251716 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK t-� . CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa N�5 l� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK zlc��rsE cor��r� COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM 0 PRESENTED BY � December 29 1 0 COMMISSIONE A� � 97 R�:SOLV"�;D: That application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage, ,:�rocePy. and Cigarette Licenses, applied. for by George E. Thompson at 804 East Third Street, be €axid the s�.me axe hereby granted on the condition that within_1�d�ys of this date said Geor�e i;. Thompson shall comply �;ith all requireme�its of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police, ancl the , Lic:azse Inspector pursu�:nt to the St. Paul Legislative Code a.nd all other applica,ble ordinances and lwws. t7EC 2 9 187�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays But�er �E� 2 9 191D Caxlson P� 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka J Tedesco Againat Mr. President, McCarty �AN 2 jgl ti . ptJBLISHED �� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota c� /� 251'71� eUe a�t�ne�t o ub�C'c �a et � � ADAtINIBTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIBE PAOTECTION po�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commiasianer HEALTH RALP'H G.MERRILL,Depnty Commiasioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inapector December 29, 1970 Honora.ble ria,�or and City Council Saint Paul, riinnesata Gentlemen �;nd I��ladam: George E. Thompson makes application for Restaur�nt, On and Off Sale Ntalt Bever�,ge, Groce�y and Cigarette Licenses for 804 E�st Third Street which is on the South side of the street between �i�ple and �:rcade :treets. This loc�tion ha: been licensed for a similar business since 1957, 1he present licelsee, Richard �. La.rson, has held such licenses at this locatior. since February 1g63. ghe�e ere no 3.2 pla,ces within two �locks. The closest On tiale Lic�uor nl�:ce is several blocks away and the Off ��ale Liquor place is also severa.l blocks away, The nea.rest church is one bl ock anc� the nearest school is about two blocks. P,s. Tho�,pson �,�or'_�ed for the St. Paul Overall Co. (Leaf Bros) from :'_ptil 1967 to ��ecembe� 196g �.nd during the last year for the �t. Paul Civi1 T�efence. Very truly your.s� ����� License Inspector O C ITY OF.SATNT P�UL DEP�RTA�NT �F PUBLIC S�FETY LICk�TSE DIFT�SI(7N �te_�sZ � �.9� 1, A,ppli.cation for � �r'- ��e o � Licenee 2, Name of applicant (9 e d ' '�S 3, Business addresa �Q�_������` Residence 7 ��, �� s� Lfr� , 77/.,�Ga� i 4. �rsde r�ame, if any � �u 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Starnp�I�tai1 Liquor Federal Tax S�arap��.�.1 be u�ed. 6. (�ii vahat floor loeated__ l`�� Nwnber of roama used / . . :.:. ,Gr. �.:.....,.,...._ 7. Between what orosa. streets �'I `�,�L:e �—�rc�Which aide of street Sbv�ff r 8. Are prema.ses now oaoupied V,�S �ihat busine�s ��� � cz S'THaw long�'M�`�"-��- ��/r�ir� 9• Are premises now un000upie Iiaw long vacan� �- Prev�,oas Uae�' ------..-,... 10. Are you a new owner��ve you baen in a simi].ar business before �'l�' Where �_ filhen � 11. Are you go3,ng to operata this busineas peraonally j/�� S , —�� ,�'_ ' ."""__"""' If not, w�o will operate it 1��� 12. Are you in ax�y other busineas at the gresent ti� nG 13. Have there been any aomplaints a�ainst your operation of thia type oP plt;tc��� �lihen f� Where G� 14. siava you ever had any license revoked ll�hat reason and date 15. Are you s aitizen of the United Sta�te�7�_Native_�j�Naturalized T 16. 1Nhe re w�e re you b orn ��, U� Y�_� Ika te of bi r�h �`C T' ,�2 7 — l 9 �,� 17. I a►m married. My (wife 's) (�j name and addresa is � /�6 )v� 'S 6 S� �/ 18. (If married female) my msiden name is 19. Sow long have you lived in St. Paul � � f�',�d��- 20. Have you ever been arrestsd,��Tiola�tion of what oriminal law or ordi�►aoe ...-..�.�.. � L� � — / 9b �. �c, c. _ G3 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. Paul�� Yea Nq, (Ansarer full and aam letel , Theae a lica�ions are thorou hl oheoked e�nd �n alsificatioa vvi11 be cauae Por eni.a . (QVFR) 22. Number of 3.2 places within two bloaka� � y� ,P . ,.. ,... 23, Cloaest intoxicating liquor p]aoe. � Sa1e�����+�f Sale�c���� 24, Nearest Chureh �a.�J�� �- �/�^ Nearest School �- E� h ��,,,[J,C'2,,,.�.._ ,� _ ,.�. 25, Number of booths��`Tables� Chair�s�� Stools_ /L� ----- ......�.. ..�—,r-T---------r- 26. What occupation have vou fol:lovaeid f or the pQSt five y�ears. (Gitre names of em,�loyers and date s �o employ�ed.) � �J p L d; . �,e,� a. • � Q � � �' ffi � 27. Gi�e names and addresses of two �raons, resi.denta of S�, Paul, �i.�nn., vaho p�n g�.v� infox�a,ti�n concern.ing you. A1ame �` G a,. � �Y ,�� y� Add re s s ,�j � Name �Le�, L�-T�,�'Z°S`.S' ,Address � 2 �� Z' ,�-��'� .,.�� � �� �' s igna ur of App iean Sta te of �!finne s�ta� ss co�.ty of ��ey 3 �'fcs� 'F � o�c SoN being firs� duly sworn, depo�ea and says upon oath that he has rea the foregoing statement bearing his eignature and laaovirss the eonte�.ts thereo�, and that the sam� is true of his own Irnowledge exaept �e �o those ma�tera therein st�tad upon infox�tion and bel�ef and as to those �tters he believes them to be �rt��. gna e of App icsant Subseribed and swo before me , �his ��� day of 19 �� � otary c, Ramsey Co , Mixinesota JON E. RONGSTAD My Co�nnission expire� Na�tary Pubnc, Hennepin County, Mlnn. 1976. (Note s �hese statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies must be f1.i11y filled out, notarized, and returned to the License Divisicm.� AFFIDAV�� BY APPLSCAIJT F , F�. R�TAIL BF,�R �R LI�UOR LTCENSE Re: �iy�. $ale��� � License Name of applieant — ,— �/ Business addresa ���r�3S � ��� , Are you the sola owner of this bus�n�� f is � a par�nership? _� corporation? , other? t?thers interested in business, inalude those by lopn of money, property or otherwise3 Name Address How � - � �` , gi,ve its nam�a. � �Q Y�' �l5l.lS"C�-' � �... Are you interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor businesa? �� As sole ctiwn.er? PArtner? Stockho].der? Qtherv�rise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) Address of such business and na,ture of intereat �n �ame ✓ ignatu of app iean State of' Minne s ota� �ss Gounty of Ramsey � ,i ��,��5 f �� l c>n�� ScT/�� being first duly sworn, deposss and says upon oath that he ha� read the foregoi$� affidavit bearing his signatura and Irnows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his cnm knavrledge, except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to thoss m��tere he believes them to be true. �� � .� i na e of applze nt Subscribed and �o bef ra me this Z� day of 19 �G � --f No ar ublic, ey C unty, nnesv a �y c onmmia si on expires �o� �• RONGS,[gD Not , enne �n Coun{y'Mfnn. My Commission Expires Jan. 23,29T�� . _ . STATE �OF �IINNESOTA SS CQUNTY �F RAMSEY , being firat duly sworn, do�h depoae and aay that he makas t�his affidavit in Qonneotion xith app].ication Por " Sale" liquor license ("� S�le" mslt beverage license� in the City of Saint Paul, �dinnasota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minne sota and has rssided therein Por l� years, months, and is naw and has been f�r the time above mentionsd a bona fide resident of said State and that he naw re side s at _ � �� �` �S j !�� �j"^ � dresa S ?� L— , Minneaota. C it y or�.oysn � � � Subscribed and swor to bef ore � this � ( day of 1 � � otary ic, Ramaey County, Minneaota M� cc�nnission expirea JON E: RONGSTAD o ary u I(c, Hennep�n County, Minn. My Contmission Expires Jan. 21, 2976.