �.�...___.._.._..__..�.._...._...._..._. 1......_�.41i�.��...k�,x�]�.��sl._...._.........._.. .._..........34�....�].+a�eau�..........._...._..._..__ ....... ..._.._....._ 2......�'..ohn..M• .Y�n?�.�.�..._.._ .._.12.Z.Z...At.....�i3..ci-aR.xi�1,._...._._........._.... __ ._ _._...._ 8......_._..._........... _.......... __... _ .._._....._........._..........._ THIS APPLICATION MU3T BE VERIF'IED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPOIiATION. BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE 3EAL OF THE CORPOIiATION BE ATTACHED: �p SEE OTNER 51DE sTa� oF�n�xESar�,, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, �• l ' f � ���yy�-c _.._..._. _ being IIrat du�y s�►arn, deposes and says thet he has read the fo eg ing applicstion and luiows t contenta thereof,and that the game is true to the beat of his lrnowledge,info ion and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me �'-�i thia.��..°.... �.day of��,�.�-,�,.,,�.�.o w..19� � � .�Z���� _°.. ! - No lic, Ramsey County, . . . ' . , _ s, z7 o <9 My commissi eacpires.....__.__...�.__....__....._...___..._ STATE OF MINNESOTA, pORu''HY �. MUNKELWITy COUNTY OF RAMSEY, f�o}�;y (=ubiic, Ramsey County,M1nrt■ Commission pires Oct. 25, 1974� /� _ " " .._��II$'�'8t(�llly BWOrD, �...�...........�....r..r..�.�...�...............:...��...�r.�........�...�..� . �•....�.�.�...........�...............�.....�....�....�....1�. . deposea and saYs that.......---.____.._.._..—.th�. -•--..._-... .. of._..._...._._...._....__.__...._..----...--•�---....._. ...................._....__._.....___..._ •-.-•---.._...._.�.._..._._ .._____..._..._. ,a corporat3on; that..........................................................._.........._....has read the foregoing application and knowa the contents thereof�and that the satne is true to the best of..........`.�:.`.."°-J....._...._...._.._.......lrnowledge, information and belief; that the seal af8xed to the foregoing instrument ie the corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and e�e- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Boaxd of Direc ra, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. 6G�'/!� � Subscribed and sworn to before me � this--�°----.-...........day of..�:..`_.U`':"':v�`E'M_19�-` _......�...1.�.. .. ,��'`--�-v��.�� .._...._...._ _.. _... ..... ......... ......_....._---- �_..._ Notary ubl c, �tamsey Coun1;�, Mi . Ady commisaion ex res.....L.°__..����!`�::�� D0^rr};Y :J. MUNK�1,p,�_-, �. -�,:,':a:j Pu`�lic, Rams,^,Y ��0 ij1� @S.CG�. G�v �,;� Commissiop F�Pl�