251721 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK 251'�21 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Lzc���E cor�lz�1T� COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � � December 29� 197� COMMISSIONE AT� F�'SOLVF:D: 1'hat Application L-647� for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7749, ex:.�iring January 31, 1971, issued to James C. McKelvey at 737 S elby Avenue, be a:nd the same is hereby transferred to The Ja.net Corporation at 1414-18 .hite Bear .";venue (Process of remodeling�. On Sale Liquor Transfer (Loc�.tion s.nd Licensees� (From individual to cor�cration� Informally approved by Council October 27, 1970 New Location. DtC 2 � 197,� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Naya �E� 2 9 1'�� Butler Carlson Approved 19— Levine 7 Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka p Mayor A gainst Tedesco 1vlr. president, 1vlcCarty JAN 2 1971 PUBLISHED ^�� � � ;� 5�7Z � • (,.�• �'` to�;� ie�i CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No .. ......_ Name of Applicant._.__.Th�..�,.riri�#�S?.�.�..4.�.�a..Q]Cl,...._...._....................._...._... ...�._..._...__....._.. Age....._._._..._ _.___.._ �..._ _.... �Zesidence Addresa._..._.1101 North .Dale_Street ..... Tetephone No........._`�89.-0`�$$ Are you a citizen of the United Statea?_ _........._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._----•--._..._..._.........._..___.�__._...................._._._.__ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar natureY ......Y�.��._..�TaX�.��...G......�,��1V..�.�....d��...sl?-.�.��...8�.x:_.___..._.._....._. When and where!......737...�elb.y, Agenue,.._St�.._Paul .- 1.��.�._ti�11..tY.a,..�_.�r��.��.�„_,__...,,�„ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation....�er.�er..a].Jaus.in,ess,..�u��ses..as..._... _ defi.ned b�._statutes.of the State of Minnesota When incorporated?......._,�t.ly,�3�,__1,�7Q„___,,,,,.. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?....._.�74..0;�,�;pgl�c�.b, 1�,_.____„_,,,.,,,_� Ho�v many membera?.........not..ap�licable Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manag^er. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .,,.....,,.,�anet..S...._Rose,,.._Presidentt....2130.:Como Avenue�;,,.St,_;,. Pa_ul� Minnesota..___.__�..__...__..._.�.� ...,..._....�ames.,.C..,_McKelvey�._Vice�President�..1101.North.Dale,�...�t�...Pau1,._Minnesota _� ___� ...........Shi:rley.lVi....1VIcKelyey_�___Secretary..and�Treasurer,�.__1101 North Dale _S�t� Paul Minnesota _...........__...._..�.. . .... ...x._..........__. Namea and addresses of Stockholders: ...,....___.James C. McKelye_y,�..1101 North Dale� �t. Paul,� _Minnesota .........................................._...._._.._ __�...__...... ................ ... ....... ..................._..........._..__.._...__.._...__.._.._....__� Shirley M. McKelvey, 1101 North Dale, St. Paul, Minnesota Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known....................................................._.._..__...�..._..._........_..._.._.............__..._ Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streets Ward 1414-18 � White Bear � East � Arlington . Sherwood Ward 2 ; Avenue ; : ; Precinct 9 How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?......seyeral,�miles.__..__...__.,,,_„ How many feet from a church (measured along atreeta) ?....Divinity.,Ev,.,.Luthern Church - 1800 feet How many feet from closeat public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)?..1$OQ feet Name of closest school...._H.�,��,�x3..�.�.].ght�._�.�.�44�.._......................_....._._...................................._...._...._.._...._..___...._-___... � How are premiaes classified under Zoning Ordinance?.....�.Ox.t�l.��'��.a..l............................._..____._ . _...___..._.._.._....._....._ On v�hat ftoor located2........First�Floor._or_.Street.Level.......... Are premises owned by you or leased?.C?..W.�ed......_.....If leased give name of owner...._................._..._._......__........_.........._..._..�. If a reataurant give aeating capacity?.......a�..1�a.�t..�ift�...��.9Rle.................._...._...._..........._._...._...._....__.._._............._................._.....__ Ifhotet. seating capacity of main dining room?....n.Q�...a��alicahle...._................_...._......._.._..._...._.................._._..................._..._......_._..._ Givetrade name...�Y.kt�,t.e..�ear..�???�.................. .....•----•----.._...---•-•--.._..._..._......._.._...--------....._..--------...-•------------•-••---••- --------......... Give below the name, or number, or other deacription of each additional room in which liquor salea are intended: ............ ..........�T.Qx��.........._...._...._._._....__...... w. ................_._.....__...._ ...._..._.........._......................_..._.___.......... ......._.. (The i�ormatioa aboti mnst be Qivea !o: hotels and reataurania which use more than one room for liquor salea). Fiow many �uest rooma in hotel Y....._...x�Q�.?A.R�.ical�le._................_...._..._._.............._._................_.._....._..._..........._. . Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)....�s�ames,_C,,,,1VicK.elye,y, Give namea and addressea of three buainesa references:..._..._....w_._.._._........._...._._...._..._..._.._..._.._...__..._...._......................_._._._ 1......_Lih.ext�z..S�:t,a:t�...�.u�,,.....�.�..7..�..,�.��...�,x.��,��....�t.....1'a�l�....�innes ota.....__._....._. 2,,,_,Stan.Miller,._1389 Goodrich�. St. Paul� Minnesota � � � � ��M � �� ��'�.....�_..W�.��..._.~ 8.._....�x.�gg�_�}��]r....��.�$�1 �nig,e„�:si,t,� A_y,enuej St�,,.,Pau_„1,.Minnesota THIS APPLICATION MU$T BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF COR.PORATION� BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTAC�iED: � SEE OTHER SIDE IC sTa� oF�nvxESar�, COUNTY OF RAMBEY, �• ................__. James C. McKelvey �g � d�y � deposes and says that he has read the foregoing applicati�n and lmowa the contents thereof,and that same�s true to the best of hia knowledge, information and belief. �� � ...._....���°_..._�_._.�!� � ._ Ja es C. McKelvey Subscribed and aworn to before me ' thia..._.....fl�._...�day of_._.�C/���� 19� �----...._.__....._.._. .����a-� _.._�..._ Notary P lic, Ramsey County, Dtinn. BETTY GOODALE My commission e�cp�,y.•�,�ic;•���s�-�co+��.-l+tinn" My Commission Expires Feb. lfi, 1974 STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, $s' .....,I�.x17�.�.�.....DIL�KK�IY.e.�........_...._..._..___.._.._.__...._._._...._............._._..._._._....___...___..._..�.._.being flret duly aworn, depoaes and says that.............h,� is .,_,}�� Vice-Pr�.��,���._,,,_,_.__ of._..._...._.The...�anet Corporation_..---.._._....___......_ ......._..._......_...._..._..._._._._......_�_..__r. , a corporation; that................._...he.........................................._.....has read the foregoing application and knowa the contents thereof�and that the satne is true to the best of..........._...._.._his....__...._..._..........knowledge, information and belief; that the seal afSxed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application was aignerl, sealed and es� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Boar�i of Directora, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. --� ,,, ' ��� � G/�� J es C. �McKelvey Subscribed and sworn to before me this.......-�--��f���---......day ef...----._ .. . ...... ...._. .19 � ._._. No Corporate Seal ....._................_.___...._. _ ..!�y-/r.. ..�.�._.....__---.__.._ _. Notary Pu ic, Ramsey County, Minn. My commisaion ex BETTY GOODALE �o��7y-purvrrc-•�-�s�-��u�er-a�-- My Commission Expires Feb. 16, 1974